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MARCH 2025

Damascus Accepts New Ceasefire In Greater Idlib, Despite Recent Army Advance

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Damascus Accepts New Ceasefire In Greater Idlib, Despite Recent Army Advance

Coat of arms of the Syrian Arab Armed Forces

In a surprise move, Damascus accepted a new ceasefire in Greater Idlib, despite the recent Syrian Arab Army (SAA) advance in the terrorist-occupied region.

The Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) announced the ceasefire in a press release late on August 1. A military source told the state-run agency that the ceasefire will be implemented as long as Idlib’s militants remain committed to the demilitarized zone agreement.

“A ceasefire in the de-escalation zone in Idlib will be approved starting from today’s midnight provided the execution of Sochi agreement, which call for the retreat of terrorists within 20 kilometers away the lines of Idlib’s de-escalation zone and the withdrawal of heavy and medium weapons,” the SANA quoted the source as saying.

Reached last September, Sochi agreement failed to achieve its main goals despite efforts of Russia and Turkey. Idlib militias took advantage of the agreement and stepped up their attacks on military and civilian targets around Greater Idlib.

The new ceasefire comes amid a successful ground operation by SAA in Greater Idlib and coincide with the 13th round of the Astana talks. Local observers doubt that the ceasefire will success as many recent attempts to revive the Sochi Agreement ended with a failure.

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Assad is not a Syrian president. The presidential position is vacant. Turkey, Iran and Russia announce proper general election date in Syria without participation of Assad. President should be elected between top 10 young talents. Not like before single party election that is not an election that is bullshit.


Öh ten young brainwashed terroritas from ISIS led FSA!?!


This is ridiculous. All the recent “ceasefires” have just proven to be an opportunity for the terrorists to launch attacks – like those which led to the capture of Jibeen and Tal Malah. I don’t know what Damascus thought when they decided to stop the advance.


The problem is not with these militants in Hama and Idlib rather the problem is with the Assad. They know that Assad cannot maneuver the ship properly. Therefore, a new young talented leadership is needed to take out country from current chaos.


Yes he is a good peacetime leader, but not ruthless enough for war.


What about those youths that slaughtered for own nation and land?

Zionism = EVIL

The unfortunate reality is that Russia has no end game in Syria besides retaining its only ports in Latakia and Tartus. Russian vacillation in Afghanistan 1979-88 was also similar, it intervened to support the socialist Parcham and Khalq factions and then did not apply enough force to deter the Americunts and Pakis from supporting the most vile Wahhabi terrorists, same as Turkey is doing today. The SAA is slowly reconstituting and does not have enough manpower to control all of Syria. Iran and Hezbollah have tired of Syrian subservience to Russia and no longer participate in offensives. The only outcome of Russia confused policies will be to prolong the terror war in Syria by at least a decade and result in permanent partition.


I just hope Idlib will be liberated asap, but with this speed they will need several years. The diplomatic ties with Turkey seems to be way more important to Russia than the Syrian fate, which was the reason for Russia to intervene in 2015.

Icarus Tanović

It isnt like that, my man. Oh, Russians learned a lecture from Afghanistan. It was not that long ago, when War ended in 1988. SAA will win.


It is not a Damasco decision, it is just Russia presure to please Turkey (NATO member) and its terrorists at Idlib.

klove and light

bashar your Father would be ashamed u fucking traitor….might i remind everybody that is was his brother Basil al-assad that was taught by the Father how to rule the Country and all the issues surrounding it….he was last before his suspicious car accident in the commander of rep.guard and in the security servises. Bashar current presdient spent years in the lions den…in LONDON…study,working,living……………….anbyody wanna serioud bet his life on that bashar was not comprimized and “turned aroud”…working together with Putin the Zionist pig…to slowly but surely make syria totaly defenseless and useless in an attack on the true objective IRAN……..look again at the current state of syria……anybody yelling that syria is Winning the war is insane…….07.2019. syria is partioned.FACT.

