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MARCH 2025

Dangerous Escalation In Ukraine: Russia Warns Of “Total War” Threat

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Dangerous Escalation In Ukraine: Russia Warns Of "Total War" Threat

Illustrative Image

Submitted by ThomasST.

Ukraine is calling for Western intervention to calm the situation in the eastern regions of the country, while the Kremlin is expressing its “deep concern” about the “rising tensions”.

On March 19, Ukraine denounced an escalation of violence on the front lines with pro-Russian militants in the Donbass region, calling on the West to intervene while Moscow said it feared a “total armed conflict”.


“We have been witnessing an escalation of the conflict in recent weeks,” said Andriy Yermak, the head of Ukraine’s presidential administration.

Yermak called on Washington and Kiev’s European allies, such as Paris and Berlin, the “sponsors” of the peace process, to “intensify” their efforts to calm the situation.

“Premeditated challenges are under way against the Ukrainian armed forces to end the fragile ceasefire that has been in place since July, the largest since the war broke out in 2014,” he said.

Dangerous Escalation In Ukraine: Russia Warns Of "Total War" Threat

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War and ceasefire

The war in Ukraine’s Donbass, which has claimed lives of more than 13,000 people since its outbreak, began after a pro-Russian Ukrainian president fled to Russia and pro-Westerners arrived in Kiev. In the wake of this regime change, Moscow annexed the Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea. After months of fierce fighting, hostilities escalated to a large extent, resulting in signing of the Minsk peace agreements in February 2015.

Four years later, former actor Volodymyr Zelensky was elected President of Ukraine with the promise of ending the war. However, after some temporary progress – a summit, some prisoner exchanges and the withdrawal of troops from several front line areas that are not of a great importance – the peace process was again at an impasse.

In July 2020, the warring parties managed to agree on a new ceasefire, which was more or less respected for months, which left hopes for a more lasting settlement.

Tension Increased

Last year, Ukraine reported 50 soldiers dead in its ranks compared to 100 in 2019, a decrease mainly due to this ceasefire, but, since the beginning of the year, the tension has gradually begun to increase.

“We have what has not happened to us for months, we have some of our trips (to the conflict zone) postponed because shots were fired overnight,” said Florence Gillett, head of the delegation of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Ukraine.

Since mid-February, eight Ukrainian soldiers have been killed on the front line. Kiev has implicated Moscow and the DPR/LPR militants, accusing them of using weapons banned by the Minsk peace agreements.

The separatists announced yesterday the death of one fighter.

Deep concern

On March 18, the Kremlin expressed “deep concern over rising tensions” at the front, blaming Kiev.

“We observe more and more bombings coming from the Ukrainian side,” said Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, warning of the risk of a repeat of “total war.”

Despite its denials, Russia is considered in Kiev and the western capitals to be a supporter of the separatists by their supply of troops, weapons and funding.

“Russia is a party to this conflict and not a mediator,” European Council President Charles Michel said on Tuesday during a visit to the front lines in Ukraine.

According to the head of the National Institute for Strategic Studies in Kiev, Oleksandr Litvinenko, “Moscow is trying to put pressure on Kiev, to intimidate it.”


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Tommy Jensen

Yesterday I ran 2 km in my new Nike shoes in a yellow T-shirt for peace! To send a signal to the world that I am worried and I also care for my freedom.

Jimmy Jim


Just Me

How many times does repeating the same truth take? US deadbeat bankrupt shithole is like a wounded snake with venomous Jews pushing it to the brink of global conflict. It is time sane countries unite and squash the head of ugly Americans and their demented corrupt deep state shill Biden. Russia is now the main target as Jews operating from Ukraine think they can use the Jews in Russia as a cancer to destabilize Russia.

Ivan Freely

Biden is waste of time. The bastard doesn’t even know what planet he’s on. Target the benefactors to both establishment parties.

Just Me

The senile corrupt a$$hole is a perfect warmonger for the Jew controlled deep state though. The Zionist scum will keep pushing Russia. This is similar to the British imperialist pansies support for “white Russian” counter-revolutionary terrorists in the 1917-1925. However, this time there is a very strong Jew 5th column and corrupt oligarchs in Russia that has emboldened them.


