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MARCH 2025

Cowardly History: Australia Day and Invasion

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Cowardly History: Australia Day and Invasion

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Submitted by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

It’s the sort of stuff that should have been sorted years ago in Australia: a murderous, frontier society ill disposed to the indigenous populace; the creation of a convict colony that was itself an act of invasion rather than settlement; the theft of land and its rapacious plunder.

Even some of the rough colonists were not oblivious to such a crude record.  Henry Parkes, in planning the Centenary celebrations as New South Wales premier in 1888, was asked by a fellow politician what he would be doing for the poor and needy for the occasion.  Wealthy landed citizens had been promised a banquet of much quaffing and gorging.  As a gesture, Parkes considered the distribution of food parcels.  “Then we ought to do something for the Aborigines,” came the response.  The answer from the premier was coldly revealing: “And remind them that we have robbed them?”

But the use of such language is frowned upon by flag waving brigades advocating uplift and encouragement, those who can only ever babble about the exceptional country, the remarkable social experiment, the wonders of a Britannic transplant that found itself at the other side of the earth.

Generally speaking, Australia Day is not exactly one of patriotic feverishness.  As the BBC describes it, Australians tend to mark the occasion more as “a late summer festival than a solemn national day its founders intended it to be”.  The more serious ones find time to acknowledge such words as “a fair go” and “mateship”, along with “democracy” and “freedom”.

For the most part the date is a scribble on the calendar, commemorating January 26, 1788 when Captain Arthur Phillip took formal possession of the land that would become the colony of New South Wales.  The British flag was raised in Sydney Cove, if only because sources of fresh water had been identified.  The actual date of the arrival of the First Fleet in Botany Bay was a week prior.  And so, deceptions are born and lies established.

By 1935, January 26 came to be known as Australia Day in all states bar New South Wales, which preferred the even duller appellation of “Anniversary Day”.  Three years later, various Indigenous groups sought a different title: January 26 would be known as a Day of Mourning and Protest.  Victorian Aboriginal activist William Cooper saw little reason to dissemble: the day the British arrived was a memorial to the death of the Aboriginal people.

In recent years, the casualness has come off the gloss of the occasion.  There have been campaigns launched to Save Australia Day, spearheaded by Mark Latham, former federal Labor opposition leader and now stable mate of right wing commenters in the country.  In 2018, Latham’s effort involved television, radio and social media advertisements fearful of an Orwellian future of censorship.  “In an environment where you have so much political correctness, where certain words, themes and values are banned in public institutions, I think the Big Brother approach, that dystopian theme, is very appropriate.”

Latham’s sentiment here that a history focused on the grim and the brutal is not constructive, being merely conducive to morbid reflection.  “A lot of terrible things happened in the 19th and 20th centuries, no one’s wiping that history away, but we can’t rewrite that history.”  Nor speak of it, it would seem.

The national broadcaster, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, has also found itself thickly involved in such disputes of title, despite pretending not to be.  In attempting to keep an open church on terminology, the organisation has managed to aggravate all concerned.  As the network says in a statement, “Australia Day” is the “default terminology” used.  “We also recognise and respect that community members use other terms for the event, including ‘26 January’, ‘Invasion Day’ and ‘Survival Day’, so our reporting and coverage reflect that.”

Prior to this year’s coverage of Australia Day events, the ABC felt the need to clarify its position after suggesting that the terms were flexible and elastic in their deployment.  “Given the variety of terms in use, and the different perspectives on the day that the ABC is going to cover over the course of the long weekend, it would be inappropriate to mandate staff use any one term over others in all contexts.”

That need for clarification was driven by criticisms over an article published by the network originally titled “Australia Day/Invasion Day 2021 events for Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide, Hobart and Darwin.”  This was less than pleasing to the Communications Minister Paul Fletcher, who represents a conservative government already cranky with various news reports from the organisation.  The ABC had “clearly got this one wrong” in referencing both terms for the day and presuming them to be interchangeable.  “The name of Australia Day is reflected in legislation across Australia.  More important, it is reflected in the usage of the overwhelming majority of Australia.”