NORTH = Turkey EAST= USA/NATO SOUTH= USA/NATO WEST= ISRAEL (Golan is syrian territory)

and now….IDILB???? so were after months of brutal Fighting has SAA achieved??????take a look at the map!!!! ZERO they lost hundreds of SAA soldiers……oyeah bravo they killed as many jihadis……great math!! No whats Happening now in Idlib is the strategy of “bleeding ” out the Opponent without him making any gains.And to make Things worse…still somehow, with this bs syrian Leadership Explanation, ISIS is hiding in the desert, in Caves…. we cant find them…..then they run out of their Caves with their pickups on their back..hop on top and drive to the next SAA post…kill a couple or all, drive back to the Caves, pickups on the back.. and in they go…..

now if you believe such a bs Story…..go ahead be my quest….but i might add, u wanna check a real good doctor in the morning…..

ps. the srongest weapon syria had agaionst any such Major inavasion on their Nation…was the vast amount of chemical industrial prooduced very efficient chemical weapons, that his Father together with his brother built up in 25 years…….FOR A FUCKING REASON!!!!

all big pricks including Russia were sooooooooo happy as syria was now chemical weapons free….at least the SAA!!!

Smith Ricky

Sounds like your butthurt.

Xoli Xoli

Who are you representing.

Zionism = EVIL

No he has some sound points. Assad is not a military man and was an ophthalmologist with no real statesman experience. He only gained power because the apparent heir Basil was killed in a car crash. Syria today is leaderless as Putin calls the shot for his own agenda with his best friend Nutter Yahoo. Syria is also finished as a unified state much like Iraq.

Xoli Xoli

Putin works for Trump. Remote co tril by Trump. Trump is fighting and insulting women back home.Blaming race for his bullshit.Arming Syria terrorist and terrorist kingpin Erdogan Let’s Putin feel good and part of his own western partner dream.

Zionism = EVIL

Putin is not a statesman but a corrupt low grade KGB thug and is very impressed by the west, especially his Americunt “partners”. Russian intervention is Syria was not intended to preserve a unified Syrian state, but to divide in areas of influence between Americunts, Zionists and Turkey. The Americunts are building billion dollar bases in northeast Syria close to Iraq and have no intention of leaving Syria. Assad has indeed proved too weak and useless. His father was not that great either, he played off the Palestinians and kept peace with Zionists.

Xoli Xoli

Thank you and brilliant others this forum needs people like you.Not personal attackers.Best critic is Toronto Tonto his opinion creates best commentators.His comments cause great reactions and questioning and opinion.


If Hafez Assad still ruled there would never have been a war, he would have nipped it in the bud. Bashar is a nice guy, not a ruthless warlord.


All militants should leave Hama and Idlib to SAA and prepare themselves for libration of North Eastern Syria and Palestine from foreign intruders. This is true jihad. The foreign intruders in these areas are a big mafia.

Hasbara Hunter

The World is run by the Mafia….the Khazarian Mafia


It would be not possible but actually the world leaderships have no talent.

Hasbara Hunter

The World’s leadership sucks big time….Greedy Narcissistic Elitist Bastards

Xoli Xoli

Assad does not have proper air defense,Jets and navy capability. ASSAD rely heavily on Russia fearing if he retaliates with weapons he has of cause Putin will withdraw leaving him killed like Gaddafi, Saddam and Yugoslavia president.Putin favours all racist boys and more especially believed in racist one man rule gay Trump.

Zionism = EVIL

All true. The SAA is barely 90,000 men today and almost 70% of its pre 2011 equipment is destroyed or inoperable. Russia has no clear plan or enough boots on the ground to do much. The biggest winner will be Turkey that has annexed the best lands.


This is not a question that Turkey will annexed the land. The question is how to stop the suffering of Syrian nation because Assad cannot address the national issue on international platform properly instead he can easily communicate in several languages.


Then why Israel ground their all planes and now only depends on rockets from mobile launchers.


As soon as SAA makes progress, Erdogan call Putin and remember him the Sotchi agreement. Putin blackmails Bashar because he is so eager to sell the S400 and other weapons to Erdogan.


