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MARCH 2025

The Saker: A Crash Course On The True Causes Of “Antisemitism”

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Written by The Saker; Originally appeared at The Unz Review

This is a topic which has had so much written about it that you could fill an entire city library with books entirely dedicated to this topic. Marx took a shot at it. As did Sartre. There were, of course, also plenty of good books written on this topic, but rather than list them all, I want to suggest a few simple common sense points and then go to what I consider an authoritative explanation of this thing we call “antisemitism” and which, of course, has nothing to do with Semites.

The Saker: A Crash Course On The True Causes Of “Antisemitism”

So first, let’s dump this silly term and replace it by a simple and straightforward one: judeophobia. Just like any other phobia (say, for example, russophobia) the phobia of X is the 1) fear and/or hatred of X. Some people hate Jews, others fear them (think of the “fear of the Jews” in the Scripture), some do both. So judeophobia seems both logical and uncontroversial to me.

Second, it is a truism to say that everything in the universe has a cause. That includes phobias. Including russophobia and judeophobia. For example, I would be the first person to admit that there are objective characteristics of the Russian people which makes other people fear and hate them. Like the fact that all western attempts at conquering Russia have failed. Or that the Russians have always, and still are, rejecting the Papacy. Just these two factors will create plenty of russophobia in the West, for sure.

So, the next thing we can ask ourselves is what is it in Jews which causes judeophobia. Alas, before I look into this, I need to clarify a number of assumptions I make.

The first one is that Jews are not a race or ethnicity. To prove that, I defer to Shlomo Sand’s book “The Invention of the Jewish People”. As I explained elsewhere, Jews are a tribe: A group one can chose to join (Elizabeth Taylor) or leave (Gilad Atzmon). In other words, I see “Jewishness” as a culture, or ideology, or education or any other number of things, but not something rooted in biology. However, I also fully agree with Atzmon when he says that Jews are not a race, but that Jewish culture/politics/ideology is racist (more about that later).

Next, there is also what is commonly known as “Judaism”. That, by the way, is also a misnomer, at least if by “Judaism” you refer the faith of the Old Testament, the faith of the Ancient Israel, the “God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God of our forefathers”. Modern “Judaism” which was created well after the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem in 70AD. Modern “Judaism” ought be to called “Pharisaic Talmudism” and its true creators are Shimon bar YochiaMaimonides (aka “Rambam” in the video below), Joseph Karo and Isaac Luria. The reason why this religion ought to be referred to as Pharisaic Talmudism is modern Judaism is the continuation of the sect of the Pharisees (the only Jewish sect which survived the destruction of Jerusalem and of the Temple – all modern forms of “Judaism” trace their roots to the Pharisees) and that it’s main source of authority is the Talmud, a collection of writings based on the ideas of the sect of the Pharisees and complied from the beginning of the 2nd century. To separate them from non-religious Jews, some authors have offered the term “Judaic” to describe a person adhering to this faith. Seems reasonable to me.

Here is the key thing, while many modern Jews are non-religious and really members of a self-described Jewish tribe, there is no such thing in history as a “Jewish culture” distinct from Pharisaic Talmudism. Remember that national categories are recent creations from the 18th and 19th centuries. For most of history people defined them in reference to 1) their place of residence or birth 2) their religious affiliation and 3) the identity of the ruler they were subjects of. In contrast, nationality and ethnicity are largely modern concepts. The only thing common to a Jew from the Middle-East, Central Europe and North Africa would be teachings of Pharisaic Talmudism. It is only logical therefore to look at this unique common characteristic to try to identify the causes of the hatred and fear Jews have inspired pretty much everywhere they have ever resided.

I will use two official Jewish sources to ascertain the causes of antisemitism, first the Simon Wiesenthal Multi-Media Learning Center’s website and a lecture by Rabbi David Bar Hayim.

Here is what the Simon Wiesenthal Center writes on the page “Why The Jews? The Patterns of Persecution”

Jewish communities existed continuously in Europe for over 2,000 years. Many of these communities were older than the countries in which they existed. Nevertheless, as the countries of Europe developed, Jews were rarely given complete citizenship status. At best they were tolerated as guests. Their social and religious distinctiveness made them persistent targets for persecution; and such persecution, in turn, intensified the cohesiveness of Jewish communities.

The emergence of Christianity as the dominant religion in Europe intensified the persecution of Jews. Since both the religious and political life of Europe became organized around the Christian faith, Jews were seen as outcasts, the deniers and “killers” of Christ. For millions of European Christians, for over 1600 years, the hatred and persecution of Jews was religiously sanctioned. Antisemitism intensified during the l9th and 20th century industrialization of Europe as Jews participated more directly in European economic and social life.

By 1933, the patterns of economic, social, and personal persecution of European Jews were well established. Nazi racial antisemitism and propaganda amplified and manipulated these patterns, ultimately adding one deadly tenet–that all Jews must be eliminated.

This is the garden variety cop-out: they were older, but never given citizenship, they were tolerated as guests, their social and religious distinctiveness made them targets for persecution, then the Christians accused them of killing Christ, antisemitism was religiously sanctioned, then came the Nazis and added their racist propaganda. But it has a grain of truth buried deep inside the rest of the platitudes: “social and religious distinctiveness”. What are we talking about here exactly?

This sounds interesting so let’s immediately delve into it!

