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MARCH 2025

Damascus Slams SDF-U.S. Oil Agreement As ‘Deal Between Thieves’

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Damascus Slams SDF-U.S. Oil Agreement As ‘Deal Between Thieves’

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Damascus has slammed the recent agreement between the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and a U.S.-based oil company.

An official source in the Syrian Foreign Ministry told the Syrian Arab News Agency on August 2 that the deal is “null and void,” stressing that it has “no legal effect.”

“This agreement is considered as an integrated and aggravated theft and it can be only described as a deal between thieves who are stealing and thieves who are buying,” the source said, adding: “it constitutes an assault against Syria’s sovereignty, and a continuation of the U.S. hostile approach towards Syria.”

The source also warn the SDF that U.S. presence in northeast Syria will “inevitably disappear,” threatening the Kurdish-led group with a military defeat.

The SDF’s agreement with the Delaware-based Delta Crescent Energy LLC was singed without any permission from the legitimate government in Damascus.

According to a report by Al-Monitor, the agreement will allow Delta Crescent Energy LLC to market oil in northeast Syria and modernize oil fields there. The U.S. company was granted a license to work in Syria by the Office of Foreign Assets Control, OFAC.

The questionable oil deal is likely designed to set an additional foothold for the occupation of Syrian oil fields by US forces as well as to set condictions for the further separation of the SDF-controlled territory from Syria as a state.


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Lone Ranger

And they are right about it. So where is the UN? Main stream news?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Syria should just bomb the oilfield as soon as the first US executive turns up on Syrian territory.

Then chase any customers for the oil through the international courts. Then make the Kurds pay off the losses to the Syrian people. Or let the Turks do what they want to the Kurds, and expel the leftovers to the USA.


They should hire you as military advisor. That will teach your mom screaming at you to play less videogames.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

I taught your momma how to screech, while you were playing.

She said you were special needs, so I threw you a bone, and you gnawed away peacefully.

What happened to you since then is symptomatic of your family background.


Cool story, mate

rightiswrong rightiswrong

I’m not your mate, I just fucked your momma.

Simple business transaction. I threw you the bone hoping you’d choke on it.

Free man

” I just fucked your momma.” – I wonder why this site attracts repulsive people like you.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You should be wondering what your momma was fucking before she had you.

That would explain why you are retarded.


Or send some agents or Drone to blow his head off,they would get the message.


The Russians and Syria could bring this to the UNSC for all the good it would do,but at least it would expose the criminals before the world,they only way to stop this is by military force,the only way to do that is to inform the US military action backed by the Russian airforce and missiles will be taken to liberate Syria east of the Euphretes,and its up to they if they choose to get in the way.


Nobody would start a nuclear war for the Syrian oil. In a conventional war USA would whip the floor with Russia.

Lone Ranger

In your dreams. Even according to the Pentagon Russia could take Brussels in 6weeks.


All Russian soldiers would reach Bruxelles in only 6 weeks as POWs

Lone Ranger

Haha. Jokester… Dont worry, if God forbid that happens, and Russia takes Brussels, they will give your enough borsch to not starve.;)

Free man

It is borscht.

Lone Ranger



Cause that’s what Russian troops would eat, but jewish communists like your family would eat caviar.

Lone Ranger

Borscht is an ukrop food as far as I know. So its your fav probably… Aside from that im not a conmie and only part jew, same as you part Russian…:) But Im glad you are riding high ends limp dick… And least something to gigle about…


You are not commie anymore? But you said your family had it better in communist Hungary, than today.

Lone Ranger

I never said that. I said Hungarians had it better than Ukrainians. Which is true. Im actually a conservative.


jewish effing communists like that Lone Jew b@stard ?!

they certainly would !

Jens Holm

All the parts You say are driven by Jews seemes to do much better then Yours. So if true, I feel fine about it and never will change to lira, rials, dirham og Turkish pesetas.


He’s a nostalgist. I have a jewish relative, she’s also a nostalgist, this ppl were super-priviledged in communism.


And why wouldn’t they?!

It is their own system made by Jews for the Jews And their communist slogan was : “Jews are the best fuck the rest “

rightiswrong rightiswrong

They took Berlin, Paris against Hitler and Napoleon, armies who smashed all the other modern day US vassal states.

Who did the US beat, Panama, Mexico and Spain, they even drew up a ceasefire with the guys with bows and arrows.


Russia was split between Germany and Japan by now, if USA didn’t smash them all.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Russia was beating the Nazis while your lot were still at home.

Japan knew better than to attack the USSR, they picked on the weaker nation, the US instead. Read a history book, Japan stayed well away from the Soviets. Russia took two weeks to do to the Japs what the US couldn’t achieve in 4 years.

Jens Holm

Thats not even the point. USA did everything to stay out of WW2 just as they did in WW1.

Therefore they in 1938 only had 400.000 soldiers and most of them could not leave USA.

