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Damascus Government Rreached Agreement With YPG Over Afrin Area – Al-Mayadin TV

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Damascus Government Rreached Agreement With YPG Over Afrin Area – Al-Mayadin TV

YPG fighters

The Damascus government and the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) have reached an agreement that will allow the Syrian Army (SAA) to deploy its units inside the  Afrin area, the Lebanese al-Mayadin TV reported on February 15. The report said that the agreement had been reached after a long negotiation between the two sides.

Syria’s Deputy-Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad said during a press conference on February 14 that the SAA will defend Afrin. An anonymous Syrian official told al-Mayadeen on February 15 that Mekdad’s statement will be fulfilled soon.

Sîpan Hemo, YPG’s General Commander, revealed during an interview on February 12 that “there is a great deal of coordination between YPG fighters and the SAA” and said that the YPG will welcome any reinforcement from the SAA.

The Al-Mayadeen report is yet to be confirmed by any Syrian or Kurdish official.

The Lebanese TV channel reported that the Damascus government and the YPG had reached an agreement regarding the Afrin area on January 24. However, Kurdish officials quickly denied this report back then.

Over the last two days, the Turkish Army and its proxies from the Free Syrian Army (FSA) have expanded their control around several strategic areas west of Afrin. The rapid advance of the Turkish Army may have forced the YPG to reconsider the Damascus government offers to deploy the SAA in Afrin.

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Have we heard this story before? :D

Terence Silvestre Jr.

It would not be too late, now? The Kurdish pride, in its maximum expression, giving rise to a humble and shameful surrender to the logical wisdom that from the beginning had to be applied, thus avoiding hundreds of liters of spilled blood?


Sorry advice and directions come to Kurd commanders from US and Israel. Kurds commanders have no brain.

Maxime St-Jacques

The truth is that Turkish and his Al-Qaïda allies of weapon trafic into the Middle-»East failed to entitled papers that claim Afrin under cleanse. Cleaned was this area from Al-Qaïda and ISIS. YPG, move to the west please and quite fast surrender to SAA or SR. Peace will comeforth after economic areas are adopted for trade and good will. Work PKK, work for soils and food and irrigation or market security. Thank you all


It seems the Kurds will buy the Yankee BS everytime.


If that’s true, then it becomes clearer why the US terrorists attacked Syrian forces near Euphrates. They were doing their best to saboutage any ongoing negotiations between Kurds and the Syrian government.

It’s good news anyway, but at the same time it’s unfortunate that the Kurds need brute force used against them to come to their senses. If they didn’t insist on sitting on top of their ivory tower, perhaps Turkey wouldn’t attack Afrin and a lot of lives wouldn’t be wasted.

Again, if that’s true and YPG (PKK in Syria, let’s not forget that) doesn’t deny it quickly, I hope they expand their cooperations with the legitimate Syria government for the country’s sake.


Right! I can’t understand how Turkey can be stopped right now!


Once there is aircover for the SDF, turks will find it hard to advance and when there are small units of SAA stationed in their path of advance, advancing through SAA means war between Turkey and Syria (aided by Russia imo)

Jim Martin

My worry is what “cost” will the people of Afrin and the SDF/YPG/YPJ have to pay for Assad Regime support? Good question

It would be helpful for them to push back on Damascus and say. We are Syrian First if if you let Erdogan “take the Sudtenland” SYRIA will not get it back and Afrin Canton will become a black a “septic tank” for Erdogan’s Jihadis and ISIS “retirees” It was said that Damascus’s dislike for Erdogan’s designs are visceral and that is very good reason to help Afrin Canton without strings. Also many decent people on the Govt side will need a safe place to escape into when the Assad regime eventual is dissolved and SDF/YPG/YPJ inclusive areas are their safest area where people will not be waiting for them with a battle axe or electric cables

I view SDF/YPG/YPJ areas as also deescalation areas for all Syrians regardless of regime or not when this mess comes to an end

Promitheas Apollonious

watch and you learn.


Bullshit Garga, the mad sultan is a true fascist!!


