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MARCH 2025

Danish Bill Proposes 12 Years In Prison For “Pro-Russia” Views

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Danish Bill Proposes 12 Years In Prison For "Pro-Russia" Views

Danish lawmakers have gone forward with combating what they describe as “Russian propaganda”.

A new proposed bill, which is said to be meant to “strengthen efforts against illegal influence from foreign intelligence services,” would introduce criminal penalties for perceived “meddling” in public debates and attempts to influence decision-making. Such “crimes” committed during an election campaign would entail a maximum prison term of 12 years.

Considering the current media hysteria over “Russian agression” in the EU and the US, Danes could face a jail term if they voice dissent over the mainstream media and government narrative on Russia.

Berlingske, the country’s oldest newspaper, has released a detailed article slamming the bills.  The newspaper says that this law can be stretched to the point where a Danish director is targeted for changing a burnt-out light bulb following the advice of a foreign intelligence agent.

Another option is that Danes can be punished for supporting Russian egergy projects, like the Nord Stream 2.

The bill is another step in a series of efforts undertaken by the EU and the US to censor independent views and to take control of the media narrative, which has been partly lost with the growth of alternative media.

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countries gone berserk ..and mad.


Or has the Zionist anti Russian Cabal in Denmark been paid by the US/UK to hinder the Northstream 2 project ?

Rakean Jaya

Exactly it is, so many NGOs (with Jens Holm,Krupacek, D national kinds in it :-)) with ‘liberal’ agenda as selling stuffs, in fact it is zio-nism movement in Denmark


The Anglo-Zionists could hardly have invaded Denmark , or sent in their proxy jihadists , so they did the next best thing – flooded the country with NGOs and think tanks. The end result is about the same.

Ivan Freely

Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad.

Jim Prendergast

There used to be reasonable intelligent Danes. Have they all left the country?


Seems so :) Jens Holm is still there though if that helps :)

Tudor Miron

Jens Holm has very little to do with “reasonable intelligent Danes” :)


It was a bit of English sarcasm from me and also from you Tudor. Your English is really rather good .

We should get employment with the Russian Defence Ministry to put a polish on their professional communiques :)


I’ve gotten rather used to some of their unique expressions, even if they don’t translate well.


Youre going to be famous for being stupid!


You are the one spamming these threads with reams of lies, stupidity and criminal insanity, not me. And now you’re being flagged for it.


LIES? im just posting YOUR comments! Depravity? Against DN! which makes me awesome! Flagged? hahahaha, all my posts have gone through! People reply to me with GREAT RESPECT! Unlike what they think of u now! Flux Capacitor! hahahaha u idiot!


Exposing your disinfo hardly makes me stupid. And coming from someone who gets his jollys by issuing death threats to hunt down and murder a person who posts comments on news articles that you disagree with by anally raping them with an axe. I’m sure that a lot of people don’t think that you’re funny and find your miscreant behavior as vile and disgusting as I do.


“disinfo” lol, is that what u call it? “Back to the future” is disinfo? Lets just call it what it really is….. YOURE DUMB!

Annally raping DutchNational with an axe! So not only did i expose him for supporting terrorists, but i also said we should rape him with an AXE! 10/10 AWESOME! I forgot i even said that! Im more awesome than i thought i was!

People will say, “Justin is awesome, he exposed DN and threatened him with a funny line! hahaha! Oh and did u see what he did to RichardD? He made RichardD think a ‘flux capacitor’ was US tech that helped hide stealth planes and RichardD totally fell for it, hahaha what a fucking Moron”!

Im gonna famous! :)


Half of Americans almost never go to the movies. Their minds aren’t in the Hollywood gutter like your’s. The only people who think that you’re funny are morons like yourself. Much of the readership here thinks that you’re a complete head case. Which you are.

I knew that you were peddling disinfo, and I exposed it. I didn’t think that it was funny, just like I don’t think that your sadistic anal fetish is funny. You clearly have a problem with people who don’t share your stupid and depraved sense of “humor”.

