A Croatian Air Force transport helicopter, MI-17, prepares to land at Camp
Bondsteel, Kosovo, Aug. 6, 2019. (Photo Credit: U.S. Army)
Croatia is preparing to supply Ukraine with 14 Soviet-made Mi-8 military transport helicopters, Jutarnji list reported on February 26.
The Croatian daily said that 12 Mi-8MTB-1 and two Mi-8T helicopters, which were recently taken out from service with the Croatian Armed Forces, could be supplied to Ukraine in around ten days. Croatian markings are currently being removed from the helicopters, which are being repaired at the Aeronautical Technical Center in Velika Gorica.
Seven of the helicopters will be partially disassembled and delivered by land, while the other seven will be flown to Poland, according to Jutarnji.
The Mi-8, which has combat radius of 350 kilometers, can carry 24 passengers or 12 stretchers and a seat for one medical attendant or 4,000 kg of payload. The helicopter can be also armed with unguided rockets, bombs and machine guns on six external hardpoints.
Croatia’s Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic has publicly voiced support for Ukraine. However, the country’s president, Zoran Milanovic, is against providing military support to Kiev.
Reports that Croatia’s Defense Ministry would donate some of its Soviet-made Mi-8 helicopters to Ukraine first emerged last November. Jutarnji reported that Milanovic was angered by the reports, saying at the time that Croatia’s Defense Ministry did not inform him how these helicopters would be replaced.
Kiev forces operated some 40 Mi-8 helicopters before the start of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine last year. In January, Lithuania provided two more.
Ukraine also received 20 modernized Mi-17 helicopters from the United States. The helicopters, which were originally destined to the former Afghan government were all delivered by late July. In August, Latvia provided two additional Mi-17s.
Dozens of Ukrainian transport helicopters have been already shot down, destroyed on the ground or even captured by the Russian military. Kiev’s allies are now making attempts to supply all sorts of aircraft to the country, including fighter jets, in the hope of keeping the air force and the ground forces’ aviation alive.
No surprise here. Just remember that this same Croatia was an ally of Nazi Germany in World War II. The Nazi scumbags never change no matter what decade.
They must be rather old.
You has censured away, the american helicopters. So they supported the nazis with Hitler or what ?
Croatia had more Partisans than rest of Europe put together. Croatian Partisans were fighting Nazis in Yugoslavia at the time when Russia was still German allay in Poland. And my father was one of them.
heh, croatia is nowadays a shitty touristic and depending state, a cheap destination for anglos and germans, full of poor people. That’s what they got for killing Yugoslavia: weakness and dependency. And many realise it just now…. By the way their colaboration with the nazis is a fact… They shared back then racist paranoia after all….
pls dont bullhit around. croatia ist a beautyfull and the wealthiest country of all ex yugoslavia countries. and the croats are brave, peacefull and nice people, but as smal nation and coutry always pressured from big powers in theyr direction.
Beautiful it is !! All else is falls !! Sorry to tell you but Croatia sold itself like a prostitute throughout its history, so brave is ZERO !! Nice people depends on who the people are, very racist country and very many lean to Nazism !!
Do you speak as Canadian or a Serb?
And you were….chetnik….sorry, partisan, right?
I speak as someone that’s highly educated !! Yes a Canadian Serb but that makes no difference as to my comment !! Chetnik/Partizan, I will avoid your ludicrous insinuation as I only comment on the historical facts !!
a prooven bullshit, seems spoken by a jelaous serb? the one and only far right party in croatia got only poor 1,2% on last elections. apart from only few idiots, you will not find any nazis or ustasha anymore in croatia. why i know that 4 sure? because i have many croat friends and bussines partners and visited croatia many times in the last 30 years.
Did I hurt your little SSS friendly ego !!?? Jealous of what?? A banana state ?? Im a Canadian of Serbian ethnicity, and I can bet you I have been in Croatia much more then you !! TOM !!!!
I agree, no need to start the Yugoslavian war again.
Both brave fighters Croats and Serbs. But the jewish medias of course try to ignite also that war again by using the Ukrainian vs. Russia war as pretext to do so.
And to those who still not know what’s really going on, I say:
One thing everybody claiming that USA is fighting Russia needs to think about is, that the USA and its slaves in EU (apart from not delivering even halfway that amount of weapons they delivered to the UDSSR in WW2) always declare in advance to the whole world what they are delivering to Ukraine nowadays.
They do this, so that the Russias have enough time to prepare themselves, and for making the weapons being merely ineffective or getting destroyed so that more are needed soon etc. etc.
Here we see it very very clear that it is jews on both sides running the show. They want the war. They want christians killing each other. They want it to drag on. They want to escalate it slowly into WW3.
A thousand times I told it here, that would USA indeed be fighting Russia, they would keep absolute silence about the weapons they deliver to Ukraine. Moreover they would have long started a second front in the soft-belly area of Russia, resp. Caucasus, in specific – Chechnya. Apart from that, like the Russians do with PMC Wagner, USA would have mobilized US as well as mexican and colombian prisoners, recruited and started military training programs with them in order to send them in appropriate numbers, as support troops to Ukrainian army. But nothing of all this happens. Why?