The pro-market, libertarian Institute of Public Affairs was also livid, and had some advice for Prime Minister Scott Morrison.  The government, suggested IPA communications director Evan Mulholland, could “refuse to fund a public broadcaster that doesn’t respect Australian values.”  In a sour mood to deceive, Mulholland also toyed with a moral argument.  “If Australia was invaded, not settled then native title ceases to exist.  Does the ABC support the abolition of native title?”

Showing a distinct lack of backbone, the broadcaster, despite Fletcher insisting that it retained “editorial independence” proceeded to amend the headline.  “Australia Day is a contentious day for many.  Here are the events being held on January 26”.  A minor triumph for cowardice over substance.

Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He lectures at RMIT University, Melbourne.  Email: bkampmark@gmail.com


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In Exile

I was ambivalent towards Aborigines until I had to live in close proximity with them. They are lazy, violent and of low intelligence. How close did I live with them, well sharing a cell is that close enough. How can you steal something of people who had nothing sons of bitches kill anything that moves which is fine by me so long as they keep their distance. The Chinese will sort them out soon enough.

Saso Mange

It’s so shallow to generalize people. Hope you learn it one day. Your views were proven destructive over 200 years ago when ‘science’ determined how Black people have low intelligence. It’s obvious who has what amount of intelligence. I am not speaking about Aborigines ;)


How about you butt out and leave the worlds best democracy deal with the law ok! You have a problem,I know there is no problems because they are respected now more than ever before,how about you degenerate 3rd world biggots find another country like usa for example whom were then and even now far worse then history

I live here and it is reallity,not mr wannabe google ceo,truth is yous are nothing,ansolute useless lards without a proper proffesion nor skills which is why

I pray problematic lazy fks like you limp wristed no can do blm spigots not enter!

We got massive infastructures going,people are back to work safest place to be, and you problematic fools are complaining whatr belongs to yous never,butt out!

Arch Bungle

The World’s Best Democracy?

Easy to be a democracy when you’ve murdered the natives and put them all on reservations like zoo animals.

Like that other “World’s Greatest Democracy” in the Occupied Palestine.

Funny how these shitty colonial outposts always call themselves the world’s greatest this or that, isn’t it? It’s a distraction from what they really are.


What do you suggest then gate vaccines,war,rigged elections,far from the worlds best meant to be of the wests,we don’t wear masks nor are trump got a problem with the truth your misery not ours zealout botched?

You speak of usa and germany and franch cutting off heads in their evilution,a few killings here and there don’t it genocide swastika wannanbe!

Arch Bungle

Are you related to jens holm, by any chance?


No,you dildo, thourougbred spartan born n bred in the Commonwealth,real asset to civilisations unlike you inbred inferior boy without a single fkn clue! and your multi layered spoofs here got it in for the lifesavers.

Arch Bungle

‘Spartan’ LOOOOL Don’t make me laugh you pathetic drunkard!

Spartans were a pure Greek people, not anglo-saxon trash like yourself.

Plus – the Spartans are DEAD – killed off by a Superior Race!

Saso Mange

Its one same Zionist from Israel or Saudi Arabia, no life, just spit hasbara for shekels.

Arch Bungle

You are a no good cursed zealout troll,whom’s got it in for infastructures.

LOOOOOL! Oh man, you crack me up!


your a p00f,no need to know anything else your the maggot got it in for the truth,your gonna end with reefing up ye ass keep downvoting the truth eh fake snake with ye fakre snake skin baggy pants eh boy,is that you jens?

Saso Mange

Man i dont know if i should laugh or cry, this Jimi just wrote one of top most idiotic comments on discus. West was never in all its history kown for revolutionaries and ethics. Only peoples revolution there was one in France. There is no any person of Mendela or Ghandi quality who made difference. Western world is remnant of slave trade, colonization, exploitation and tragedy which they made upon rest of the world and today, one idiot claims moral superiority is on their side? All while actively supporting Saudis in Yemeni genocide. Bombs sold by Spain, Britain, USA, Australia, Canada, France…. Fucking all of them. Zionist cocksuckers.

Saso Mange

BTW African people were in Belgian ZOOs until mid 30s with some cases of display up till mid 1950s. USA fought last indian war against native Americans in 1929. British bragged about taking Australia and removal of Aboriginies for years before its “independence”. History to be proud off and surely the integrity to pose as worlds moral authority. What a sick joke.