The following is a lecture by Rabbi David Bar-Hayim whose biography, and gently smiling face, you can find on Wikipedia. For our purposes, just the first paragraph will be enough. It says that Bar-Hayim is an “Israeli Orthodox rabbi who heads the Shilo Institute (Machon Shilo), a Jerusalem-based rabbinical court and institute of Jewish education dedicated to the Torah of Israel”. Not a lightweight by any means, and a man with established credentials. Now let’s listen to what he has to say.

I strongly encourage you to take the time to carefully listen to his entire lecture (1h47m) to not only convince yourself that my chosen excerpts are not partial or taken out of context, but also to get an emotional “feel” for the man who not only is an articulate speaker who is clearly used to teaching, but who also conveys a coherent picture of a man who gave these topics a great deal of thought and who has to courage to call things by their names rather than to “remain silent” like so many of his “politically correct” colleges.

So here is this lecture:

also, and just in case this lecture would “mysteriously” disappear from YouTube following the publication of my article, I decided to re-upload it here:


Next, here are a key statements from the beginning of this lecture posted along their time-stamp so you can check for their authenticity:

  • 09:20 The Torah teaches that the life of a Jew is more precious than the life of a non-Jew.
  • 10:00 God (HaShem) prefers Jews to non-Jews and gives them a special status.
  • 11:00 The notion that Jews and non-Jews are equally precious to God contradicts the spirit of the Torah from beginning to end.
  • 16:40 According to Shimon bar Yochia (aka Rashbi) “the best of non-Jews should be killed in warfare” because just as Jews cannot know if a snake approaching you is venomous or not, Jews cannot know which non-Jew is a danger to then.
  • 25:16 Jews must assume that it is likely that any non-Jew they meet does not live by the Noahide Laws.

Here an explanation is needed about the so-called “Noahide Laws”. According to Wikipedia (as use it as the hyper-politically-correct source) the Noahide Laws are a “are a set of imperatives which, according to the Talmud, were given by God as a binding set of laws for the “children of Noah” – that is, all of humanity”. Here are these laws as listed by Maimonides himself:

  1. Prohibition of Idolatry
  2. Prohibition of Blasphemy
  3. Prohibition of Homicide
  4. Prohibition of Sexual Immorality
  5. Prohibition of Theft
  6. Prohibition of Limb of a Living Creature
  7. Imperative of Legal System

Sounds “kinda not modern”, but hey, that is no “worse” than the 10 Commandants, right? Wrong! Wrong for two crucial reasons. First, the penalty for breaking any one of these laws, at least according to Rabbi David Bar-Hayim, is death (listen to the lecture for yourself!). Second, this list uses a euphemism when is speaks of “idolatry”. What is mean here is not some pagan blood ceremony to sacrifice babies to some god of thunder, but “Avodah Zarah”. How do I know that? Listen to the lecture again, the Rabbi is very clear about it. And what exactly is “Avodah Zarah”? It is “foreign worship” or, to put it simply, the religions of the aliens, the others, the nations, the goyim. This exactly the accusation made by Pharisaic Judaics against Christianity: making “That Man” (the typical Talmudic reference to Christ) into an idol. True, during the Middle-Ages overt references to Christianity were obfuscated and even today to the question whether Avodah Zarah is applicable to Christianity the official answer is wonderfully hypoctitical: Christianity is a “special type of avodah zarah is forbidden to Jews but permissible to gentiles, so that a non-Jew who engages in Christian worship commits no sin”. First, this is an explicit modern Jewish admission that those Jews who convert to Christianity are committing a crime deserving the death penalty. But, more importantly, this is clearly a cop-out as this “special type of avodah zarah” has no basis in traditional Pharisaic Talmudic teachings. So this might come as a shock to many, but according to Pharisaic Talmudists, all Christians deserve to be killed for the sin of idolatry. Feel the love…

Now here is the sad part, in the USA these rabidly anti-Christians laws have been proclaimed as the “bedrock of society from the dawn of civilization” by both President Reagan and Congress. And to think that these guys fancy themselves as “Christians”…

I am sure that there are those who are absolutely convinced that was I wrote above is a gross misrepresentation of fact, that there is no way “Judaism” would really teach any such horrors. Think again, and listen to the Rabbi himself:

  • 25:33 Those who do not keep the Seven Noahide Laws are all therefore guilty of a capital offense
  • 25:49 “Avoda Zara”, i.e. idolatry meaning Christianity was the most common offense.

Of course, for those who know anything about Pharisaic Talmudism none of the above will come as any surprise. After all, did the Rabbi not also clearly state that:

  • 16:40 According to Shimon bar Yochia (aka Rashbi) “the best of non-Jews should be killed in warfare” because just as Jews cannot know if a snake approaching you is venomous or not, Jews cannot know which non-Jew is a danger to then.

Non-Jews are explicitly compared to snakes! He also says something similar later in the lecture:

  • 26:15 since you cannot bring a perishing non-Jew to court to establish his guilt, you take a neutral position by neither helping him nor killing him.

You got that? Since, like with snakes, it is impossible to tell a dangerous non-Jews apart from a safe one, you cannot just kill him. For that you need a ruling by a rabbinical court. But saving him is no option either, because he most likely deserves the death penalty (say, for being a Christian). So you do nothing when you see a non-Jew in danger or even perishing. Interestingly enough, the Rabbi is also asked if that kind of non-assistance to a person in danger could not negatively impact the reputation of Jews and he immediately replies:

  • 1:22:00 if not saving a non-Jew makes Jews look bad, then the Jew ought to lie about his motives

So it is okay to let a non-Jew die and, if challenged, just lie about it!

