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Crowd Topples Confederate Statue In North Carolina As Tensions Grow Across United States (Photos, Video)

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Protesters in Durham toppled a Confederate statue outside the old courthouse on Monday evening.

The monument of a Confederate soldier was erected in 1924.  The words “in memory of the boys who wore the gray” are inscribed on it.

According to the media, the crowd of protesters was about 100 people.

North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper was not very upset with the incident:

The mainstream media and the so-called liberals are conducting a large-scale campaign against Confederate moonuments, statements and other signs of this part of the US history.

The campaign has already led to a series of violent situations across the country with the most recent in Charlottesville where a person was killed and dozens injured last weekend.

Photos from the event:

Crowd Topples Confederate Statue In North Carolina As Tensions Grow Across United States (Photos, Video) Crowd Topples Confederate Statue In North Carolina As Tensions Grow Across United States (Photos, Video)

Crowd Topples Confederate Statue In North Carolina As Tensions Grow Across United States (Photos, Video)

Crowd Topples Confederate Statue In North Carolina As Tensions Grow Across United States (Photos, Video)

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El Diablo

I Love :D


And the police did nothing. This is vandalism and destruction of a war memorial. Of course this sort of thing has been happening in Eastern Europe for some time now. The day when the usa chokes on their own bile will be the best day of my life.


yes, but they are destroying Russian monuments in other Eastern European countries. I am in doubt that niggers or Arabs for that mater would destroy lets say Polish or Estonian or Lithuanian national monuments. here in Croatia we would feed those niggers to our dogs if they try just to touch our NDH monuments and NDH was also racist country let alone to do something like on those pictures. we would literary slaughter them..

DJ Double D

How many times have you actually slaughtered them, you RETARDS. Or are Pigs telling Pigs what to do?


plenty of time during war in bosnia and there no one jigaboo or arab living in Croatia, they know that we are not british usa poofs so they do not coming to live here. they know that we use to kill people just because we did not like color of their shoes.. go and google ahmici or ustase

DJ Double D

In that regard, you are a war Criminal that should and Must be hunted down and Captured. One way or the other, you must pay for your admission.


you can come to Croatia any time and hunt me down, I will buy you ticket.

Wahid Algiers

DJ Double D is a fucken nigger friend or a nigga himself.

Keren Walters

Absolutely disgusting bigotry and hatred by a group of liberal-fascists who should have been beaten to their senses. Destruction of a monument which has such precious historical significance for so many generations of southern Americans. These people should be publicly horse-whipped and made to apologize for their cultural insensitivity and violent, degrading actions. Roy Cooper should be horse-whipped with them.

Pieter Lemmens

I understand very well why they took that thing down. I’m a white European Catholic and sick of the daily slanderous hate vids that American baptists throw on the internet against my faith, my family, my friends. American protestants must stop spreading hatred and infantile doom conspiracies. Try to create some beauty man and people will cherish it.

Keren Walters

I understand what you are saying buddy and have experienced similar things. Unfortunately, protestants tend to be extremely dogmatic and self-righteous. But it doesn’t detract from the fact that a very significant monument was destroyed by a group of people who could best be described as communist-Anarchists, who have no love of American History, Heritage or Constitution..

Pieter Lemmens

You make some valid points here. Many contemporary European protestants regret the iconoclasts of the 16th-17th centuries that destroyed so many priceless art works. Too many Americans confuse hate speech (left-middle-right) with freedom of expression. Spreading slander and historical inaccuracies don’t fall under the freedom of speech acts.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Nobody understands the truth of that time, there is more to the history many don’t realize, you will always find those who reduce to what these racist bigots have done. The underlying fact is they fought against the Federal government whom were telling people what they could and couldn’t do and wanted to destroy the southern economy by eliminating the use of slaves in the south , yet while not reciprocating the same thing in the North. Slavery didn’t end after the Civil war in the North it persisted until early 1900’s in various forms. The sad facts in history is they always distort the truth behind it this has gone on for millennia.

Wahid Algiers

Exactly. Those who gain a lot by whites are in the first row against whites. They are nothing else than black stupid puppets in clothes invented by whites. All things they use were invented by whites. The other way round: let them rule the world for ten years completelty and we would have nothing. But the most dangerous elements are the white liberal trash supporting these ape puppets.


Run by jews

Wahid Algiers

What does a jew not to try to influence in his matter? They are worse than niggas but not as stupid.

DJ Double D

By your own definition, whites created life including you. Ouch! that hurts, How Retarded are certain Pigs in whatever cloths.

