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Danger to Kenya’s Democracy: Tendency for Western-backed Queer Government

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Danger to Kenya’s Democracy: Tendency for Western-backed Queer Government

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Westerners, the outgoing president (Uhuru Kenyatta), and former opposition leader (Raila Odinga) wish to force a queer government in which the pursuit of citizen wellbeing is halted in favor of pursuing undefined ‘national unity’ like the 2007-2018 and 2017-2022 governments. I use the term Queer to define a form of government that encompasses all parties and hence lack opposition and in turn checks and balances. However, I foresee them failing to achieve this goal but their attempts constitute a serious threat to democracy. A large government encompassing all popular politicians from every tribe shows the classic English tenet of divide and rule as politicians purport to always disagree on policies aimed at benefiting citizens but agree on everything benefiting them. Westerners like such a format in that it preferentially favors their corporations.


Kenya is a medium-sized country (by African standards) located on the east coast of Africa. It is by far the richest economy in east Africa with a nominal GDP of slightly over $100 billion. Its economy constitutes close to half of the region with 7 countries.  Globally, its economy is 63 largest and is ahead of Bulgaria, Belarus, and Uzbekistan. This country has had a very unique growth model as it has very few minerals of any significance as compared to Tanzania to the south which is endowed with gas reserves and precious stones including the spectacular Tanzanite. Also, Uganda to the east through landlocked has larger access to Africa’s largest lake and is the source of the River Nile, Africa’s longest river. Tanzania also has larger access to Africa’s largest and deepest lakes. So what is the source of Kenya’s fortune?  Its 47 million diverse, skilled, hardworking, and motivated people. The country punches above its weight in different areas. In athletics, it is a dominant force globally and a clear leader in Africa. Equally, the global coffee and tea market features high-quality Kenyan products. This is also the case for various skills markets including IT specialists and journalists. The country also boasts a vibrant democracy holding regular elections, but this is where things get interesting.

Danger to Kenya’s Democracy: Tendency for Western-backed Queer Government

Kenya’s export profile (Harvard Atlas of Economic Complexity)

You would expect Kenya to have thriving and accessible healthcare or robust social welfare but that is not the case. Kenyans have gotten ahead by working hard and supporting each other.  So what does the government do? Rather, what kind of government does Kenya have?

Ruling and Opposition Parties in the Same Government

It was not in the interest of westerners and the current president to have a free, fair, and verifiable election. In my view, such a government is unacceptable to them. There has been a tendency by western players and Kenya’s deep state to subvert democratic will. This article illustrates such efforts in which the so-called ‘unity government’ is formed by engineering an elections impasse. In 2017, despite one party having a clear majority, the election had unjustifiable procedural errors including filling of results in wrong forms and failure of party agents to sign. The Supreme Court of Kenya quashed the election by ruling that it was unverifiable. However, the opposition strangely avoided the repeat elections, indicating that both sides had agreed to deny Kenyans a clear winner. Therefore, President Uhuru Kenyatta and opposition leader Raila Odinga formed a queer government without any opposition that has been mired in corruption scandals and failure to observe numerous court orders. The president failed to implement election promises including his party manifesto, and instead pledged with the opposition leader to ‘unify’ the country, a highly qualitative and immeasurable goal. It has been under his administration that price inflation including wheat, maize flour, and Cooking LPG gas prices rose by over 100%. The president has ended up supporting the former opposition leader to succeed him but seam interested in forcing another queer government as I will illustrate below.

Danger to Kenya’s Democracy: Tendency for Western-backed Queer Government

Preference for Elections without a Winner

Have you experienced a situation where a country holds elections, no party has a verifiable lead, and all parties form one government without a manifesto for the rest of the term? If you haven’t, welcome to Kenya. We have had such elections in 2007 and 2017 occasions, which I consider the greatest threat to our democracy. Kenya’s regular elections do not guarantee the presence of distinct governing and opposition parties, but a Queer government encompassing both is common. Conditions are being created to achieve such a government after the latest election of 9th August 2022.

Immediately after the declaration of election results on 16th August 2022, an article appeared in Erie Now titled William Ruto Defeats Government-Backed Opposition Leader to win Kenyan presidency. It was also uploaded to CNN but its heading has hence been changed.  Readers may wonder how the government can back the opposition but the Kenyan situation is even more interesting in that since the last election, the government joined hands with the opposition after they engineered an election impasse that got two parties coming together to allegedly ‘unite the country’. The situation was also similar to how the government joined the opposition in 2008 forming a hermaphrodite government that could not be held to account. In both instances, both parties suspended their manifestos and governed in a laissez-faire style focusing on projects that bring benefits to leaders and not citizens. Another feature of the government has been ‘attracting investors’ and looking for interest from western corporations.  For instance, the government has been attacking the largest local-owned brewery while attracting a foreign brand-Carlsberg.