The key concept here is simple: Jews are more important to God and, therefore, to themselves than non-Jews. This is why

  • 1:00:30 there is no requirement to return a lost object to a non-Jew
  • 1:17:40 Jews can brake the sabbath to save a Jew but not a non-Jew because Jews do not consider all lives to be equal

I will stop the examples here. The Rabbi clearly says that the humanistic notion that all humans are equal is contrary to the entire spirit of the Torah. If after that you don’t get it….

What about the so-called Golden Rule about “do unto others”?

What about these:

  • You shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge against your kinsfolk. Love your neighbor as yourself: I am the LORD (Leviticus 19:18 )
  • What is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow: this is the whole Torah; the rest is the explanation; go and learn. (Shabbath folio:31a, Babylonian Talmud)

Did you notice the key caveats “your kindsfolk” and “your fellow”. Pharisaic Talmudism interprets these passages are referring only to fellow Jews and not to the semi-bestial goyim! It is laughable to a Rabbi when he hears a non-Jew saying that all humans were created in the image and likeness of God. Pharisaic Talmudism explicitly contradicts that (and the Kabbalah even more so!). Still don’t agree? Which part of “ the humanistic notion that all humans are equal is contrary to the entire spirit of the Torah” don’t you get?!

The simple truth is that Pharisaic Talmudism (aka modern “Judaism”) is the only religion which teaches a God-revealed racism.

This is hardly a new discovery of mine. Just read Michael Hoffman’s superb magnum opus Judaism Discovered (available on Amazon and on his on his website). In fact, there have been thousands of books already written on this topic, and many are available online for download in various file formats. What makes the video by Rabbi David Bar-Hayim so interesting is that it is 1) official 2) recent 3) that he really confirms it all. But for those who, like myself and, I am sure, many readers here, have known about it for decades, this was absolutely nothing new.

A couple of crucial caveats here: there are many Jews out there (most, I would say) who are totally unaware of all this. Even “Conservative” and “Reform” synagogues don’t preach that too overtly (though sometimes even they do). This kind of religious racism is mostly taught in Orthodox Yeshivas and, of course, in various Haredi institutions in Israel. For these ignorant Jews any such explanations of the causes of antisemitism in world history are not only offensive (blaming the victim) but also completely unfair (“my family never said any such things!”). Second, while this kind of, frankly, demonic teachings have only been taught in religious circles, they nevertheless also have had a deep impact upon the outlook of many (but not all!) secular Jews many of whom might never have been told that all Christians deserve to be executed, but who still will have a profound and almost knee-jerk repulsion towards Christianity. The distance between Rabbi David Bar-Hayim and Sarah Silverman and her famous quoteI hope that Jews did kill Christ, I’d do it again in a second” is very, very short.

Finally, for all the (alas many) bone-headed racists out there, none of that Pharisaic ideology is transmissible by genes so please don’t give me that “all Jews” nonsense. Some Jews do espouse these views, others don’t. Remember, Jews are not a race or ethnicity, they are a tribe. A Jew who completely rejects all this religiously-sanctioned racism about goyims does not somehow still mysteriously still carry in himself some “Talmudic bacillum” which can flare up and turn him overnight into a hate-filled racist.

[Sidebar: For whatever it is worth, in my life I have seen more kindness and compassion from (secular) Jews than from my fellow Orthodox Christians. Very often in my life I have had secular Jews being like the good Good Samaritan from the Gospel (Luke 10:25-37):

And, behold, a certain lawyer stood up, and tempted him, saying, Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life? He said unto him, What is written in the law? how readest thou? And he answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself. And he said unto him, Thou hast answered right: this do, and thou shalt live. But he, willing to justify himself, said unto Jesus, And who is my neighbour?

And Jesus answering said, A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves, which stripped him of his raiment, and wounded him, and departed, leaving him half dead. And by chance there came down a certain priest that way: and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side. And likewise a Levite, when he was at the place, came and looked on him, and passed by on the other side. But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was: and when he saw him, he had compassion on him, And went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him. And on the morrow when he departed, he took out two pence, and gave them to the host, and said unto him, Take care of him; and whatsoever thou spendest more, when I come again, I will repay thee.

Which now of these three, thinkest thou, was neighbour unto him that fell among the thieves?

And he said, He that shewed mercy on him. Then said Jesus unto him, Go, and do thou likewise.

Notice two things: first, Christ frontally debunks the racist interpretation of the words “thy neighbor” and, second, He also clearly commands us how we should treat all of our neighbors.]

So now we have it: the root causes of antisemitism are not to be found in some weird cause-less aberration common to every single nation on earth, but in the teachings of Pharisaic Talmudism. What is exceptionally pernicious is that by what could be referred to as cultural-osmosis non-religious Jews find themselves raised in a secular culture which still hods this kinds of beliefs, minus their external religious trappings.

Furthermore, there are many non-Jews who, when seeing both religious secular Jews equally hostile to their religion and traditions, come to the conclusion that “all Jews” are bad. Throw in enough politicians (on both sides) to bring a flame to this toxic mix and you end up with an inevitable explosion. Hence all the persecutions.

