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Craig Murray: “The Incredible Disappearance of Shai Masot”

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Written by Craig Murray; Originally appeared on craigmurray.org.uk

A Google news search reveals that not one single mainstream media outlet has mentioned Shai Masot in 2019. Not even once.

Craig Murray: "The Incredible Disappearance of Shai Masot"

Yet the main political news story the last two days has been the suspension of Labour’s Peter Willsman for “anti-semitism” for making the suggestion that the “anti-semitism” witch-hunt is promoted by the Israeli-Embassy. This has been demonstrably a massive story:

Craig Murray: "The Incredible Disappearance of Shai Masot"

The overwhelming majority of the tens of thousands who will read this article know who Shai Masot is and know why his activities are absolutely central to the Willsman story.

And here is the truly terrifying thing.

The overwhelming majority of the mainstream media “journalists” who produced those scores of stories about Willsman also know exactly who Shai Masot is and why his activities are central to the Willsman narrative. And every single one of those journalists chose to self-censor the crucial information that casts a shade over the “Willsman is an anti-semite” line. Every single one. Their self-censorship is not necessarily a conscious and singular act, though in many cases it will be. They are simply imbued with the line they are supposed to adopt, the facts they are supposed to ignore, to forward their career and remain accepted in their social group.

Because the plain truth is that the Al Jazeera documentary The Lobby (part 1 below) showed to the entire political world that Mr Willsman’s thesis about the involvement of the Israeli Embassy in British politics and its objectives is broadly true. It says something about the current dystopia that is the UK, that this truly shocking documentary did not result in any official action against Joan Ryan (who has thankfully since hurtled herself into the political abyss), but that pointing out the undeniable truth about Israeli Embassy interference in British politics is an expulsion offence.

The Incredible Disappearance of Shai Masot 345

A Google news search reveals that not one single mainstream media outlet has mentioned Shai Masot in 2019. Not even once.

Craig Murray: "The Incredible Disappearance of Shai Masot"

Yet the main political news story the last two days has been the suspension of Labour’s Peter Willsman for “anti-semitism” for making the suggestion that the “anti-semitism” witch-hunt is promoted by the Israeli-Embassy. This has been demonstrably a massive story:

Craig Murray: "The Incredible Disappearance of Shai Masot"

The overwhelming majority of the tens of thousands who will read this article know who Shai Masot is and know why his activities are absolutely central to the Willsman story.

And here is the truly terrifying thing.

The overwhelming majority of the mainstream media “journalists” who produced those scores of stories about Willsman also know exactly who Shai Masot is and why his activities are central to the Willsman narrative. And every single one of those journalists chose to self-censor the crucial information that casts a shade over the “Willsman is an anti-semite” line. Every single one. Their self-censorship is not necessarily a conscious and singular act, though in many cases it will be. They are simply imbued with the line they are supposed to adopt, the facts they are supposed to ignore, to forward their career and remain accepted in their social group.

Because the plain truth is that the Al Jazeera documentary The Lobby (part 1 below) showed to the entire political world that Mr Willsman’s thesis about the involvement of the Israeli Embassy in British politics and its objectives is broadly true. It says something about the current dystopia that is the UK, that this truly shocking documentary did not result in any official action against Joan Ryan (who has thankfully since hurtled herself into the political abyss), but that pointing out the undeniable truth about Israeli Embassy interference in British politics is an expulsion offence.

I should be very happy to go on the BBC and say this and so would many other people. Yet the mainstream media have been unable to quote this point of view from a single person. Yesterday’s 12 noon news on the BBC had Willsman as the top story with interviews with first Charlie Falconer, calling for Mr Willsman’s expulsion, then a six minute live rant from extreme zionist John Mann, calling for Mr Willsman’s expulsion. There was no attempt to balance this at all with a remotely sane guest. To be fair, the presenter did baulk at some of Mr Mann’s more frothy mouthed utterances, but the BBC knew precisely what they would get when they invited him, and the decision to have a major news item with only two intervewees, both from the same side of the argument, was a quite deliberate one.