No.. represented at the UN


Are you a UN supporter?

Daniel Castro

Are you not?!

Then the fascist is you.

The only thing between us and nuclear armageddon is the UNSC, a ziofascist scum like you may not like it, but that is the truth.


FUCK OFF DANIEL!! I am certainly not a ziofascist, i am asking someone else a question, so again PISS OFF, i wasn’t talking to you

Devshirme ErdoBot

But you are a ziokerd supporter. Or even a ziokurd yourself. Kurds needs to be cleansed from the surface of earth.


leave the ZIO away you dumb fuck, never took some time to read apo did u?

Devshirme ErdoBot

Apo is an Ape. Apo the Ape rotting in prison. Unibrows of kerds shall be burned.


An ape is smarter then a DOG, we will see who burns in the end…..

Devshirme ErdoBot

You kerds,as always

Maxime St-Jacques

If you combat terrorists in Afrin as PKK terrorists, the definition of terrrorism doesn’t rely anymore on chemical weapons, booby traps and mines left on the ground, into houses and into the aviation areas. Different levels of terrorists let say : 1 – ISIS-down level 2 – PKK and YPG 3 – level 3 PYD, SAA, all rebels factions I guess. But the real terrorists the Allies are fighting are first level, Second level boundaries secure ongoing fighting plan over genuine liberation and cessation of hostilites I hope for.

Devshirme ErdoBot

Spare me th BS,kerds died,kerds dies,kerds will die. There is nothing you can do about it. They are too inbred to survive. It’s natural selection.

Pál Póli

Hey Erdo.. did you learn to ride a horse yet, or you still fall on your ass when you try to be an ottoman hero .. LOL

Pál Póli

I think the turks will be eliminated from the face of he earth, according to the Biblie. They are a doomed race of nephilim mongrells.

Devshirme ErdoBot

If world worked according to hilarious religions…

Smith Ricky

Dont forget the Turrks

Devshirme ErdoBot

Turks don’t support zionuts,devshirme erdobots do.

Smith Ricky

Yes they do, they support HTS, ISIS, alnusra, al sinki should I continue?

Daniel Castro

You were not talking, you were writing shit on a public forum, if you don’t want people answering you, you shouldn’t post.


you are the one that writes shit, as usual….


don’t waste any time on the hasbara troll. It’s not like Palestine has a democratically-elected government either.

John Mason

UNSC has been on holidays for quite some time, so I wouldn’t put any faith in them.

Promitheas Apollonious

fake according to you?


yep, and to all the syrians i know personally


Cite some proof and credible sources then – ‘the syrians (sic) i know personally’ – that is hardly good enough, nothing but allegations and alleged anecdotal claims.


Sure, but I think now you’ll see the true ME political mastery shine. Turkey will ‘withdraw’ and Syria, Russia, Turkey and even the Kurds can claim victory. International kuddos for all, everybody wins, nobody loses (except for the US and Israel). Politics of mutual gain in action.


I don’t see it happen, but i hope you are right


It’s a bit of hopeful thinking. But someone might be reading along. :P

John Mason

What fake elections? If you are referring to the US then I agree with you.


Sorry advice and directions come to Kurd commanders from US and Israel. Kurds commanders have no brain. In previous comments I have mentioned that on what branch Kurds are setting the Kurds cutting the same branch and when they drop to ground then they will blame Assad.

Samantha Green

I’m pretty sure the US and Israel opposed the reinforcement of Afrin at the expense of the Southeast like Khasham; and YPG did it anyway.


They just didn’t want any confrontation with Turkey and were quite willing to give up the area. I’m sure they have a map somewhere and Afrin is outside the designed new state. Not homogenous Kurdish enough or something.


The US forces east of Deir Azor are just trying to keep hold of the two major oil fields there.

The Oil fields are in Arab Territories taken over by the Kurds with US backing.

This is about the oil.

As usual.


I think it might turn out to be more about water, but we’ll see.


The US and it’s people got really violent when the Sytrian army went for the Oil wells.