Judeophobia has its roots in the demonic teachings of the sect of the Pharisees whose religiously-sanctioned racism has, unfortunately, permeated the worldview of many secular Jews. As long as Orthodox rabbis will stick to their demented self-worship (this is real idolatry, by the way!), “antisemitism” will continue to “mysteriously” rear its ugly head.

Brecht was right, “’The belly is still fertile from which the foul beast sprang”. He just got the ‘belly’ wrong.

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Where’s Matt now?


i am here!!!


Good man.

Simon Gould

I think they are a distinct ethnic group – their susceptiblity to certain diseases, like Bloom syndrome, which hardly ever occur in non-Jews bears this out. Are they “the people of the book” ? I think the Sephardim may be but the vast majority, who are Ashkenazim, most certainly aren’t. The Jewish genetic diseases are far more prevalent among the latter.

Simon Gould

I read that again and I contradict my own argument – I should have said said that they are comprised of two or three distinct ethnic groups.


The main cause of antisemitism is the desire of the elite Jews to dominate, resulting in their covert (?) control of the global flow of money and of course their criminal policies vs all their neighbours..


Yes, anti-semitism is not an appropriate term. As far as I know, Semites are a people coming from Sem, one of Noah’sons, and that includes Arabs (which makes it strange to hear modern Jews accusing Arabs of “antsemitism”). On the other hand, the bigger part so-called “Jews” today are not Semites, they come from a different people originating from eastern europ (somewhere around north-east of the Black Sea), which makes the argument of “antisemitism” even more improbable. The term “antisemitism” is nothing more than propaganda.









Hidden History of the Khazarian Mafia: https://www.veteranstoday.com/2015/03/08/the-hidden-history-of-the-incredibly-evil-khazarian-mafia/

Hebrew Disease: https://biblicisminstitute.wordpress.com/2014/09/18/the-hebrew-disease/

How AshkeNazis Conquered the West: https://biblicisminstitute.wordpress.com/2015/07/28/how-the-ashkenazi-jews-conquered-the-west/ https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/20848f2ff79647f60ed81d9905a116a53d55330cfd7986dfa0097f1fc4863911.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/23a794fbd8a262efedb2cb42dc7096d13c1466f3cb1df8dce74376041c540082.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ea6c66ac548f9f0bd6807d4ce543e6544ce3fd3f144c4708617d14ed2409103c.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/cbff0e9394a5d7a5b8cd746621559b95187ebe0d601250823df9b64dd585ffcc.png


Intended outcome of the artificial refugee crisis? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/513b89c71e301d826846d2aeb9f0e30416fb769dcdec7d933dbd1dee802e8e80.png nt https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5d1b24bc419e1b3bb8a12ef5f7fb5b4ab69c7cb0ff3b53696475d28c283fbfc3.png



https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3565bfe2003f5a516fd4618f00cc80cd272951918de88aa628572f4470f71d3c.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2d5c053be1a1022fc6389d951d941320b70725f179c7d9ae89cb44b66da9d9c3.png


This is pointless; the significance of Judaism is that is had got nothing to do with zionism. The zionists in the Middle East are as bogus as ISIS and as beholden to the same imperialist godfathers. It’s because Judiasm is insignificant that it can be exploited as a fig-leaf of respectability by American Caesar and his racist-imperialist terrorists in occupied Palestine..

Dod Grile

Agree with you, Zionism has nothing to do with Judaism. It is as bogus as ISIS.

If anything this is a case for atheism and those who say ALL religion is nincompoopery and what Freud wrote of religion was spot on.

Now for some Carlin




Not Carlin, Carling….;o)


Hasidics speaking Yiddish (opinion)


Marc Fischer

The Saker needs to be reminded that “Judea” declared war on Germany a number of years before they declared war on Judea. The whole idea that European civilization just suddenly decided to persecute the particular tribe is a part of the big lie we have been spoonfed. The Judeans hated Lutheran Germany because they didn’t surrender control of their nation to them as most of the rest of the world had. Possibly due to its strong Lutheran roots, they resisted Judaism and all its Bolshevik components . .




Petrus Levelleri

Spot on Saker! Excellent explanation for the non litterate in “modern judaism”.

The Farney Fontenoy

Excellent piece, though a mention of the Khazars would also be relevant, a group of savage warring pagans who adopted talmudism for the sheer convenience of it.


I would love to see Saker do an article of the same quality on Islam. He would then have to admit that Islam is the second religion that teaches a God-revealed racism. Islamic law is also a tribe-based law that uses even worse penalties for non-believers/members of other tribes.


Islam does not care about race or ethnicity. Quran clearly says nobody is above another except in piety and nowhere mentions that a Muslim’s life is more precious than a non Muslim.

Contrary to your belief, Islam doesn’t discriminate the harshest penalties (death). Muslims who commit a sin, be it murder, to tell lies about the god and his prophet and heresy, sodomy and adultery committed by married after repetition will convict to death IF their deed is proven in the court, backed by witnesses. For example, in case of adultery, the accuser needs to bring 4 witnesses which are known to not lie and have a good reputation. The death penalty for non Muslims is reserved for Murder (same as Muslims), attacking the land of Muslims (again, same for Muslims), Cursing God and his Prophet (like Muslims) and adultery and sodomy with a Muslim (the same).

These are the ones I, as a Shi’a know. I appreciate if you be so kind to shed a light on the subject and tell us where Islam says what you say it does.


