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Daily Briefing On Azerbaijani Strikes In Nagorno-Karabakh: November 1, 2020 (Videos)

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On November 1, the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan released several videos of recent strikes on Armenian forces in the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh.

The videos show a series of strikes that targeted 7 positions and gatherings of Armenian troops as well as the following military equipment:

  • 2 BM-21 multiple rocket launchers;
  • 6 D-30 howitzers;
  • 2 Giatsint-B howitzers.

One of the Azerbaijani MoD’s videos shows a pinpoint strike on an ammunition shipment heading to Armenian forces in Nagorno-Karabakh.

Another video documents an aerial attack on a convoy in Nagorno-Karabakh. Azerbaijani media reported that Arayik Harutyunyan, President of the de-facto state of Artsakh, was in the targeted convoy. However, the Armenian Unified Infocenter denied these claims.

The new strikes were carried out with drones, loitering munitions and precision-guided rockets. These weapons have granted the Azerbaijani military the upper hand in the ongoing battle in Nagorno-Karabakh.


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the last video is the best:))…this one is published half an hour ago…su-35 strikes on military infrastructure… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyNoV9qhvrA


the last video is the best:))…this one is published half an hour ago…su-25 strikes on military infrastructure… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyNoV9qhvrA&feature=emb_logo

Rhodium 10

And they attack again wounded soldiers and paramedics…Armenia should again launch Scud missile vs AZ cities…when 10-15 of them smashed entire neigbornhood…AZ will think twice to attacks wounded soldiers!


Maybe this was the answer for The Scud Missiles???


“Again (and again & again): If you have no means to protect your troops – better give up. It’s not worth soldiers’ lives if they have no chance to defend. And (also again): This is not about who is right and who is wrong or who I would “support”. It’s simply about rationality and responsibility in war. I don’t send my little sister into a UFC cage fight. Everything else would be utterly irresponsible.”


Well said

Rhodium 10

This is because AZ failed to reach Lachin,the capital and cities around…there are thousands of NK soldiers along mountains armed with ATGM with thermal vision and long sniper rifles which cannot allow the deployment of troops and the supply vehicles…then AZ have to use white phosforous ( like USA did in Vietnam) and airstrikes vs paramedics and wounded soldiers!…they are posting many videos of drones attacks believing that they will retake NK…but they will fail again like in the 90s!…

Mr T

they will go dead from hunger and cold… AZ can wait and genocide with drones the armenian men for free …. we enjoying it….


If Azeris can freely operate in Air, the Drones will locate them with their Thermal Cameras and will coordinate MLRS and Artillery Strikes. Plus Drone strikes and SU-25 Strikes…. So it is just a matter of time. Lets see, what happens in the next weeks. Mountains will just slow things. But they cant hide from the Drones. Turkish Southeast and Afrin was the same Topographie. Mountanious, forrest and in addition interconnected caves etc.

Fleecing Rabbi

Spend more time in Negev caves meditating to see reality. Mazal Tov!

Mr T

even it takes end of year, enjoy the armenian dead soldiers … we get there and if the dam breaks … everything will go fast and melt down in arthsakh


thats the only thing you can do…defeated on the battlefield and trying to take vengeance by killing children and women…then you wonder why nobody is supporting armenians…go beg russia again…they are gonna laugh at you…

Rhodium 10

But Surely when Muslims terrorist attacks civilians you fell happy!….by the way AZ only have retaken less than 20% which is the south part…after one months and hundreds of drones attacks are unable to take the capital, cities around and the lachin corridor!..thats why they are killing wounded soldiers to desmoralize…therefore Armenia should attacks main AZ cities to desmoralize them!


bla bla bla…there you go again… https://media.giphy.com/media/gDkS3tr8Tcxd6/giphy.gif

Mr T

you believe this can go for ever, how long armenian men want to die and senseless ideology.

we have any drones and enough money to bomb ever day 50 to 100 armenian men and equipment for 10 years.

50 x 365 = 18.250 dead armenian men, for the injured multiply the 18.250 with 1.5.


Rhodium 10

Armenian forces every day sent a pack of rockets to AZ cities…today Armenian expres mail sent Smerch gifts to Tovuz and Gadabai…Grad& 152mm artillery gifts to Tartar, Shikharkh and Aghjabedi….the next week and without advance the Aliyev president will have the rabid cat mustache!