In 1938 USA started up an army at a million from having nothing and not even in simple weapons. BUT that army had no transportation. It had no supply it hardly had anything.

And the education was made into fighting a the Japanses do, which almost are as the american Marine troops does.

Thats almost the opposit of the German way by Clausewitch and followers.


Rússians was beaten hard and not beating the Nazis at all.

And here USA actually did what they could by selling for 11 billion dollars of everything and after that for free in leand and lease anything asked for. Just as Hitler didnt show all his horses, the russians didnt show that most of the T34 advances was not possible without american Bedfordtrucks with fuel.

Japan didnt pick a weaker nation as well. They knew USA could be much stronger. Their trick was to move the americans back until they got stronger themself.

It seemes You ignore the negosiations, where USA tryed to keep the Japanese in a sober line.

Your way of comparing makes no sense at all. Russia was in hard war economy since 1930and it even became sharper later on.

USA not even had own civile vessels to cross the pacific as well as the atlantic ocean. The ships to Murmansk was from the defeated European countries and after 1941 they transported You help by Vladivostok and Bandar Abas, which is far, so they did, what they could starting from nothing.

I will remind You that it was an agreement with Stalin, that the Nazis were harder and therefore had high priority and USA and UK did, what Russia could not. Thats was knocking out the German infrastructure,

That was a great help but of coiurse for own purpose too.

You write as USSR propaganda i its worst. Shame on You.


Russians are still eating today bean cans sent by Americans in WW2.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Sure, the tough Russkies eating cans of beans, after the Yanks never sent can openers.

Those Russkies are tough guys, with great dentists. lol

Lone Ranger

Ukrops* Explains all the food poisoning…

Lone Ranger

Except Russia did most the smashing…


80% to be exact,even Churchill said the Red Army tore the guts out of the Nazi war machine,its just a fact.

Lone Ranger

Finally someone who knows history. Thank you.


The Battle of Stalingrad and the critical Nazi defeat with the entirety of its 3rd army encircled is considered the true turning point of the war. Despite all the devastation that it had endure, Soviet was still able to reach Berlin before the all-powerful allies having to deal only with a THIRD of the remaining German forces. Indeed, two thirds were rushed to the Eastern front in an attempt to contain the Russian counteroffensive. Not only they managed that but also their Japanese campaign. if it wasn’t for the American nuclear holocaust of the country, Japan would have witness a Soviet victory. All the while the French campaign of the US expeditionary force had to replenish its forces in Normandy several times over and sustained massive casualties and completely failed in the rapid conquest they had originally envisioned. Plus, Churchill expressly requested Stalin to accelerate its own offensive on the East to merely be able to stand a real chance in D-Day on on.

Hollywood sure had a hard time trying to roll back all those pieces of history. It took it 70 years to gradually make the western world believe their crap at being the only instrumental force in defeating Nazis. And even then, the tide has been turning in the past decade, as less and less people believe in that lie while various polls indicate a growing number of people actually reading history and mentioning Russia first in line again as a prime victor.


*got most of smashing.

Lone Ranger

That too. And won.


Thanks to the Allies.

Lone Ranger

Indeed Russia was part of the Allies.


Throwing historical facts at Bacon will only upset him. :)

Lone Ranger

Thats part of why Im doing it :)

Jens Holm

Well, It was West which made the German industriela complex into stoneage. Without that the Russians were delayed a lot and USA would have 1 million more soldiers there.

Of course its also forgotten the USA(and UK) military capabilities also included defeating Japan and the Bolsjevics therefore could send all they had west.

But USA also could send their highly mobile forces there to Europe.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

The USSR smashed the Japanese Kwangtung Army, the largest armed force of Japan, in two weeks. The Japs surrendered for fear of a Soviet invasion, not the US murder of civilians with atom bombs.

The US spent 4 years attacking little islands, while the Soviets demolished the Nazis from Germany, along with their Danish, Swedish SS Brigades. Then a two week war to destroy the Japs, while the US sat back and marvelled at the sight of Soviet soldiers fighting, the foes the US soldiers dreaded.

Jens Holm

Only ignorants can bias like this. I can too:

If the Bolsjevics had not sold anything the nazis needed, they never had been abkle to attack Brits and French. Vital parts of the Barbarossa against USSR was by Your own export to them, which included iron, coal, food and nikel.

From 1938 to a years after Barbarossa Stalin himself almost destroyed the red army and even let it leave the Stalin line and its very modern Red Aramy consept for figthting well(agaist Nazis).

Leningrad almost was starved to dead, because there was no food even USA sended them a lot. Clothe is same thing. Railways systems all included.

If USSR had tryed to take the rest of Europe, it was not possible, because the Russians soldiers would have no food and too long suplly lines too.


They didn’t want to take the rest of Europe you clown,they just wanted Hitler destroyed.


Don’t forget Grenada LOL!!