Arch Bungle

We got massive infastructures going


You know who’s got “massive infrastructures going” ?

The Chinese. In Africa, Asia and even Australia.

– China owns an airport in Western Australia and nine million hectares of farm land

– China also owns Port of Darwin and several Australian coalmines and windfarms

– China is also the largest foreign owner of Australian water

… and more.

China Owns Australia. You just don’t know it yet.


I don’t lie,i know people in the real know your the galah not me,nwo fanboy!

Saso Mange

Fun fact : Tunisia has surpassed Israel in democratic index few years ago :D

Israel is ethnocracy, theocratic. Nothing to do with democracy. You either Jewish or democratic, cant have it both ways. Ethnocracy or democracy. Time to pick one will soon come and whatever Israel pick, it will be wrong ;)

Next time check before you write BS like this.

Saso Mange

What is worlds best democracy? Chocolate bar? Some other candy? There is no nation which could pose as moral authority on this planet and most certainly that can not be any nation which was responsible for genocide and ethnic cleansing. You sound as Croats, who, after being accepted in EU silence every criticism by sayin “how dare you attack EU nation”. As if EU doesnt have its fair share of guilt for Iraq war, for misfortune and genocide of Palestinians… Take your baseless fairytales to your house and fuck off, you ignorant, stupid and uneducated scum. ” worlds best democracy” ffs prople these days are more stutid than logic behing Hasbara.

In Exile

When you deal with groups you have to base your assertions upon generalisations, I suppose you will now produce the Aboriginal Doctor, okay give me one. Please no white Aborigines a half caste or full blood. Produce sir produce.

Saso Mange

You don’t even see what you write :D That was bunch of half finished thoughts for God’s sake man.

In Exile

Stop babbling on like a fool sir.


Which prison,ward was that? My experience they are more straight shooters than the packa p00fs hidsing beneath different profiles here,whom got a serious problematic soros mental zeal disfunction order. State,town,which is it?

Arch Bungle

The Chinese will sort them out soon enough.

The Chinese are going to do to the Whites what the Whites did to the Aborigines.

Because to the average Chinese, the Australian White looks like your description:

I was ambivalent towards Whites until I had to live in close proximity with them. They are lazy, violent, greedy and of low intelligence. How can you steal something of people who had nothing sons of bitches kill anything that moves which is fine by me so long as they keep their distance.


They didn’t steal asswhole,you got a problem with people whom were jailed for poaching a loaf of bread during poverty,how dare you insult better bred criminals!

Arch Bungle

WTF are you even talking about? Are you Jens Holm?

In Exile

I doubt that, the Chinese have no problem with people they can use but what use for Aborigines, tell me?

Arch Bungle

The Chinese have a way of making people useful.

Just go to Africa, Tibet and Xinjiang if you doubt that.

What use for expensive white crackers do the Chinese have? None at all.

In Exile

Ha ha the Chinese treat blacks with contempt, I have worked with Chinese in the export/import business and had no problems even got invited to Hong Kong for business. Though when I got home I had the heat waiting for me so I got another free holiday.

Arch Bungle

You haven’t worked in Africa like I have.

There the Chinese have training camps for teaching blacks skills and using them on construction projects throughout Africa.

They bring in Chinese and. North Korean trainers with the patience to actually develop these people.

Whether they treat them with contempt is irrelevant – They develop them, that is the point.

In Exile

Are you insane South Africa is collapsing you cannot teach the Africans anything. I have family still in Durban who keep me appraised of the situation, a train arrives late and they burn it out, slow down for a robot and a savage leaps out with a panga to car jack you, the fools get electrocuted ripping down power lines for copper. Most of the Police are drunk on duty, yeah tell me how you are training them.

Arch Bungle

Are you deranged?

Where did I mention the RSA?

How does it change the FACT of chinese human resource investments in Africa?

Try to stick to the point instead of wondering off on your own racist diatribe.

In Exile

Yes the Chinese can feel free to give me cash, land, affirmative action jobs, I deserve it all.

Arch Bungle

Every welfare queen believe “I deserve it all”, you’re not unique.

In Exile

Yes I want what’s coming to me champ.