Ida Acobian

Armenian do not have that much to waste for no real purpose as you scums do. It is your imported Sunni jihadists doing to your Shiite type for cheating them and not paying what you promised, liars. Even jihadists despise your evil satanic type. Hellhounds go back to hell where you came from. `

Death to Turks

You will be roasted like your Azeri brethren. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1de090364846976a55ed621a6944da7b2b7797a14c78786fd82f66cf60441728.jpg

Mr T

you should go and fight the Turks instead of staying in your apartment in Paris with your boyfriend.

Death to Turks

Why? I like my boyfriend and my apartment in Paris.

Great Khan

All Armeni coward FAGOT…hahhahaaa


This was replied to you 4 hours ago, did you forget? “Greetings, we deleted your comment with a picture of dead soldier above. This is the final warning. Please, do not use pictures of dead bodies of soldiers or civilians as a kind of ‘memes’ to mock any side of the conflict. Best regards, SF Team”

Death to Turks

Do I give a fuck?


Evidently not. Do you mind getting blocked from this site, or will just create another account? :/

Death to Turks

Not really, I don’t give much of a fuck. I’m on many other sites tormenting these animals with their dead pictures. Many unsuspecting Azeri people, women and men, opened up a picture of their dead haha.

Ashok Varma

Displaying pictures of dead soldiers is very poor reflection and SF needs to be commended for maintaining decency, high standards of reporting and maintaining objectivity. This is an unfortunate conflict is quite pointless as Armenia has very few options left but to withdraw from Karabakh.

Ida Acobian

Famous liars. It’s like your second or first nature. Talmudic radical fake muslim scum. That’s why you always accuse opposite parties in the crimes you commit. It’s old well known tactics but guess what you have reached your limits, now time for nasty surprises will await you.

Great Khan

Armeni coward no fight…just horseshit on internet…..hahahhaaha buy FAGOT mizile….

Ashok Varma

No Khan Sahib, the Armenians face overwhelming odds, so it is not logical to commit suicide. The internet trolls are just ghastly agent provocateurs who sit comfortably and troll while poor people die. It is a new form of western Cyber Imperialism. They would love to see BILLIONS of Asians kill each other too if India and China fight. Luckily, we have rational people who check the extremists like madman Modi.

Fleecing Rabbi

You blaspheming Armenian heathens can not win against chosen people’s divine weapons delivered with Moses blessings. Armenian fake state must be destroyed. It is divine deliverance against sacrilege..

Ashok Varma

Haven’t you Jews done enough damage by selling arms to everyone?

Nenad Vojinovic

It’s just a business. There are no feelings in selling weapons. Azeris have money to pay for it.


At this point I don’t understand the stupidity of Armenians, they lost the airspace weeks ago, the drones are relentlessly flocking their sky and they are doing the same mistakes every day.

Mr T

nobody telling them the horrible dead it awaits..

Random Dude

the regular soldiers are not told what situation they are in. otherwise wouldn’t he think “why the hell am i still here”

Mr T

I believe they are not allowed to watch SF or clash report…they would see the destruction what is happening them right now

Ashok Varma

Armenia was holding out for Russian intervention and this highly unlikely as the Russian government has clearly set the parameters for its support for Armenia. Russia will assist in providing assistance to maintain the internationally recognized Armenian borders, and that not include Nogorno-Karabakh or other Azerbaijani lands under Armenian occupation.

Mr T

in one shot 15 armenian soldiers get shredded to pieces, burn and blown to 1000 pieces…


Even watching I hurt myself….

Rhodium 10

In one shot 26 AZ citizens&soldiers of Ganja get shredded to pieces and 200 wounded when a Scud missile with 1000kg of explosive warhead hit the City…in one shot of a Toshka missile 19 AZ soldiers get shredded to pieces, burn and blown to 1000 pieces and 60 wounded in Barda….


And what when AZ also does the same? As if Az doesnt have Ballistic missiles.

Rhodium 10

Armenia also have Iskander missile and air to ground missile to launch from SU-30…all are so accurate and can destroy AZ military assets!..but Armenia president think that NK forces will defeat AZ in NK because to take the capital and cities around is a mission impossible!…neither drones nor napalm will help AZ to take the capital!…


Why should it be impossible? With Air Dominance everything is possible.

Ashok Varma

It would not be practical or advisable for Armenia to widen the conflict and bring the wrath of Turkey and its allies upon it. This conflict needs to end and peace restored in a very destablized region. Russia and Iran must make the withdrawal from Karabakh contingent on Turkey sending back all the Sunni Jihadis it has recruited in Syria and pose a clear and present threat to Russia, Iran and other nations. Turkish manipulation of Salafists for its proxy wars must end and it needs to stop meddling in Syria as well. Turkey needs to trim its neo-Ottoman agenda.