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Jeez, how could I forget that huge victory against Cuban maintenance workers armed with spanners and screwdrivers, lol.


One has to be fair to the US Military. The Cuban spanners were very heavy and the screwdrivers were long and thin.

rightiswrong rightiswrong


Jens Holm

Thats very incorrect. They could or at least reach the Rheine.

Lone Ranger

Better call the Pentagon. Go tell em…


I have driven from Dordrecht to Brussels in an hour while Rotterdam is less than 15 minutes from Dordrecht. So, your point is?


You in clinical trials would be classified as a dysfunctional certified mental case, but I am sure you have been told that all your life by many mental health professionals. I am amazed that they allow internet access to someone with your mental disabilities in your country, wherever that may be.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

He’s been told a million times on this site to get a translator ffs, but he’s too slow to translate that message into getting an actual translator!

I unblocked him for an hour the other day, but blocked him again as he just posts gibberish.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Sure, the US is always attacking the USSR, and now Russia, lol.

The US couldn’t beat a third world power, their words, in Vietnam, but you think a division of US troops enjoying the brothels of Poland can do better than the 5 million Nazi cunts who failed spectacularly. You Nazis just can’t get over Russian superiority over you.


Yeah, if it was USSR would do wonders in Vietnam jungle.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Glad you accept Russian superiority over you Nazi prick losers.




Those “Nazi cunts” in majority were elite German forces and by far superior to anything Anglo-Saxon cunts could ever put against them.

They have failed but there was nothing “spectacular” in their defeat. They have fought quite well even when desperate and in disarray in last days of war. Because of hatred and fear they had for Soviets and because they were well trained hardened by war soldiers.

The only thing “spectacular” in my modest opinion was Soviet (Russian) heroism. The only enormous superiority that Russia has today comparing to NATO is moral, motivational.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Germany was crushed by Soviet forces, annihilated and their nation torn asunder for 45 years, and still today it has occupation troops. That’s a spectacular defeat in any language.

Those Anglo- Saxons have been top dogs in Western Europe for centuries, as they have no problem pooling their resources, unlike the asshole Germans who only became one state in 1870. German soldiers fought for their lives, because they had carried out such atrocities, they had good reason to fight to the death. The hardened well trained troops you speak off, were being killed off in large numbers ever since Barbarossa began, and more so after Stalingrad.

Soviet heroism was not spectacular, it’s how they always fight. Napoleon would agree on that, along with Adolf.

NATO has no enormous superiority over anyone ffs, how long are they losing to the Taliban for now? The best troops NATO have, are in Syria, ISIS. They won’t be any good around Murmansk or anywhere north of Anatolia though.

After the modest numbers of NATO European based troops are wiped out during the first stage of a supposed conflict, where do the reserves come from? I’d tell my gov go fuck yourself, as will millions of other citizens sick to the back teeth of suits like Bliar getting rich off of the backs of ordinary soldiers, in wars for profit. And I served during the 1980’s, and was glad to have done so.

The Russians only dread is, the morons in DC will push too hard, and a FUBAR happens.

Damien C

with no fucking air cover ???? HOW????


With air cover.


Wipe the floor ? excuse me ? Geez, what an uninformed and unqualified fanboy comment. Conventionally, Russian A2/AD assets along with dedicated anti-naval air squadrons would sink half USN assets in a matter of days if the latter is not careful. Likewise there is nothing serious Russia can do against the US mainland. And those two realities are exactly why such a fantasy Call of Duty war would never happen.


That would never happen indeed, 500 US soldiers are enough to keep Russia at great distance.

Jens Holm

Haha. And if they dont wash they only need 50:)


The smelly smell


Funny ma… sorry troll ??

Lone Ranger

For 3mins maybe..


Sure mate, whatever. Too bad they weren’t around when Russia took over Crimea, Eastern Ukraine and South Ossetia. Maybe the mighty USN can come and stop evil Russia’s completion of the Nord Stream pipeline to avenge the fallen.

cechas vodobenikov

bacon is an insecure feminized amerikan…”only in amerika is the father vestigial; the amerikan mind and conscience is feminine”. Geoffrey Gorer amerikan men are feminized by “the tyranny of the school m’arm”. Daniel Boorstin


I wish NATO could stay away from ME and keep both eyes on Eastern Europe.


Why don’t they ? as per your assessment, it would take no more than some 1,500 additonnal troops to deter the Russian in the three countreis I mentionned. I’m sure they can manage that.Oh wait.

Jim Allen

You’re quite mistaken. Russia can do serious damage against the US mainland. Very serious damage. Russia has weapons systems US military has no analog stationed within 200 miles of both US coasts. As Putin mentioned, along with naming the 7 locations Russia will strike should US launch missiles towards Russia, and/or it’s allies. Whether missiles are launched from US, or Europe. If you recall US Government had apolexy at the appearance of a pair of Tu-160 strategic bombers touring the Caribbean and flew into Venezuela. All the fuss over a pair of White Swans on holiday in Venezuela. Very nice underestimation you have there.


