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MARCH 2025

Dangers Of Pentagon’s ‘Decapitation Strike’ Against Russia

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Dangers Of Pentagon's 'Decapitation Strike' Against Russia

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Given how heavily armed the global powers are, calls for decapitation strikes or assassinations of any of their leaders are extremely dangerous. However, such statements aren’t coming from Moscow or Beijing, as they are aware of the irreversible consequences of such actions.

Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

In recent decades, one of the political West’s favorite strategies have been the so-called “decapitation strikes” against various countries or non-state actors. One of the first examples of this happened in the 1990s in Europe, during the US aggression against Yugoslavia. At the time, NATO forces directly targeted the Serb/Yugoslav leader Slobodan Milosevic. In complete disregard for the safety of his family, NATO destroyed Milosevic’s mansions and residencies, causing casualties among civilians in the process. Although the attacks failed, the Serb/Yugoslav leader was still deposed and later imprisoned in the aftermath of a successful NATO-orchestrated coup.

A similar approach was used against Saddam Hussein in Iraq. These attacks failed, but after the US-led invasion forces occupied most of the country, he was taken prisoner by American troops and after a show trial by the new puppet regime in Baghdad, executed in 2006. A very similar fate awaited the leader of Libya, Muammar Gaddafi, who was also directly targeted during the 2011 NATO aggression on Libya. Unlike Saddam Hussein, Gaddafi never got a show trial, but was instead brutally killed by a mob. Again, in both cases, NATO strikes on the residencies of both leaders resulted in the deaths of their immediate family members and any civilians in their vicinity.

It should be noted that these decapitation strikes brought mixed results. While they did destroy much of the command structure of the targeted country or organization, the ensuing chaos and power vacuum were usually filled by someone with little regard for meaningful dialogue and brought even more suffering to the people of the affected country, causing decades of instability and factionalism. Such strikes were always conducted with impunity, as the targeted countries had no means to respond. It seems this has become such a favorite strategy in the Pentagon, that the US simply forgot that certain countries can “return the favor”, so now they’re suggesting the same against global powers such as Russia.

For months, in complete disregard of reality, some US officials have been calling for the elimination of Russian leadership. Threatening a country incapable of retaliating is one thing, despite how morally and legally reprehensible that is, but threatening a country whose response could quite literally end the world is a clear indicator of just how detached the US establishment has become. And yet, this doesn’t stop the said officials from continued calls for decapitation strikes against Russia, as stated by former CIA head David Petraeus, or direct calls for Putin’s assassination by both former US National Security Advisor John Bolton and a sitting US senator Lindsey Graham.

The comments by these US officials inevitably caught Russia’s attention, including its Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. In an interview with Russia’s TASSnews agency published on Tuesday, he condemned that Washington DC obviously doesn’t rule out the assassination of President Vladimir Putin. The foreign minister noted that “some unnamed officials from the Pentagon actually threatened to conduct a ‘decapitating strike’ on the Kremlin… What we are talking about is the threat of the physical elimination of the head of the Russian state.”Moscow’s top diplomat cautioned against such a line of thinking. “If such ideas are actually being nourished by someone, this someone should think very carefully about the possible consequences of such plans,” Lavrov warned.

His comments were most likely directed at a late September article by Newsweek, when several Pentagon officials suggested a “decapitation strike to kill Putin in the heart of the Kremlin.” At the time, Putin stated that Moscow would “use all means necessary to defend Russia and its people”. As per usual, the Western mainstream propaganda machine immediately (and deliberately) took the Russian president’s words out of context and suggested that the remarks are “a clear sign” of Moscow’s planned usage of thermonuclear weapons. However, Russia has repeatedly stated that it doesn’t plan to deploy any of the weapons of mass destruction from its massive arsenal.

Lavrov also warned that some of the US vassals and satellite states are openly embracing this confrontational approach. “They seem to have gone completely beyond the bounds of decency,” he said, referring to a statement by former UK Prime Minister Liz Truss, who “without a shadow of a doubt declared during the election debates that she was quite ready to order a nuclear strike.” Russia’s top diplomat once again cautioned against such statements, but also recalled that they’re even worse in the case of the Neo-Nazi junta. “I am not even mentioning the Kiev regime’s provocations that go off the chart. VolodymyrZelensky went as far as to demand preventive nuclear strikes by NATO countries on Russia. This is also beyond the bounds of what is acceptable,” he warned.