So Hindu and Wicca people are treated equal to Muslim people in Islamic countries? And there is no death punishment if Muslim people become Hindu or Wicca? Or Christian/jewish for that matter?.


It seems you need to re-read my post. I clearly wrote one of the things that brings the death penalty to a Muslim is heresy (leaving your religion and convert to another, including Atheism). Of course the country has to enforce pure Islamic law, which most of Muslim countries don’t and yet some do. Even in the ones that enforce such law, a “heretic” is usually safe, as long as they keep it to themselves and don’t shout about it publicly.

Read before jumping on someone. Hinduism and Wiccan (ism?) are not ethnicity or race. You claimed Islam promotes racism, which is not true. I repeat: Quran says “No one is above another except in piety”.

But perhaps you can ask the Hindus currently living in Muslim countries. Millions live in Persian Gulf statelets. They’re generally workers and low in society’s hierarchy, but nobody harasses them because they were and are Hindus.


Then kindly explain why the Yezidi were massacred by ISIS or whatever they call themselves nowadays. And don’t reply the usual ‘ISIS are not muslim’ bullshit. Secondary question: why are we not allowed to read/see/investigate the oldest copies of the Quran? Like we do with the Bible and the Upanishads? Afraid that they are different from the current copies? Just like the Bible is different from the original versions? I would love to read Aisha’s original copy of the Quran…


the mother of christianity and islan is judeaism, all three are evil fantasys basicly


From Judeaism comes shame of the body , which both Christianity and Islam use in order to create “guilt” , thereby collecting their 10 % tithe ( tax ) . Evil ; is when they enforce their dogmas , the taqfiri of the Wahhabi . The ” heresy” of “wrong interpretation ” of the Christian or Muslim . But the worst , is having the courage to stand up and declare ” this religion is not the Truth ” .


Why on earth would I explain the actions of ISIS? Pity you were smart enough to block my way of using my usual bullshit! I’m stunned! As I don’t have a better argument, so there: ISIS, AQ and their spinoffs are Wahhabis, you better ask Sheik-what’s-his-name-Bin-Saud to explain their actions, not a Shi’a who is consider worse than fly by them.

Secondly, I’d love to do that too. Gathering of the Qur’an we have today was naturally done after the prophet passed away, as verses revealed only to him and so there was no more revelation. Ayesha was among the people who helped in the gathering, as she had extensive knowledge of the verses. After the finalization, the scattered (in form of singular verses) scripts were destroyed. There’s no “Ayesha Qur’an” as we have for example “Matthew’s Gospel”.

The oldest copy of Qur’an is probably either the one in the Birmingham University’s library, or the one in the San’a (Yemen) Jame’ Mosque (Based in Carbon Isotope, it’s written around 640 AD.)

Qur’an is not like Talmud. We don’t have different copies, one for ourselves and the other to show to others.


Hello Garga,

Is the concept of Taqiyya misinterpreted in this article? What about Taharrush and the mass raping of women in Europe, being called *hore, etc? Not the only mass maltreatment of the indigenous population in countries overrun by mass migration of Muslims, including those who dare to venture into the “No-Go” zones.


European Refugee Crisis:



Hello. I read the article and a few others from the same website. Unfortunately, not only this particular article but a few other which I’ll explain a few of them later. Please notice that my view on this matter is based on Shi’a, though other Islamic religions have more or less the same view regarding Taqiyya. If one has a doubt about any particular matter, the most logical approach is to seek the answer in the source. If Taqiyya us an Islamic matter then you need to seek it’s meaning from the Muslims (like what you just did), not from the ones who have little knowledge about it.

In short, Taqiyya is the denial of one’s religious belief and practice in the face of persecution, if they fear such persecution will result in the death or great hardship. Here’s a link from a Shi’a site which discuss the matter for the Sunni Muslims: https://www.al-islam.org/shiite-encyclopedia-ahlul-bayt-dilp-team/al-taqiyya-dissimulation-part-1 This one is from a Sunni site which discusses the matter opposing Shi’a views: http://www.discoveringislam.org/taqiya.htm I believe you’ll need both of them, one for and one against Shi’a beliefs to have a better understanding.

In addition to that, at the article you sent the address are some “sources”. They translated them the way they wanted. I send you the address to an online Qur’an which has 5 different English and 5 Persian translations in addition to the Arabic text. It would help to compare the verses, the way the article presents them and their true meanings. http://www.parsquran.com/eng/ To see all 5 translations together, from the left part, under ‘Quran Text’ from the drop-down menus choose the following: Text: All 5 translations Sura: Sura name or number Verse: The verse number (doesn’t matter much because it’ll bring all of Surah anyway) then click on ‘Read’.

Here’s a link I generated to compare the article’s first reference and the right translation, which reads “Establishes that there are circumstances that can “compel” a Muslim to tell a lie”. Qur’an 16:106: http://parsquran.com/data/showall.php?sura=16&ayat=%DB%B1%DB%B0%DB%B6&user=far&lang=eng

to be continued


It’s a practice where women (even non-believers) are raped for their promiscuity (not wearing hijab, etc). Wahhabist Imams are encouraging Muslims to carry out “Sharia Patrols” to enforce their religious beliefs on people in European countries (attacking customers and destroying property in bars, casinos, strip clubs, and other places that serve alcohol) and to out populate the indigenous population (sometimes up to four wives with as many as five children per wife).