Biden is a million times worse and more dangerous than Trump and that is the main reason the fake elections were rigged by the MIC and deep state. US needs a enemy to survive, Russia is now again at the helm of the bogeyman hoax.

Pave Way IV

Target the benefactors to both establishment parties.

That would be the Deep State. That’s not an organization, but a description of diverse powers that all share a desire to subvert the will of U.S. citizens by exploiting the power of the state to their own ends. And they have ensured that they will never be targeted because they trained U.S. citizens to believe the lie that voting and the law can fix everything. We’re too stupid to see beyond their simple trick.

Peter Jennings

The Ukrainian admin is talking itself into a conflict and the US/nato are doing all they can to encourage them. The Ukraine would be ignored if the country didn’t share a border with Russia.

It really doesn’t matter if Ukraine gets flattened because the US and nato still have the oil and the gas and the farmland, for bill gates. The Kiev junta still think that they will join nato and the EU. It hasn’t happened yet and probably never will. It’s all part of the deception to turn Ukraine into a US/nato time bomb.

Perhaps the Kiev junta should ask the Kurds what happens when american plans don’t go to plan. The Kurds never learn but they do have a memory.

johnny rotten

The EU is also part of the conflict as well as NATO, and they are not mediators, rather they are complicit in all the murders of civilians carried out by their Nazi henchmen.


US is lashing out like a wounded animal but its injuries are self-inflicted, and blaming Russia or China is an attempt to deflect from the corruption, election rigging, human rights abuses, economic collapse and most damaging endless war that the Zionist cabal has initiated that have simply sapped the fragile US socioeconomic torn fabric as power shifts to Eurasia. The MIC and Bilderberg Jews want global destruction at any cost. Their pawns are brainwashed western populations that have succumbed to the new Covid hoax police state agenda.

Pave Way IV

The MIC and Bilderberg Jews want global destruction at any cost.

I don’t think they want to go that far. They just want partial destruction and eternal chaos to get the peons back on their knees and keep them there.

Assad must stay

these MIC and bilderberg jews GOTSTA GO! lmao


How dare Ukraine try to establish control over its own territory


With the establishment of territorial control, comes genocide by the Ukie Nazis. This shouldn’t be an aspirational goal on the part of Europe but, sadly, it is.

The Objective

You’re only trying to defend Russian imperialism. But the world is much smarter than before. Biden, let loose the sanctions.

Robert Ferrin

I see Biden fell down three times trying to walk to the imperialist helicopter today, and you think there is any room left for brains which have to be used for sanctions..

The Objective

He already slapped some on Russia and has promised to announce more soon. We’re waiting.

Anglo Canadian

https://youtu.be/d5_veuo84Rc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgy3vrKMwXM

Laurent Parodi

You do not forbid the most spoken language of your own territory whan you want to control it.

Let’s say the Swiss government decides that speaking French is now forbidden. What would happen in French speaking regions of Switzerland?

Jimmy Jim


Lone Ranger

Ukropisstan is a fake and failed state.

The Objective

You can say that again. Ukraine should be supported to take its land back.

Robert Ferrin

Then if you feel that strong about it run over there and enlist rather than flopping your lips on here..

The Objective

I’ve better use for Muslims and my religion at home rather than go to help the Kuffaar in their wars. I’ll just watch on the TV while eating my popcorn or sipping a glass of milk. If you’d suggesting I enlist in the Turkish military, I would think about it. Even enlisting in the Turkish military isn’t the best idea for me right now. There are many in my family depending on me for their education and upbringing – and there are also my parents to take care of. Turkey will take care of the Muslims in its own corner of the world. I and my pals will take care of the ones here. Every true Muslim should take care of the Muslims around them. It’s a general responsibility. But if Russia were to meddle in or invade my country as it does others, then I’ll either die at their hands or they die at my hands. There can be no third option.

cechas vodobenikov

nazi morty wants her territory—needs new boyfriend

Steve P

? The Ukes and kikes were murdering Russians that simply voted out from the US-UK-Israel appointed Ukraine regime. The later sent tanks in response. Tanks.