Kenya’s large population and diversity are among the reason why westerners have never felt like leaving the country alone. It’s a country where top dollars from western political meddling arrive as there is also a local franchise of the Soros’ Open Society Foundation, which supported a mongrel government in 2008 without suing for free, fair, and verifiable elections. The result has been a characteristically neo-colonial government that does nothing for Kenyans but preferentially serves western corporations. While analyzing the issuer exactly a year ago, I concluded as follows;

To Kenyan leaders, the concept of the social contract is not important so long as they continue drinking from the cornucopia of western corporations. They are comfortable strangling local businesses at the expense of foreign ones while pretending to be democrats or being guided by ‘rule or law’. Traditionally, they have built roads with motorways for corporations and tourists but no cycling lanes, pedestrians’ paths, or shades for citizens.

If anyone thinks this is my personal opinion, another Kenyan scholar named Ann Njoya stated as seen below in her article titled “Invisible Citizens: Branding Kenya for Foreign Investors and Tourists

Kenya’s historical preoccupation with being an attractive destination for foreigners and their money has come at the expense of catering to the needs and aspirations of its citizens.

The scholar describes that the Kenyan government is preoccupied with attracting investors and tourists but not caring for citizens. Njoya noted instances where the ‘brand Kenya campaign’ was openly racist against Kenyans as can be seen by the statement;

Kenya’s[government’s] notorious belief in its exceptionalism, which is in turn based on accepting the West’s racist disdain for Africa and expressing pride that Kenya is not a typical African country.

Transparent Elections Angering the Deep State and Westerners

Kenyan just held the most transparent election in its history but the deep state and westerners are not amused. For the first time, all result forms from polling stations, duly signed by political party agents were uploaded to a public portal. No party agent has disputed these results yet. In a few days, these results were added to form the constituency tally and later transferred into a single spreadsheet representing all polling stations across the nation. Against the Backdrop of the most transparent Election in Kenya’s history, the current president, Mr. Uhuru Kenyatta has not congratulated the winner, while his sponsored candidate has not conceded. The western press and politicians seem on course to force a queer ‘unity government’.

Kenya’s deep state staged a national humiliation before its Western backers, which can only be meant at justifying a ‘unity government’ to ‘promote peace’. On 16th August 2022, Kenyans were notified that the results of elections held on 9th August would be announced after 3:00 p.m. East African time. By 2:00, p.m. Western diplomats graced the national tallying center. Many Kenyans already felt proud that everything had been peaceful. It was also apparent that the current deputy president, William Ruto was leading after some media houses including BBC, Reuters and some local stations had done their tallies, all of which indicated that Mr. Ruto was winning. Instead of the deep state letting Kenyans stand proud after maturing democracy and having verifiable elections, it unleashed chaos at the national tallying center, exclusively orchestrated by a US-educated Kenyan senator, Ledama Ole Kina. Mr. Ole Kina is a close ally of the opposition leader Mr. Odinga and also the outgoing President Kenyatta. This agitator was in the company of a few goons, who were led out of the tallying center before elections results were announced. He has not been charged despite assaulting the national returning officer.

Danger to Kenya’s Democracy: Tendency for Western-backed Queer Government

Real Intentions Revealed

After this well-orchestrated chaos, foreign diplomats were taken away in a choreographed manner having seen the show graciously staged for them. Immediately, western media including CNN, reported that there was election-related chaos in Kenya. Even Saudi based Saudi gazette announced it, which I found extremely ridiculous since Saudi Arabia, can easily be the world’s beheading capital. This course of events was closely followed by a walkout of electoral commissioners in disagreement with the results that the national returning officer was about to declare. They claimed that the commission did not decide who would be declared the winner. The renegade commissioners have repeatedly misinterpreted previous case laws and argued that they envisaged the commission determining the election winner, views that were erroneously affirmed by the opposition leader in a speech that appeared plagiarized from the rebel officers’. The defecting commissioners have also proceeded to state that the percentages of votes obtained by contestants exceeded 100% by 0.01% which in their erroneous mathematics translates to 142 000 votes. However, verification found out that the percentage increase resulted from rounding off error as the results given in 10 decimal places added up to 100%. The spokesperson of defectors was making errors that clearly indicated that she was not in control, suggesting she was compromised.