Most refugees are not actual refugees, 72% of them are grown men and they only go there for the free money they’re being offered by the governments of NATO & EU countries. Scandinavian countries knowingly offer subsidized to ISIS and al-Nusra terrorists coming back from Iraq and Syria, Finnish (Slavic rather than Germanic) media even admits to it. There is also a child adoption service, only problem with it however is that most of these children are not even children at all, they’re grown men.

Fake refugees have aso defecated and ejaculated in public pools, sexually assaulted and gang banged women in change rooms and elsewhere in broad daylight (including female police officers). Mass rapes, theft and looting have been a weekly occurrence. They walk into shopping malls and steal peoples’ shopping bags, shop lift, blow up cars and gas stations with fire works. Physically assault the elderly, police officers, and transit security. They’ve also provoked mass brawls and responses from vigilante gangs.






Part 2 Continued:

Regarding Taharrush, I have no idea what that is. I looked for it (I found nothing in Persian except for the word’s translation and meaning, in English it has many entries in Goolge) and found that it apparently points to the sexual assaults done by some of refugees. If I’m not mistaken by your reply, you’re asking me if raping non-Muslim women is permitted in Islam?

Again, my views on the matter is based on my own religion. There’s no such thing in Shi’a, but I think I have to explain a bit about sexual acts in Shi’a.

For a Shi’a, sexual relations out of wedlock is forbidden, but what’s marriage for a Shi’a?

(Hold that thought as something came up, I’ll return in a few hours and continue. Sorry.)


Part 3 Continued. Sorry. I was talking about the marriage for a Shi’a. It’s worth mentioning that there are some matters which was valid in the past, are no longer applicable or happen rarely now but their religious laws still exist. There are 2 types of marriage: Permanent and impermanent. both are lawful according to the religious law, so what’s their difference? The permanent is the regular one, like the way you probably know with but one difference: A man can have up to 4 permanent wives, IF he can support them financially and emotionally and do that the same for all. He shouldn’t differentiate between them and hold some above the other (an impossible task), he can have more than one wife, IF the current wife (or wives) gives her willing consent to him to do so. All have the same rights, the same responsibilities, inheritance, yada yada yada. An impermanent marriage has a limited period, either specified beforehand the exact period of time or stated as impermanent. The bride is not an official wife, doesn’t inherit automatically (must be specified in the will) and her rights and responsibilities towards the husband (and vise versa) are different. The number of the wives one can take is not specified. Nowadays it’s very rare to see a man with more than one wife but the religious laws are still there.

There’s one more thing to say regarding sexual relationship according to the religious law: Slaves of war, which a man can have sexual relations without committing a sin. This one is the source of all the nonsense we hear today. Who is a war slave and how one becomes one of them? If a non-Muslim attacks Muslim’s land by war (meaning they must do something which is considered an act of war, like using weapons (ie. blades) against Muslims, INSIDE the Muslim land. They must be invaders, they must attack you and they must kill a Muslim. All those conditions must be met which means it’s not applicable if a Muslim invades a non-Muslim territory or fights with them on other people’s land. Slaves of war too have rights and responsibilities which must be upheld. Now let’s not forget that these are religious laws for a time period which is long gone. Slavery was common back then, not now and even then, it was not comparable to the phenomenon which was practiced in the west (again with rights and responsibilities). Anyway, Shi’as were not known for their slavery practice.

Yet again, I have to point out that these viewpoints are according to Shi’a. Other sects acted differently (Ottomans held slaves up until their last days) and some (like Wahhabis) still consider slavery a legitimate practice without any kind of limitation which I mentioned some of.

Something is very wrong with what we see in Europe today. I’d say in addition to the religious beliefs, culture has an important role here. A normal Sunni believer doesn’t act like some of those refugees and a Shi’a believer definitely isn’t like that (A believer is someone who acts according to his or her religion). Why? Shi’a MUST obey the government of the land which they live on, regardless of the government’s beliefs. If you live there, you must follow their rules and pay the tax which they demand. If you look, it’s extremely rare to find a Shi’a migrant which is not assimilated in the society which they live in because of their religious beliefs and culture.

What happens if a Shi’a migrated to a non-Shi’a land and feel oppressed because of his or her religion? It depends on the degree of oppression. If he is in great danger, he’ll practice Taqiyya (read the link I posted before). If not, he’ll protest against the ruler (the oppressive ruler may even be another Shi’a) but under no circumstances he has the right to take it to ordinary (non ruler) people. The last part is to clear that a Shi’a can’t make an excuse, for example saying because the French government annoys me, I have the right to rape French ladies.

I hope this answers your questions, but if I forgot to explain something, kindly ask and I’ll try to answer.

Have a nice time, cheers.


Part 3.A. continued My 3rd part of comment and your answer afterwards are both deleted. Here I resubmit my 3rd one and the answer to your reply which I was lucky enough to read it before it’s deletion.


