Originally appeared at ZeroHedge
An Iranian government spokesman on Tuesday issued an official response to a late Monday NY Times report that said Trump sought “options” from his generals and advisers on mounting a preemptive strike on Iran.
Iran vowed a “crushing response” and military action in retaliation, according to the statement. “Any action against the Iranian nation would certainly face a crushing response,” spokesman Ali Rabiei said in televised remarks via state channels.

Israeli Energy Minister Yuval Steinitz seized on the potential for Trump to degrade the Islamic Republic’s nuclear abilities with just weeks to go in his presidency, saying that “If I were the Iranians, I would not feel at ease,” according to remarks cited in Reuters.
“It is very important that the Iranians know that if, indeed, they suddenly dash toward high levels of enrichment, in the direction of nuclear weaponry, they are liable to encounter the military might of the United States – and also, perhaps, of other countries,” Steinitz said in an interview on Israel’s Army Radio.
Israel itself has lately signaled it could act on its own against Iran should Biden move to restore conditions of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) nuclear deal, which Trump had pulled the US out of in May 2018. Tel Aviv has long maintained that Iran would secretly pursue nuclear weapons under cover of the deal.
The American people have spoken.
And the world is watching whether the new leaders will abandon disastrous lawless bullying of outgoing regime—and accept multilateralism, cooperation & respect for law.
Deeds matter most
Iran's record: dignity, interest & responsible diplomacy.
— Javad Zarif (@JZarif) November 8, 2020
The New York Times report had noted that “Mr Trump asked his top national security aides what options were available and how to respond” – but that his top advisers argued against it, saying it would spiral into major war which would consume his last weeks in office.
The Iranians have been positively celebrating Biden’s victory as it means a likely softening of sanctions and potential restoration of terms of the JCPOA.
I’d say Iran should be prepared for a strike, Trump could start a war just to make life harder for Biden.
A strike against the airbase that was involved in the attack would be hard even for the Neocons to spin as an act of aggression, not that they would not try. Targeting U.S. ground troops in the area, not involved in the attack would make Bibi dance all night.
I don’t think something significant will happen. But I enjoy watching the mullahs tremble in their robes.
Last time it was a bunch of soldiers in bunkers who trembled and cried.
“Last time it was a bunch of soldiers in bunkers who trembled” – Can you blame them? In this case the Iranians were smart enough to give a warning of several hours before they responded.
Yes but them bastards didn’t send the ibuprophen for headaches with the warning.
Stingy bastards.
Heyy for once we can agree on something. Im pretty sure the iranian leadership laughs their asses off at the little america. Threats.
Its been 40 years, and nothing yall tried worked.
How about this. The Irani people dont want american or israeli interference in their country. Are yall too stupid to take the hint?
Your as ridiculous as Senator McCarthy with your anti irani stance.
You’m confused again. I am Anti the mullahs regime not anti Iran.
You think it’s about the mullahs? Who put them there in the first place? Hint, MI6/CIA.
If it was about the mullahs, the same MI6/CIA would not have removed the Jewish Shah. Yes, the Shah was secretly Jewish. Not just for his a good relationship with Israeli but bc he was Jewish Jewish. This was his best kept secret, check out Eileen Pollack’s ‘The Jewish Shah’ below. Judaism has a lot to do with Zoroastrianism anyway and likely derives lots of its bs from it.
Mosadeg, Shah, mullahs. It doesn’t matter the religion, it’s about obeying the Western deep state.
You’re emotional, I am not.
Mossadegh was removed by the MI6/CIA for nationalizing Iran’s oil. They put the Pahlavi back in power. When he grew too independent (remember his wish to modernize Iran, develop a nuclear program, etc), the same MI6/CIA removed him with the mullahs. The Ayatollah wasn’t even Iranian.. he spoke Farsi with a heavy accent. His mother was Kashmiri and father had ties to British intel. You can verify this if you want to. Guess what’s the first thing he did when he came to power.. shut down the nuclear program of Iran.. coincidence? Let’s also remember his ties to Western intel during his decade long exile in France. This too can be verified if you want to. So yeah, call is ‘conspiracy theory’ bc the truth bothers you but it remains that.. the truth.
