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Cultural Collapse. BLM Protesters Burn US Flag On July 4, Pull Down Christopher Columbus Statue As Young Americans Know Nothing About Independence Day

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Cultural Collapse. BLM Protesters Burn US Flag On July 4, Pull Down Christopher Columbus Statue As Young Americans Know Nothing About Independence Day

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The United States Independence Day (July 4) was marked by a new wave of Black Lives Matter protests widely supported by various hard core neo-liberal activists, organizations and the Democratic establishment.

In aprticular, protesters burned a US national flag near the White House in Washington.

Meanwhile, Campus Reform YouTube channel released a video showing how much young Americans really know about the Independence Day itself and how they view their homeland. Spolier: They barely know what the country celebreates.

Protesters in Baltimore celeberated the 4th of July using ropes to pull down a statue of Christopher Columbus in the city’s Little Italy neighborhood. According to them, the statue is somehow ‘racist’.

The United States has apparently entered the new great neo-liberal, pro-globalist era and attempts of the conservative part of the society to resist the current destructive tendencies seem to be not enough.


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So its no longer just Iran which burns US flags!

Zionism = EVIL

In a recent poll, 67% of the Americunts would leave the shithole if they could.


You can find more of the similar type of information in online videos on the bitchute channels:

– Black Crimes Matter – DanTheOracle – NewWorldEbola

They are racist unfortunately. The vast majority of white people, including white Americans are not racist. The video in the screenshot below can be viewed on AltCensored dot com:


Swift Laggard II

poor white victims. your white wash is running out


A user online named: – Ban This Channel! Clip Archive 02 – Ban This Channel! Clip Archive 03 * The sentence “Ban This Channel!” is written all in caps.

cechas vodobenikov

” the dumbest generation”. Mark Bauerlein—2008….now even more stupid, illiterate, childish

Black Waters

Nice, swallowing their own medicine, poison fermented from hate and destruction onto others returns home from a long awaited journey. The sad part is that most of the younger generations of americunts didn’t learn their lesson, they are eating with both hands the propaganda that their regime feeds them by force and unwillingly, blaming other countries left and right and blaming others but themselves for being too weak to do something against their own government when they had the opportunity.

Now the totalitarian U.S regime it’s purging his own citizens by different Psy-ops and out of control propaganda, they could stop to retain control… but they simply can’t, it’s too late for that. I haven’t seen a more divided society than the U.S right now, it’s a mess.

PD: The whole world should pay attention to contain the poison inside the U.S, these deranged people will try to drag everyone to their level. Smart people it’s been condemned while savages and unstable mental diseased people are being rewarded.

In Exile

Stop deflecting the jews caused the rot just like in Germany pre 1933 and the Soviet Union and a dozen other places. Oh yeah they have their goy allies and big corporations on side. Nationalism is taboo, every degeneracy is a virtue. The Jew in their desire to destroy the white race may get more than they bargained for, third world savages will not hesitate to use nuclear weapons. It will be great when the big one breaks out. I could not care less, hell I’d push the buttom myself to end this madness in a heartbeat. Gimme that button!


Patience, we will get our vengence.


Getting “vengeance” on those you cheated and murdered, striking at you for your sub-human vulgarity? No they were defending themselves, that is the cause of all anti-jewish sentiment and more than a thousand expulsions from nearly 400 locations over the last 3,200 years.


So don’t cry when we will do the same.


I edited my comment with additional details and a separate paragraph. Don’t cry when the jews get thrown out again and keep pushing people’s buttons until a real holocaust happens that greatly out does the many holocausts that jews have subjected non-jews to.


The most insulting thing anyone can ever say to any jew is the truth, they especially hate it when non-jews ask or point out that someone is a jew.


I’m not insulted at all, and your opinion doesn’t really matter to me or affect me in any way. I’m just here to show my side, doesn’t mean you have to like it or that I need to like yours.