Wahid Algiers

Ey nigga or nigga friend. It exists no maths, chemistry, physics of niggas. Not even a skyscaper or an electrical or electronical device nor a water supply system or anything else. They are stupid and only useful for working on the fields.


Here we go White genocide is becoming mainstrem and openely advocated. Removing a groups culture and identity is the first stage of genocide.

Amon -Ra- DeArmond

you need to be like the slavs,don’t care what they say and keep beating the shit out of them

Nuno Cardoso da Silva

As usual, stupidity only will make things worse… But, by definition, the stupid are incapable of reasoning…

Brad Isherwood

The US Deepstate use single theme political issues to target USA socio and create the needed Divisions which controlled media push on the feeble minded. On day they are anti war,…then they are metro sexual, then Global warming earther, then BLM.

Deepstate ran 2 of the Most Toxic Individuals you could imagine in Clinton /Trump and sat back to enjoy the chaos. Elites on Palatine Hill of Rome would arrange for a quarter of the city to be overrun by terrorist barbarians. Senate meets to raise a new Legion ,while Senate law debate is put on hold until security crisis is resolved. US Fascist Police state will become more streamlined as the sheeple serve the chaos of their masters.


Such retards, they think soldiers defending their own states from oppression is a sign of racism. They don’t even realise that they are ponds of Soro’s plan to divide the country.

DJ Double D

I think that among the demonstrators are whites, blacks, Latinos, Asians, Natives etc. Why are we singling out one race. Doesn’t it show our mental and moral Retardants?

Navneet Bhatnagar

Nonsense !!

I live in far off India and have nothing to do with this campaign.But I definitely would say that the oppressed citizens of Iraq , who toppled the statue of former ruler, Saddam Hussain, in a similar manner , were much better than these fellows, who are vandalizing and destructing historical artifacts of their own country. At least the guys in West Asia had a credible reason and a known villain to criticize and castigate. But, here, such an action, with chaps only interested in seeking selfies and with cops not taking any hard action, is bound to lead to more destruction and chaos. High time, the govt. in USA , reins in these senseless obstructionists. Else your great country is bound to go the ways of any Banana Republic in Africa.


Actually the statue of Saddam was not toppled by the former oppressed citizens of Iraq, but by American troops who had invaded Iraq, as it was pulled down by an American armored vehicle. The only thing (some of) the Iraqis did was dance on it, like these thugs in North Carolina did.

Oddly enough the two crossed swords under which Saddam’s army paraded in front of him not only still exist, the current Iraqi army paraded under it in front of its current president just after Mosul was recaptured from ISIS. And those swords were just as much a potent symbol of Saddam as that toppled statue.


I watched the interview with the Iraqi mechanic whose shop was near the Saddam statue and who helped the Yanks pull it down. Today he says he would build it back up if he could. Strange things – time and perspective…

DJ Double D

I’m pretty sure that where you live in didn’t have such history as the US, otherwise you would have understood what the feeling is about.


This is like book burning. People who destroy statues have no problems whatsoever with taking their anger to other people instead. Every dictatorship always started with pulling down the statues and symbols of the previous regime.

I don’t care much for the statues themselves. They represent a racist rebellion which was defeated in battle, and the statues were only erected by a bitter south as a giant f*** you against Washington. But they’re also a part of history that people once thought very important, and we should always respect history, not try to erase it because it offends some people.


> Unironically believes southern secessionw as abou raaaacyesm.



You are absolutely correct! These same dip shits will be burning a union flag next week and would happily destroy monuments of Union soldiers to protest what they see as government oppression. As they continue to destroy history it will be all the easier for people to say it never really took place.

DJ Double D

Maybe you should REALLY read the History of Confederacy before criticizing the pulling downs. More clue still: Do you know better than the politicians all over the country debating how and when to remove those symbols?


History has always been used as propaganda in the US and many other countries but it has never been as outright disingenuous as today. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DHPYhK-XYAAjyap.jpg

Wahid Algiers

Blacks are the rubbish on earth.

DJ Double D

Really!. I have never heard that before in my life. So you have problems with Jews, with Whites and now with Blacks and definitely on everything else except yourself. Never mind that you are definitely much hated as your own hatred. So you will be the only one left standing on earth and you will be happy in heaven.

Wahid Algiers

What do you want? In that case I am a racist. Why not? The niggers outside Africa are stupid, naughty and useless. So piss of you nigger lawyer.