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6809a1262155ad2e80ba2d854423c788ff9646471c6896a7f93cdfc63971b097.png https://www.statista.com/statistics/264396/frequency-of-going-to-the-movies-in-the-us/


Thats because NETFLIX took over! So actually MORE people watch movies now than ever! So ure WRONG AGAIN hahahaha!

“Their minds aren’t in the Hollywood gutter like your’s.”

So because i quoted “back to the future” (a highly acclaimed movie), u think anyone who watches this has their mind in the gutter? REALLY??

AAAAA hahahahahahahaha

IM TAKING A SCREEN SHOT OF THIS! THIS IS GOLD!!!!!!! YOU IDIOT! you are your own worst enemy! There is something wrong with he way ur mind works!


I was aware that your optical invisibility disinfo was based in a juvenile Hollywood scifi movie. And I pointed that out repeatedly in my comments. Not finding your comment funny doesn’t make me stupid, it makes your comment stupid.

And then you went off the deep end with spamming multiple threads with your moronic off based “analysis” trying to prove your point. And ended up getting exposed as a crazed psychotic head case, serial liar, and depraved pervert in the process.


“And I pointed that out repeatedly in my comments” No you didnt! U finally woke up after i made 2 videos for u to FINALLY UNDERSTAND!

Also….. i would have left it at that if were not for ur robotic reply! So i thought id give a little warning to the Forum for which u totally cried about!

Then, because u were BUTT HURT like a bitch, u tried to find dirt on me! And the dirt u found makes me look awesome! Because EVERYONE attacked DN!He supported Israel, Kurds and backed HTS and ISIS against the SAA!

So not only did u look stupid one time, u looked stupid 2 times!

I honestly believe that ure dumb! honestly, i do!


Hey RichardD, ive decided im gonna cut it down to 3 pictures! Will be much easier for people to read in future posts! Let me know what u think and if i need to make any changes! CHEERS!

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e6a4d2d7c68e0658b960be6b397ef60ebd846bc4e336ef3a40fcc5dbee613627.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/23e455f0aaaa9059edc53338b83311b91c15d6090ef39c23ffb43c6ab0e04933.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5e5906e31d3f39a3ce1e8445f9ac2718ec0a56ffc230c26141e1424e698d98df.png


Coming from an idiot who thinks that sensible comments written using proper English means that they’re from a bot and not a real person, your delusions, comprehension problems and impaired grasp on reality are plain to see.


Hey, it was u who replied like that! not me! dont blame me for ur short comings! Im just an observer!


I am slowly learning American English :)


There are expressions in American English that have a different meaning than the words themselves. And I sometimes catch myself before I use them on threads luke this because they’l be misunderstood by some.


The English language is indeed rich in nuance. I suppose most languages are but I not knowledgeable enough to interpret that.


With trolls like us, who needs trolls? :)


.https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d7b6c16ddb58a231cb2335de2760f1df786b871102b5af380d0dfc55109bf288.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/23e455f0aaaa9059edc53338b83311b91c15d6090ef39c23ffb43c6ab0e04933.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5e5906e31d3f39a3ce1e8445f9ac2718ec0a56ffc230c26141e1424e698d98df.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/dee6935f903054c6c3606c1f39e52d9739ceab356f50088358fd07d87231ce5b.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/aa93f8f4a9f6c59e92c4a9e048bb2828c8ced344d9601d3b18206130894880a0.png


This guy is criminally insane. He’s no different than the terrorist who eats human hearts. He’s defiling these threads with his depraved filth. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8e340ad760ef4f6c7fc41a9453e94512907c3a6ae2a4b184b40ca2e7781df165.png https://southfront.org/syrian-army-repelled-hts-attack-northern-hama-countryside/ https://newsrescue.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/syria-heart-615×375.jpg


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/843d3a5d3895ff09a2345a98124e1cb0d2f625da0023e1a070f9fea471eb3264.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d7d0098f2958171538b9db7bea74e97260ceed12657da71500e6ec9df401b1a0.png


You are completely off your rocker with your anal axe raping depravity. You belong in a mental institution.