Danger to Kenya’s Democracy: Tendency for Western-backed Queer Government

In my verification, I found out that the commissioners exaggerated what 0.01% accounted for by order of hundreds. Therefore, these commissioners may be compromised as they were elected a few months to elections by the outgoing president who was in queer government with the opposition leader. In a characteristic preamble to forming such a government encompassing all parties, the US senate committee on foreign relations was in Kenya on the 18th of August and held separate talks with the outgoing president, his supported former opposition candidate, and the outgoing deputy president who was declared president-elect on 16th August 2022. On the 19th, of August 2022, a group of UK-based Kenyan ex-pats also made a speech supporting the renegade commissioners and condemning the national returning officers. All these choreographed actions show signs of desperate attempts to form an all-encompassing government that lacks any oversight.

Going Forward

On the one hand, Kenyans face the risk that the outgoing leadership controlled from London and Washington and has nothing to lose. Therefore, it can do anything for self- preservation and has no interest to preserve the hard-earned wealth and prestige of a population. However, the incoming leadership is very charismatic and has a deep understanding of citizens and the state. It has been able to rally the nation to move on despite the schemes of deep state and western actors. Therefore, I foresee the nation pulling off just fine even if the outgoing leadership chooses to break the law, refuse to hand over power, or compromise the Supreme Court. I foresee the incoming leadership rallying the nation to a peaceful future and nothing is likely to cause chaos or a queer government.


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belarus–10 million; Kenya 56 million—-another anglo colony that prefers slavery to freedom

Simon Ndiritu

Ill have to agree with you. What is coming for Anglos will shake their little swampy Brigands’ camp of a country to the core. They just lust Kenya, however they chose to play


yes sadly….not qualified to judge Kenyan conditions. perhaps if they could gradually reduce western dependence conditions would improve. often installed elites see their interests tied to former colonial rulers….but the trend is changing. Recently French troops were banned in Mali


I’m more interested in the elections coming up in Russia. 2024 is the Presidential elections, it will be interesting to see who runs and under what platforms.

Simon Ndiritu

True, that will be interesting too. I think Shoigu will vie, an will be a strong contender


Shoigu is pretty busy with tank biathlons and parades. Don’t know if he has time for something like that.


One of the better southfront articles


No different from the American “Administrations ” then– call yourself a “different party “/stick up two opposing Icons of animals to make it simple for “simple folk ” /come out with statements the public like to hear but dont tell the public your controlled by the SWAMP” .

So both promote wars –400 since inception- massacre 30 million world citizens ( 20 million outright the rest after long illnesses like Depleted Uranium- Agent Orange – Bioweapons -etc).

Both ruled by World Zionism -ignore their own populations -$billions to Israel–ONE PENNY to infrastructure at home.

Just like the UK lap-Poodle is doing.

Only real action changes things for the public – Labour Party lost 100,000 members because they are little different from the Tories – both support Bilderberg- Atlantic Alliance ( one-sided ) – Jewish World Council –anybody disagree ?- then your anti-Semitic .


Probably the hidden agenda in all these efforts to create a ‘queer’ government is to benefit the same folks who shortchanged Mau Mau sons. It’s interesting how the outgoing president suddenly realized his biggest rival is the best to rule. I believe all they want is a government of impunity.


The following is a comment on an analytical article by a Kenyan journalist who does not understand why, after the elections in Kenya on 9 August 2022, the parties that crossed the parliamentary threshold want to form a government together. He fears that this is nothing more than rigging the election, as it would keep the ruling party that received fewer votes in the election in power. The journalist sees this oppositional government-forming effort as a result of the influence of NGOs belonging to the Soros Open Society Foundation.


2. I can not more continou to post my opinion to the article. What is the longest comment possible? I would explain the essential properties of direct democracy wo. Oppostion parties, and how the minister president will be changed yearly in Switzerland.

Last edited 2 years ago by Dr.Eng.Sebestyen

You said in your first post a name that would cause you “problems “= Soros Open Society Foundation —I know its “workings ” well –Dr. of Engineering ??


Yes! Dr. Engineer at the Technical University Zürich, Switzerland. But I studied security policies at the Mlitary Academie too. I know exactly how the direct democracy functions in Switzerland, and how was broken through World Government.

Last edited 2 years ago by Dr.Eng.Sebestyen
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