This was a much worse example of lack of balance than those for which Russia Today is routinely censured by Ofcom and threatened with closure. But doubtless as it was a pro-Israel and anti-Corbyn lack of balance (Corbyn was condemned by both interviewees) Ofcom will take no action whatsoever. I am however putting in a complaint to Ofcom about this specific news item and I urge you to do the same.

Al Jazeera’s exposure of Shai Masot led to his quietly being removed from the UK, however he was but the tip of the iceberg. With my FCO inside knowledge I could show that the Israeli Embassy has an extraordinary and disproportionate number of “technical and administrative staff” like Masot, and that there was a mystery over what kind of visa he had to live in the UK. The FCO refused to answer my questions and no mainstream media “journalist” was willing to pursue the case.

The readership of this blog has grown fast over the last two years. I therefore do recommend that you read this blog post which ties in Masot’s activities to the Mossad collaboration of Liam Fox and Adam Werritty – which was the real story behind the Werritty scandal, again completely hidden by the mainstream media. I should mark my debt to the late Paul Flynn MP in helping me prove that fact beyond dispute, as you will see if you read the article. Not one of the media and political hypocrites who so recently eulogised Paul was willing to support him in this or even mention the facts that he had winkled out. Jeremy Corbyn also helped me expose the Werritty/Israel links in his pre-leadership days by asking parliamentary questions.

I do blame Jeremy for not taking a more robust line. Genuine anti-semitism should always be called out and condemned, and it plainly exists, even in the Labour Party. But the open attempt to stifle all criticism of Israel, and in effect to make adherence to zionism a pre-condition for membership of the Labour Party – or indeed acceptance in wider society – is a vicious form of authoritarianism that should have been repudiated robustly from day one.

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Antisemitism is a lying vermin Jew scam. Few Jews are Semites. And next to 0 have significant Hebrew Jew DNA. Most Semites are anti Judaic and anti Zionist. Which is why so few Jews live in Semitic lands outside of the Palestinian crime scene.

Over half of Americans support a Palestinian state. The political system in the US is so thoroughly Jew gerrymandered that US legislature Jew swamp traitors are almost 100% anti American Israel firster Zionists. Led by one of the biggest turn coat anti American swamp traitors in history, Mr. Maga.

The vermin Jew mass murdered 3,000 Americans on 911 while the swamp traitors are busy licking Jew anal orifices.


Jew and Zionist are synonymous. Anti Zionist Jews are a rounding error. Henry Ford wrote the International Jew 100 years ago before Israel and Zionism made an already bad problem worse. He described everything that blame shifters like you blame on Zionists. When Judaism is to blame.


It’s been a problem from the beginning. Which is why they kept getting kicked out of Palestine and Hebrew Jews are essentially extinct. The same thing needs to be done with fake practicing “Hebrew Jews” So that the planet is Jew free.


That’s why a regional coalition to resolve the problem needs to be armed with nuclear weapons. So if the Jews do use theirs. They can get nuked in return.


what is needed is a world wide ANIT-ZIONIST day when the functioning part of mankind can express their disgust with the war criminals on palestinian land, the squatters, and shape a new future for palestine without the squatters, that will have to find land somewhere else. possibly in the disintegrating states of A, where the population in the fly overstates won’t like it one way but the lawmakers, bought and paid for by the squatters and the fifth columns residing in country, will issue the necessary green card.

the proud anti-zionistas should rejoice and frolic and burn the squatters’ flag and chant pro-palestinian slogans.at least one day a year and it will spread like a wild-fire in california.

there is no future for the squatters in palestine and so far all they’ve done is cause misery murdered on a hitler sized romp over 100 years (Lloyd- George meets theodore herzl) copying most stuff hitler put into use, concentration camp gaza, lebensraum operations and genocide of an indigenous people and that apart from the usual lying cheating, stealing, pilfering and murdering.

what is there to say other than good riddance and the quicker the better.


Judaism should be outlawed and the synagogues and yeshivas closed that Jews and Israel go extinct.


Wouldn’t dismiss the possibility out of hand that censorious jewish google doesn’t want the sheep think too much about Shai Masot, and simply disappears the search results. Sorry to add to your worries Craig, but if you want to write on this topic you have to first check with other search engines.

Quenten Bruce

What discussion. No discussion here, just the entrails of morbid manifest powers at play.

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