It’s more like How dare you not bow to your US-UK-Israel appointed Jewish masters.


In the wake of this regime change, Moscow annexed the Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea

1.) Moscow didn’t annex anything, Crimean (Republic) have decided through referendum where they belong. 2.) Blinded by the pure hatred, those Ukrainian imbeciles are convinced that; if they start all out war against Donbass and Russia, that US-NATO will fight for them against Russia! They are in, for very bad surprise! Putin has promised that Ukraine might even cease to exist (in the case of Ukrainian aggression) And that is what they will (most probably) get at the end…

Lone Ranger

Hear hear.

The Objective

There’s been to much tough talk. But I see a different ball game to what you guys are peddling here. A war with Ukraine will hurt the Russian economy beyond your imagination. There’s Western sanctions to think about, then their’s the cost in blood and treasure. Ukraine is no match for Russia, but it’s no pushover either. The West and NATO would love this opportunity to bring Putin down. There are pro-Western elements in Russia that also want to see Putin fall. So I don’t think Putin will ever order his military to war against Ukraine unless something serious happens – like a direct attack on Russian forces, or even an attack on Russian soil. I’ve got no dogs in this fight, but it’ll be a good to see Russia weakened. Russia is fighting an undeclared war against Sunni Muslims wherever it sets foot. So naturally, we would hate Russia, even after loving it in the past.


All your comments on Ukraine are not worth reading literally. When you are proved wrong on whatever you claim is… Please do remember that and do not comment on this subject ever again. Thanks in advance !

The Objective

I know there’s a lot for me to learn on the Russian-Ukraine feud. You’ve told me this many times before. So instead of repeating yourself over and over again, why not share what you know about the situation?


why don’t you have some patience and wait for war in Ukraine to start and see for yourself what is going to happen? as reference use situation in Georgia (when Russia has intervened) it is going to be similar just on much much larger scale… today, that territory that Georgia have lost…..nobody is even talking about that any longer.

The Objective

I know that Russia is by far more powerful than Ukraine. But winning a war is different thing from being more powerful. Take the Taliban and America as an example. The U.S spent over $1 trillion and lost nearly 3000 soldiers, but the Taliban is still strong and fighting after 20 years. Now the U.S is looking for a face-saving way out. Another thing you’re not considering is the sanctions that will be imposed on Russia. Again, Russian forces will die as well, and the Kremlin will spend a lot of money to support the war. Don’t forget that the West will arm Ukraine and try to prolong the war for Russia in order to maximize its damage on the Kremlin. I think every supporter of Russia should pray that this war never happens. Because it’s not in Russia’s interest at all. At a time when Russia is trying to strengthen its global standing, a war like than can set it back several years or even decades.

Robert Ferrin

See I know your dumb for there never was any intention of winning the war in Afghanistan as Rumsfeld said it good enough for 100 years and the MIC clapped their hands, for Afghanistan over looks both Russia and China and its out listing post for intelligence, and we ain’t never going to leave unless its how we left Nam hanging on to chopper skids…

The Objective

What are you, moron? America has no option but leave Afghanistan. It’s both a military and political issue now. But I’m not going to explain that. use that salt water in your head you call a brain to figure it out. I’m not about to start making lengthy replies to some lunatic who thinks everything is exactly what it seems to be. You’re itching for my blocklist you ape.

cechas vodobenikov

pervert projecting again

Anglo Canadian

A lot of the things you say are a reiteration of platitudes and political talking points dating back to 2008 with the March on Wall Street, we’ve been on the verge of economic collapse for 13 years now and the fake pandemic is working to expand the wealth and power of the jewish elite.

The fact that Russia and China are in on board with this Covid nonsense and only strengthen their ties with multiple globalist organizations works against your argument. China wouldn’t be anywhere today without the west abetting them.