I agree Jim, I only meant quantitatively,at least AFAIK. Indeed Russia’s strategic bomber force is a unique capability with no direct analog in thr world in prrcision stand-off strike including supersonic and now hypersonic ordnance. The closest the USAF has would be the B1-Bs that do not provide parity. Of course Russia’s projection capabilities for conventionnal long-range strikes can deliver some very painful hits key US infrastricture on its mainland yet in all fairness they aren’t a match for the amount of firepower and assets that the US can muster against Russian territory in return. That certainly doesn”t mean they can actually deliver in a real confict, but they simply have more vectors,that’s mathematical facts.

Jim Allen

Isn’t that what was said about Germany ? Russia is quite capable of defeating US military forces. Take a good look at the condition of US military. Vectors are easily controlled by disrupting lines of communications, cutting the links to, and from the decision making center, and from tactical command, and it’s weapons systems. Russia can do this in 7 moves. All at the same times. The world (Russia) eventually beat the tiny German military back inside it’s borders. German military was 17 million, and 90% horse drawn. The numbers between US, and Russia are close, except fighters, and large surface ships. Russia has more submarines, a lot of disproportionately armed for their size Corvettes, (US military lists these Corvettes, as frigates due to the weapons on board. Both hypersonic weapons, and Directed Energy Weapons are operational. Russia’s ground forces have more, and superior armor, better everything actually, and Spetsnaz. Russian fighters are superior, and it’s military 71% modernised. Growing rapidly. The Germans taught Russia how to fight. Russia’s expanded on that. Numbers are subjective, and I’ve always hated math.


I don”t disagree with basically anything you mentionned. But I think there is a misunderstanding as to my initial comment. When speaking about “maths”I was refering exclusively to pure projection capacity devid of any context, one of the few areas where the US still ranks first and its abysmal public debt pays for it for now. In the case of Germany, Russia could take over one occupied eastern European country after the other and gradually reach Germany itself since it had ample continental land access. The same cannot be said of say a theoretical full invasion effort against the US. They can utterly eliminate anything the US deploys in Europe, and Moscow can indeed do a lot of critical damage to the heart of the US Military complex on its own soil as well and greatly reduce the effectiveness of its command and control infrastructure, wreak unspeakable havoc on their warfighting ability overall,yes obviously and big time,and the Pentagon knows it full well. But disembarking hundreds of thousands of troops to US shores and establish permanent bridgeheads let alone captire cities seems unrealistic and anyway makes no sense. In turn, despite its technical and logistical ability to massively deploy overseas , the US would have few viable option to apply their doctrine against Russian. None of their airlifting assets would be safe from preemptive takedowns before even landing anywhere neaf the fronlines,ditto its navy support ships and amphibious carriers that would get miserably torn up and sank the moment they cross into A2/AD and anti-naval triad range,and in the case of Russia, these are huge.

My point is,notwidstanding their respective capabilities in the relevant areas, none of the parties can invade or bring the war to the enemy’s doorstep.

Rhodium 10

Like Nobody included USA would start a war vs Russia if Russian troops enter in Baltic countries or if China retake Taiwan!..


And that’s why Russia shits bricks NATO flexes muscles in the Baltics and China doesn’t even approach Taiwan.

Rhodium 10

Taiwan doesnt even proclame its independence while Baltic fear to expel Russians citizens living in Latvia and Estonia..


Taiwan is defacto independent and the Baltics don’t need to expel anyone… only in case of riots that would facilitate little greens infiltration.

Rhodium 10

Then why they fear to proclame the independence?….in case of Russian population Riots Baltic will face a big problem with Russia…thats why Latvian gave passport to many Russians to avoid problems.


That’s the culture of the West, to treat the people well, no matter if they are Russians or anything else. I know you will never understand this logic. As for Taiwan, they probably are waiting for mainland regime to fall and to unite as a democratic country.

cechas vodobenikov

projecting your feminine obese insecurity once again…LOL


I think Russian media is too hysterical about the NATO actions around its borders.


Why would it start a nuclear war?they would wipe the floor with Russia LOL!! what with five hundred bitches?


Why doesn’t mighty Russia kick those lil bitches asses? Cuz she a lil bitch herself :)

cechas vodobenikov

LOL—u lose every war in history—Vietnam, Korea, Canada….your insecure feminized obese soldiers cannot win anything…never have….did nothing about Crimea, S Ossetia, Abkhazia, Pridnestrovia….a nation of cowards that fear death LOL


Low IQ children speak to get attention and nobody takes them seriously. US lost to Taliban, let alone Russia. I am a psychiatrist and my advise to mentally challenged adolescents and adults is don’t speak to further expose your stupidity. On a standard IQ test you would score in the lowest 5% quartile. Independent IQ tests, such as the WISC-IV, Stanford-Binet, and Weschler Intelligence Scale for Children are more accurate for gifted children. An IQ test of 85-114 is average and distressed children like yourself would rank around 70 or borderline retarded.


