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MARCH 2025

Damascus Is Rocked By Explosions Ahead Of Parliamentary Elections (Photos)

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Late on July 18, two small explosions rocked the Syrian capital, Damascus, according to the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA).

The explosions were caused by two improvised explosive devices, which had been planted near a stall in front of Anas Bin Malek mosque in Nahr Eshe neighborhood in the southwestern part of Damascus.

According to the SANA, a man was killed and another was injured in the explosions. The identity of the victim is yet to be revealed.

Damascus Is Rocked By Explosions Ahead Of Parliamentary Elections (Photos)

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Damascus Is Rocked By Explosions Ahead Of Parliamentary Elections (Photos)

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Damascus Is Rocked By Explosions Ahead Of Parliamentary Elections (Photos)

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Damascus Is Rocked By Explosions Ahead Of Parliamentary Elections (Photos)

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The bombings came ahead of highly-critical parliamentary elections. Ballots are set to open in the morning of July 19 in different parts of the war-torn country, including Damascus.

The National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces slammed the parliamentary election calling it “illegitimate.” Meanwhile, the Syrian Democratic Force stressed that it will not allow any ballots in areas that it controls in the northeastern region.

Despite much criticism, Damascus is determined to hold the elections. The bombings in Damascus today are without a doubt an attempt to intimidate the voters ahead of the elections.


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Fog of War

Yup, the war is over. Russia said so. SMH


But they could mutate like a virus,they should be ground into dust,i wouldn’t be taking prisoners.


The US has again interfered in a sovereign country with violence.

I look forward to the forthcoming US elections erupting in violence and mayhem.


You don’t have to wait. The dems are rioting every night in Portland. And the dems in government are making sure that it continues.


Reporting of riots in the US are almost silenced now here in the UK. Football games with ‘canned cheering’ etc are more important it seems :)


Or Johny Depp and a Royal Wedding,many of the population have been lobotomized,i don’t think there is much hope sad to say.


It seems that debt slavery will morph into a form of ‘benefit and debt’ slavery for the ‘woke’ pawns of a Zionist empire.

The old will be kept on life support until their wealth runs out and the destitute will just fade away if the sociopaths are successful.

Tommy Jensen

US/UK Deep State at it again.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I’m about to get into trouble again but I can’t keep my mouth shut, unconfirmed reports from unreliable opposition forces have claimed Iranian agents in Deir ez Zor were arrested by members of the SAA on Russia’s direct orders, I’ll say again, unconfirmed reports from unreliable opposition forces, but if it’s true it links in with previous developments in Darra/Quneitra/As Suwayda, and also possibly links in with this current story too. But I never trust this site, just listen to what they have to say from time to time.


The unconfirmed/unreliable reports say that it was SAA soldiers that arrested the Iranian agents so I’d have to assume they must’ve been units from the Russian backed 5th army corps, but they could also have been Sunni NDF fighters acting on Russia’s orders, but that’s only if it really happened at all, unconfirmed reports from unreliable opposition forces, mmm.

Units from the Russian backed 5th army corps defected back to the political opposition forces recently much to everyone’s horror, and many of us could understand that to be a failure on Russia’s part, and then possibly even wrongly accuse them of not properly vetting the people they recruited, but the exact opposite is the case, the recruits were thoroughly vetted and the best of the best were chosen, and no they didn’t have to scrape the bottom of the barrel to find them, but circumstances have changed so dramatically since they were recruited things are no longer the same. For the last 12 months or more Russia seems to have been playing second fiddle to Iranian interests in Syria, land leases and telecom deals with Rami Maalouf have been making Iran very happy and Russia quite miserable, which isn’t what the Russian’s were expecting from their golden boy Rami, he was supposed to be helping them not Iran. But he’s not their golden boy anymore, now he’s just in big trouble, and his traitorous telecom deal with Iran is dead and buried forever, and the Russians are now in one of Iran’s old airbases as well, and flying a Russian flag in Deir ez Zor, which some would think is no big deal, but it is [I didn’t think so at first either], mmm, things are turning around a bit I’d say. Turkey, the US, and Iran all have to move their forces out of Syria, the terrorists are no longer the problem they’re just the excuse everyone needs to be there, so Russia needs to find a way to get them all to leave, which should be easy [I could think of a dozen reasons in just a few minutes], the only problem Russia has is getting one of those parties to leave first, and I think Russia will need Gods help with that aspect of the solution, or maybe a little more cooperation from Assad would help too. But not when it comes to Russia’s advice concerning Turkey, in that regard Assad should just keep ignoring everything Putin has to say.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

It might be a lie that’s correct, but then again it might also be the truth, I’m not sure yet myself. When I posted about the Darra uprisings and the anti Iranian sentiment and predicted what was about to happen it proved to be completely accurate, and even though I didn’t predict that units from the Russian backed 5th army corps would desert and return to the opposition forces, I did keep saying that trying to force them to subdue the anti Iranian protesters wouldn’t work, they were being sent to stop their own families, relatives and friends, I predicted that would lead to huge resentment in my comments and it did big time. But I did let SF readers know that some of the Russian backed 5th army corps had defected 3 weeks before you read it in any SF article, you had to read my comments on SF to find that out the truth about that, and I used mostly opposition media sites to come to my own conclusions about all those things I’ve just boasted I made accurate predictions about, SF didn’t predict anything at all and it was 2 to 3 weeks behind in reporting the actual developments as well, so what did you say about the truth. Sometimes the only way to find out the truth is to read what the opposition has to say, your own side doesn’t always tell you the truth. Which is something the rebel groups and terrorists in Syria should do more often too, some of them might even decide they didn’t want to be rebels or terrorists anymore if they actually did that, and maybe some pro US supporters wouldn’t be so pro US either, or the Russians, Turks, Iranians, Israelis and everyone else. Knowing the truth is something that serves everyone’s best interests no matter which side you back, only knowing some of the truth only serves the interests of the person or people hiding the truth, and they’re all hiding something, I’m just trying to find out what the truth is.


The SDF needs to be disbanded and it’s leadership arrested for sedition.

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