Nenad Vojinovic

Turkey needs to build objects and buildings more prone to high magnitude earthquakes first.

Random Dude

wounded? after a quarter tonne bomb?:))))))

Ashok Varma

Easy for you from the comfort of your armchair. Save a thought for the poor Armenian blighters on the ground who don’t even know that death drones are following their every move. This conflict must end.

Mr T

we keep killings you and enjoying it… pay back time for asala terrorists attacks

Random Dude

double tap hit on idiots who still don’t understand how air support works. They probably think once there was a hit everything else is safe for some time. 24/7 baby, 24/7.


I thought SU-25 and such precission Attacks? But now it makes sense: They integrated the 250kg QFAB Bombs with the Laser Guidance Kit (LGK) developed by ASELSAN.


Fog of War

Its not like they didnt warn us.



Hit the petro infrastructures and Azerbaijan will say hello to the Stone Age!

Fog of War

Then they hit your nuclear power plant and Armenia says hello to the abyss.

Vox Populi

Armenia is getting increasingly desperate to widen this conflict but is unsure about Russian role and at this stage it appears that a decisive battle is taking place in the vicinity of the strategic city of Shusha in Karabakh where the Azerbaijan military has made a breakthrough amid reports of powerful explosions near the capital Khankendi (Stepanakert). If Armenia goes total desperate and attempts to attack Baku or vital Azerbaijan installations, it would amount to national suicide as Azerbaijani and Turkish retaliation would be overwhelmingly destructive. The only real option left for Armenia to remain intact as a truncated state is to withdraw from all Azerbaijani territory as soon as possible and save its people and unnecessary bloodshed.

Great Khan

hahahaha then Turkey and Pakistan brother destroy Yerevan kishmish….Kaputenheimer….

Ashok Varma

Indeed, everyone needs to deescalate rather then widen a counter-productive conflict. Time and regional dynamics do not favor Armenia or its ability to maintain the internationally rejected occupation of Nogorno-Karabakh.

Ashok Varma

This war and needless bloodshed needs to end and not escalate. Pashinyan is on a losing wicket and even Russia has clarified its position and toned down Armenian unrealistic and dangerous expectations.

In response, Russia’s foreign ministry said on Saturday it would provide “all assistance required” should the conflict spill onto “the territory of Armenia” – land that is outside the current conflict zone.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The conflicts already spilled onto Armenian territory, unless you don’t count artillery and rocket fire directed at towns on the Armenian side of the border, that should receive some sort of response from Russia even if it’s just a diplomatic telling off.

Fleecing Rabbi

Meshuggenah PUTZ, and then bring the wrath of the KHAZARIAN BROTHERHOOD on the loser Armenians. Azerbaijan will prevail. MAZAL TOV!


We have traitors within our Armenian gov who need to face a firing squad!

Great Khan

Pissinyan need FAGOT mizile up his llgig…hahhaha

Death to Turks

Captured Syrian terrorist providing Armenian authorities information on Azeris. Admits to being hired and paid to kill and behead. https://twitter.com/301_AD/status/1322842114955366400?s=20

Mr T

fake news, assadi men…

Death to Turks

Here we go…..


Syrian/Lebanese armenian playing Hollywood.

Death to Turks

Oh no, you caught us.


This footage was recorded in Syria made by Syrian Armenians.

Death to Turks

Oh my, was it really?! I did not know that thank you!! Lord knows you are such a truthful person!!


The Armenian armies are wild beasts, and inhumane need to be eliminated.

Death to Turks

Either freedom or death. We aren’t interested in what you want.


Amazing videos. Really enjoyed them.

Rhodium 10

Yes I enjoyed when a entire neigbornhood of Ganja was turn in dust!..1000kg explosive of Scud warhead = 26 killed 250 wounded…another gift in Barda ( Toshka missile with 500kg of explosive warhead) sent 19 AZ soldiers to 72 Virgin Goats resort!…60 more wounded.


And what did Armenia acchieve? Armenia just lost in Public Opinion in the West.

Rhodium 10

And AZ&Turks propagande make people believe that they will win the war!…Turks propagande told that SAA was destroyed after one week of Turkish attacks..and few days after SAA retake Saraqib, the M5, 5 villages near Nayrab, 4 villages in South Idlib and 6 more in Great Aleppo…in Libya another pack of propagande…but Turks failed to retake Sirte ( the Hub port for petrol export) and failed to retake oil fields ( all of Libyan petrol fields are under LNA and Russia forces)…yes they keep Tripoli..and AZ will keep the south of NK close to Iran..but nothing more!


Nagorno Karabakh is not Syria. Azeri are now free to kill the Armenian soldiers mercilessly.