Since you downvoted my comment about Africa, archaeological evidence shows that Europeans and Asians were considerably more advanced in the Neolithic than traditional primitive tribes found throughout Sub-Saharan Africa, the Amazonian rainforest; as well as Australasia, Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia.

Negrito tribes (Pygmies) that inhabit several islands throughout the Indian ocean, including the Bahamas and lesser known near Bangledesh, Sri Lanka and the southern tip of India are racially similar to the Melanesians the southeastern Pacific and the Dravidian remnants of India. The Rig Veda describes Indra with yellow hair and fair skin, battling the “noseless black skins” (Dasyus). It is generally known that racially unmixed Negroids typically have large, flat noses.


The Indo-Europeans: bitchute. com/video/eRhBJ1zjQhtr/









cechas vodobenikov

paki pervert predictions from muslim astrologer funny

cechas vodobenikov

fruitless to explain truth to a liar that cherishes lies

The Objective

Every anti-Russian comment must be a lie. when you say I’m lying, I know I’m telling the truth.


That is impressive bullsht!

cechas vodobenikov

paki pervert confuses the bovine excreta your boyfriend serves you for dinner with the steak I have….paki CIA propaganda believed by nobody at SF


I want those morons to start something,then Russia can teach them a lesson that they will not forget for two hundred years.


That is incorrect, if Russia sends its’ forces deep into Ukraine then the West will intervene militarily. Let’s not forget Defender-Europe 21 exercise begins this month across Europe and continues through June.

Lost Empire

The West (NATO/USA) won’t do a prick. Just talk and sanction Russia, at most. They can’t do anything against Russia and the bastards do it very well, otherwise they would have already bombed Russia. US promised the same to Georgia and to the curds. US alone are less than nothing. Against Russia wouldn’t be match

Lone Ranger

West would fail. If Russia wanted they could steamtroll everything till the French border. We both know that. So CIA/Mi6/SBU shouldnt go full retard…


If they want to commit suicide like Hitler they can.what i find strange is you being jewish siding with Bandera Nazi scum,how does that work?


I don’t take sides in a war that isn’t mine. However, it will be foolish to think NATO will keep out if Russia invades Ukraine. Just a simple fact.


You don’t take sides in a war thats not yours,lol! as a jewish person you should be on the side who are fighting Nazis and NATO wouldn’t fight Russia in Ukraine,not unless they wanted annihilation because thats what would happen.


That is between Russia and Ukraine / Europe. Not my region.


Yea, your region as the Congo was the region of the Belgians.

cechas vodobenikov

simpleton rusty no intervention by cowards re: Crimea, donbas, Abkhazia, Ossetia, transniestria, etc less LSD more Seroquel needed

The Objective

Putin will likely fall if such a war happens. In fact, the West need not intervene. Just arm Kiev with weapons and intel and watch Russia bleed. It’ll be a long war with far-reaching consequences for the Ruskies. First, the west will impose crushing sanctions on the Russian economy even as body-bags pile up for Russia. Then watch the demonstrations start afresh. Putin would be wise to dodge this war.

Robert Ferrin

Lol and the troll speaks but as always fails to say much but gibberish…..

The Objective

Just keep reading it sucker, because that’s exactly what I’m going to keep feeding you on here – bad news for the Kremlin. Follow me on Disqus and read the most soul-destroying anti-Russian comments of your life. That’s because Russia singles out the Sunni Muslims as a natural enemy. Anything that troubles the Kremlin is good news for many like me. You’ll also get your own fair share of rough treatment over time.


“You’ll also get your own fair share of rough treatment over time.” HAHAHA you are such a clown.

The Objective

I’m always ready for anything you throw at me. I treat each commenter according to what they deserve.