It’s not because in the US nobody can see what is needed to defeat Russia and win this war. No. Winning the war IS NOT THE AIM of this whole thing. Defeating their NWO-buddy Putin and his regime is not the aim ! The aim is to drag the war on, widen it slowly into WW3, and use it to blackout the corona-death-jab global genocide plus the forced implosion of old financial system and finally western economy in a whole. The financial system is a jewish fraud from the very beginning and the western economy was destroyed from within, on full purpose, by jewish-communist traitors, placed inside the western countries already tens of years ago, with the infiltration starting already in the late 1950’s !
Wake up folks ! It’s the JWO-NWO plan to switch the whole world into full-force jewish-communist One-World-Government Police State ! That’s the agenda they are all (from Biden, to Trump, Putin, Merkel, Scholz, Xi Jinping, Johnson etc. etc.) working to execute against us.
Onda ništa ne znaš ,ali Milanović vodi najpametniju politiku koju jedan normalan političar može da vodi.Ne mrzim Hrvate,ali čime su Srbi 1941 zaslužili onakav pokolj,do 1914 Srbi i Hrvati u Bosni su imali zajedničke liste na glasanju,šta se desilo,znate šta se desilo….VATIKAN se desio.
this was 80 years ago, sure a big crime due nazi and ustasha criminals and traitors, who wanted to hand over old croat mainland in istria and dalmatia to italians. today you will find hardly any ustasha or nazis in croatia, so things like 80 years ago will never happen again, not even a smal part 4sure.
Pa neće jer je dobar dio ubijen 41-45,dobar dio pokrsten u katoličanstvo a zadnji dio se odigrao 1995 kada su Srbi etnički proterani iz Hrvatske,neće se desiti naravno jer ih više i nema
It’s a beautiful country but the people are neither nice nor peaceful unless you think that Ustaše Nazi murderers are nice. Croatia’s Adriatic makes the country look like paradise on earth but the murderous people of Croatia make it look like hell on earth.
Cheap destination?! Really!? You must be visiting Seichelles or Hawai on regular basis. Most of people in Croatia are not poor. 90% of people have their own houses or apartments. In Germany only 50% have real estate in their possesion. Killing of Yugosavia was joint venture of Croatian and Serbian secret civilian police and military intelligence members heavily supported by Germans, French, US, Vatican and of course, British. Claim that Croats destroyed Yugoslavia was extremely exaggerated, but to be aware of that you need to know something about history here, which you don’t.
Typical US mentality, when guilty point to someone else to share or take your guilt !! Slovenia, Croatia and other republics that were financed and supported by CIA dismantled Yugoslavia, to include Serbia is just pure lie being that it fought and lost in trying to prevent the disintegration of the forme country that you shared !! Guilt is a bitch, but you have to live with that fact !!
Russians warned Serbia in 1991. not to try to annex territories of the other Yugoslav republics as it may lead to total destruction of Yugoslavia and installation of Western puppet regimes in former republics. You didn’t listen then, and you didn’t listen when Russian warned you not to engage militarily with Bulgarians in 1912. to get their territory. Seems it’s in your blood to do stupid things and then blame others as sole perpetrators. Very immature and childish. Serbs are Eternal Victims nation, something like Israelis.
The serbs didn’t start those wars the Croats,Slovenians and Bosnin Muslims did,they are the ones who broke away and told the Serbs to like it or lump it,the Germans were the main trouble makers as usual.
Just like Donbass and krajina, diminish the rights of minorities causes conflict. Who in their right mind wishes such destruction and death? External parties.
Don’t insult the Israelis
’41 ’71 ’91 – sure Croatians are happy under eussr and Deutsch divize.
cheap? LOL milti millionaires and billionaires worldwide like abramovic, british royal family and dozents of hollywood and sports stars visited croatia. you dont want a cheap stay? no problem, for example than go to the palace or excelsior hotel in dubrovnik and ask for the president suite, will cost you “cheap” some 10.000eur, per night.
Dubrovnik is beautiful and so is the whole Adriatic coast, but please, just about every country in the world has an elite hotel for the super-rich !! As far as service is concerned it is very poor and s major rip off of the tourists compared to say South seas, or Asian countries !!
I am sure you are regular visitor of child brothels in Phillipines or Thailand and are quite content with their prices and accomodation, but, you see, we are not involved in such sort of tourism. Speaking of child abuse, Serbian investigators claim that in last 20 years about 7000 newborns were stolen from Serbian maternity hospital wards and sold to: pedophiles, as satanic ritual victims or sold to adaptive familes in the best case.
Croatia is most beautiful country in Europe. Not to many Western tourists – mostly Poles and Czechs. Today cheap tourists destinations are in Spain or Italy not in Croatia…
Millions of Tourists of Western europe come to croatia, and since years also more and more from asia. Chech and poland not So many, because they can no longer affort croatia like 10-20 yeaes ago.
I am glad for you and your father. I know there are many Croatian brothers who fought the nazis. However it was the Orthodox Serbs who were the primary driving force against the nazis in Yugoslavia.
no. josip broz tito, the main and most important partisan leader was croat and the biggest part of the partisans where croats and serbs, but mind that serbs have nearly double more population than croats. my best firiends grandpa was a croat partisan, 4 times wounded and than captured by nazis januar 1945 and brought to dachau concentration camp near munic, survived and liberated begin of may 1945, returned to croatia and lived there till he die 1988.