Indeed, such rhetoric is quite disturbing, to say the least. Given how heavily armed the global powers are, calls for decapitation strikes or assassinations of any of their leaders are extremely dangerous. However, such statements aren’t coming from Moscow or Beijing, as they are aware of the irreversible consequences of such actions. Unfortunately, this doesn’t seem to be the case in Washington DC, where a complete lack of etiquette (diplomatic or otherwise) seems to have become the norm. How exactly this could affect the world remains to be seen, as Russia is exercising restraint for the time being. This approach is the only sensible one, but the issue is that the political Westoften seesitas a sign of “weakness”.


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Irrationals end up destroyed. The sensible do not destroy but avoid being irrational.


Russia’s actions/reactions are not rational in the slightest.

Stinging Metal

They are MOST rational


The only decapitation strike the US Deep State / Pentagon has done was against its own president Kennedy thus far.

Arch Bungle

They are completely rational.

Alan Ditmore

If US, Russian and all leaders killed each other, I would be jumping for joy since I hate leaders.


Anything short of “We’re dumbs and stupids and please come take our wimmins and all our stuff” would result in loud condemnations from the The West®

jens holm

Sure. Non western are like angels in everything. They even get wings by themself and fly to heaven. they always die when there is no more beer too.


If that happen then world should expect world war.


This time you should expect the end of USa economically and politically. All hell will break loose on USa. The BRICS alliance, OPECs +, and the SCO will destroy financially the US , the US dollar will collapse with their economy. In a matter of days, without any bomb, The Western World will be neutralized, no more banking, no more fuel, no more gas, no more food.

helene matz

and now what will happen to the people of serbia again when their president believes in yank and eu guarantees its amazing


People in Serbia have a bright and peaceful future in the EU. Same for people in Kosovo. Within the EU borders are irrelevant. Can russia offer better solution for Serbs? At the moment russians are shouting fight and kill… as usually human live is irrelevant for russian monsters…


The EU isn’t the benign state you imply. The apparatchiks of the European Commission have an agenda. That agenda is antithetical to long standing values of European nations. European nations would be better off with a free trade agreement and cooperation treaties. NATO also has far outlived it’s purpose. It should be disbanded before it gets more people killed.


This is only saber-rattling by some Pentagon numbskulls; it would really be a career-limiting move. The war is going very well for the USA (not Ukraine, they are taking a pasting, but as Lindsay Graham said they will fight to the last Ukrainian). America would be loathe to interfere with such a good grift. They are supplying mountains of small arms and ammunition which is proving almost impossible to trace. This is why they are so reluctant to provide Patriot batteries, Abrams tanks and F16s – it is almost impossible to sell these on the black market, they’re too damn big. Right now they are supplying arms to several African and South-American countries (A shipment of ATGMS was recently intercepted going into Venezuela, presumably to help topple Maduro). In Ukraine they have taken the Iran-Contra concept to a whole new level.


Sometimes I wonder on what side is Zelinski, every decision he makes end up in a blood shed for Ukrain.

John Stone

Zelinski is on Zelinski’s side.

jens holm

Thats because You are not born in Brighton. The rest see it very well. They needed a President 100% laoyal to Ukriane as own state.

By that You also has to be ready to defend it well no matter what. He is. People agree wirth him. Better to die then being a memeber of Russia again.

If western read Your lines here about it, they might die laughing.


Imagine those brainless idiots believing this crappy bullshit and all other russian fairy tales 😆😆😆

Last edited 2 years ago by HuckleberryFinn

Stoltenberg and a few others in West Europe need to be decapitated with their heads presented on a silver platter to Jews who control them


A decapitation strike makes only sense if the west has a puppet lined up who has support at least of a part of the military. That’s why Zelinsky is still alife every one who would replace him would hate russia at least as much as him.

Peter Jennings

The Russian admin should keep a few hundred hypersonics back, but ready to go, just in case. Let’s hope for those bloodthirsty western warmongers that Russia isn’t far, far, ahead with their tracking abilities.