“According to what they deserve”? You are such a hoot. Brainless but funny as hell.

cechas vodobenikov

CIA pays Paki homosexual to write propaganda so she can buy bigger dildo for rough sex

cechas vodobenikov

advice from homosexual paki should be ignored

The Objective

Ignore my advice? Then go straight in and start shooting at the Ukrainians. You commenters on SouthFront may be morons, but that doesn’t make Putin a moron too. You can run of with your ignorant mouth about how Russia can achieve success in everything it does, but deep down, you know a war with Ukraine will put Russia on a limp – both militarily an economy-wise. I remember you guys talking tough about Azerbaijan and Armenia. We saw what happened in the end. 2021 is not 2008 neither is Georgia Ukraine. Just to shame you Rusky braggarts, I hope the Ukrainian-Russian war happens, and we’ll see what Russia’s global position looks like after the war.

Steve Standley

It will be a lesson of a thousand years.

The Objective

Yeah, and I hope the U.S and NATO will arm Ukraine to the teeth. It’s time for foreign wars to turn bloody for the Kremlin.


You really have no idea what the fuck you are dealing with,Ukraine would cease to exist,and if Poland didn’t behave itself it would get the same.

The Objective

Ukraine will cease to exist. That’s a bull and you know it. You are implying that Russia will use nukes on Ukraine, but you and know if Russia does that, it’ll be political and economic suicide. It’ll be the end of Putin and his lapdogs as Russians will take to the street in protest. I think Ukraine should fight to take its land back. It should take inspiration from Azerbaijan. The West is fully behind Kiev.

cechas vodobenikov

pervert has many homosexual phantasies


For me its easy to see!.. Anti-Christian special forces are the enemy… Russia is Christian..

chris chuba

So what is Ukraine’s plan, bring in heavy artillery, keep shelling Donbas civilian areas until the east is forced to launch an all out attack against well fortified positions and cut them to pieces? I could see them thinking they could get away with that.

At that point, it would be pure insanity for Russia not to intervene to at least precision strike the heavy artillery but I could see how Ukraine might think that Putin would respond by a call to his western partners to de-escalate the situation rather than do anything about it.

Pave Way IV

The intent has always been to provoke Russia enough that they will act and big bully U.S./NATO will jump in to retake Donbas. Right now, Donbas is like a small, wounded animal to be tortured in front of Russia to taunt them. They want Russia to snap, and Russia knows this.

Jihadi Colin

Who wrote this claptrap?

“The war in Ukraine’s Donbass, which has claimed lives of more than 13,000 people since its outbreak, began after a pro-Russian Ukrainian president fled to Russia and pro-Westerners arrived in Kiev.”

Not a word about the fact that the alleged “pro Russian” president was ousted in a Nazi coup openly orchestrated by Victoria Nuland.

Also not a word about the fact that the annexation of Crimea – a historic Russian territory illegally transferred to Ukraine by the Ukrainian Khrushchev in 1954 – was repeatedly validated in referendums as far back as 1993.

Any reason why South Front publishes this kind of rubbish?

Lone Ranger

Ukropisstan will last around 72 hours if they go full retard…

Assad must stay


The Objective

Take your land back, Ukraine. Much of the world will support you with weapons, intel, sanctions, and diplomatic isolation. If you fight the Russians long enough like the Taliban did, they’ll have little option but withdraw out of Crimea. The price of Crimea is worth some sacrifice. The West will rebuild whatever that gets damaged in Ukraine while maintaining sanctions on Russia for years. Ukraine may even enter NATO and EU.

Robert Ferrin

The west can’t even afford to rebuild their own rotting infrastructure so guess again after the Ukraine is handed its due we won’t even know them as the people in Georgia how swell it went stupid people make stupid post but that’s the way it is.!!

The Objective

You are the stupid person here, idiot. That’s why you can’t handle any kind of criticism against Russia. I used to think it was only Iranians that have such nasty attitude of insulting whoever that criticizes their leaders. I see many Russians are likely the same. It surprises me why only SouthFront seems to be attracting so many blockheads on their forum. You seem to be one of the newest trolls I’ve dealt with recently. But I’ll handle you okay.


Poor little man, you couldn’t handle anyone with actual facts as you clearly are lost on the subject.