A psychiatrist that tells my IQ online, for free! I save a lot of money spending time here. Can you tell my age by chance, doc?


The UN is a pile of shit, a total waste of resources and, to top it all, in Jew York city, the gatekeepers of Ziocorporate terrorist globalism. The UN can’t crash and burn soon enough for the joke it is, but yes, it remains a valid venue to inform the US Zioterrorists that changes need to be made. Looks like in the Kremlin they still expect “partnership” with the West despite Western globalist usury and terrorism.


US has sunk so low that it has to steal other nation’s resources to fund its endless war and terrorism. Contrast this with China, whose economy is growing at the fastest pace in history.

China factory activity expands at fastest pace in nearly a decade: Caixin PMI

Free man

I don’t understand what the cry is all about. When one is inactive one cannot complain about the fact that the other side is active. Life goes on in eastern Syria, and oil is the only source of income. Damascus needs to understand that they will get eastern Syria by negotiations not by force. The sooner they start the better.


Stupid comment Why would Kurds negotiate? They never understood their situation and position They only adapt on situation every day That is an intelligence of village idiot and you pretend that they can be partners in negotiations? You are effing joking or you are plain stupid.

Free man

I don’t respond to people like you. So there is no point in you writing to me.


I told you what I wanted so I don’t give effing fuck about your “writing” !

rightiswrong rightiswrong

So why respond to anyone else, we all know you are a fucking moronic trollster.

I can see HiaNd’s response to you, so it is real.

Sticking your head up your ass and pretending otherwise just shows you for the weaseled arsed Nazi you are.

Free man

Repulsive people like you don”t contribute anything to the discussion, nor do you pose any challenge. So there is no point in answering you and your curses.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You are a right little bitchy muppet though.

If there is no point in answering, then what is the point of you posting?

Nazi prick loser you are.

Jens Holm

He now and then is a muppet. You often seemes to be the dirt.


just plain friggin stupid!


what is?

Jens Holm

You expect we all should bow in ranks and are not better then Hitlerin this. Its even an internal system amoing muslims, where palestines, somalis and most pakis are the lowest You canbe family related to.

People seemes to prefare adding themselves as pedofiles and by motherfucker rape for be number zero last in the muslim world. I have heard sandniggers and beduins used as bad language as well. Mongols, Armenians, Jews. Greeks are writen out of almost all history books apart from Alexander the Great and his 8 passports.

So how shall I see You ?? You probatly are some dirty beduin and the only water You think You need Yourself is for tea and locums served by Your wife bought and decided by Yiour father, which tryed her first.

cechas vodobenikov

your backward insecure feminized racism is expected


the kurds I would guess, just like the poles, limitless stupidity.

Jens Holm

Its very much upside woen too. 4 artificial countries never understad Kurds and never has tried in any realatic way.

Instead they are expected to integrate as second class arabs, Turks etc. Many says: No way, never.

Respect is both ways. I see no respect for 40 million kurds even most of them are the moderate kind …


Life that we live is built out of many illusions. Yet the biggest of all are those that we build ourselves.

Jens Holm

Speak forYourseld and You probatly do for others too.

My kind of reverse was given me, when I was 9 years old and became a boyscout.

We had to promise to listen to others and by that make our own oppinion. By that I think I have not many illusions. Those are taken away or reduced to commas. .

cechas vodobenikov

“we r never deceived; we deceive ourselves”. Goethe


hell I didn’t know that Goethe is reading my comments ! :-)


The SDF has no need for negotiation at present because they know as long as US occupies Syria they will have support, without that I think they would come to their senses.

Free man

Everyone knows the Americans will leave sometime. The Kurds better negotiate now and not when the Americans leave.

cechas vodobenikov

kurd myopia has cost them dearly throughout history

Jens Holm

Yes, they gave away Afrin for giving nothing to the Kurds there. If I was Assads I would rewad they had kept the Johadists and Turkmen in line and also kept many refugees inside Syria and with no tents.


Idiotic so-called “reasoning” to justify the ISIS/US/SDF takeover of eastern Syria, when it’s a part of the global Ziocorporate terrorist “world order” wars. SDF-occupied Syria will remain a US a landlocked protectorate, Syria’s options are to accept it or not, nothing more.

cechas vodobenikov

it is impossible to negotiate w liars and hypocrites—amerikans, kurds, turks. one must be patient and allow the barbarians to bankrupt themselves….then they will depart, unable to pay their ISIS surrogates


Stop whinning, grow balls and take it back.


Grow balls how?

They can’t, their most capable forces are very limited in numbers

For offensive of those proportions they need plenty of people and they are not even near those numbers

The Ghost of Brian Griffin

And the U.S. is trying to lecture others about international law. Eff them.