It could all be over in one afternoon.

jens holm

If we were that bloodthirsty Rustica would not exist.


Russia has existed for a thousand years and will continue to exists long after the US and EU


And stated elsewhere … https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/report-warns-risk-nuclear-war-its-highest-us-nuked-japan

So now we’re left to ponder why the Russian titular head midget didn’t demand an investigation of THIS https://www.ae911truth.org/ when he should have after his neighbors https://www.911research.wtc7.net/wtc/groundzero/cleanup.html participated in the “dismemberment” that doubled as a “banquet”… As he chose to stay “$”ilent without demanding answers to what happened and the war crimes and looting that followed?…

FUCK Putin, and his government owned by the Tel Aviv mafia that controls his energy and banks with the horse they road in on!…

Maidan 2014 NEVER would have happened had they balked at the violations of international law 8 years ago in Ukraine and 21 years ago at Ground Zero in Manhattan!…

Russia is as guilty as the U.$. for staying “$”ilent that could have saved millions across Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen and Ukraine!…

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt
John Tosh

The Rat brains in the CIA and its little group of cheerleaders think they would decapitate Russia?

The morons could not take Afghanistan….. in the past lost a war against Vietnam….. these same morons with their egotistic emotions think they can decapitate Russia???

Here is how it plays out…. you try to decapitate Russia….. the USA will CEASE TO EXIST IN 30 minutes. 30 minutes Morons and what is left of you will be torn to shreds by the surviving American public.

Remember how the Somali’s dragged US bodies through the streets of Mogadishu???

jens holm

Not only babuskas in Russia only having an arm as TV antenna to RT believe any of that.


And stated elsewhere … https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/report-warns-risk-nuclear-war-its-highest-us-nuked-japan So now we’re left to ponder why the Russian titular head midget didn’t demand an investigation of THIS https://www.ae911truth.org/ when he should have after his neighbors https://www.911research.wtc7.net/wtc/groundzero/cleanup.html participated in the “dismemberment” that doubled as a “banquet”… As he chose to stay “$”ilent without demanding answers to what happened and the war crimes and looting that followed?… FUCK Putin, and his government owned by the Tel Aviv mafia that controls his energy and banks with the horse they road in on!… Maidan 2014 NEVER would have happened had they balked at the violations of international law 8 years ago in Ukraine and 21 years ago at Ground Zero in Manhattan!… Russia is as guilty as the U.$. for staying “$”ilent that could have saved millions across Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen and Ukraine!…

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt
John Tosh

When you are getting ready to end an elephant… you do not worry about the roaches or rats that keep nipping at your toes!


If I take your logic “seriously”… What about the God forsaken poorest bitches and bastards in the middle that had NOTHING to do with any of it?…. Only victims Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen and Ukraine!… And of course the 2,977 at Ground Zero in Manhattan 9/11/2001… Home of the UN crib that set it all on fire and made that feast possible!… Who in China, Russia and India were looking out for THEM?!!!…


Last edited 2 years ago by Matt
jens holm

I wonder why the Gos are punishing You that hard. What did you do?

John Tosh

Who cares what you take seriously??? You eggheads have this sense of importance that is baffling.

Russia wins the war against Ukraine. Like it or not. If you feel strongly about it pick up a gun and die.

Your corpse will stink no worse than that of the corpse of the Azov fighters !!

Cowards always have a loud mouth like the school yard bullies.


As long as I$rael “lives” https://southfront.org/israel-to-forge-friendship-with-new-non-nazi-kiev/… The 99% are ALL Palestinians now and the 1% that owns them the ONLY terrorists!…

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt
jens holm

Very much as walking in own circles havin only 1,5 leg and half a brain.

Zionist Slaves of America

it’s not going to happen because the replacement will be ten times worse. I can already guess who would take over.


Can anyone in England picture what London would look like if Russia treated it to a close-up show of what their 200 megaton nuclear torpedo, with 4000 times the blast of the bombs that ended WWII..???

jens holm

Of course we can iddi. You hide the point very well.

Do You think we are armed with umbrellas and sunglasses.


Contrary to what you have been told over in little Denmark, Britain doesn’t have a nuclear deterrent.