You are simply confirming what I said. The serbs were anti-Nazi from the beginning whereas the Croatians once they saw the nazis were losing started to become anti-Nazi
sorry, but you are badly wrong again, because the anti nazi and anti ustaha partisan movement in croatia begun around 1933, long before the ww2 even started, and up to 150.000 croat partisans was the main reason for the big losses for the ustasha, german nazis and italians in croatia, and so also the main reason for theyr defeat 1945 in this region.
I agree with you. But as you can see, it is useless to tell the truth to the guys in here, as they simple do not want to hear it.
It’s dangerous to them. In their over-simplified world everybody not hailing and giving blow-job to Stalin and Putin and saluting them, while doing so, is a Nazi. So now you are in their Nazi-pocket. They’ll not let you out from there until you video-verify your deepthroat blowjobbing service fullmouthly to them.
That’s why I am no supporter of communism.
Btw. people need to think about the day Putin chose for his invasion. 24.F.2022. 2+4=6 F=6 2+0+2+2=6 So here we are 666 So be sure that his jewish Chabad Lubavitch friends chose the date, and ordered him to attack on that day.
But it wasn’t Croatia declared to be Judenfrei by its government as did Serbian quisling prime minister Stojadinovic informed Adolf with great pride. It wasn’t Croats who incited WWI by assasination of Austrian archduke Ferdinand, but a bunch of Serbian officers (Tankosic, Apis, Ciganovic, Cupe – all freemasons) using underage revolutionary idiots like Princip and Cabrinovic. These people are among those responsible for all troubles Serbia and Europe suffered 1914-1918. It’s peculiar but Serbs never mention this “great contribution” of their people for the “benefit” of humanity.
Correction, it was Milan Nedic, not Stojadinovic who bragged about Serbia being Judenfrei.
1943 i kapitulacije Italije
And the crofuckia got dalmatia, it was ALL Hungary until 1918.
Serbia and Croatia should enlarge, Hungary and Bosnia not.
Who told you that? Where did you get that info? From Serbs? If so, than it must be the truth. Go and check leadership of partisan movement in Yugoslavia.
Don’t talk like a ridiculous clown the history is well proven. Where did you get your information from the nazis?
Sorry, I did not know that only a history written in recent Serbian schoolbooks have a prerogative of the one and only truth. Go and visit the library sometimes, just for a change. There you may find something very different from the official narrative. You may get surprised. Go to the national archive of Serbia and ask for all documentation about war and war crimes in WWII in Yugoslavia. Somehow I feel they will tell you to fuck of. The question is why?
Pravi vođa ustanka u Bosni je partizan koji se zvao dr.Mladen Stojanović,koji je ubijen mučki,već tada je 1941 bio vođa koji je zasmetao Titu,jer je bio obrazovan i poštovan u Bosanskoj Krajini,ubili su ga Titovi agenti u saradnji sa četnicima koji su tada još sarađivali sa partizanima.
Tito was supported by the West we had our own leader. And interestingly it was the West that brought Tito’s Yugoslavia down it was a setup from the beginning
Yes, your own leader, Chetnik Draza Mihajlovic was trialed by partisan government (that you claim was exclusively Serbian), foundy guilty of collaborating with Nazis and executed. Remember Neretva, my grandfather was there. Please do not lie that chetniks did not cooperated with Italians or Germans. They did. Big time.
Nije bilo većih izdajnika i komunista od Srba,jedini koji je prepoznao Titovu politiku je Ranković koga je Tito brzo uklonio i poslije toga dao autonomiju Vojvodine i Kosova.
Dont be such a stupid.Majority of partisans in that teritory were serbs , croatians were mostly among fasist ustashe NDH.
pls donts spread fake news and nonsense. compared to the percentage of population, its a prooven fact that the most partisans were croats and theyr main leader, josip broz tito, after ww2 long term president of former yugoslavia, was a croat! many croats were against the ustasha goverment 80 years ago, becuase they refuse to be nazi vasalls and dont wanted to give dalmatia and istria to italy. today, apart of a few far right idiots, also the most croats refuse any nazi idology and dont want to be pulled in the ukro-rus war, but they were massively pressured by the eu and usa mafia.
You can tell them the truth a thousand times. They will not listen. Same as those people who accepted getting the mRNA death jabs. They got warned a thousand times, but they rejected the truth and chose to believe in the devils words and stories.
All partisans in Croatia were Serbs. Sure. All of the Croats were Ustashas who also exterminated 40 000 000 Serbs in concentration camps. On the other side, Serbian partisans were destroyed in Serbia in 1941. by then Serb quisling government and Germans. Remnants of these Serb partisans escaped to Bosnia, some in Montenegro, some Macedonia. My Serbian brother, puno ga seres. My grandfather who was partisan colonel bitterly told me than in 1944. great number of Serbian Chetniks did change their uniforms from Chetnik to partisan, from nazi collaborators to winning side. They even received partisan pensions and got positions in communist Yugoslavia. Too many myths and fairy tales my Serbian brothers are trying to sell at this forum.
Macedonia is one and Greek and Chetniks weren’t collaborators. That’s what commies say.
Bullshit. Croatians were well-knowed as nazi good friends and allies as the USTASE NDH extremists antisemitic fascists killed a lot of jews, orthodox serbs, gypsies and political opponents. The ww2 mirror image of the now neo-nazi bandera criminals.
sorry, but this is a prooven bullshit. many croats were aginst the ustasha and joined the partisans or the domobrani/homeland-defense units, because many dont wanted to be nazi vasals and dont wanted to give istria and damlatia to italy. today, the one and only far right party in croatia have only some poor 1,2% on the last elections.