You’re a criminally insane lying piece of degenerate filth.

I wrote:

“Why don’t you tell people about the time that you threatened to anally rape Dutch National?”

You wrote:

“That did not happen …

As fro the raping with an axe…. thats something i WOULD NOT deny if i did say it! But unfortunately for u i didnt! and without proof i guess ure up shit creek without a paddle! But between u and me, we both know i didnt say that! therefore between u and me, we both know who the piece of shit is!”

Here’s the proof liar: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8e340ad760ef4f6c7fc41a9453e94512907c3a6ae2a4b184b40ca2e7781df165.png https://southfront.org/syrian-army-repelled-hts-attack-northern-hama-countryside/ ——–


//// https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3a63b31f651cb09d7598bf3ba81ef1eb7edc4faab8e22aa62c492c73247d6a21.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/23e455f0aaaa9059edc53338b83311b91c15d6090ef39c23ffb43c6ab0e04933.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5e5906e31d3f39a3ce1e8445f9ac2718ec0a56ffc230c26141e1424e698d98df.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/dee6935f903054c6c3606c1f39e52d9739ceab356f50088358fd07d87231ce5b.png


Your comment has been flagged as spam. You’re wasting South Front’s thread space with your lies and criminal insanity. I don’t find your stupidity and depravity amusing. —

Tommy Jensen

Thats why Syria got S-300. When they dont work any longer.


You’re a criminally insane lying piece of degenerate filth.

I wrote:

“Why don’t you tell people about the time that you threatened to anally rape Dutch National?”

You wrote:

“That did not happen …

As fro the raping with an axe…. thats something i WOULD NOT deny if i did say it! But unfortunately for u i didnt! and without proof i guess ure up shit creek without a paddle! But between u and me, we both know i didnt say that! therefore between u and me, we both know who the piece of shit is!”

Here’s the proof liar: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8e340ad760ef4f6c7fc41a9453e94512907c3a6ae2a4b184b40ca2e7781df165.png https://southfront.org/syrian-army-repelled-hts-attack-northern-hama-countryside/ – –

Jens Holm

Thats no trolling. You are quite open.

Jens Holm

They could send some vodka in stead. Its heard they drink less of it themselves now.


That’s because the Zionist USSR is dead Jens and in the EUSSR you now need Vodka to block out the misery of that regime.

Jens Holm

It allowed to have more then one oppinion here.

We all try to respect our Parlament and Goverment, because we can elect somebosy else next time.

In Russia, Turkey and Syria, they cant.

Tudor Miron

Jens, when you say that white is black it doesn’t change the reality.

Jens Holm

I can define things as I wish. You do that all the time. Then it goes for everybody.

I see the results. As a country compared to others, we are doing fine.

You have to critiseize us as you wish, but as long as its totally different even if I just go out in the street, it gains no respect at all.


lol …….. nicely played Florian. :P


I enjoy sparring with ‘words’ John. That’s probably why many people find me rather vexatious :)


Jens Holm is kike Jew

Jens Holm

Even long legs my carrot reached the floor. It does not make me to an arab or jew.


He was caught having a conversation in Yiddish though!


I was informed it was Gibberish . Yiddish Gibberish makes more sense though :)

Carol Davidek-Waller


Zionism = EVIL

They eat too much Danish and have fat on their brains now too. BTW, Denmark was always a NAZI nation and today it has the most fascist Nazi dominated government in Nordic nations. In WW2 almost all Danes collaborated with NAZIS and most joined the SS. This neo-Russophobia is nothing new.

Promitheas Apollonious

you ever figured out the name of DanMark? Or the name V-king V=5



[It’s time to debunk the “Nazi” epithet and to show you where it came from, who invented it, and why. The fact is, that the term “Nazi” was created by the enemies of the National Socialists (the NSDAP).