Sorry. I was talking about the marriage for a Shi’a. It’s worth mentioning that there are some matters which was valid in the past, are no longer applicable or happen rarely now but their religious laws still exist. There are 2 types of marriage: Permanent and impermanent. both are lawful according to the religious law, so what’s their difference? The permanent is the regular one, like the way you probably know with but one difference: A man can have up to 4 permanent wives, IF he can support them financially and emotionally and do that the same for all. He shouldn’t differentiate between them and hold some above the other (an impossible task), he can have more than one wife, IF the current wife (or wives) gives her willing consent to him to do so. All have the same rights, the same responsibilities, inheritance, yada yada yada. An impermanent marriage has a limited period, either specified beforehand the exact period of time or stated as impermanent. The bride is not an official wife, doesn’t inherit automatically (must be specified in the will) and her rights and responsibilities towards the husband (and vise versa) are different. The number of the wives one can take is not specified. Nowadays it’s very rare to see a man with more than one wife but the religious laws are still there.

There’s one more thing to say regarding sexual relationship according to the religious law: Slaves of war, which a man can have sexual relations without committing a sin. This one is the source of all the nonsense we hear today. Who is a war slave and how one becomes one of them? If a non-Muslim attacks Muslim’s land by war (meaning they must do something which is considered an act of war, like using weapons (ie. blades) against Muslims, INSIDE the Muslim land. They must be invaders, they must attack you and they must kill a Muslim. All those conditions must be met which means it’s not applicable if a Muslim invades a non-Muslim territory or fights with them on other people’s land. Slaves of war too have rights and responsibilities which must be upheld.


Sorry about that, I edited my comment too many times, so it was automatically disabled by Southfront.

Well NATO is involved in attacking the Middle East and some of their partner countries are also involved (including Sweden and Finland with the ISAF mission in Afghanistan), leading to a number of legally immigrated persons and illegal ‘refugees’ carrying out crimes in European countries as retaliation for military aggression against them?

The authorities have been pushing heavily for mass migration policies against the will of the people who do not want war and highly distrust politicians for allowing lobbyists to subvert the democratic process (corruption is of course a common recurring theme in democracies and all forms of government). These politicians have also heavily interfered with the judicial system and generally make life difficult for the police.

They deliberately provoke Muslim immigrants with wars for profit and allowed them to come into Europe with no background checks. The crime rate rime has soured over 200% and drugs, prostitution, human trafficking, and other forms of organized crime and random violence have become rampant. Puppeteers like Soros don’t care in the slightest and it isn’t too difficult to see that the end result is what him and others like him intended to accomplish.


I agree all but with a minor difference. I don’t think the crimes of these “refugees” in Europe have anything to do with retaliation. They never attacked a valuable target (from military stand point). Pushing old ladies or ejaculating in public pool in plain view doesn’t retaliate NATO’s bombings of Libya, but makes the Europeans hate the instigators and by extension, all of Muslims. I think you know what I’m talking about. They’re there for a purpose which I believe is readying the public opinions for more wars on Muslim countries.


I completely agree, couldn’t have said it better myself. Thank you for the info.


Part 3.B. continued Now let’s not forget that these are religious laws for a time period which is long gone. Slavery was common back then, not now and even then, it was not comparable to the phenomenon which was practiced in the west (again with rights and responsibilities). Anyway, Shi’as were not known for their slavery practice.

Yet again, I have to point out that these viewpoints are according to Shi’a. Other sects acted differently (Ottomans held slaves up until their last days) and some (like Wahhabis) still consider slavery a legitimate practice without any kind of limitation which I mentioned some of.

Something is very wrong with what we see in Europe today. I’d say in addition to the religious beliefs, culture has an important role here. A normal Sunni believer doesn’t act like some of those refugees and a Shi’a believer definitely isn’t like that (A believer is someone who acts according to his or her religion). Why? Shi’a MUST obey the government of the land which they live on, regardless of the government’s beliefs. If you live there, you must follow their rules and pay the tax which they demand. If you look, it’s extremely rare to find a Shi’a migrant which is not assimilated in the society which they live in because of their religious beliefs and culture.

What happens if a Shi’a migrated to a non-Shi’a land and feel oppressed because of his or her religion? It depends on the degree of oppression. If he is in great danger, he’ll practice Taqiyya (read the link I posted before). If not, he’ll protest against the ruler (the oppressive ruler may even be another Shi’a) but under no circumstances he has the right to take it to ordinary (non ruler) people. The last part is to clear that a Shi’a can’t make an excuse, for example saying because the French government annoys me, I have the right to rape French ladies.

I hope this answers your questions, but if I forgot to explain something, kindly ask and I’ll try to answer.

Have a nice time, cheers.


Part 4 – reply to your reply (!)

Thank you very much. That’s exactly what we were saying for a few years. The big question is that who benefits from the current “refugee” crisis, and things these “Muslims” are doing? Most of the things they do is against the teachings of Islam, yet they are called Muslim.

Definitely no benefits for the Muslims, but who?


Gods speed to the bottom of the pit, Saker, you just whacked your self into the big. big bin of bullshit spreaders an mass, what I fond remarkable is that I am not surprised, half of this is utter bullshit, the rest is lies and forgery’s of history.

Hebrews are Semitic (language group, but is general the language used in the Arab region, but have nothing to do with race) speaking Arabs(are an group) along with the rest, period, the rest have nothing to do with the Levant what so ever. And finally, after all the time, you show your true color, by hammering anyone whom isnt liking the Khosher Nostras asses as an enemy of man, since we (I presume) cant “obviously”, since we are racist, and jew haters differentiate at all. Yeah.

Weird, isnt it, in the uISISa, the Jews brag openly about their control, of media and politics, thats OK. If I say anything,, even use their own arguments, even use their own “religion” I am an Jew hater, and Saker can drool as much that creep wants but I dont even care anymore, because the evidences speaks for them self. Again I see this as an clear propaganda shit article from Saker, and of course, timing is everything, right Saker, you dont like the truth do you.