Croatians are like any identitarians. That is, totally ridiculous. The Croatian story is, “oh yes, everybody was Ustase except me”, whereas the Ukrainian story is, “oh, nobody in OUN-B nor Nachticgall nor 14 SS Galicia was a Nazi”. Wacky, wacky stuff form identitarians as always.
You Stalinists are not identitarians like Azov or Nation of Islam. Thank God for this.
Romanian whore? Nomen est omen? Let’s see. Romania joined Hitler in November 1940, by Antonescu, 6 months prior establishing NDH in Croatia. Romania was well recognized by its Iron Guard, fascist thugs, similar to Ustashas. They commited themselves to selving Jewish question by murdering about 200 000 Jews and heavily contributing invasion of Soviet union providing troops and oil to Hitler war machine. Regarding this affair, Romania contributed 10 times more than NDH in Croatia to Hitlers war machine. Romanian Axis Army was fourth by size after Germany, Japan and Italy. Contrary to Croatias Ustashas, Romanian fascist did not care to persecute Gypsies as 3/4 of then Romanian population would be in jeopardy.
I don’t get your logic. Because some Romanians allied with Hitler, what does this mean?
The guy is delusional, don’t try to understand him.
He is not delusional but he is fed with communist propaganda.
I don’t like the name you chose but you’re right about the Croats being Nazi Ustaše who were so brave they killed hundreds of thousands of innocent Serbian civilians in WW2 and then in the nineties.
That name show the perfect image of the Romanian country, a colony of other foreign powers.
Mr. Please don’t insult people’s intelligence here!! Some did read history and for some it’s enough just to visit Wikipedia !! I don’t wanna disrespect your father or anyone, but you cannot erase history!! Yes there were some Croatians that joined Partisans when they saw that Hitler was losing the war !!
sorry, but you are telling the opposit of the proven historical facts! josip broz tito was croat and the anti nazi and anti ustasha croat partisan movement begun 1933, far before the ww2 started (1939), and some 150.000 croat partisans was the main reason for the nazi, ustasha and italo total defeat in croatia in 1945.
Ustasha were CROATS, deal with it.
Ne seri,tek poslije kapitulacije Italije 1943 vaši domobrani su počeli da presvlače uniforme,do tada su bili pomagači zloglasnih ustaša i učestvovali u svakoj Njemacko,ustaškoj ofanzivi protiv partizana čije su jedinice bile 90% sačinjene od Srba,okosnicu borbe protiv fašista činili su Srbi Like,Banije i Korduna,koje su ustaše ubijali na najsvirepiji način, pogotovo su teški bili zločini u Gospiću,Glini,Jadovno,Jasenovcu i logoru za djecu u Jastrebarskom.Bosnu neću da spominjemo ispod planine Kozare godinama poslije rata nije bilo regruta za JNA srpske nacionalnosti,sve ste pobili.A 1995 ste samo završili započeto 1941.Ne kažem da su svi Hrvati isti,ali ne smiju podleći politici zapada ,to je gubitnicka politika.Živjela Rusija i sav pošten svijet
The partisans in Croatia were Serbians from Serbian Krajna region in Croatia. The same Serbians that the Croatian Nazi Ustaše ethnically cleansed.
I know many partisans were Croats under Tito,but there was a Croatian puppet Regime under the Nazis,and Russia was never an ally of Nazi Germany,they signed a pact to buy time oterwise two million German troops would have been on Russia’s border long before they were.
Partizans in Jugoslavija became prominent from late ’43, Germany on the backfoot. Especially Croatia and Bosnia. Start of WW2 in Jugoslavija april ’41 partizans aided Germans against royalist forces, as you stated Germany and USSR were allies until June 41. Tito was an anti royalist aligned to Bolshevik takeover of the country. Tito i believe was not croatian could not speak language. Most joined as a last resort once reality rather than national aspirations surfaced. After USSR, china Jugoslavija lost the most civilians in the ideological /national struggles. A bit like today’s Russia /Ukraine struggle a fooked situation where people die for senseless leaders.
Dont spread nonsense. Josip Broz Tito was a croat, born in croatia with croat Parents. And of course speaking his whole life his main language, croatian.
Ujko hrvatski partizani su se sakupili 1945 kada ste ustase izgubili rat da vas zapad ne pokoka sve redom
You are obviously badly uninformed about Croatian history. Go take a look about who was Josip Broz Tito. My grandfather was a colonel of partisan army since day of destruction of Kingdom of SHS by Germans in 1941. You are either “eternal victim of global circumstances” Serb or took what some Serbian circles are trying to sell internationaly in order to whitewash their own crimes during WWII or in 1990s. Cut the crap. Wast majority of Croats want nothing to do with Ukraine. Yesterday was “large gathering of people in support of Ukraine” in Zagreb that gathered maybe 200-300 peope, most of them Ukrainian refugees and coupe of trecherous Croatian politicians, loyal to incumben traitor-prime minister Plenkovic. This “demonstration of solidarity” was shown by MSM (state one controlled by the prime minister and german RTL, or jewish-american tv stations) as a huge thing but in reality, it was dud.