It was a pejorative term; an insult or a slur. The Germans, not even Hitler nor any other top party officials ever called themselves “Nazis”! They called themselves “National Socialists” and nothing else. Those who can read German and have studied any of the original documents and speeches know this already, but most don’t.]

This is actually a pretty good, reliable source (the same applies to Zionist Report, which is by no means “pro-Zionist”, quite the opposite actually):






It is still good (in many cases) when anyone seeks to expand upon their own knowledge, even if they are listening to someone they disagree with.

https://bit.ly/2CHAsDx – Includes link to Youtube video:

[This video provides an analysis of the geopolitical situation and the state of religion in Europe before the Viking Age, with the coming of judeo-christianity.]

Habiru: https://bit.ly/2Cgz89X




Truth Hertz: Taking Out the Tribe of Troublemakers (10-4-18):


Truth Hertz: Akhenaten the Kosher King (3-22-18):


As mentioned in the 2nd link above:

George Washington Masonic National Memorial:


The Masonic anniversary Truth Hertz (Charles Giuliani) had mentioned in the podcast concerning the Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaten, the father of pharaoh Tutankhamun:


An informative video description regarding Judaism (2nd link):


Culture of Critique for Normies:




Jens Holm

The difference between jews and muslims are, that muslims only can handle fewer pots and pans.

Jens Holm

Typical manipulation of the worst kind.

Jens Holm

We have just seen Poland be taken.

We have very few neo-nazis here. In the elctions under ww2 they got up to 8% of the vores as max – Telling that 92 was not.

Tommy Jensen

Sqeezed out. Erased from all media. Financial withdraw. Threatened. Even the comment section in the most lousy danish lunch newspaper is carefully censured for anything factual and real.


They are still there, suffering under North Atlantic Terrorist Organization’s hysteria.

Then Russia will eventually follow suit and implement something similar in order to level the playing field… and then the West will roar in a sham, orchestrated condemnation… as usual.

Jens Holm

We do have a very strange Governess right now. I dont vote for them.

The majority of the parlament vote for crap like this right now. I hope for smarter solutions but russia is not to trust.

Dušan Mirić

“Stupidity is endless” said Einstein. By the way, do you know who is twice as clever as Einstein?


Tesla. BTW The Einstein quote is: “There are two infinite things in the universe, space and human stupidity – and I’m not sure about the first one.”

Zo Fu

Seriously, corrupt western politician are competing each other who will come with bigger antirussia bullshit. After Skripal hoax serie it was clearly Britain, who won the jackpot. But Denmark don’t want to stay behind. It is only stupid, shrot-sighted and dangerous game. But there is nobody who would be able kick them to the asses. At least for this time. And as I said it million times before. Putin is making big mistake for not punishing West for that attitude. Closing British embassys and cultural centres and banning Soros’s NGOs in Russia is not enough. Russia needs to show more muscles. Give weapons to West enemies for example Houthis. Shot down some Israeli jets. Cooperate with China in South China Sea . Make cruise missiles drills in Mexico Gulf. Cut supply lines for Saudi oil. That is all just tit for tat what America did and it would be fully justified. And China just missed great opportunity to dump all their US treasuries, when US markets was down. Another big and unforgivable mistake.


Everything will come in time. The US is ‘ Crying from the Chinese drips of the water torture ‘ and the US economy is dying from the ‘ Wall Street Banks debt torture’.

Tommy Jensen

Agree. The passivity and lack of Russian retaliation just make the situation in West even more hostile and fascist friendly.


This is the extent of the Intelligence Research of the bought off prostitutes in the Danish Government. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ahe4U3M0DUI


So the scandinavian countries are the best democracies in the world….Right?


That’s right . They defend Freedom of Opinions and American Democratic Values. As long as its the government approved opinion of course :)

Jens Holm

Yes, kind of. And if the Goverment and Parlament as well as reginal leaders dont approve, we dont elect them next time.