I never meant to disrespect anything. You’re ‘revolution’ was not any different than the French or Russian or any other revolutions… one planned by the West to serve the West. Educate yourself on who/what the Muslim Brotherhood really is then you’ll see for yourself. I am not saying the leadership in Iran is 100% aligned with the West, but some definitely are.. Rouhani, Zarif are some of them.
The first true sparkles of the Islamic Republic was set by someone named “Navvab Safavi” and his group called “Fadayian-e-islam”. Of course you didn’t know nothing about him or his group or what he did because you’re 10 feet deep stuck into the delusion of the “all powerful West” which nothing in the world happens without their approval.
LOL !!!
The Fadayian-e-islam is the Iranian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood! The Muslim Brotherhood was created by the British intelligence and the Fadayian-e-islam was in contact with British intelligence for decades before the ‘Revolution’ happened. Even during and after, Kissinger was in secret talks with members of the Fadayian-e-islam to secure American interest in Iran and plan the 52 hostages crisis.
Never said the Ayatollah Khomeini was the mastermind of the ‘Revolution’. I am well aware that Navvab Safavi.. who was pro-Nazi and worked with Nazi intelligence.. and other mullahs like Ayatollah Kashani were at the origin of the movement. My point is that the movement is not Iranian in origin, it was created secretly by British intelligence and organized/based on a masonic structure.
If you think you need the population to enable a revolution, you’re beyond gullible. All you need is the leader(s) of the population to follow orders. The population will obey and do hat their leaders within the country say.
The ‘all powerful West’ is nothing but the continuation of the unelected, financial-military-industrial-complex. What’s happening today happened then and before. Not sure what’s so unbelievable. The fact that you’re either unaware of those facts or can’t get to accept them, doesn’t make it untrue.
The first true sparkles of the Islamic Republic was set by someone named “Navvab Safavi” and his group called “Fadayian-e-islam”. Of course you didn’t know nothing about him or his group or what he did because you’re 10 feet deep stuck into the delusion of the “all powerful West” which nothing in the world happens without their approval.
LOL !!! With all due respect, you only know your country’s imposed and mainstream narrative.
The Fadayian-e-islam is the Iranian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood! The Muslim Brotherhood was created by the British intelligence and the Fadayian-e-islam was in contact with British intelligence for decades before the ‘Revolution’ happened. Even during and after, Kissinger was in secret talks with members of the Fadayian-e-islam to secure American interest in Iran and plan the 52 hostages crisis.
Never said the Ayatollah Khomeini was the mastermind of the ‘Revolution’. I am well aware that Navvab Safavi.. who was pro-Nazi and worked with Nazi intelligence [not that it matters here but Nazism is also the work of the same clique in Britain].. and other mullahs like Ayatollah Kashani were at the ‘origin’ of the movement. Origin as in front. My point is that the movement is a branch of the Muslim Brotherhood and not Iranian, it was created secretly by British intelligence with Iranians as facade and organized/based on a masonic structure and ‘Islam’ as the fuel. All the Muslim Brotherhood officials are Masons. Erdogan, etc. Sayyid Qutb of the Egyptian branch has even written an article in 1943 ‘Why I became Free Mason’. They’re just different branches of the organization in different muslim nations.
If you think you need the population to enable a revolution, you’re beyond gullible. All you need is the leader(s) of the population to follow orders (the mullahs, etc). The population will obey and do what their leaders within the country say. Understand that I am not siding with the Shah.. my point is to expose the fact that both the Shah and the mullahs shared a similar controller.
The ‘all powerful West’ is nothing but the continuation of the unelected, financial-military-industrial-complex. What’s happening today happened then and before. Not sure what’s so unbelievable. What makes Iran expect of the rule? The mullah’s weekly ‘Death to America, Death to Israel’ chants? The fact that you’re either unaware of those facts or can’t get to accept them, doesn’t make it untrue.
You’re having another emotional meltdown. Zero contradictory argument. Shia, Sunni, Salafi, etc… it doesn’t matter when it comes to the Muslim Brotherhood since it’s British intelligence in the first place. Divide and Conquer.