Arch Bungle

Oh you’re going to get what’s coming to you … it won’t be what you expect tho’ ;-) You’re going to get put on “white man reservations” like the Aborigines. The Chinese are going to visit your kind like the zoo, point and laugh at the white aborigines they displaced from Australia.

johnny rotten

Australia has remained a colony, as it was once said: servants of servants of servants…


You don’t live here,what the fuck do you know soros sprog!

Arch Bungle

Projects are rolling out,inddeed nationalised projects!

LOL! What projects? The Thunderdrome!!!?


You insolent ,pretending to be smarter than truth don’t insult higher educated nor any a real man with balls (period) little google covert worm

soros troll,really has no clue have you fk no! What is this maha raja and the pretenders week,harden the fk up never had the balls to beats the japs chicken hearted flip! Atleast I kept the streets clean unlike you lowlife without a clue about truth:

BUILT OZI TOUGH,what have yous built eh scooter?morgan + sach imps https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/28b93019a3215a504a433df90a650821ea80d45b8760feaca7ec8e1e0c31b6fc.jpg !

Arch Bungle


The facts, bro. The facts. You can’t change them. Here’s what China is building in Ozzie land:

– China owns an airport in Western Australia and nine million hectares of farm land

– China also owns Port of Darwin and several Australian coalmines and windfarms

– China is also the largest foreign owner of Australian water

… and more.

China Owns Australia. You just don’t know it yet.

By the way, Ozzie wine is rubbish. South African wine is real quality.


You wanker,wolf blass is the worlds best china owns 1% of land mass,more to come too,have no problem with china I know more about life than you low iq 5th grader on meth n sht! No western australia owns the airport you dumb gimp,seens that lie was because branson the other gimp failed to pay 16.8 million owed to the commonwealth ,you are in no positition to beat me in anything with your lies (period) i’d break you in fkn two with the truth for starters you lieing freak!

Arch Bungle

How many space rockets do Ozzies launch?

How many do the Chinese launch?

Show me an Ozzie built space rocket engine?

You lot landed a robot on the moon yet?

Iran and north korea even launched their own satellites! Even under sanctions. Did Big Daddy Uncle Sam help you get into space?

What have you crackers from down south done so far?

Built anything like the Three-Gorges Dam yet?

Biggest high speed railway is Chinese!


Musk is hoax,for starters,his cars are not efficient compared to koreans, musk sattelights are fake too,credit to iran + north korea and china yes We will once we rid the cia papparazi for good,regardless you are in no position to mock otherwise better engineers that make musk scams look like romper room in comparison,not that you appreciate technology anyway but heres just another taste of the future to come eh boy,not you pittance kph but real mans mph the key being furture hybrid rocket .hydrogen propellant,make musk fanboys awe in tatters,you dumb ass we built the worlds fastest boat in the backyard,i even conversated with one of the bogans too,you lazy https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d81dded4193f22fb4023b040f3583f22dd0e7d74240f4acb7b299480e1103d3b.jpg dumbass!



Case Dismissed: No freedom for jealous kweers:

Arch Bungle

What is this blue piece of shite? A bullet train? All that power and it can only carry one person?

THIS is what the Chinese can build:


China has been building high-speed rail at a furious pace since 2007 and now boasts the world’s largest network with 9,356 km (5,813 mi) of HSR track, including the longest line the world from Beijing to Guangzhou at 2,298 km (1,428 mi). The China Railway Corporation has no plans on slowing down, as there are currently 14,160 km (8,799 mi) under construction.

Arch Bungle

Who said anything about Musk? We’re talking about China!



We don’t butt into other governments like you rotted mob on the soros take.


Also the most ignorant brainwashed subservient population. First it was the dumping ground for British convicts, now third world rejects and a puppet government controlled by Zionists. Quite pathetic Frankly.

Not Indian Paul

It’s a pretty good country to live in, but the people are such sheep. I don’t even bother talking to my own Father about current events anymore. The ABC (National news) has ruined his ability to think for himself. Sad but true.