The Objective

I feel like kicking some Rusky asses here today. So I’m gonna start with you ape. Did you know that your all-powerful Russian empire is in decline and losing almost everywhere? Putin turns out to be more clueless than I thought. First, Georgia and Azerbaijan were under Russian influence. But now, Russia’s lost both. Armenia is also gone. The lameduck attempt by Russia for a coup in Armenia was a failure from the onset. Pashinyan stayed and even retired some pro-Russian generals. He’ll gradually purge the army of these people. Then there’s Libya where Russia also failed to impose dictatorship. We also have Ukraine whose pro-Russian president was forced to flee to the Kremlin. Belarus is also slipping away, because the West isn’t about to let up. And looking at Russia’s diplomatic skills with other countries, I have little doubt that Russia’s man in Belarus is also going. Syria is also a big liability – soaking up money from Russia without any ROI. And Assad is still far from restoring his rule despite Russia fighting on his side for nearly six years. CSTO is next on the geopolitical chessboard. Will Russia invade the CSTO members just to keep them under its influence? That remains to be seen.

cechas vodobenikov

obvert confuse stupidity with criticism—village trained paki drug addict

Anglo Canadian

Ukraine’s infrastructure and living standards are comparable to every ex-Soviet country in Europe, excluding the more prosperous nations of the Baltic. Siberia and the Caucasus are economically comparable to Mongolia and Central Asia. Even Latin America is more economically prosperous by comparison.

The term “westerner” is not a wholesomely accurate description, Australia and New Zealand are technically “western” countries. Mexico and South America aren’t considered apart of the west, despite their geographic locations.

If you wish to claim the “west” was only prosperous as a direct result of colonialism and neo-colonialism, how do you explain the economic prosperity of Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Singapore?

Why do they have higher material living standards on average than virtually every former Communist country?

Imperialism and Colonialism – White “Guilt” and Historic Non-White Conquests of European Territories: https://thuletide.wordpress.com/2021/01/06/imperialism-and-colonialism-white-guilt-and-historic-non-white-conquests-of-european-territories/

It isn’t necessary to visit any of these countries to find out which one has higher living standards, why is it that Rhodesia and South Africa used to be safer with much higher living standards than when under they were under international sanctions throughout the 60s, 70s, 80s and early 90s than Zimbabwe and South Africa do today?

If the Marxist theory of Historical Materialism were accurate, why are there only two “socialist” countries around today, namely Cuba and North Korea? Nearly every ex-Communist country made the transition to market liberalism.

FYI: Fascism and National Socialism are not mutually exclusive; Fascism, Falange and National Socialism reject market liberalism.






Robert Ferrin

And WHO built them up and for what reason once you understand then there’s no use of future conversation..

Anglo Canadian

Your reply makes no sense, your English is terrible. Whoever programmed your AI should really work on their coding.

Anglo Canadian

In other words, you have no integrity. And you are a coward that can’t think for itself.

Anglo Canadian

What does pissing me off achieve, other than prove you’re an immature jacka$s?

Anglo Canadian

You’re powerless weaklings with a masochistic fetish for worshipping former Communist $hitholes.

Anglo Canadian

“The west can’t even afford to rebuild their own rotting infrastructure”

And yet everyone wants to move here, the infrastructure in the EU is more modern and better kept than Russia’s. Canada and the US perform more maintenance on their infrastructure than every post-Soviet country. Most of the United States is not like Baltimore or Detroit, the root cause of their major problems are jewish vulture capitalism and the jewish supremacist promotion multiracialism and Critical Theory, including Affirmative Action. 40% of billionaires in America are jewish, 20% of Russia’s billionaires are jewish.

As for China, Hong Kong and Shenzhen are very different from the rest of China; there is more to a country than its skylines.

There are still many restrictions concerning free speech and land ownership in China, at least the lingering Communist agitprop in Russia and China is mild compared to ours. CCP membership offers better job opportunities, they are the effectively that country’s bourgeoisie.