Fog of War





A total of six parts, how fitting… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/531acbbcbfa1ca3d5fe788a2d28c03978225c678a9184b882423416071c8d0a4.jpg

Fog of War



Jews are nature’s curse on humanity, worse than any plague.


They’re very much against nature.

Fog of War


Zionism = EVIL

For over 200 years, the murderous racist cunts and their Jew masters have been killing innocent people around the world, stealing their lands, enslaving people, warmongering and causing misery, now the stupid dumbass lardass motherfuckers are facing cosmic justice. This is nothing, compared to what’s coming.


Yes I’m sure the average white westerner is no different than those in charge. Let’s excuse the fact that every country in the world was forged by the sword, every group of people practiced slavery until very recently. It was the very same countries you oppose who were among the very first to abolish slavery, this was enforced for the most part with some exceptions. At least it became illegal. Slavery was more common per capita in Asia than in Europe and America, this was also true in the Middle Ages through to the industrial revolution. One of the only exceptions may have been the Roman empire.

Swift Laggard II

more rubb1sh from a zatanic mind


Nothing you have said has any substance, after all ridicule is the first and last argument of a fool.









I don’t mean to insult you, it’s just that when people’s countries are ridiculed they tend to get defensive. The jews also held something of a media monopoly in the 19th century, no where near as bad as now, but were still able to sow tensions between European nations. Those tensions were a lot more tense then than right now in our highly globalized world after the Cold War.


I’m not an American, many of them are victims of their corrupt governments.


Russia and China still claim Covid-19 is much worse than the common flu when it isn’t and contine to force people to wear face masks, the measures China took are unmatched by anyone in their severity. Welding people’s doors shut and forcing them to stay indoors, or going as far as picking up people from their homes and locking them inside trucks to carry them off to god knows where.

“The sad part is that most of the younger generations of americunts didn’t learn their lesson, they are eating with both hands the propaganda that their regime feeds them by force and unwillingly”

They do that because all major political parties are controlled by the same Hebraic-dominated (((cabal))).


The problems you are praising only affect ordinary people who themselves and their ancestors share little to no responsibility for the problems caused by their rulers. The problems you mention are apart of the agenda to exterminate white people and eventually everyone else except for a few hundred thousand people to serve the jews as slaves.


Yes the (((oligarchy))) is a force of malice upon the world with their puppet governments acting as stooges to protect them and enforce their macabre intentions upon the world; they’re more than untermensch, they’re like hell spawn trying to drag the world in its entirety down to their level.

Zionism = EVIL

What “independence day”? more like massive land theft and the holocaust of the native populations. Americunts are facing industrial sized doses of cosmic KARMA. The motherfuckers have killed millions and now their shithole of a failed state is BURNING!



The Americas didn’t have sixteen million Amerindians, the genocide wasn’t systematic and I doubt that most of them were annihilated in a genocide.

Tommy Jensen

It is said it was the British (off course) who did it, but blamed it on Americans. The British Empires tools for deception are sophisticated and legio. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4636a4eb4fbe49b1d15d5849e348d5d5f4957648e23d315e915b7337d220a024.jpg


The Brits didn’t do it either.


There are many more Amerindians today than there were in the past due to the population explosion, they’re not constantly at war like they used to be and were allowed to keep large swathes of land that are often larger the areas of land their hunter gatherer ancestors lived on.

Most of that land consisted of open space, not unlike Siberia or the far east which to this very day remain almost entirely uninhabited. Most human against human deaths in the 1800s and 20th were at the hands of white people against other white people with the white ruling class and the jews in tandem pulling all the strings.

The problems you are praising only affect ordinary people who themselves and their ancestors share little to no responsibility for the problems caused by their rulers.

Swift Laggard II

you will need a lot more white wash than this kid.


Jews have set off the self-destruct button for the US.

Lone Ranger

They don’t like Trump and Putin taking out the banksters, pedofucks and jihadis one by one.