Adrian Paterson



You are not going to cull your way into the usa zero emmision besides we are on top of democracy and corona,the worse people in oz are Australian and commonwealth traitors,abc too are irrelevant. Massive rollout of infastructures,more jobs and prosperity for all including indigineous peoples, got a problem with that,go to france you will be revoked If you fail to respect the law of the land:

Arch Bungle

besides we are on top of democracy

Not for long. You’re only a democracy while the same white clan is the majority.

As soon as the non-whites start gaining political power and majority, you’ll see how quickly you change your ‘democracy’ to something more convenient.

Saw it happen in the RSA.


Why do you insult monarchy? when they did atleast try to help africans or can’t you tell the difference between french maggots or eu slaves fkn over africa?

You got an attitude problem,Dunno but really you need to chill out and watch some cricket for all it’s worth but i’m not here to support covid spreading blm liberals sure they may take usa but they shant take the commonwealths exception being native africans and indians and maoris and aboriginals whom will have equal rights to us mere white mortals but thats about it,no black lgbtqs,trannys,fascists a big no no,for they should know better it’s all in the breeding,not incestry whom have a right to defend their lands where need be is considered fair enough,just like chinese too

We used to export good cars to south africa maybe we can import seens unlike you I dont have a complex hate issue for other peoples problems but in spite of them.

Stay safe:


We are known1st world nation no pun intended,why fix something that aint broke?


No one mocks my freedom,try that in real like I’ll bust you fekn ribs,ask questions later,BUTT OUT!

Arch Bungle

No one mocks my freedom

What freedom? Your government masks you up and locks you down and you can’t do a thing about it.

You have NO FREEDOM. All you have is the freedom to run in circles in the sheep-pen.

Once you try break out of the fences they put a bullet in you and that’s the end.


You are a liar (period) Spreak for yourself,who the fk do you think you are kidding eh boy,mary poppins? You been dusted (period)

Infact you do not deserve real world intelligence,seens it so much affected your vile perry soul best I block you,no more problem live your drug addicted mars missions!

Arch Bungle

Truth hurts, doesn’t it?

Mask up, slave. And pay your taxes lest you get tossed in gaol.

Please block me – then I can save myself the bother of debunking your bullshit.


You p00fs,do not realise you are wishing evil upon others where onbly brings hate unto yourselfs, keep barking,on you go, then sick fascist dogs need be shot outta misery,geta life zealout bots! (God Save Our Gracious Queen) Rather the colony than the aids infested lgbtq/tranny fkfest of the gois of incest under soros ruler!


Nothing is perfect in gods perfect plan,good to see our gas channels expanding,excellent news!


We gave the highest honour to a good woman,better person than you and your fake makes combined,worlds best tennis player 24 grandslam titles,zero spead of corona,no soros blm I guess you consider that a reason to what turn to usa? How dare you insult freedom, I suppose if your mardi gras had the event only fotr them selfs you 3rd world atheists would praise your swastika masters where thesun don’t shine,what the fuck we got here,a packa channel nine cia wannabes whom are all against not only success but worse yet insult all whom contributed, lest be reminded there were crimes done by both sides,one only needs to look atr todays blms!

Leave our heterosexual Aborinine communitys alone,butt out they don’t like you fascist p00fs!

Arch Bungle

It’s a good thing the Chinese are civilising this outpost of British colonial rejects.

Lee Kwan Yew’s prophecy that the Australian’s could become the “white trash” of Asia seems to be coming true.


You the trash p00f! Chinese are good people infact many worked under us whom are much better educateds and devoted to their jobs,so whats new gimp? That white trash is refered to the traitorus french follow a poof legacy of abbott,turnbull and all soros supporters along with cia fkfestive overseas bankster trusts,not the better peoples! what the fk are you overcomplexed blm advocate of the gois of incests?

Who cares ccp are 40.5% trade partners,you can bet your life we are on the right track mr patronise whatever only suits you lgbtq narratives. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a4cc94adfe933479a3427c0f3dee0eda0924af19df75e4795761fb9d6a4802ae.jpg

Arch Bungle

Whoohooo! Have we got us a triggered cracker from down south here!


Your telling me nazi goy,either way blokes like you sorry bud too easy,down! Enjoy your 3rd world stature,and eternal death by misadventures,sukkrz!



No turbos needed,take that germany!

James Adams

Its just the scummy left that complain all the time.

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