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David Cohnen On Elections In Germany

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David Cohnen On Elections In Germany

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Submitted by David Cohnen

In the spring of 2019, I prepared the following Germany election forecast:

David Cohnen On Elections In Germany

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The course of the survey results so far in 2023 confirms my predictions. I was clearly wrong with the left, it remained well below my forecasts. I may have rated the CDU too positively. The Forsa survey result of 08/01/2023 is as follows:

David Cohnen On Elections In Germany

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If you include the proportion of non-voters with the values from 2021 in the table and correct the values of the individual parties accordingly, you finally get the following result (see correction).

David Cohnen On Elections In Germany

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Suppose there are two blocks. There are the established parties SPD, Union, Greens, FDP, which have an almost uniform policy. Then there is the left, which also supports the policies of the old parties on essential points but is contrary to them on other points. There is also a block of non-voters, others and AfD.

If the blocks are combined, then according to this calculation the old parties come to 48.258% and the non-voters/AfD block to 47.912%. That’s not even 0.35% in favor of the old parties. If one were to consider the non-voter/AfD block as the antithesis to the old party block, the left would currently be tipping the scales.

The problem of the old parties is that they do not give up their political aberrations and are dominated by the 11.49% Greens. Not only they, but the entire republic is dominated by the Greens. The old parties don’t seem to understand the message of the German voters.

The CDU should have a look at the 7 deadly sins.

  • 1. Immigration: Stop and reverse as much as possible.
  • 2. Crimes: Equal rights for everyone, including migrants.
  • 3. Energy Transition: Stop and roll back the green agenda and everything related to it.
  • 4. War: Seek an end to the war raging between the former Soviet republics of Russia and Ukraine. By stopping arms supplies and immediately negotiating with Russia and Ukraine and whoever.
  • 5. Radio and television: immediately liquidate the compulsory payment propaganda radio and television companies.
  • 6. Gender and LGBT: Ban everything related to gender from the public domain immediately.
  • 7. Money: Strengthen the Bundesbank in relation to the ECB.

What is more important that the CDU or Germany does not go under? If the CDU makes sure that Germany doesn’t go under, it won’t go under either.

Of course, this also applies to all other parties.


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Stefan v.

excellent and succinct summary! weiter so!


remind that the german mainstream media, globalist elites, the finance sector and most politicans are fully under the globalist, transatlantic and ziokhasarian control and all together massively pushing anti afd propaganda since its beginning, otherwise afd would be now at least around some 40-45%.

Gneaus stapo

sure dumb ossi nazi butin boot licker.

ur ausreiseantrag was approved, in siberian gulag is a bed free for u

Last edited 1 year ago by Gneaus stapo

disagree with green energy and radio&television.

1. solar pv (and wind) energy is growing and growing quickly no matter what. it’s growing rapidly everywhere except for the coldest nations now. china is leading in green energy and it’s clearly growing faster than even their coal production and imports are.


solar pv keeps doubling it’s production and gets 20% cheaper around every 3 to 4 years. it’s already the cheapest out there and soon will overtake coal in worldwide growth. coal is going nowhere in terms of price. natural gas is extremely useful but eu traitors in power decided to blockade it from importing.


nuclear is useful if 4th generation, which only china has so far mastered. but the bigger issue for nuclear for germany and the whole of the eu is surprise surprise, all uranium is either imported from countries that are pro-russia/china, or becoming pro-russia/china or is sold for multiple times the regular price by anglo-settler-colonies.


secondly, it should be a great support for local energy production from all available ources (some villages and small towns sit on huge geothermal resources that can be tapped using heat pumps). wind and solar electricity is good only as a backup system or top loading.


2. radio and television should be reformed to stop imitating us propaganda. anyone who still does so should be removed, by force if necessary. you gain nothing by penning down propaganda from another country that’s aimed at promoting it’s own country, especially when that country the us. all you do is get people to cheer for the us when it’s destroying your country.


to me it was already quite visibly so by 2021 when time and time again the us was telling the eu media that they don’t want the nordstream 2 to exist and that my country was building lng terminals to import incredibly expensive us shale gas. because if the us says we can’t be reliant on cheap russian gas, then there’s no problem to rely on expensive us shale gas.


solar systems are entirely useless during overcast season. this year there were more clouds than sun (light) and solar pv performed poorly. far better is to install solar water heating systems and carry on with nuclear, gas and hydro-electric plants.

Icarus Tanović

fucck off.


the way the greens organize this energy revolution is desaster. each part of the economy they touch , is being destroyed. even if there were really a problem with co2, they would rather kill not save the world. i would predict it will be rather china and the brics which can manage this energy transition. the west should better start again to learn physics , chemistry , biology…

Abraham Lincoln

this guy is s moron. it is the job of the cdu and all parties in europe to destroy europe and christianity for their masters the racist supremacist global jewish askhenazi satanic slave empire dictatorship.

Icarus Tanović

get lost, okay.


early life—david ((cohen)) haha

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