I know why you kicked me out, because of profanity, yeah, even when I dont use words I was kicked out, and I know why, lies cant survive without Truths, do they, since Saker is an ex-intellegence man. I dont even bother anymore to counter this nonsense, other than to remind people to read about Khazars (I have an book called the Dictionary of Khazars, an stunning book), Black sea regions like Georgia, to old Bulgar’s (not the present bulgaria), where the “Norse” vikings (khazars) are from, AzkheNazis is an Jidish word, they used for them self in central Europa. To theh talk about been here since the dawn of man is so rubbish that I am slack jawed. Hebrews have never been an large entity, never, and was never more than an marginal group, and in the Palestinian area, they where never more than some few %. Where their main area was whats to day, Saudi Arabia to Yemen.

Shepard Jews, is also an lie, they are not Jews, but close to Berbers and Basques. The Original people of Europa, and I know that, because I am from the same bloodline, but I am pure European (yeah, they just found an rock carving of an sea faring vessel, 10 000 years old, and by the “science” we where just wanking in caves), Shep’s where by large Islamic/Christians and converted to the Hebrew teachings a long time ago, but that dont make them to Semitic people, this is utter bullshit, but then to have stayed there. yeah since this is within the reaches of the north Africans overall, thru Egypt. I leave it there, just to tell Saker that this is just shit, period, go to some one whom knows little bit more, my only recommendation, before you drool shit about others an of course assume we are racist for not drooling along with ignorant fools like You. The ” Jews” loooove to throw accusations, everywhere, every-time and their favorite tool is Guilt by association, cheapest trick in the book.

DO YOU wanna have facts, huh, by an “jew” him self, about ugh….. Jews. Hurmf. http://rense.com/general47/facys.htm Benjamin Freedman, Facts are Facts, and do read it, its uh…. enlightening, I dont count on it, but maybe you see the “light”. Tell me, Saker, again, why should I or we ever again go to your site when I know you are lying, and this is nothing but pimping fake history, an history invented in the 1800 along with the Judeo-Christian piece of shit called the Bible, witch isnt even close to lets say, the original bible like King James. Wanna fight, bring it on. Cant wait.

PS: history, yeah, I have been here before, many times, even as an worrier/general, and will come again in the future, I have seen both, thats why I have no fear, and no mercy.



Worshipers of the god of Abraham cause much grief in the world.


ignorants like you caused more.


Preach it Sister. I drank KoolAid for a while, then I outgrew refreshments for children.


Superb article. The best I’ve seen on the a subject which has been a keen interest of mine for years. I started out with some curiosity many years ago as to why there was so much ‘anti-Semitism” I wanted to know why the Jews? After an enormous amount of research reading and analysis, I have come to the same conclusions. The Saker put it quite succinctly. It is all due to that nasty “traditions of the elders” that Jesus took issue with, or rather their modern, updated form, Talmud.

Tudor Miron

Saker’s article is good but it doesn’t address very important issues: How it all started and what’s the purpose and origin of “chosen nation”, biblical project, etc., etc.

John Brown

It should be called anti Racist Jewish hatred and genocidal Supremacism.

Jonathan Murray

You guys are obsessed – give it up.


They can’t. It’s the only way they can feel better about themselves. Addictive.

Jonathan Murray

Yeh – Anglo’s just can’t manage to blame their own society for the evil they do in the world – have to find some black or brown skinned people to dump their self-catered onto. Pathetic…

Lazy Gamer

Ive got nothing against Jews but people are gonna get what they give. That’s common sense.

Beliefs of superiority are the norm in the old times. Each race would claim that they have the better god, better people. That was back then. But if the above is true, then they may have been conditioned more due to their perceived persecution. The bigger the belief of superiority [true or otherwise] is merely a reflection of their persecution. if we also follow the OT, this could be compounded further with the Levite branch who probably would try to uphold their traditions.

What interests me however is the claim that jewishness is not biological. If this is true, I am reminded of the words of Herodotus who classified the people according to their customs and traditions. His words cannot be dismissed easily as he was a citizen of one of the regional leaders at the correct time. The OT corroborates some side of his observation as well as archaeology and history.

Now, the OT always tells about the loss of the Israelites to various groups. As in war, it is highly PROBABLE(guesswork admitted) that there will always be a remnant who stayed or who became slaves or some other thing. I am now entertaining the slim and ironic notion that here is a group of people driving away other people on the claims of God given ownership and yet, it might be possible that the ones they are driving away are more genetically related to the Israelites.

If there are no claims from biology wouldn’t their claims on the land be less?

Side note, when I read a moral lesson from Jesus, I cant help but entertain the possibility that this is the words of Pax Romana. The stability that every hegemon tries to maintain.

Anyway, the Jews are already there on the land for a long time and their presence is a fact that the neighbours should try to live with.


If you want to really understand antisemitism watch the following documentary. If you’re not antisemitic by the end of it there’s something wrong with you mentally:


Lena Jones

Here’s an interesting proposition on how the ancient hebrews invented themselves as god’s chosen: https://platosguns.com/2017/04/16/bedtime-story-for-gilad/


Thanks Saker. Very very helpful set out. My bit: http://www.truthscoop.net/judeophobia

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