They need the money to be able to run their Kurdish state. . . And that is what the oil gives them.


I’m assuming that there’s an income stream to the Kurds from outside Syria supporting their partition and secession project. If that’s true, which it almost certainly is, then they’re mercenaries fighting the Syrian government as it tries to reestablish government administration in SDF areas. And they need to be treated as such until they stop fighting the Syrian government.


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Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They refused to hand over their arms again but gave on all things, not looking good for the stupid Kurdish leadership.


They will never give up their weapons. At least not until other groups can have. Like hezbollah.

Maxime St-Jacques

Hezbollahs’ weaponry comes from Syrian Regime’s deposits. Their acess denies peace processes and cooperation internationnaly. The subscribes triangle of weapon trafic is under tight observation by myself into Palmyra, Idlib and Hama where still is the 1 – To Clear phase of the conflict. Hezbollah strives to take this way from Hama to Idlib to Lebanon trough turkish – Afrin area I suggest.

You can call me Al

But I thought the Yanks were taking those back anyway; that is what they stated…whahahaha

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Well apparently they accepted now because they know Turkey can’t face the SAA with out receiving real serious World condemnation and everybody screaming for Erdogan’s and it’s HTS Groups.This is definitely engineered by attempt by NATO Generals as they are riding Russia’s coattails on this one.

Derek Andover

Lol what a moron. More like Assad wanted the oil fields, saa is the one who attacked


You might pause to remember , they are Syrian oil fields , not American or Kurdish .

Derek Andover

Last I checked kurds were syrian dunce


The Kurds are 8 % of the Syrian population , the oil fields belong to all Syrians represented by the legitimate government , not by an attacking foreign power, the US, traitor .

Derek Andover

SDF more accurately represents the people then Assad a shia dictator LOL. Goahead poll North Syrians see how much they want Assad, LOL


There you said it yourself “North Syrians” , Raqqa and the dam, and certainly Deir Ezzor and the Omar oil fields are far south of Kurdish occupied land. The US is just using them for its own interests , control of Syria’s assets .

Derek Andover

There you go you said it yourself “north syrians” the people of north Syria which owns the land in north Syria. Yes we help them for our own interest but we don’t care about Syrias oil its crap go check their production its laughable even iraq gives usa less then 2% of its oil. We back SDF because they are loyal allies against terrorism and aren’t anti Israel and anti USA. Russia can do everything for Assad the dictator and you wont say anything. Which leads me to believe you are a kremlin troll from the factory but you seem more reasonable so maybe influenced by them. But doesn’t matter I hope we back SDF fully I know its the right decision morally and strategically and its not even close.


This is absolutely not true and BS. I don’t see this being possible. This is not kindergarten deals Turkey is fully blown in Afrin and I don’t thnk they would appreciate anything stopping them in fact if you want to stop this then atleast prepare for full blown all out war with Turkey.

There is just no way Turkey accepts shit like this. They have almost captured Afrin. This is to late and nonsense report. Period


“There is just no way Turkey accepts shit like this. They have almost captured Afrin.” lol hahaha. You serious? Now I do have my doubts about this news, I’ll only believe it when I see it happening. But if it was to happen, Turkey couldn’t do much. Besides while we are talking about who won’t accept, it is Syria who will not accept Turkish or American or Israeli terrorists occupying their territory, or any of their proxies. They can’t take them all on at once, but one by one they will fight those that need to be fought, all in due time.


Syria dosen’t have a say in this. It’s a deal between Turkey and Russia. Russia don’t make kindergarten deals or weak ass shaddy backing off from deals. The Syrian regime is speaking in different tongues and I believe people in this regime who are not relieable mentally due to the war are undermining Assad. I’m also certain this push is not from Assad himself hence why the news is uncofirmed nor reliable.

But that being said. Russia could withdraw it’s asistance due to some fuckery done by the regime. TURKEY won’t back down and could destroy Assad within Months if left uncheck with the turks. They would simple overrun Assad and his forces who couldn’t defeat the rebels without Russia and the coalition.