Baldy informed? partisan history was a white wash. Who was Josip Broz? Really? guy could not speak the language. Only brain washing and terror ensured everybody pulled the state line. A Bolshevik imposter. Reason Stalin wanting him gone.
this was 80 years ago and even then many croats themself were even then against the ustasha nazi colaborators, joining the partisans and theyr bigges leader, josib broz tito, was a croat. actual croat polls show the most croats are aginst military aid to ucraine and want to stay neutral, but the goverment under eu and usa pressure must do something for ukros.
Havent ever seen a Nedic heroj t-shirt or baseball cap in serbia but you will find ante heroj shirts at many soccermatches in croatia. So yes there were petin like traitors in serbia but the people do not rever them as croats today revere ante pavelic. They see him as part of their historic quest to get everything noncroatian out of their territory which they succeded with nato help in the 90s. That’s why of course they will do what the us tells them cause they are eternaly thankfull. Now they live in heaven cause everything bad there was connected to the serbs or did it?
as i said many times, only a few idiots, because the most croats and all real croat patriots are against any nazi or ustasha ideology, because these traitors and vasals wanted to give up main croat lands in istria and dalmatia to italy and no real croat want to be anybodys vasal anymore again, like they were sadly the most time in the last 1.000 years, against theyr will.
The only thing more entertaining in the realm of nationalist retardation comedy than Ukrainians are the descendants of the former Yugoslavians. Croatia in its current form exists solely because it became a US vassal. Operation Storm could not have occurred without comprehensive support from the US and their other NATO vassals. As an admittedly ignorant young person I was swayed by the Five Eyes hype to accept the “Serb devil” narrative, but the break-up of Yugoslavia was a US operation from start to finish.
“Military analysts in Zagreb agree the beefing up of Croatia’s fighting forces was facilitated by the country’s financial sponsors abroad, mainly Germany and rich Croatians in exile, and an apparently tacit agreement among NATO nations to allow $1.3 billion of weapons to be smuggled into the country.
German police inspectors have complained that tanks hidden under tarps and destined for Croatia were ferried up the Rhine River. They could do nothing about it, they said, because of bureaucratic restrictions.
An Italian magistrate said the smuggling was so rampant that directors at Rome’s Cinecitta movie studios who thought they were importing old Soviet tanks for their film sets saw the weapons head instead to Croatia.” https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct-xpm-1995-08-20-9508200215-story.html
“Many of the Croatian officers engaged in the August offensive that wrested the Krajina from the Serbs in just a few days had attended courses given by 15 former U.S. Army generals, colonels and master sergeants.
The Americans have been working as consultants to the Croatian armed forces since last November, apparently with the tacit approval of the State Department.” https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct-xpm-1995-08-20-9508200215-story.html
The Croatians were bought and paid for by the Americans. These stories of great patriots always include people like Agim Ceku, who magically went from high-ranking Croatian military officer to high-ranking KLA narco-terrorist/freedom fighter. Something I have wondered about for a long time is a rumour that I have heard from several different sources that the Croatians actually had Leopard 1 tanks by 1995. I’ve never seen a photo, but given that the CIA was running the Slovenians, Bosnians and Croatians, anything is possible.
For me, Slovenians and Croatians are not bad and Albanians are half bad only.
Do you live in Chicago or in Quebec? You have me confused.
It is because religion plays role there. Croatia was puppet of Vatican. Bosnia was puppet of Turkey for example.
Yes those bastards just can’t keep that Nazi Gene under control,we saw the Ustashi trash in Bosnia.
Speaking about scumbags – Russia was Hitler’s ally when they both attacked Poland. Croats as a society were always partizan fighting against nazi!
Russia entered Poland when it became quite apparent that the British and French had conned the stupid, stupid Polish military dictatorship, with the aim of triggering the German-Soviet war.
Ah yes, and Serbs were the Saints in WW-2, you can read about them here: espressostalinist.com/genocide/chetniks-collaboration-genocide/
A flying coffin. Who wants to board?
Some see forwatds to see Putin strechted in one of these.
Some are delusional
Croatia sending Kiev their garbage
right, send only the old rusty mi8, but still keep theyr newer mi17 in the croat army and airforce, but will replace also these with black hawks in the next years.
But did you see what happened when the Taliban took up a Black Hawk that was left behind in Afghanistan? Flying one without US permission might be a problem.
croatia bought 2 black hawks from the usa regular, and the us doonated them 2. 8 more are on order.
Some truth in it. They were on the repair in Ukraine, including some Migs who started to fall from the sky, There was huge affair regarding corruption with servicing of military planes in Ukraine for Croatian army.
At least these helis look like they are slow, fat and easy to shoot down by the russians. But maybe for transportation missions outside the direct combat zone they might be useful. I don t know.
Croatia’s pathetic regime will fall soon, Go Serbia defeat them!
croats are known as brave and strong fighters, they have defeated all enemies and occupiers in theyr 1.300 year history in this region, so better dont touch the croats and dont push again theyr serb brothers against eachother. anyway, the most croats are aginst this war and military support for kiew, but the ziokhasarian mafia, eu and usa globalists are putting huge political and economic pressure on the croat goverment, impossible to withstand for smal croatia.
Maybe you should leave the eurozone.