Twitter posts: https://archive.is/sPHZZ Video Playlist: https://archive.org/details/CultureOfCritiqueForNormiesPartIIIJewsAndTheLeft_201803

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLUtaO3KUZw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=niiF8hCSrYQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5zkjRlfw70

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Ukraine was part of the Russian Empire for most of it’s existence, it has no lands.

cechas vodobenikov

homosexual paki-pervertive, told this to Georgia, then they lost half territory LSD should not br consumed by mentally ill

mike hutchings

considering their history I can’t believe anyone would want a ground war with Russia….but stupid is as stupid does…. and PINO Biden will sign anything his puppeteers put in front of him….

The Objective

You guys seem to be hating this development pretty badly. I thought Russia is so strong that it can get into any conflict. It looks like you don’t this war for Russia. If Russia doesn’t want war, then it has to stop destabilizing other countries like Libya. May Allah bring war on Russian soil for their constant meddling overseas.


You truly are clueless, little man…or perhaps, just not smart enough?

cechas vodobenikov

pervertive=confused a truly positive development that reveals anglo Ukraine nazis impotent

mike hutchings

I know what your objective is….one world under Allah….not going to happen

The Objective

Oh no, you’re wrong! I just want peace for Muslims, and we can’t have that unless countries like Russia and America mind their business. Anyway, I guess we’re gonna have to fight to get that.

mike hutchings

you always have. you always will, Peace is when everyone that isn’t you is dead

The Objective

We are not the ones invading your countries. This is the typical behavior of you sycophants. You are the aggressors but claim to be the victims. Name one Christian country that a Muslim country is currently invading. I’ll give you a list of many Muslim countries that Christian countries have invaded. but make no mistake, there’ll be payback. There has always been for whoever troubles the Muslim world.

mike hutchings

how disingenuous…..how many countries are in Europe?

The Objective

I just said no Muslim country is invading a Christian country anywhere. What has that got to do with how many countries are in Europe?


“Ukraine is calling for Western intervention to calm the situation in the eastern regions of the country”…. There’s nothing like a little propaganda to get the idiots going. They want an intervention for something they are doing? So, when they attack it’s ok but if they dare to retaliate then they need a western intervention?

Same old bull to attempt to get the EU into a confrontation with Russia. The US pushed Ukraine to play that game since 2014. I’m not sure that Europeans are so keen in being destroyed while the US waits in the background to attack once most of the work is done so they can claim victory.

The Objective

Russia will not nuke any E.U country even if Putin ran full mad. It’ll just be another Afghanistan for Russia – only this time, with jaw-dropping sanctions announced on Russia.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

This is the same Afghanistan that the Soviets left in an orderly fashion (taking a million CIA backed jihadists souls away with it) and America can’t? Russia is impervious to U.S. sanctions btw.


“Only this time, with jaw-dropping sanctions announced on Russia.” LOL…you are one funny little man. How are all the previous sanctions working out for the imbeciles that puts them out there like if it was candy?

cechas vodobenikov

dim maki needs rehab–too much LSD

The Objective

Just read this narrative: a PRO-RUSSIAN president flees Ukraine, obviously when the seat became too hot for him. Russia was mad over this and decided to annex a part of Ukraine. Looks like Ukraine was a Russian ally until a few years ago. So Russia lost Ukraine. It also lost Armenia. It’s losing Belarus. Syria is also threatening to slip away. It lost Libya (at least for now). And somebody is claiming that Russia is winning. The U.S will likely stir the pot even more for Russia in areas that were a traditional Russian backyard. I read a RAND Cooperation paper published in 2020 encouraging the U.S to do just that to force Russia to expend resources. Does anyone on this forum still believes that Russia is not another ugly imperialist? Annexing a country because you lost it to a rival. I’ll be expecting the torrents of protesting comments by the Ruskies or their supporters on this forum. But be objective in your comments. This cheerleading is making you guys look like a bunch of jerks.

cechas vodobenikov

paki pervert wrong about everything—afraid India will invade head chopper village….Russia, plenty resources….Paki/amerikans economies decayed, indebted

The Objective

I love it when you guys call me a Pakistani.