Assad is weak and don’t run anything this is certain. Putin controlls the red-zone of Syria that is regime controll.

If anything this deal sounds like what happened in DZ bombing people acting by their own way without the leadership.


“Turkey won’t make down and could destroy assad within months”, You sir are deluded. Have you not been following the isreali f16 just been blown out of the sky by syrian air defence forces?


Then saa had to deal with isreali AND turkish jets lol

Promitheas Apollonious

i dont think that will be a problem, on the SAA side. But will be a big problem for the turkish air force since their pilots are really shit pilots same as their army.

And something many seem to forget here, using selective memory or are truly ignorant to the facts, is that 5000 Chinese are on the ground and more than that Russians and even more Iranians with their own weapons, in place and all are zeroing, towards what they consider enemy.

You speak as though SAA is the only player on the ground why is that?


“They have almost captured Afrin” LOL Does Porky know how to read a map?

Joe Doe

I would wait and see. To many conficting infprmation


Doubt it is wise …


This is the right thing to do. Firstly I support Syrian government, because it’s thriving for some true independence, unity and prosperity for Syria, for the moment it represents the best Syria can have. But I do have great respect and I support Kurds as well. Everybody seeks alliances, as Syria allied with Russia and Iran Kurds allied with USA, and I think they managed to find a somewhat acceptable equilibrium between the USA demands and their interest to not become actively an anti government paramilitary force, their expansion in Raqqa and D. Ezzoir is the only thing they did wrong, taking something it does not belong to them.

In my opinion the biggest threat to Syria is Turkey. The lands Turkey is grabbing hardly will come under Syrias jurisdiction again and secondly terrorists will find there a secure heaven where to thrive and continuously threat Syrias security and stability.


True independence, hahahaaa that does not exist on this planet since a LONG time!


Independence it does not mean to do everything somebody wants, as the facts have shown USA is not truly independent as well, it have to recognize strong limitations put in place by other “players”. By independence I mean to be in the position do decide the main lines of political, economical and social development of the society that a government represents,

…. and I think Kurds deserve some from this kind of independence, every large distinct community should have it’s fate into its own hands, if not… it will suffer a lot.

jerry hamilton

Is it possible that this report is using the correct words but in the wrong order? I will try reading it again.


Try reading it backwards. See if it makes any sense. :DD


Hmmm, good move by the Syrians.


My issue with Kurds is their cooperation with the US but I will support the Kurds any day over Turkey..Remember that whole Syrian debacle would not have happened without explicit Turkish participation.The US, other NATO members and GCC countries may have supplied the weapon but it was always Turkey.

1. Bought ISIS oil to keep the caliphate going. 2. Broke down and stole entire Syrian factories and transported them over the border. 3. Remember Serena Shim and her report about Al Qaeda being bused from Turkey together with aid into Syria. 4. Supplied the Chemical weapons used in Ghouta 2013. 5. Actively protecting terrorist in Idlib.

the list goes on and on..

Hanny Benny

turkey = ISIS

Don't read butthurt replies

There’s a lot of ex-daesh(isis) members inside of these Kurds group, so no reason to support them any more even if they stopped their cooperation with the US/Israel.

Feudalism Victory

A correct decision. Syrian unity is enhanced by this.


Kurds in Afrin have found themselves between a rock and extremely hard place. They very well may have played right into Syrian government hands, if this new is true. Either way they only really had two choices. 1. Come to a mutual Agreement with the Syrian government, that would see the Syrian government re-establish control over the territory in exchange for some of thier demands as long as they are within reason. 2. Refuse to hand over occupied territory or coming to an amicable settlement with the Syrian Government, and Face off with Turkey and thier goon squads while the Syrian Government sits back and watches Turkey take them out.

Option 1 , obviously is thier best choice. Will wait and see if they are smart enough to figure that out.

Samantha Green

ABORTION RIGHTS IN AFRIN! Turkey has some but SAA and FSA don’t.


Well, probably they have saved the abortion rights in their agreement. Many women fighters.