Why should they they were treated far better by the eurozone then greece was and greece does not even think about leaving. There was one government who dare’d to speak up about not paying something and it was put in it’s place by the eu. I must have missed the greek uprising afterwards…
They have defeated all enemies and occupiers? That’s why they’ve been rolled into one empire or another from time immemorial?
You tell the truth, but they do not listen. As they are not interested in it.
West is pressured by zio khasarian mafia and east (Putin, India, China) controlled and pressured by the east-jewish communist mafia section. Boshewic jews especially Putin’s best friends, the jewish Chabad Lubavitch organisation are controlling everything also there. The moment one realizes this, everything becomes clear.
Serbia will not defeat any regime in Croatia.It is up to Croats to remove current globalist, treachereos regime, not anyone elses business. Serbia has a huge pile of internal problems and has to fight its own globalists and traitors.
Globalists are mostly in Vardaska (Zaev) and Albania (Rama).
Hear, hear – I advise everybody to mark your words: Quote:”It is up to Croats to remove current globalist, treachereos regime, not anyone elses business. ”
So then why did Putin invade Donbass. As, as you yourself just said, it was the Donetsk and Lughansk (now DPR) populations business to get rid of the ukrainian regime, and not anyone else business, he ?
So wine for you and piss for the others ? Is that your maxime ? You, without realizing it yourself, have just openly admitted that Putins army is the aggressor in the current conflict and has no business in Ukraine, but should have stayed home and let the Ukrainians solve their inner-ukrainian problems for themselves. Congrats !
I am sorry but serbs will have to fight to reclaim their own territory if they ever want to be a sovereign nation again. Croatia has been choosen by the us as a point of stability from where they can set the region on fire similar to kosovo. So unless you want war with the us you cannot try to reclaim anything.
But what is there to reclaim anyway to go in and prevent the expelling of 250.000 serbs in the 90s sure but now decades later why would you want territorys that no one lives in anymore that is not happy about the expelling of the serbs? Do you want to become like them and drive people out of their homes for the sake of reclaiming territory? Thats how croats and westukrainians role if you want to be like that, join them.
Defeat the croats? Like in 1990-1995? When the croats have smashed the yu army and serb forces? Lol Croats are there since 1.300 years and nobody was ever able to occupy or defeat them finaly in theyr whole history. Also, croats, serbs and all ex yu nations are all brothers and should never again allow extern Powers and intern traitors to push them into war against each other.
This details some of the US role in running the Croatian military during the war. US-owned, all the way. https://cryptome.org/us-op-storm.htm
At one point, everyone cooperated with the US, even the Syrians. But later they woke up.
SF, please make us a favor and put a thread about the recent Romania-Ukropizdan dispute on Dabube Delta Bastroe channel ! The ameriscum backed bandera nazi are DESTROYING an UNESCO HERITAGE and an EU protected zone !!!!!!!!!! The masters of the ukroshit whores, the americunt imperialist terrorists want to navigate on the shorter route on Danube and that is ILLEGAL, against all treaties signed till now, by deepening the channel depth from 3.5 meters to more than 6,5 and further. That will slow down the main flow of the Dabube branches and will choke Danube Delta, causing irreversible eco and geographic damage. They want to maximize theirs PROFIT from the cheap deeply infected with banned chemicals ukroshit grains by transporting them on bigger barges and that NEEDS deeper waters ! All public opinion in Ro is absolutely appalled, even 90% of sorosist MSM is inflamed but the decision factors want to cover up this issue. SF, POST THAT !
Sustain, is a high need to show the unilateral actions of Ukri against Danube Deltaby doube the depth of Birstroe channel
What are you talking about romania wants moldova and is preparing to attack russian forces in transnistria. Do they think this does not come at a price?
some good friends from the croat military say, that they have a huge pressure from the usa and eu, to send more military goods to ukraine, because croats have still large stocks of soviet era armament and ammo captured from ex yu army and rebelling krajina serbs in 1990-1995. but the president and the strong opposition are strictly agianst, so they may send now these old mi8, but still no ammo and heavy arms. but the usa are pressuring the croats to send theyr around 80 pcs. m84/t72 tanks and around 120 pcs. m80 ifvs to ukraine, and also tenthousands of 122mm and 152mm artillery rounds, for exchange for few dozend us m1 abrams and bradleys. will be hard to stand the pressure for little croatia.
Are there still many croat voluntarys in ukraine like in 2014 when they repayed the fact that western ukrainian volontarys were part of oluja? Just a question cause i heard that croats are fighting on the side of the ukrainian ato and serbs on the side of the donbas in 2014 but not anything recently.
A few dozent on both sides, also some croats in Wagner. The most of them are no ideologists, just mercs that go for the highest payment.
Demilitarizácia Ukrajiny sa rozšírila aj na demilitarizáciu zločineckej teroristickej organizácie NATO. A ako sami môžeme pozorovať tak RF s tým nemá zatiaľ nijak obzlášť problém. Ruské vojenské sily zatiaľ stíhajú zničiť všetko čo (zto) NATO dodáva na Ukrajinu pre Banderovských fašistov. Veď RF doteraz plnila svoje záväzky voči prehnitému západu a dodávali im plyn a ropu podľa dohodnutých zmlúv. Pritom mohla kedykoľvek od dodávok upustiť.