Thats the whole point.

Try that in Turkey, Syria or Russia.


If the legislation is passed there is a good chance there will be NO ‘next elections’. Not meaningful ones anyway :) Welcome back to Quisling Denmark Jens :)


They probably are still among the best , it’s just that that’s not saying much.


Really, not saying much…thinking like that will help enslave the people without knowing it. like in the US right now. Please wake up.

Jens Holm

Others are too. But Democrasy are a bundle of rights and duties and not all is perfect in democracies as well.

To me its very free speech and debate as well as we can change Parlament and Goverment in a peacefukll way. We seemes to trust each other more then many does, because we know each other better and rely we at least can change Governess.


I don’t know Jens, It doesn’t look like a democracy to me when you can’t have a different opinion that is by no means violent and threatening the wellbeing of the country.


I’m sure there’s controversy in Denmark over this because while they want to be able to effectively deal with pro-Russian activists and propagandists (like the circlejerk that’s about to lose their minds at this comment), but this law can easily be abused or be the legal premise for a proverbial witch hunt.


Good job Denmark !

Carol Davidek-Waller

And the winner of the most stupidly repressive regime is…………..not Russia..

José Ramón Logroño



I like the dollar symbol on the collar

Tudor Miron

So much for free civilized west.

Promitheas Apollonious

west never been civilized. Beside one or two countries. Second check which countries in EU never change their coin and you know also who the hard core of NWO is and who the victims of them also are, with the exception of Holland, who is part of them due to the royals there but have got into euro.


Which one or 2 Western countries were then civilized?

You can call me Al

Iceland ???.



Jens Holm

Many ways to be civilized.

Jens Holm

You know nothing and insist in creatisme i more important. I see the succes :)

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

As a Dane im embarrassed by this, this is just disgusting, a 100% move to remove any and all freedom of speech in Denmark.

I can guarantee you that this is not something that have a generel support in Denmark, but the us slaves that have been elected in just dont give a fuck about Our “grundlov” (constitution). The majority in Folketinget have never ever had a ordinary job in there loves, they have never ever fought for freedom of speech or freedom, they have never ever lost friends and family in that fight. They have no sense of reality.

I love my country and flag, but I loathe my government.


“The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out for himself, without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane, and intolerable…”(HL Mencken)


Denmark seems to be willing to annoy Russia and Germany, to please America, that’s a dangerous path to follow.


You know what, You are right. This isnt about Russians, its about getting more control over the people. Kings and Queens are Nothing without You.

John Brown

The empire shows its true face as a dictatorship as the fraud of being democracy can no longer be maintained.

You can call me Al

This sounds very much, like an urgent, panic to implement the “dead duck” NWO. The above, if true, is truly frightening. I have never ever heard of anything like this before.

John Brown

I have heard of very similar things before. The only difference being that it was not done in the open where even the most stupid, most brainwashed Goyim would get it. People would have heart attacks, car accidents, get cancer, have careers ruined, be framed, falsely imprisoned etc. For the brain dead morons who think this stuff does not exist See video of the heart attack gun etc. they had in 1975 imagine what they have now. USS congress CIA shows heart attack gun enter target without perception not detectable in an autopsy etc. FLASHBACK: CIA Heart Attack Gun (1975) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LO6tiD5Dy0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofQuH53ejWI https://www.google.ca/search?q=youtube+us+congress+heart+attack+gun&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=eaZ2xKOmkfk8PM%253A%252CA9rnJyCrkI9V2M%252C_&usg=AI4_-kS8CkdFz6mn_KzOQ2RE3MQT_v7nMQ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiQho3T-YTeAhXk01kKHfaRCkAQ9QEwCXoECAYQBA#imgrc=eaZ2xKOmkfk8PM:


A CIA secret weapon used for assassination shoots a small poison dart to cause a heart attack, as explained in Congressional testimony in the short video below. By educating ourselves and others on vitally important matters like this, we can build a brighter future for us all.