Jens Holm

Maybee You should try to give them a good example to follow. Someone has to start.

johnny rotten

The beauty is that they accuse Russia and China of not respecting the rules, which boast of defending the freedom of navigation, the free market, of selling the gas of freedom and another pile of similar bullshit, the only human rights that they defend in reality they are those of looting and killing the weakest for the benefit of their corrupt corporations, as Smedley Butler said, they could also teach gangsters like Al Capone, only that the latter did not have the ass face to say that he did to defend the human rights of his victims, in his way he was even more human and more honest than these psychopathic villains.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Let’s get real people, Assad still controls one third of all the Syrian oil and he still controls two thirds of the gas, and yet he still has to import fuel to keep the country running, you can blame the US all you want but that doesn’t explain why Syria doesn’t have enough oil or fuel. Russia took on the contract to rebuild the Syrian oilfields and refineries so they’re the ones responsible for the sad state of affairs now, they’re the main reason Syria has to import fuel instead of gainfully exporting oil and gas, and once the Russians start rebuilding the destroyed infrastructure things will improve dramatically, but money’s scarce right now thanks to low oil prices and covid 19, so sadly there’s no rebuilding. Yes the US have stolen two thirds of Syria’s oil and hurt Syria’s economy, but Syria still has one third of the oil left, so someone needs to help Syria suck it out of the ground, refine it, and then either let Syria use it themselves or sell it to someone else. The US has already restored several oilfields to full capacity and the Saudis are now reportedly doing the same thing in Syria, so the Russian’s better pull their fingers out or they’ll be left way behind, and sadly Syria will still have to keep importing fuel until those oilfields and refineries are rebuilt. Here’s some more cheery news that I posted yesterday, and I’m reposting it again today since it still seems relevant.

“Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said yesterday that he had asked his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, to jointly manage oil fields in Syria’s Deir Ez-Zor. “Deir Ez-Zor is another territory with oil reserves. In that province, terrorists exploit the oil resources. America has its own plans here,” Erdogan said in reference to Kurdish-led forces who control the region’s rich oilfields. “I made the offer to Mr. Putin, that; if he gives financial support, we can do the construction and through the oil obtained there, we can help destroyed Syria to get on its feet,” he told reporters aboard his plane on the way back from Brussels. Erdogan explained that he may even propose a similar offer to the US President Donald Trump.”

That doesn’t mean Putin accepted the offer, but now we at least know what they have been talking about. I’ll bet Assad would prefer to burn those oilfields before he let Erdogan get his grubby fingers on them.

Jens Holm

Nice to see some sober reflexions.

Assads cant get enough fuel because those oilfields are repaired old days ones. If You´look at several maps, many are registrated as empty. BUT empty says empty by old days equipment runned by old days inkompetent people.

The Baathists systematicly has not invested in modern methods, educated people and their skills. They have just taken all to Damaskus, if the oilmoney even has reached to there.

And true. Its calculated the Russian themselves need at least 40 dollar or barrel to make plus for their expensies. Right now it is 40 dollar, sothey hardly has much money for any investments to help Syria.

I amsure they also think the other kinds of help Syria are expensive.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The US destroyed most of the oilfields to stop Isis gaining revenue, so now someone has to rebuild them, it’s no more complicated than that, it’s not a matter of incompetence or antiquated equipment, just a matter of fixing up what the US broke.

King Cliff

I believe the sdf just digg they own grave,I don’t believe any nation will be able to forgive them..m

Jens Holm

I am no nation. I dont blame them and I dont accuse them. Therefore I cant forgive.

Do You really think Turks and Assads will change, if SDFs kept all oil below. I deny to believe anything like that.

My best hopes for them and the future for most Syrians are, that Assads soon collapse.


since the disjointed states of A is skint, they are attempting to make the useful idiots more selfsustained by giving them an income – that stream will be easily disturbed so it won’t make a whole lot of difference, except that the morons in the white house can keep the jews in palestine going for some additional time. but on the whole the yankee-twats middle east adventure is drawing to an end and so is the illegal occupation of palestine by the jews and after that the kurds will be happy to accept tenancy in the borderland

Jens Holm

I dont see that. The covid and the small regression is over almost all the world, so we all will be declining some and hopefully regain soon again.

Your ME predictions probatly are partly true. It was Obama politics to use politics more then weapons and fx micro bases instead of big ones. But the reasosns are not the local ones there.

cechas vodobenikov

kurds r despised everywhere—the Israelis will not be displaced; wishful thinking…..the turks, ISIS, amrikans will…..as they devolve into poverty, debt, they will no longer to pay ISIS proxies, Kurds to conduct their immoral wars

The Objective

Assad can force the U.S out of Syria by simply implementing the U.N resolution reached in 2015. The Assad regime can do this by working with Turkey and Pakistan on the return of the over 4 million Syrian refugees in Turkey and Pakistan. There should be a ceasefire between all Waring parties except for ISIS and other terrorists. A U.N transition government should be created to oversee reconstruction, then followed by a U.N monitored nationwide election. Whoever the Syrians vote as their president will be have international recognition and support to fully rebuild his country. This is a feasible solution to the problem. If Assad continues to insist on taking back the whole of Syria before any negotiations, then I think he’ll take that dream to the grave. The U.S is further entrenching its presence in Syria with this illegal deal, but Assad is partly to blame. I suspect other third parties are leaning on Assad not to accept any negotiated settlement that results in an election regardless of how much Syrians suffer.