Better for Serbia
What’s better for Serbia here? You see, some 10 days ago, while Croatian president Milanovic was officialy visiting Egypt, suddenly, assistant director of the CIA Jack Cohen, payed visit to its counterpart here in Croatia and what is outrageous, prime minister Plenkovic, who is way above him in international diplomatic protocol. He arrived to “give suggestions” to Croatian government especially regarding maverick president Milanovic who is harming the agenda. Just a few days after, Croatian Island of Krk where LNG and oil terminal of utmost importance for Croatia (and Serbia and Hungary as well) was hit by an earthquake. Few days after Romanian senator informed Romanian public about probability that US used tectonic weapon causing earthquake in Turkey, earthquake hits Romania. Vucic recently bowed to Brussels and accepted many requests by Americans and EU/NATO. Imagine that level of pressure. Think, my brother, think.
Just watched a video on independent Western media outlet where AP journalist Matt Lee destroyed the Whitehouse spokesman Admiral John kirby in a question session kirby was caught out and couldn’t answer a number of questions about Nato aggression against Russia and the advance of the nato over the last 20 years east. Good video well done Matt Lee…
Heard the heavy choppers are better off customized for payloads. SHort Range VIP transport is pointless besides in big evacuations. EVen then without heavy ARMOR like a dumbell or loads of flares they get shot down post Afghanstan stingers. Flying around dropping stuff or units around ruined cities looks like the only other use.
Mad Croatians of the Jesuit sponsored SIlver Dragon SOcitey might show up. Roided up croatians like that are actually slow, brutal and implacable. Losing transport to be left behind and killed, weird sleep patterns and strange stamina among the ones like that will be interesting. They might actaully be those napalm in the morning types who get of bombs and building collapses.
Dragonette – Take it like a Man
Mi8 Flight 999 to Baxmut ready to take off. Dont forget to say the last goodbye to your family and friends.
Russian anti air operators thank you!!! The shortage of worthy Ukrainian flying targets is very tedious…
Bak in the 80ies the group Devo made a song foer me: youtube.com/watch?v=0b-nFSUXcuM I laik
The Ustasha Croatian Nazis liked to saw the heads off of pro Serbian/Russian Serbs during WWII so its difficult to see how the Croats are neutral.
who with a helathy brain cares what happened 80 years ago?
OK, and Chetniks was the saints, nazi collaborators, yes !
For all the Croat-Ukro-Trolls: ”Ante Pavelić (Croatian pronunciation: [ǎːnte pǎʋelit͡ɕ] (listen); 14 July 1889 – 28 December 1959) was a Croatian politician who founded and headed the fascist ultranationalist organization known as the Ustaše in 1929 and served as dictator of the Independent State of Croatia (Croatian: Nezavisna Država Hrvatska, NDH), a fascist puppet state built out of parts of occupied Yugoslavia by the authorities of Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy, from 1941 to 1945. Pavelić and the Ustaše persecuted many racial minorities and political opponents in the NDH during the war, including Serbs, Jews, Romani, and anti-fascists, becoming one of the key figures of the genocide of Serbs, the Porajmos and the Holocaust in the NDH.[1][2][3]
At the behest of the Germans, senior Ustaša Slavko Kvaternik declared the NDH’s establishment on 10 April 1941 in the name of Pavelić. Calling himself the Poglavnik, or supreme leader, Pavelić returned from Italy and took control of the puppet government. He created a political system similar to that of Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany. The NDH, though constituting a Greater Croatia, was forced by the Italians to relinquish several territorial concessions to the latter. After taking control, Pavelić imposed largely anti-Serbian and antisemitic policies that resulted in the deaths of over 100,000 Serbs and Jews in concentration and extermination camps in the NDH, murdering and torturing several hundred thousand Serbs,[8][9] along with tens of thousands of Roma and Jews.
The Independent State of Croatia was a World War II-era puppet state of Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy. It was established in parts of occupied Yugoslavia on 10 April 1941, after the invasion by the Axis powers. During its entire existence, the NDH was governed as a one-party state by the fascist Ustaša organization. The Ustaše was led by the Poglavnik, Ante Pavelić.The regime targeted Serbs, Jews and Roma as part of a large-scale campaign of genocide, as well as anti-fascist or dissident Croats and Bosnian Muslims.[10] According to Stanely G. Payne, “crimes in the NDH were proportionately surpassed only by Nazi Germany, the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia and several of the extremely genocidal African regimes.”
The Ustaše (pronounced [ûstaʃe]), also known by anglicised versions Ustasha or Ustashe, was a Croatian fascist and ultranationalist organization[20] active, as one organization, between 1929 and 1945, formally known as the Ustaša – Croatian Revolutionary Movement (Croatian: Ustaša – Hrvatski revolucionarni pokret). Its members committed regicide of the King of Yugoslavia, while later they also murdered hundreds of thousands of Serbs, Jews, Roma as well as Croatian political dissidents during World War II in Yugoslavia. The ideology of the movement was a blend of fascism, Roman Catholicism and Croatian ultranationalism. The movement emphasized the need for a racially “pure” Croatia and promoted genocide against Serbs—due to the Ustaše’s beliefs grounded in anti-Serb sentiment—and Jews and Roma via Nazi racial theory, and persecution of anti-fascist or dissident Croats and Bosniaks.
all this your hatered and proapganda dont change a shit about that todays croats over 95% give a shit also to nazis, ustashas or ukros.
jalous serb spreading all over his anti croat hate and propaganda? bro, who with a helathy brain cares a shit about what happens 80 years ago when nobody responsible for these times are alive todays
Yes, you are right and for all Russian friends: https://espressostalinist.com/genocide/chetniks-collaboration-genocide/
And now, the MODERN CROATIAN TIMES: Franjo Tudman.