John Wallace

Video of the previous battles from the Ukrainian side. Best to watch on the big screen . First one 50 min.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1cMBPN3rjXU 2nd one Battle for Donetsk airport 1 hr plus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1cMBPN3rjXU 3rd one 1hr 20 . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MwEsVIk2oxw

others in Ukrainian from https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAqV3EeDrZeKg5m2N4408QQ

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Well U.S. Generals managed to get thousands of Ukrainian soldiers killed in the first Donbass War, the second should just about finish the job.

AM Hants

Interesting as I have just read another article, with regards President Putin asking Biden for a live, televised debate and needing to be done by Monday at the latest. Was that a message that they need to talk and quickly?

The Crushing of Biden, So It Begins…https://beforeitsnews.com/war-and-conflict/2021/03/the-crushing-of-biden-it-begins-2473499.html


Never in the past (even during “Cuban crisis”) has any of US presidents call any SSSR president “being without soul” and “killer”! That is unprecedented attack that has no other example in history of the modern world. The “message” they need to talk about is indirect message. Conversation would show that Biden is senile puppet totally incapable of having comprehensible (non scripted) debate with anybody! The message would be sent through that debate, for all world to see, what is really happening in US. US is high jacked democracy and pure mockery of presidency.

The Objective

He calls Putin a killer because of the thousands of Syrian civilians slain by Russia. The highest war-crime Russia committed in decades is in Syria, and I hope the Muslims never forget that, just like they shouldn’t forget Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Yemen, and Egypt. The pain of these atrocities in the Muslim heart will inspire and create new Muslim leaders who are even better than Erdogan. It’ll also rally the Muslim population (1.8 billion) behind pro-Muslim leaders like Erdogan. I can see the rise of Islam even as the current global powers decline (except for China).


Boll*cks ! He is talking about (CIA created ) mostly Novichok poisonings accusations including Navalny (and NOBODY of those presumed “victims” was dead ! If you talk about Sunni “moderate” Zio-terrorists in Syria….Russia was never hiding that they came to Syria to exterminate them. They have full support for doing that of their population (including Sunni Muslims) since Russia have paid heavy price because of Islamic terrorism with many hundreds of killed Russian citizens (including hundreds of children)

The Objective

I’m not talking about terrorists or the chemical weapon attack. I don’t believe Assad carried out any chemical attacks. I’m referring to the indiscriminate bombings that killed and maimed thousands of civilian men, women and children.


You are so ignorant ,(not knowing what Novichok is…) yet you talk as if you know many things. Sunni’s were manipulated into fighting for Zionist interests (as “ISIS” Fight for interests of Israel, US, Turkey, UK and other NATO countries. ISIS, al Qaeda are created by CIA and Mossad ! They can’t represent Muslim interests ! They have NEVER attacked US or Israeli interest in Middle East ! NEVER !!!

Good bye !

The Objective

I ignored Novichok because I have little interest in what happens between the U.S and Russia. But I do know that America accuses Russia and Assad of war crimes in Syria, and on that point, I agree with America. If Biden calls Putin a killer, then the Syrian war crimes are included even if it’s about Novichok, Skripal, Sergei or whatever. If by Sunni Muslims you mean ISIS, Al-Shabab, Boko Haram, Al-Qaeda, etc, and similar groups, then you are ignorant of the sentiment in the Muslim world. over 98% of us reject these groups because their actions (murder and chaos) is 100% anti-Islamic.

But there are legitimate opposition forces in Syria. That’s why even Assad and Russia are making deals with them. Also the civilians who died and are maimed in your indiscriminate bombings are equivalent to murder. So, yes, I agree with Biden that Putin is a murderer.

AM Hants

I found it interesting how Erdogan has spoken out on Biden and his choice of words. Remembering, that Biden was Vice President, when they attempted an assassination attempt on Erdogan. Isn’t Biden a big supporter of the Turkish exile, who believes he should be leading Turkey and is residing over in the US?


I suppose you are right. He is not definitively acting that way for altruistic reasons or because he likes Putin very much. But because his intuition tells him, that he might be one of the next victims of Biden’s badmouthing…

AM Hants

Don’t think he has forgiven either Biden or Obama, for that stint they pulled a few years ago. When Russia came to the rescue.

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