Jens Holm

Their level is not there at all. Its more like they shoot anyone, which has a wrong flags, and there are about 40 flags.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You made 2 excellent comments the other day about Iran but you’re way off the mark with this comment. The resolution you refer to is resolution 2254, and it is absolutely the worst thing that ever happened to Syria, far worse than Isis or anything else, don’t believe for one second it does anything at all good for Syria or Assad, in fact all it does is share legitimate political power with the Muslim Brotherhood and the US. Russia, Iran and Turkey drew up and proposed resolution 2254 back in 2015, it was their resolution and no one else’s, the resolution called for the rewriting of the Syrian constitution which if implemented, would’ve given the political opposition way more say in the Syrian political process, and also allowed many foreign backed Syrian NGOs to willfully undermine the Syrian Government. Strangely that’s something that Russia, Iran, and Turkey don’t allow in their own countries, they have laws to stop them, so what a double standard, one rule for Russia, Turkey, and Iran and another rule for Syria, so Assad refused to accept that resolution for nearly 5 years and explained why he wouldn’t accept it. Then at the end of last year the UN made Assad a new offer, they agreed to make some new amendments that would suit Assad and he accepted the UN proposal the very same day they made it, so nearly 5 years of saying no to Russia, Iran and Turkey, but less than 1 day to say yes to the new UN offer. Now that doesn’t mean the UN made Assad a good deal, just a deal that was a lot better than the old one, the one’s his allies helped Turkey draw up. :[ So let’s see who’s in favour of resolution 2254, who actually wants to implement the resolution and why do they want to implement it. 1, Turkey most of all, it legitimises the Syrian Interim Opposition Government that Turkey supports, it allows more foreign interference with the Syrian political process directly and indirectly via NGOs, and it also cements Turkey’s legitimate involvement in Syria allowing Erdogan to avoid any legal proceedings that may arise from his internationally recognised illegal actions in Syria. :[ 2, The US was also a big winner with resolution 2254, that resolution legitimized the US backed Autonomous Government and gave them a say in Syria’s political future too, and everyone thinks Iran’s does everything they can to oppose the US, but resolution 2254 didn’t though. 3, Russia and Iran and just about everyone else want the resolution implemented, so there’s a lot of people in favour of the resolution. Russia wants Turkey as an ally and economic partner and Iran wants the same thing, so I believe they’re the real reason these 2 groups want to implement the resolution, as to all the rest there are many other reasons.

And who’s actually opposed to the resolution, well obviously Assad is, he knocked it back for nearly 5 years, and even now that he’s accepted the new and better UN offer, he’s still trying to avoid implementing it. The Astana agreements between Turkey, Russia, and Iran all designated the moderate opposition forces, the NFL, SNA, SLF, FSA as legal opposition forces according to resolution 2254, but they also designated HTS and Al Nusra Front as terrorist organizations and not a party to resolution 2254 or the Astana process. So who does Assad do deals with now, it’s not the legal opposition Turkey, Iran, Russia, or the US recognise, it’s actually HTS. Assad does deal with the US recognized and supported Autonomous Government, but doesn’t so deals with the US/Turkish recognized and Turkish supported Syrian Interim Opposition Government, which the NFL, SNA, SFL, FSA all belong to. So he deals with the US and the HTS terrorists but he won’t deal with the very people the Astana process and resolution 2254 say he should. Smirk. Assad doesn’t want to implement resolution 2254 because it cuts his own throat, the new UN proposed resolution cuts his throat a little slower than the old Russian/Turkish/Iranian resolution did, but it still cuts his throat in the end, that’s why Assad’s doing trade deals with the HTS now and not the Astana/resolution 2254 designated legal moderate opposition, he’s weakening the legal opposition and strengthening the terrorists, and he’s doing it for a reason, he’s delegitimizing the very people the Astana agreements and resolution 2254 are trying to legitimize.

And the only other group in the whole wide world totally opposed to resolution 2254 are Assad’s old enemies the Arab league Nations, they don’t mind the US so much but they definitely want Turkey and the Muslim Brotherhood to get out of Syria, so that’s where Assad should be looking for help now, the enemies of his enemies, they’ll help Assad way more than his allies will or can.

Resolution 2254 is pure and utter evil there’s no two ways about it, and you don’t even need to be smart or knowledgable to know that, there’s just one simple golden rule you can apply to work out what’s good or not good for Assad and Syria, if Erdogan likes it it’s bad, if he doesn’t it’s good, pretty simple really.