The dart from this secret CIA weapon can penetrate clothing and leave nothing but a tiny red dot on the skin. On penetration of the deadly dart, the individual targeted for assassination may feel as if bitten by a mosquito, or they may not feel anything at all. The poisonous dart completely disintegrates upon entering the target.

The lethal poison then rapidly enters the bloodstream causing a heart attack. Once the damage is done, the poison denatures quickly, so that an autopsy is very unlikely to detect that the heart attack resulted from anything other than natural causes. Sounds like the perfect James Bond weapon, doesn’t it? Yet this is all verifiable in Congressional testimony.

The astonishing information about this secret weapon of the CIA comes from U.S. Senate testimony in 1975 on rogue activities of the CIA. This weapon is only one of many James Bond-like discoveries of the Church Committee hearings, officially known as the United States Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities.

Ilya Grushevskiy

It is though, quite remarkable that this shit can just repeat itself over and over again. It’s like the masses are indifferent to the hells they have demonstrably faced from this path in times past.

Sheeple it seems, are that rare-unicorn breed, capable if being both S and M, at the saaame time! :p


And it always starts in Europe.

Ilya Grushevskiy

Sprinkle of Neanderthal + unfortunate Middle Ocean geography maybe. Whatever the case, the older I get, the more I feel I live surrounded by wolves with opposable thumbs!

lene johansen

There is something rotten in the state of Denmark

Valerianus Maximus

I’d say there are several things rotten in the state of Denmark. ;-p

Jens Holm

yes there are

Promitheas Apollonious

it always have been you just see it now.

Jens Holm

Yes You are.

Valerianus Maximus

The Danes are still butthurt over the loss of Greenland and Iceland, when the Yankistanis liberated those territories in the name of “FREEDOM!!!!” in 1941. So, the Danes take it out on Russia. In that way, they are very much like the Norwegians, who pretend that there are no foreign forces stationed in Norway, and the Swedes, who think the Russian Navy is an existential threat to their grand experiment in population replacement. It’s called “Stockholm Syndrome” for a reason, after all.

Speaking of that, we should rename Jens Holm to Jensstockholm Syndrome.

lene johansen

Jens Holm is a dunb Dane,

Valerianus Maximus

I know, but the broader Scandinavian milieu suits him so well.


Jens Holm is a fake Dane from Tel Aviv.


This is why I laugh whenever any western politician says ‘we must defend the free world’ – we don’t live in a free world! Free societies don’t throw people in jail for having the wrong thoughts.


is everybody enjoying the insanity yet?

J Roderet

Washington does not tolerate dissent inside its Western European vassal states.

Nigel Maund

The Danish political class has become Fascist! They now act like a Dictatorship. The mask of “Democracy” has been removed to display the ugly and evil face behind it! I very much doubt the Danish people agree with this action. This would have been motivated by “the Dark Powers” who control Denmark behind the scenes. Read the International Bankster Cabal headed up by the Zionist Rothschild’s and their ilk. Politicians are paid for puppets whom the Banksters have lots of dirt on re: sex and dirty business deals, so they can completely blackmail the politicians and control them; as they do in all other countries.

Brad Isherwood


The Russian nuclear submarine Dmitry Donskoy sails under the Great Belt Bridge in Denmark, on July 21, 2017.


Icarus Tanović

You are Pitiful!


In times of universal deception – Telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.


I thought Denmark was a democraticly run Government ??? W.O.W. clearly, I was mistaken.

Promitheas Apollonious

clearly yes. But think it as this the onyl country it seems in europe to be breaking away form the control of globalists is Italy how long this last is left to be seen.

Tommy Jensen

Stop thinking. Then you dont make more mistakes…………………………………:-D.


Doesn’t anyone else find it strange that most countries seem to be run by morons, who actually believe what they read in newspapers/mainstream media?

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x