Putin doesn’t need more than Latakia. And keeping Assad and Iranians by the balls.

Hasbara Hunter

Every inch of Syria will be returned to Syria… including the part that the Kurds & the U.S. have Stolen & the Golan Heights…One Syria under One Flag…no other options…them Filthy AngloZioNazis are done…they are Nothing…Loudmouthed Chickenshit Cowards….


Says who?

Hasbara Hunter

Me……I curse them Filthy AngloZioNazi-Parasites…for they are Nothing


Curse me to be rich and I give you half

Hasbara Hunter

I am already rich for I am Free…


Ships believe they are free too

Lena Jones

And “ship” told you this personally? LOL get a freaking grip on your swine-brain!


Yeah, that’s how I call your fat mum when we fuck

Lena Jones

It’s actually what you call YOUR mum when you cum in her stinking jew asshole lol!


How comes all Russians are Nazi and they accuse Ukrainians of being Nazis?

Hasbara Hunter




You may be right in about 30 years !

Hasbara Hunter

What’s 30 Years?


Do you prefer 50 years or more ?

Hasbara Hunter

Dream on…and the chances are the World will be pretty inhabitable within a 100 years anyway

Rhodium 10

Cease fire means that HTS can evacuate wounded terrorist…can move vehicles( rocket launchers, weapons,ammo,terrorist and artillery) to new points without be interfered by airstrikes….can maneuver and dig trenches…..then terrorist once reinforced they would start attacks…and again the same history….the never ended war!


Of course the Jihadist will not hold up their part of the agreement. So the airstrikes just might continue around N Hama. We shall see in the next few days.

Smith Ricky

Exactly, it’s all part of the strategy.

Xoli Xoli

Definitely ceasefire and terrorist Retaliation.

viktor ziv

War between Iraq and Iran lasted 8 years. Who won? De iuri no one, de facto Iran. Iran became formidable power after it. All those green buses brought children headchopers to rat enclave to be terminated eventually. This is second stage of the war. I’m looking forward to third stage, when people of Syria no matter of religion, no matter of ideology will become one corpus driving foreign forces out in buses or body bags.


This could be why SAA reached a ceasefire. source: http://anna-news.info/vojna-na-blizhnem-vostoke/ extract: ” The delegation of the Syrian opposition at the upcoming 1-2 August international high-level meeting on Syria in Nur-Sultan will require the cessation of hostilities in the north-western province of Idlib. About this, as reported on Wednesday the newspaper Al Watan, said its official representative Yasir Abdel Rahim.

“We are heading to the capital of Kazakhstan to stop the bombing of settlements in Idlib and in the north of Hama during the operation, which is carried out there by [President Bashar] Assad’s troops,” he said. According to Abdel Rahim, the opposition will also seek the release of prisoners from Damascus.

The delegation representing the formation of the armed opposition will be headed by Nur-Sultan Ahmed Touma, who leads the so-called provisional government, based in the Turkish city of Gaziantep, bordering on Syria. This body was created in 2013 by the National Coalition of Opposition and Revolutionary Forces (NKORS).

Earlier, the head of the Syrian Negotiating Committee (UPC), Nasr al-Hariri, said that the opposition “does not consider it possible to discuss the convening of a meeting of the Constitutional Committee in Geneva in conditions when military operations are taking place in the north-west of the country”. Speaking at a press conference in Riyadh on July 22, the leader of the UPC stressed that the opposition would seek, first and foremost, a cease-fire in Idlib. “

Hasbara Hunter

These Idlibistan Western Headchopping Retards are to Stupid…they can’t read a single word of the New Agreement and will violate it the next day…But hey what’s New? Lies & Broken Treaties… Which reminds me of USraHell…would there be a link? Keep Chipping away pieces of Idlibistan SAA…better turn this Ceasefire into something useful like fortifying your newly gained positions…


Yup, the old Israeli way of dealing with r’tards. Accept ceasefires, wait till they get broken, strike back very very hard, repeat. It looks very nice in history.

Icarus Tanović

What is this comment? A troll stuff…

Icarus Tanović

Wise words, man.