Trump and Putin are pro-jewish.



Lone Ranger

Keep your friends close your enemies closer…

Tommy Jensen

As black American I want the cotton fields back again and the British in charge! At least we had a job, fixed income and a house for our family at that time.

We didnt live in tents with faeces on the streets voting on libtards. Everything was Royal style.

The “Independence” bs was a trap forcing us out of our houses and our jobs in the cotton fields so the slave owner could make it cheaper “on the free market”.


I don’t think slavery benefited anyone except those who profited from it.

Tommy Jensen

Off course not. But a fact is when the Republicans came to free the slaves, many refused to leave, afraid of the unknown, and because they had an own society and “organised conditions”. Its like cows running back to the burning shed, because its there they get get shelter for the weather and hay every day.


Most of those interviewed aren’t white, the obese one appears to be mentally challenged. They probably don’t think Americans learn about their own history because they skipped classes, the young black males who were interviewed not knowing about the 4th of July doesn’t surprise me. Black nationalists tend to disregard the history of whites and others in exchange for adopting the Afrocentric lies brought to them by jews.


Swift Laggard II

Jews will always be more clever than you and your kind


Their history doesn’t support that. It’s time to get rid of them so that the planet is Jew free. And humanity, including former Jews, can have a better future.

“Jewish population centers have shifted tremendously over time, due to the constant streams of Jewish refugees created by expulsions, persecution, and officially sanctioned killing of Jews in various places at various times. In addition, assimilation and forced conversions have also impacted Jewish population sizes throughout Jewish history.”

– Historical Jewish population comparisons –



And yet Whites were the first to invent the steam engine 2,500 years ago. The Antikythera Mechanism was the world’s first computer also invented in Classical Greece more than two thousand years ago, it took another 3,500 years before a similar more advanced device was invented Venice. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/dfdf63166947994d6f640a8f4c0a9f9b0c77a5e748dc97d81698f13804291fd1.jpg











The original with 221 pages is out of print, the version with only 96 pages removes much of the uglier content that exposes more of their character.





“I didn’t think of myself so much as girlish but rather as jewish. I start with what I think is a widespread sensibility that being jewish in our culture renders a boy effeminate. Rather than producing in me a desire to ‘pass’ and to become a ‘man,’ this sensibility in resulted in my desire to remain a jew, where being a sissy was all right.

In a quite similar account, another male American jew of my generation, Harry Brod, writes: ‘I found the feminist critique of mainstream masculinity personally empowering rather than threatening. As a child and adolescent, I did not fit the mainstream male image. I was an outsider, not an athlete but an intellectual. The feminist critique of mainstream masculinity allowed me to convert my envy of those who fit the approved model to contempt. It converted males previously my superiors on the traditional scale to males below me on the new scale.’

I am interested right now in investigating what critical force might still be left in a culture and a cultural memory within which “real men” were sissies. The vector of my theoretical-political work, accordingly, is not to deny as anti-semitic fantasy, but to reclaim the nineteenth-century notion of the feminized jewish male, to argue for his reality as one jewish ideal going back to the Babylonian Talmud.”

— Unheroic Conduct by Maurice Samuel


Lone Ranger

CIA/Soros funded scum.

Swift Laggard II

i bet soros lives with your mother

Lone Ranger

Sorry to disappoint you…

Swift Laggard II

yeah. i bet he lives with your momma

Lone Ranger

Try to adjust your meds…


“The United States has apparently entered the new great neo-liberal, pro-globalist era and attempts of the conservative part of the society to resist the current destructive tendencies seem to be not enough.”

I completely agree, and generations of Americans lied to and brainwashed by the lying Jew media and “entertainment” industry. And Jew infiltration and degeneration of the other control functions of society are largely to blame. These evil Talmud cultists are destroying the US and need to be gotten rid of to reverse the decay.

Judaism should be outlawed in the US and worldwide so that the US and planet are Jew free.