Devshirme ErdoBot

If Afrin kerds get under the SAA that would divide kurds. I doubt they will agree to this. If kerdroaches under SDF controlled areas see some of their kin can merge with SAA this would raise questions among SDF rats whether it’s worth or not to die for USA. Even if civillian kerds wanted YPG/SDF wouldn’t let them.


I hope that many kurds, in other places of Syria, will follow their brothers of Afrin.


If true; dumb move by Assad. Petangon, 2 days ago, announced its budget. There is a 550 million $ budget that will be spend for YPG in Syria. What, does Assad think US is spending that money on YPG for fun? It’s to build a seperate state within Syria.


Cooperation with YPG in small areas mean nothing. Controlling Afrin, means nothing. If Assad truely wants to revive Syria as a sovreign country then he needs to control 3 important area; Tabqa(because of Tabqa Dam), east of Deir-ez-zor province(for oil fileds), and most of the border with Turkey(agricultural lands).


leon mc pilibin

WTF is the matter with he Kurds,no wonder they dont have their own state.They are lions led by sheep,who are only interested in a quick buck..They should never have stabbed the Syrian people in the back by allowing the zioyanks to fool them into stealing the land and wealth of the country,which eventually will be siphoned off into the greedy pockets of the zionists.Look at Ukraine.Maybe its not too late to mend bridges,if they get some decent leadership.Anyway,Victory to the Brave fighting spirit of the Syrian People.

jerry hamilton

How are America going to counter this? It’s possible that if they quickly invade a few more countries, the ranks of ISIS will swell. Netanyahu certainly won’t just let the Americans quit.

Shy Talk

if this report turns out to be true, then (imho) this will turn into an ottoman flop for the turks, they will not take on the SAA (even though on paper, they easily have the firepower to) their losses would be to high, SAA is not the YPG, maybe its all part of the plan to get the Kurds to ditch the USA, but who knows, they are all a bunch of backstabbing b@stards


i think if the YPG units dont leave afrin and stay with protections of saa, turkey will escelate the situation, no matter what cost,

Bjorn Metaal

Probably not true. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d5f6d82e183377dab885929ffaaca078d2831c3746636b6a38e413a87e32f21d.png


If SAA forces ypg to leave afrin i turkey would accepts it but if ypg stays under saa´s protection turkey will escelate the situation no doubt

Promitheas Apollonious

before starting all kind of scenarios, is best first to see if the info is correct and the kurds finally decided to do the right thing, rather than bite the hand of the country given them hospitality.


Breaking: Syrian Army refuses YPG proposal to enter Afrin



No, dont the Kurds still work with the USA! Let them battle it weakens the kurds and than push into east syria! Turkey will have no choise later to back out otherwise the get bombed by russia again! Now the Kurds want SAA blood to use for their political gains!

Devshirme ErdoBot

Russia is no body to bomb Turkey. Ruskies are pu$$ies. They covered up the deaths of at least a hundred SAA and Russian mercenaries just because theya are scared of Holy US Empire.


Again, maybe they are not a bunch of crazy dogs with revolvers, who know just to chew tobacco and kill everyone they do not like!


Dont be fooled! The difference is the USA are not afraid of war, Russia is! And The USA are not ready for a war like this, Russia is!

Devshirme ErdoBot

Did the propaganda mouth piece south front told you that? Russia proven themselves about how they are afraid of war and how they are far from being ready. Giant pu$$ies…

Devshirme ErdoBot

Al Mayadin=Fake News


This information was not confirmed by Damascus and happen to be untrue. https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/breaking-syrian-army-refuses-ypg-proposal-enter-afrin/


Depending on the terms, this is good news for all sides. At the least it will decrease the number of casualties.

I expect the fights to continue though, depending on where and when SAA will be deployed and on whether there will (likely) be an airshield.

However, without air superiority TSK will have much difficluties in advancing any further.

<aybe this will be the beginning of an all encompassing deal between Assad and the SDF.

If this is correct, the turks have been outmavouvred by both Assad and SDF.


sdf =/= kurds

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