As president, Tuđman introduced a new constitution and pressed for the creation of an independent Croatia. On 19 May 1991, an independence referendum was held, which was approved by 93 percent of voters. Croatia declared independence 25 June 1991. Areas with a Serb majority revolted, backed by the Yugoslav Army, and Tuđman led Croatia during its War of Independence. A ceasefire was signed in 1992, but the war had spread into Bosnia and Herzegovina, where Croats fought in an alliance with Bosniaks. Their cooperation fell apart in late 1992 and Tuđman’s government sided with Herzeg-Bosnia during the Croat-Bosniak War, a move that brought criticism from the international community. the ICTY stated that Tuđman shared in their joint criminal enterprise goal of establishing an entity to reunite the Croatian people which was to be implemented through the ethnic cleansing of Bosnian Muslims.
US assets from start to finish. The Croatians were letting arms for the Bosnians come via Osama bin Laden’s network. Dirty, dirty, dirty. CIA identitarian monkeys.
So basically the Croats were never to be happy unless nestled in the bossom of the austrian or German empire. So any means to achieve would suffice even if it meant joining Bolshevik Tito late ’43 against royalist Jugoslavija to ensure they achieved their aim.
Unbelievable how fast the ‘civilized western’ forgot the croatian crimes made in ’90s. Pavelic, on the other hand, escaped in Italy protected by Vatican City!
Same model like krajina is being applied to Donbass. Intimidation, murder, war at any cost to achieve aim, no compromise. Like ustasi the ukro priest carry guns. Really weird but was on TV news. I suppose zioljensky has had many priests replaced with zealots.
Literal junk.
The rest of the world is going to bankrupt itself trying to take down Russia while the people of those other nations will dismantle the political parties that have thrown away money to Ukraine.
srpske ustase na poklon ruskim ustasama
Fuck croats and crofuckia. They them selves are poor zigeuner, gypsy nation, much like Ukrainians they’re one of the worst garbage of people, a Frankenstein sort of, that consist mostly of Hungarians, Bosnians, Italians, Slovakians, while Slovenians doesn’t give a toss about them rats, fucking torturing them on the border. They are serbs N0 2. They are already volunteering over in fuckrotardia, and some of those reptiles are already pow, caught by Russians. They will give us back all land that they’ve stolen from Hungary in 1918, from Fiume to Ragusa, and beyond. And Istria, that they have stolen from Italy in 1945 will be given back as well. Fucking gypsy fuckass state. They’ve commited such horrendous things and crimes throughout the history that that alone makes them an untermensch. Hitler addressed that fuck ass country as: ‘Eine kleine drekken staat!’ Fucking dirty contagious rats.
Hungary supports Turkey, Azerbaijan and Vardaska.
a lot of bullshit and hate spreaded from an little hungarian nationalist? croats are brave, hostile and proud people and have defeated all invaders in the last 1300 years, and so they will in future. i know many croats and the most dont give a shit on ukros, eu and usa, but these put a huge pressure on little croatia.
Croats are Vatican’s invention, that we supported.
Lats what years? 13 maybe, because it was all Hungarian land, even Miklash Criniy is our graf. What the hell you talking about? Are you drugged? Turks gave you Krbavska, we’ll give you final one.
The Croatian government is wasting its gear, as they wont be getting spare parts from Ukraine or Russia, might as well throw them all into the bonfire Ursula Banderite started! Croatians have often been duplicitous traitors, back stabbers in any business deal, and self interested racists that always start shit during a football match, like children. The EU can keep them, but in doing so, can hardly call itself a ‘civilized’ union.
Nice to see hordes of nazi collaborators from WWII (SRB and HUN) coping and projecting hard about Croatia rightly shameful WWII history, while at the same time showing their psychotic, hateful and fascist tendencies in the the same comments. And to make it even more absurd, most of those are frustrated low education, minimum wage jobs 20-30 -40 yo hopeless meat bots without any future. Sad.
When you know people who parents sibblings perished in those ustasi camps manned by psychotic schizophrenic murderers aided by military political religious leaders it does make people view Croatia historically in a less positive light. ,1990s was just a confirmation of intolerance. What the future holds for minorities is questionable.
Croats …. instead of focussing on poverty among their citizens , is instead propogating other nations conflict.utter nonsence
@Mohd Noor Ismail
I have no position in that inner-yugoslavian conflict. But what everyone here in this forum can see, from this thread here alone is, what putin’s russian system is about. It is about censorship and fighting free-speech.
Look from 143 comments, half – if not more got deleted. They even delete pro-russian posts which are not devotely enough deepthroat communist, and not giving blow-job to jewish massmurderers and saluting while doing so. I look this forum, and it’s funny, really embarrasing to see how stupid they are.
And yes, that’s the core of communism, godless , disgusting jewish satanic sadism and stupidity ! Pathological-criminal madness to the fullest !
Marx hated Judaism and commies support Palestine. Enough said.
not by theyr own will, but due to massive pressure from the ziokhasarian, globalist and transatlantic mafia from EU and USA.