“Mayor Jenny Durkan defends the foolish and dangerous decision to protest on a freeway in the middle of the night. But when you protest in front of her house, she throws a fit.

Early Saturday morning, two women were struck by a car by a driver speeding through a protest on I-5 in Seattle. The freeway was closed by law enforcement at the time. …

Though no reasonable person was surprised that a driver, intentionally or not, struck protesters illegally occupying a freeway, it’s a tragedy nonetheless. However stupid and illegal the decision to march on a freeway, the behavior is enabled by government agencies and politicians too scared to say no to protesters. They do it because they’re allowed to. …

it’s troubling that the Washington State Patrol chief allows protests on the freeway without legal consequence. They could do the smart and safe thing, which is arrest people who walk on the freeway. …

Durkan’s response is driven purely by politics. She’s scared of a far-Left challenger as she runs for re-election. It’s why she’s pandering to the protester base, hoping they don’t back an opponent”

– Mayor Durkan backs a protest on freeway, but not near her home –



“Durkan was elected the 56th mayor of Seattle in 2017, becoming the city’s first female mayor since the 1920s and its second openly LGBT elected mayor.”

– Jenny Durkan –



““Listen, what happened this morning is a tragedy. I mean, it is a true tragedy,” Captain Ron Mead, commander of WSP field operations for District 2, said. “But what is occurring out here is unlawful behavior. It is illegal to block an interstate. Plain and simple. And the fact that this occurred for 19 days in a row. It needs to end. It needs to come to a stop.” …

UPDATE 7/5/2020 9:30 AM: WSP has announced it will no longer allow protests to enter the freeway”

– Driver smashes into Seattle Black Lives Matter crowd during I-5 protest –



“According to the ordinance, “no City department shall own, purchase, rent, store or use crowd control weapons,” including “kinetic impact projectiles, chemical irritants, acoustic weapons, directed energy weapons, water cannons, disorientation devices, ultrasonic cannons, or any other device . . . to cause pain or discomfort.” …

When given the opportunity to veto the bill and send it back to the council, Durkan choose not to do so. Instead, she sent it back to the council unsigned with a letter that explained why it’s a bad idea.

By sending the bill back unsigned, Durkan essentially said she disagreed with the ban but will allow it to go forward anyway.”

– Seattle City Council’s ban on crowd control methods to become law, raising many questions –



I’ve talked with the police in depth about this. Once this ordinance goes into effect on July 26th this month. Any area overrun by protesters is going to become a no police zone unless the protesters allow them in. Which in most cases they’re not going to do. And even if they do, the police are understandably going to be reluctant to go in.

Unless they can get outside intervention from the county, state or federal government to clear the protester occupied areas. And it’s questionable if the city would allow it. You’re going to have CHOP type sedition zones in protester occupied areas. Anyone caught in no police zones is going to be on their own for their own safety.

If the CHOP zone is any indication, and I was though there numerous times unarmed and armed. Once criminal protester seditionists take over an area. Violent crime explodes and they become free fire zones with almost nightly shooting where it was rare before. Zone “security” is involved in a lot of the crime. Including murder and assault.

The city, county and state governments are fueling the conflict with subversive laws and policies. Like disarming the police of crowd control equipment and prohibiting it’s usage. And not prosecuting criminal protesters and prosecuting their victims on false charges instead. With the media misrepresenting what’s happening to the criminal protester’s benefit.


Kinda like the movies “The Purge”, 12 hours that anything is allowed. For the founding fathers, you know.


Yes that’s correct. What the movie doesn’t address is that there are 1.3 firearms for every person here. And what subversive governments won’t do, armed citizens will do. And the police will tend to side with patriots not seditionists. What to do about prosecutorial misconduct and obstruction of justice is an open question. The go to solution is to remove them from office for dereliction of duty and replace them with people who’l do their jobs properly.

Bubba Junior

treat them like terrorists,send them to Guantanamo and execute them.

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