Nazism has its roots in a much earlier time than WW2 (start with Houston Chamberlain). You would have to be slightly aware of real history to know this. My point, which you clearly missed, was that the British deep state who was behind the creation of the Muslim Brotherhood, was also behind the roots of Nazism (see Manual Sarkisyanz’s “From Imperialism to Fascism” for that). It was to highlight the same controller of both ideologies/movements.
If the Eastern bloc is taking over, it’s because it’s part of the plan. During the bogus Cold War, an immense amount of technology was transfer from the US to the Soviet Union (see Anthony Sutton’s “Western Transfer of Technology to the Soviet Union “). The case of China under Deng Xiaoping was identical.. the Western deep state de-industrialized the West while industrializing China and transferring loads of technologies. It’s a cycle that repeats. You don’t understand the inner workings and real history behind it all so I understand your emotional meltdown. And I get it, people need their heroes.
The roots of Nazism is indeed Anglo-Saxon; Sarkisyanz treatise explains it if you decide to bother yourself one day. The Eastern bloc has also indeed been greatly influenced in many ways to serve the same Western clique. The city of London for instance was involved in the Yuan as early as 1913.. coincidentally the same year the US ‘Federal’ Reserve was created. But anyway, do keep pushing the conspiracy theory argument. That’s what people who are ignorant or can’t handle the truth do. Everything I wrote is verifiable. Not saying easy to digest but verifiable nonetheless. You too, take care. I wish you all the best in your endeavor to destroy Israel.. a nuclear warfare has been in the works for decades for the MidEast.
Realy? Yes, Biden (if he ever reach the power due to health or the never ending election issues he faces) the same bastard who served 8 years during the president who launch more bombs than anybody else in the history of the US right? and because of that he rightfully earn a nobel peace price, at least with the one they currently have no new wars has been initiated at least formaly.
Obama signed the deal with Iran. Ok, let’s say from now Kamala if you like.
“Iran vowed a “crushing response” ” – Deja Vu, isn’t that what they said after the assassination of Soleimani? This time they will only give an hour’s notice before they respond. And they will also try not to shoot down a passenger plane.
The difference is that unlike U.S. Generals who portray themselves as some sort of special caste, Gen. Soleimani always portrayed himself as someone who would end up martyring himself defending the Iranian people and he died on foreign soil.
A direct attack on Iran, destroying valuable property and killing Iranians would have to be answered in kind. I tend to agree that a delayed response is the worse thing they can do because it gives the short attention spanned U.S. public time to believe we are the victims. I don’t want to see any blood spilled but I would lay that at the feet of Donald J. Trump.
you just can’t wait for WW3, don’t you? expect to see ya at the foremost front
“ww3” – Didn’t you exaggerate a bit? The mullahs regime is afraid to start a neighborhood quarrel.
it didn’t seem so exaggerated back in January. You always beg for a harder, impulsive iranian response, seems like the 300 people from the plane are a joke to you. This wouldn’t have happened without the US’ stupid games in the first place.
I ridicule the Iranian rhetoric and the great difference between it and reality. When one threatens non-stop but never carries out his threats one should expect to be laughed at.
You are are ridicule.
He’s more than likely a couch potato smewhere in Tel Aviv who is trying to spin his zionazi program on us all pal . .
If US attacks Iran, Iran has the resources to heavily damage US bases in the ME and inflict serious casualties…..so is this another impetuous Trump move that in,the past caused him to declare multiple bankruptcy’s?.
Iran is more than likely preparing the response on the unlawful killing of Soleimani, but not on the morons in the white house but on the jews in palestine who was behind the attack and at whose behest the attack occurred. Iran is in every which way entitled to wipe the jews in palestine off the face of the world, given how the jews have orchestrated and arranged and set about attacks on Iran and Iranian subjects, killing and maiming with abandon.
in short – the jews in palestine need to go for good. they deserve no part of palestine and given the number of people they have killed over the last 100 years, the end must be ominous gruesome and final.
These Iranian politicians are a joke, Israhell bombs the hell out of them on a daily basis in Siria and they still think anyone will believe they empty retaliation promises…c’mon step up to the plate and start delivering something more meaningfull