DJ Double D

Being called a racist is an understatement. You are worse than a racist. You are dangerously insulting a whole people, a whole race. The chance is high, very high that your DNA is partly related to that race. The chance is high that you will be shaking hands with people of that race within the next short while, you will be watching your favorite sports and cheering nice points scored by people of that race. Above all, there is no biological evidence, absolutely NONE that your skin color is better than the color of people of that race, except that you decided that it is. Also based on your screen name Wahid Algiers, if true – you will be called a terrorist in many parts of the world just by appearance and name. If that would be the case – Would you call them Racists?

Wahid Algiers

You are a nigga lover and surely a dirty gay lover too. I am proud to be a racist because I generally don’ t like trash switching my remote control in my own house, means the lowlifes you support are not needed in functional societies. They are mostly the part which contributes nothing and lives and benefits from the work of others. The US and Western Europe is overloaded with this scum. My favourite sports is kicking negro arses so hand shakes are really unpossible. And my DNA is clean because we don’ t mix with lowlife people. By the way, my screen name is a dedication to the arab world (Wahid means nr. 1, unique) and Algeria, where I spent some wonderful holidays in the past. And I support arabs against the zionists because I hate them as I hate dirty niggers.

Wahid Algiers

Only white trash supports blacks.


It’s not the statue of Jeff Davis of J C Calhoun. It was a statue for dead North Carolinian poor – a mainstay of any army since forever – that died in a bloody and brutal war that was too complicated to understand and clearly define even back in 1860s – let alone in 2017, using modern ideology, morality and especially daily politics. Whose statue is next – Washington, Jefferson were slave owners. Lincoln famously said that if he could save the Union without abolishing slavery he would do it – so The Lincoln Monument is done for too. Teddy Roosevelt was a racist and an archetypal imperialist – you now what that means, don’t you – BLM will have to nuke… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a0541cb4d4b6c60d960ef9c1a86e32cbad102ab99963551d878f51572a73961d.jpg

Keren Walters

Brilliantly enunciated buddy..


Filthy, dumb, ugly cultural-marxist scum!


Don’t fall into this trap. If you start hating you lost.

Wahid Algiers

Nigga trash. They are naughty in Western Europe too, dealing with drugs, taking welfare payments and without any respect to their hosts.

DJ Double D

The moment you start to realize that you have such vitriol hatred towards others as such, You are already a lost course on earth and Definitely you can’t be any better in Heaven. Your best bet to redeem and deliver yourself of all evils is force change in your behavior the moment you start suffering from opinion degradation not after because it will be too late.

Manuel Flores Escobar

A new Donbass in USA is rising….


I do hope so. It would be cathartic for the US to experience what ‘Regime Change and American Democratic values’ actually involve :)


I just looked again at this, viewing the video completely. Calling this a toppling is not adequate; it was a desiccation. They Spit on and kicked the statue of a fallen soldier so as to dishonour the memory of the dead. Karen Walters has the right idea when she suggests horse whipping. Particularly fitting for the fat arsed woman who place the rope about the statue’s neck.

Keren Walters

Not necessarily horse-whipping …just withdraw welfare payments for a few months..


I will settle for both, though why only a few months?

Keren Walters

Because they are often so welfare-dependent that that would be long enough to either starve to death, or find work urgently . .


And this is a problem???

Keren Walters



Yes this was an example of my rather dry humour which usually only produces puzzlement. However, my impression is that these people are in fact far from poor and on welfare. I suspect many are students from comfortably off families.

DJ Double D

Ouch!, Majority of them (welfare recipients are pigs in whatever cloths. Just check statistics before expouting nonsense. Withdraw them, they will all starve to death.

DJ Double D

That’s what those Bastards deserve – spitting on. Ouch!, they must have tasted the spit.


statues of men who fought to enslave others , lol


Yes and the northern yanks loved the black man so much that they did not mind dying in their hundreds of thousands just to help them out. Does not make sense to me.

Wahid Algiers

Yes, and the northern yanks loved these apes so much that they needed them to work in their factories what was the only reason to catch them.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

No , just someone who fought to save the South from having it’s economy from being destroyed by other slave owners in the North who didn’t want to give up their slaves which they didn’t until much later, the final law banning slavery in any form didn’t occur until the 1900’s. Learn the history before you comment on anything just a rule of thumb , research it back to the 1620’s and earlier the more you learn , the less you realize you are truly free.


Excellent. The fake american ideology is now at work in USA. Just let them kill each others instead of killing others people on Earth. Keep destroying whites in USA. One day, this country will become a third-world country and the US regime will be defeated.

Bring more blacks and latinos into USA until whites disappear.


Do the whites include the numerous Russians living in my community?


Yes. All white Americans must be destroyed in USA. Like that, no USA no more. No problem. Keep your shitty ideology in USA and die with it.