Icarus Tanović

Wahhabis are stupid.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

Déja vu?

Xoli Xoli

Putin and Erdogan friendship ceasefire of Erdogan terrorists rearmament. Which have serious implications on Syria army and civilian safety.


In this last ceasefire I blame Assad. He forgot those youths that slaughtered for own nation and country.

Mustafa Mehmet

No no you wrong. assad need more time to prepare his barrel bombs he run out


I think that more Syrians will die as a result of this ceasefire because Turkey always massively resupplies & reinforces it’s al qaeda & muslim brotherhood forces during the ceasefires. Also, the timing always seems to be when the SAA & allies are achieving significant momentum destroying the main lines of terrorist defense, usually at significant sacrifice to SAA forces, and by not being allowed to continue to overrun the weaker rear lines the terrorists are able to simply reinforce the front lines again.


Russia at work pleasing Turkey and its terrorists at Ilib.

cechas vodobenikov

cease fires certainly benefit civilians—but it does not predict later events


Pity, and yes, I blame Putin for this idotic move, once again the Russians are making any progress against the Turkish scums aka ISIS impossible, this have been the mantra thru out the last years campagne against the rap pack, Russia, huh, for what, securing deals, weapon sales, and now, this, to what, make shure the Ottomanian head choppers gets their eh… security zone, stinks Jewish backstabbing all the way up where, and yeah, Putin is an rotten sack of shit, period.

And again, Assad and Co is doing an good job, and I dont blame them for anything, all this rests upon the little f…. from Russia, Putain. They have no f…. shame. I wounder if this delay is to make shure the war goes on, and the massive amount of arms to be sold and videos to show how uh…. nice they are, right, its not peronal, its just bizzenizze, the Shoah must go on. And do notice this, about Russia, their words isnt even usable to wipe ones ass with, its all about protecting the terrorstate ISISrael, and sucking up to the Turks. This is either downright treason or simple cowardness, I start to think both is viable, but corruption is the umbrella they rest under, selling weapons, nothing else. I told you, never ever trust the Russians, as long this ISISraeli Bitch is in the lead, but the alternatives arent any better, so dont expect anything, other than back stabbing, witch Putin have done time and time again, and somehow, some arent able to see that, huh, Ruskies.

And for the Putinistas, crawl back to your porn and stay there, you are an bloody joke, Ruskies. I tought the HasbaRats where stupid and blind, but you beat them to pulp this days of deial of reality.

Yeah,, I didnt think like this just an year ago, but the treason is getting more and more obvious, (incl Donbas etc) now I have nothing but contempt left for the Russians, and they are dropping down to the level of the scums of this earth, the terrorstate ISISrael, after all, most of the so called jews are Russians, so its obvious, cant shoot their own, right Russia.


Mustafa Mehmet

ıdiot hıyar. don’t be ungrateful towards Russia they save assad asss turkey has to be their to protect our borders. assad terrorist gang to blame sadly what happens in Syria. all kicked of killing innocent kid protesting his rules


It’s not a video game. You can accept massive casualties in a video game because it’s all just digital 1s and 0s. This is real war where people die and families are destroyed. SAA soldiers are putting their lives on the line, and my preference would be that the jihadists leave Idlib after negotiations for EU that loves them so much! .


Why call it a surprise? This whole war has been like this. Had there been a more decisive approach, impressing upon the moderates that their only choice is between surrender and disarmament or death, lots of them would’ve opted for the former. At the hour of truth, death is no fun after all if you’re being paid to fight. Then Idlibstan wouldn’t be this formidable nut to crack.

And why talk of the “efforts of Russia and Turkey”? Turkey never intended to live up to the Sochi agreement, seeing it as a much-needed time-out to re-arm their proxies while Putin and a compromised Peskov looked the other way. Plus Erdogan had the US Navy looking out for him over the horizon, though with US-Turkey’s relations having deteriorated even further, it’s not clear if he could count on the cavalry a second time.

Icarus Tanović

Wahhabis are stupid. And it is only matter of time when they´ll broke this ceasefire.

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