Tom Bombastadillo

No, you are armed with faggots and trannies. Good luck!


The stronger writes history. Btw. who in his right mind compares Putin to Milosevic? Milosevic was a racist criminal who ordered massacres and mass raped against Muslims in Bosnia because he believed that his race was superior. Milosevic was just like that German dictator whose name all people know.

Last edited 2 years ago by John

That’s what we were told alright. A lot of things we are told aren’t true at all. Why we believe the same sources when they tell stories that turn out to be lies beats me. All of a sudden the liars tell the truth? Why? What changed?


Don’t tell that Milosivic wasn’t racist/fascist. You can watch his speeches online and see how he was for yourself. No need for any other media.

jens holm

Putin has just killed another internal enemy himself. This tiem it was a pork Oligarc.

The Serbian traumecenter still dont understand anything. Now they have aranged troop to defend Kosovo agaust its own main population. The Kosovo leadership is not much better in those matters.

Next tie we have to interbene in tragedies like that we shoud kill all living there and fx implement mexicans. hey deserve a second chance. Both serbs and Kosovarans has had a least two chances for so many years.


Americans, just don’t pretend to be ignorant and innocent when SHTF.


How about russians stop killing children in Ukraine? How about this for ‘etiquette’… And I tell you what is disturbing – the stories from Ukrainian refuges we host in our homes are disturbing – the nightmare of russian ‘soldats’ killing innocent civilians. This are the same stories we already heard from our grandparents generation…


That’s exactly what the Russians are doing…stopping the Nazis from killing children. Do you know that the Western propaganda machine is blocking any information about the Alley of Angels, the monument to the children killed by the Ukrainian Nazis? Can you imagine the feeling when you see them writing the new names? But that doesn’t affect you, because it’s ‘them’ we don’t like, it’s ‘their’ children. For your information, those are also Ukrainian children because you only recognize the whole of Ukraine…


Why was the AFU shelling civilian areas in Donetsk and Lugansk for eight years? Why did the Ukrainian regime refuse to implement the Minsk accords? Why did Merkel lie about the Minsk accords? Why did the US instigate a coup in Ukraine in 2014? The US and NATO wanted this war. The blood of Ukrainians, Russians and others in on the hands of NATO (the US). The Ukrainians are victims. The Russians are victims too. The same bunch of Psychopaths that wrecked Libya, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Afghanistan, Somalia, Ethiopia and more are responsible. They are the enemies of humanity.


Well said Jamie.

Tom Bombastadillo

I have a Ukrainian refugee family living next door. Last time I saw them the father said “I cannot complain”. So take your lies and shove it.


Oy Vey what a magnificent yarn, history as depicted by Hollywood. Spin some more, Tom Cruise all American hero, the cocky eyed baldly with the bad Russian accent, yeah fuck yeah, Ooh rah, gonna kick those commie arses. It’s sad we don’t sterilise morons.


“Quos Deus vult perdere, prius dementat.”


Indeed. Crazy.


They are mad bad and evil. The almighty will razed them into the furnace.


Evil is just a parazyte. And parazyte lives on a host. He/she is virtual. And thus loses a grip on reality and eventually goes mad because of crotch gazing and circular logic of parazytyzm.

yamil perez is a gay faggot

thousands of Bulava and R-39 MIRV flying at US/NATO targets at mach 24 speed will be the result. Total destruction of America, its global bases, allies and all of western Europe. Are Americunts that retarded to start this? probably

Tom Bombastadillo

Americans aren’t, but the Biden Admin is.

Ziological Warefare

USA is Shatan

Tom Bombastadillo

With a Sharter-in-Chief!


sadly this is a real threat. after the strikes against engels air base, again, the russian air defence and radar covering shows a really poor performance, which can encourage potential attackers. one of many problems in the russian military that urgently need to be addressed


There’s not a single person in Russia with enough brain and balls to deal with nato. Where there’s a coward, there’s a bully. It won’t end well for Russia.

Arch Bungle

“While they did destroy much of the command structure of the targeted country or organization, the ensuing chaos and power vacuum were usually filled by someone with little regard for meaningful dialogue and brought even more suffering to the people of the affected country, causing decades of instability and factionalism.”

… Don’t you know? That was their plan all along …

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