Wahid Algiers

“Bring more blacks and latinos into USA until whites disappear.” Good idea. Then the US collapse and will be beaten by some handicaped and retired grandfathers.



Dod Grile

So what. Do not see them toppling any corporate fascist oligarch war racketeer parasites. But why would they? Seeing that they are a subsidiary of Soros Inc.




In USA, the whites are the problem. they are the ones that have build USA. They are the ones that make weapons. They are the ones that bomb people all over the world. They are the ones that love and support israel.

Just get rid off these garbages ASAP for human sake.

Europe will rise again and will be able to defend itself once USA will be destroyed.


Your first two lines are on par with the racist hand books opening paragraph. The last line is a bit confusing? Just so I get this right, you want a multi cultural mix of parasites to destroy white america, so that a multi cultural parasitic mess that is Europe can then rid itself of of these same parasites so that it can rise to power “again” to what it once was a white dominated culture?

Would it not just be easier to think of current America, as your wished for Europe and current Europe as your wished for America?


NO. Because USA is not a real country. Europe nations have a culture, a long history, …. In USA, immigrants are immigrants like everybody.

And, Europe countries are not bombing everybody all over the world.

Gary Sellars

Dirty nggr trash…

Wahid Algiers

I totally agree. I only accept those of them who lives traditional in Africa.


I have noticed Black Africans talk like regular humans I would be ok living amongst them.

Wahid Algiers

I am talking of the niggers living outside Africa. That is pure rubbish.

Gary Sellars

“there is a better way to remove these monuments”

Say what????? How the F did this chump become governor if his attitude towards NC history is so warped?

Mauro Craizer

Every American (specially brainwashed US useful idiots aka SJWs) should watch “Hillary’s America-The Secret History of Democratic Party”-http://www.moviestorrent.org/download-hillarys-america-secret-history-democratic-party-2016/ Left controls 3 biggest megaphones in US, Academia, MSM, Hollywood/music ind. That’s first main goal of Ideological Subverzion. Yuri Bezmenov told #USA Long Time Ago Where DANGER Lies U DIDN’T LISTEN USA #SJW’s Marxists R THE ENEMY https://youtu.be/R3nXvScRazg via @YouTube


Obama’s plan ?? XD. Just Americunts plan. Not difficult to understand that the US ideology will fail. First, USA is a fake country with a fake people. So, bad start. And USA is all about hypocrisy and lies and murdering. And, Americunts love their “better ally” : israel. XD. So, it’s just a BACKFIRE.

Why do you think that nationalist parties exist in Europe ? XD.


“Fake country with fake people” In earlier posts you were going off about their bombs. Would those not also be fake?


Only a fake people can bomb other poeple for no reason. Fake people are very dangerous and fanatic.

Wahid Algiers

You are absolutely right.

The Farney Fontenoy

This comes under the legal definition of domestic terrorism, this will get a lot worse before it gets better.

Russell A Wilson

The US is doomed. Any country that allows the destruction of its history is destroying the very fabric of its humanity. If all the racist and hateful comments here is any indication of what the future holds for the US it is in serious trouble from within. The US government is the blame for this as its society is only copying what the government does. The US refusal to use true diplomacy and resorting to violence internationally or domesticly at almost every oppertunity has trickled down into society. There are no civlized debates any more just violence when ever an opposing opinion is expressed. Intolerance is a recipe for disaster and that intolerance must be removed for a society to move forwards.


That’s right – destroy your own history. You don’t know anything about it anyway.

Your friendship with Ukraine rubbing off on you huh?

Mauro Craizer

Brainwashed beyond recognition. Ideological Subverzion in USA is in full swing. US academia in 95% presents DNC propaganda history. D’Souza made brilliant doc “Hillary’s America:The Secret history of Democratic Party”. I posted torrent link down below.


The US propagenda was always there. Bush, a republican, invaded Afghanistan after the 9/11 false flag and massive propagenda.

Americans always tries to put their own stupidity in communists or muslims. But, look at the reality. No communists, no muslims have destroyed these statues.

Real Anti-Racist Action

Bush studied propaganda from Franklin Delano Roosevelt. FDR, a Democrat invaded Europe after the false flag’s such as Reichstag’s and massive propaganda. The indigenous tribal Europeans have been illegally occupied till this day and are being racially replaced. http://ihr.org/

Keren Walters



In USA, the republican supporters always see communists and muslims in every of their problem. They are so stupids. That’s why I wanted Trump in power. To make these stupid rep see that there is no Obama (the “muslim”) but Trump has bombed Syria and still support islamists. To end with the republican propagenda and scapegoats.

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