The Objective

Thank you very much for this lengthy and enlightening reply. I have learnt a lot and hope to learn a lot more from you. Obviously, you know a lot about what’s going on in Syria. You probably even live there cos some of the information in your post cannot be found online. You also appear pretty honest because you never tried to defend Assad or lie regarding resolution 2254. However, I must add that your reply only confirms what I said, but in greater detail. The fact still remains that Assad isn’t likely to win in genuine election in Syria.

I am not against any leader who has a majority support within his country, and Assad is no exception. My problem is that most commentators on SouthFront apply double standards. They do all they could to hide the crimes of Russia, Iran, Assad, etc., against humanity, but they are always eager to mention any bad thing America, Israel, Turkey, or the GCC does. Now there is no problem if these morons admit their subjective approaches, but they insist on being unbiased.

People learn a lot from comments. And many belief comments more than some articles. It is the attempt of many to mislead others that gets me mad sometimes.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You’re very welcome. No I don’t live in Syria but I do support Syria and its people, but only if they truly support Syria, sadly not all of them do. And whether or not Assad would win the next free and fair election is debatable, the last election was missing 3 million people and possibly 1 million voters, but even if they are included in the next election I suspect Assad would still win. The last free and fair election was nearly a landslide victory, so even if all the 1 million voters in Idlib did all vote against Assad, and I don’t think they all would, but even if they did Assad could still have the numbers to win. But in saying that the recent economic downturn and all the anti Iranian protests in Daraa and Quneitra may be taking a bigger toll than we see, perhaps the next election will give us an idea as to where the people loyalties are really laying. And if you add in all the voters that are located overseas, I think you’d find at least a third of them actually support Assad, even some of those now living in Turkey, so even if they could return to Syria to cast a vote, Assad would still get some support, the same could also be said if the US controlled areas were included in the vote.

Double standards and bias on SF comments and SF articles are the norm, the truth is the exception. I can forgive people for unknowingly misleading people, that happens all the time, I’ve done it myself, what I hate the most is the abuse I sometimes get for trying to tell the truth, that’s when I’d like to jump through the monitor and talk to the abuser man to man. They say the pen is mightier than the sword and I think they’re right, so keep making your comments no matter what anyone says, I might not agree with all your comments, but as I told you the other day, I thought 2 of them were absolutely brilliant, so even if you can’t win every battle, you can still win some of them. Cheers.

The Objective

Again, what I said about the transition government and nationwide election could have resulted from the resolution 2254 if implemented, even if not explicitly mentioned in the resolution. I think a Similar happened in Libya. Correct me if i am wrong.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

It is explicitly mentioned in resolution 2254, that’s the one true purpose of the resolution, and all the Astana agreements between Turkey, Russia, and Iran, are all intended to help implement the resolution. 6 months after all hostilities end the elections are supposed to take place, but they haven’t even started rewriting the constitution yet, so we’re a long way off yet.

I don’t know much about the situation in Libya but from what I can see, they’re in a very similar situation to Syria. Russia was behind the opposition LNA 100% right up until Turkey got involved, now they seem to be horse trading with Erdogan in the same way they have been in Syria, so I suspect some secretive deals have been done concerning Libya. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it probably is a duck, but if it walks like a duck quacks like a duck and craps like a duck too, it’s definitely a duck.

cechas vodobenikov

Assad is enormously popular in Syria—only a freedom hating fascist amerikan claims otherwise—you fascists did not negotiate w the Indians, nor the Mexicans….”amerikans have always been genocidal, enjoying killing from afar”. Philip Slater

The Objective

A nationwide free and fair election monitored by the U.N, Iran, Russia, China, etc., will put an end to the argument regarding Assad’s popularity with Syrians. The only one stopping that election is Assad.

cechas vodobenikov

“from the inception of amerika it was informed by ubiquitous sneeze and hustling”. Walter macDougal Bercovitch wrote, “amerikans r blind from birth”—he described USA as the ultimate trickster’s paradise”—-fake people, insecure, feminized….no accident that 2/3 of the lawyers in the entire world live in USA and nearly 70% of the litigation occurs in the USA each year….antagonism amongst automatons…farcical to believe this empire near collapse will reform itself—Galtung predicts collapse in less than 10 years

cechas vodobenikov

we observe insecure robot amerikan thinking below—civilized peoples avoid massive genocide of civilians—amerikans love genocide….they will leave when their rotting empire implodes in the next 5-10 years

ziad welder

i dont get this bs ,,how can any sane company think they can operate under such conditions making deals with thieves and thinking they can juts walce into syria and start setting up shop without worry of the imminent attacks that will soon be coming not to mention the saa eventually taking the fight there? just another excuse the yanks will use to threaten syria from going any further ,,and the world juts sits and watches like its all normal ,it dont even make headway

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