The Objective

However you look at this, Turkey made some gains. It may not have achieved all its desired goals, but has had success with preventing the fall of the GNA, preventing Assad’s takeover of Idlib, and helping Azerbaijan take back some of its land. even if the war ended today, Azerbaijan maintains control over parts of NK. So I don’t call this failure.

Rhodium 10

Assad have taken over parts of Idlib included the M5…have taken the great Aleppo, LNA have the control of oil resorces, oleoduct and Port Hub, AZ have the control of the15% of the south which its south border ( Iran) and West ( Armenia) are closed

The Objective

You are being delusional, but your denials will soon become and embarrassment. I wanted you to know that Turkey is the reason Assad has not taken back Idlib. small parts of Idlib is not Idlib. With Turkey out of the way and Russian air support, the SAA would conquer Idlib in weeks. Right now, Turkey is not even fighting Russia or the SAA in Syria. The rebels still do the fighting. In Libya, Haftar controls a lot less than he did in December of last year. Secondly, he has be forced to return to the negotiating table despite repeatedly dodging negotiations arranged by his allies in Moscow and Europe. And in any nationwide elections, Haftar is most likely going to lose to the Islamists. This happened through Turkey’s support for the GNA. The NK war is ongoing. But for all your denials, you CANNOT deny that Azerbaijan have liberated some parts of NK. And that in itself is a victory. And thanks to Turkey’s support with the drones, training, and other war equipment. In all three instances, Turkey made some pretty good gains. Even if Turkey has not defeated anyone, at least its allies (GNA, Azerbaijan) have not been defeated either.

Ashok Varma

Even Asians have lost all interest in this conflict. An extremist Modi allied to Zionists even kept quiet.

The Objective

You’re just telling everyone that your side committed war crimes by attacking civilians. How do you expect to gain sympathy?

Ashok Varma

Nothing to enjoy human misery, Pakistani troll farm.

Random Dude

It seems to me now that Armenians just enjoy dying. Don’t know what kind of BDSM it is. But anyways, check the last video and compare these pictures: This WarGonzo guy Semen Pegov is an amazing spy. Thanks for the info Mr. Leprechaun:))))) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/532e8ff44f7ddc619c095b47c222a433add0764813ad274e9b5180ceecb729c2.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/01c6d3fe8f797647e21830b32f5a32df48eb5ed2e814d949dc1de444c10e657c.jpg

Ashok Varma

This is literally death from above. The poor Armenians on the ground simply don’t stand a chance against these loitering munitions. There is no point hanging on to empty terrain against such impossible odds. With snow on the ground soon, these hapless vehicles will become even easier targets. Armenia should end this conflict and save its people.

Mr T

yes yes .. agree


This is just testing for turkey next they will use these weapons on russians now they can see how cowardly putina is he is scared to fight with no spine

Random Dude

Current Russians are smarter now, they will not fall for your tricks 13th time:))) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/eb0d43777ef0f407703656ddddee99f4864f5d06c026605325771c61f8a188bc.jpg

Adriana Carneiro Pires



Your leaders tear their asses every day. They beg, they can’t find words to tell their people. They don’t know how to deceive you anymore. Your hope is left to the prostitute groups you have gathered here and there. You are in such a miserable situation, you still do not give up your shamelessness. You are no longer a hero! You are doomed to death and hell. Only the last week is over! Go for a while and invade hell. For a while the devils fuck your mouth.

cechas vodobenikov

I refuse to take sides; children throwing sand at each other. Remarkable that Azeris have lost 7000 dead in this conflict that regards territory devoid of natural resources and little arable land. I suspect that this conflict could continue for months or longer with a result similar to that in 1994

Ashok Varma

But also there is no point promoting more deaths. That is a very cynical western imperialist approach to cause endless wars as someone else’s expense. Armenia was lulled into a false send of security and over estimate of Russian assistance. The occupation and annexation of Nogoro-Karabakh was never recognised by anyone and that is why the world has stood muted. This unfortunate conflict has been ignored by global media. In India with the world’s largest English language media circulation this conflict does even even rate a mention now. So the conflict is already faded into a footnote but people are dying and that is needless.

Random Dude

“I refuse to take sides. Yet I will only refer to Armenian provided numbers” I wonder what will you write if you “do take” sides:)))))

The Objective

We’ll see

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I hope someones keeping tabs on how much equipment the Armenian Nagorno-Karabakh forces still have left, from what I’ve seen they must be down by at least half of everything important, especially rocket launchers and radar units, I think they may have already lost more equipment than they still have.


Mr. Pres is gone.


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