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Day of Violence in Jerusalem: Three Attacks on Israeli Troops, Two Palestinian Security Officers Killed By IDF

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Day of Violence in Jerusalem: Three Attacks on Israeli Troops, Two Palestinian Security Officers Killed By IDF

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February 6th, saw several escalations in violence in Jerusalem, more than likely as a result of US President Donald Trump’s “peace plan.”

Just before noon on the day, a man walked up to Israeli police officers on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and opened fire, lightly wounding one of them. He fled on foot, officers caught up to him, shot and killed the perpetrator.

The shooter was identified as Shadi Bana, 45, an Arab Israeli from Haifa.

He also owned a flower shop, and was liked by both Jewish and Arab neighbors, according to Channel 13 news.

He’d reportedly converted from Christianity to Islam recently.

The wounded officer, identified by police only as Master Sergeant G., was one of the officers who charged at Bana.

“The terrorist suddenly pulled a gun and started shooting toward us a few rounds,” G. said in a police video released after the attack.

“Even though I was hit in the shoulder I charged at him together with another officer who was with me at the post, and we neutralized him,” he said.

The man is immediately being vilified, and called a terrorist, Israel’s “democratic” policy towards Arabs.

“He was the last person I would think could become a terrorist. I had a hard time believing he could even quarrel with someone. I’m shocked by this,” one of Bana’s neighbors said.

Other neighbors made similar template remarks.

In the afternoon, a drive-by shooting took place on a highway near the central West Bank settlement of Dolev.

The gunman fled the scene to a nearby village, with Israeli troops in pursuit, the IDF said. One of the bullets fired by the gunman struck the helmet of an IDF soldier, but the helmet absorbed the hit and the soldier was only lightly hurt.

“A terrorist shot at IDF troops were in the area. An IDF soldier was lightly injured from the gunfire and was taken to the hospital for treatment,” the military said.

“IDF soldiers responded with gunfire at the terrorist and began searching for him.”

Day of Violence in Jerusalem: Three Attacks on Israeli Troops, Two Palestinian Security Officers Killed By IDF

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The above-mentioned incident was the third attack on Israeli security forces on the day.

The first one was the car-ramming by a Palestinian man that left 12 Israeli troops injured, one in critical condition.

The suspect, Sanad al-Turman, a 25-year-old resident of the East Jerusalem neighborhood of A-Tur, was arrested at the Gush Etzion Junction in the central West Bank.

He, also, was a flower shop owner.

Day of Violence in Jerusalem: Three Attacks on Israeli Troops, Two Palestinian Security Officers Killed By IDF

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The army’s manhunt in Bethlehem throughout the day sparked small-scale clashes in the city and surrounding areas. Palestinian media reported that Israeli troops seized security cameras around Bethlehem, reportedly as part of the search effort.

With the escalation of violence, on two separate occasions Israeli soldiers shot and killed members of the Palestinian security forces in Jerusalem.

A Palestinian Authority police cadet was shot dead, apparently by mistake, amid clashes between Palestinian protesters and Israeli troops during the demolition of a “terrorist’s home” in the northern West Bank city of Jenin.

A second man, a PA police officer, died later in the day, after he was shot by Israeli troops in Jenin in what the military said were unclear circumstances.

In order to strengthen security in Jerusalem, the IDF announced it was sending in reinforcements to the area.

The military said the decision was made after an “ongoing situational assessment.” The IDF said it was deploying one extra battalion, which usually comprises a few hundred soldiers.

Visitng the West Bank, IDF Chief of Staff Aviv Kohavi said: “We have no intention to let terror win. The directive in the field is very clear, clear down to the last soldier — to thwart and prevent every [terrorist] activity,” Kohavi told the officers.


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Zionism = EVIL

Palestinians only option is to join the Axis of Resistance, unite and pick up arms to destroy the Zionist cancer which in reality is weaker than a spider web.

Arch Bungle

Just had a chat with some Russian friends who have family in Israel. The Israeli youth want to pack up and leave, there’s a high degree of discontent and boredom among them. I hear this story a lot. The way the wind’s blowing the next generation of IDF are not up to the task of keeping the occupation going. Not long before this tower of evil crumbles …


It will be very difficult for the Palestinians to get the weapons necessary to stage any sort of fight there is a complete air land and sea blockade the bds movement tried to import building materials and were violently intercepted even those tunnels are tightly controlled by Egypt who is showing no sign of easing the blockade

Arch Bungle

They’re going to have to use the power of mass uprising. If a million Palestinians marched on Jerusalem or Tel Aviv there would not be enough IDF weaponry to stop the flood.


What about the border wall how will they get round that. The Palestinians are basically in a prison under lockdown I believe their only hope is if the rest of the world started standing up to isreal and ideally dismantled the entire country

Toni Liu

No wonder they got attacked by real semite, because they are just fake semite who steal real semite land

Zionism = EVIL

Indeed, Arabs are only real SEMITES.


So says the fake Chinese who doesn’t know English very well. What are you actually, Abdul…or is it Igor?

Arch Bungle

The only thing I hate about Palestinians is that these fuckers can’t shoot straight. Everything else I’m okay with. Pass the tahini!


The dog that shot them is now dead.

Arch Bungle

The dogs that shot the Palestinian guy still run free, shitting all over Jerusalem.


Whatever. They are alive and your heroes are dead. I like that equation.

Arch Bungle

The equation works both ways.


Talking about Tahini.

Israeli Commander Dismissed for Ordering Spy to Procure Palestinian Tahini https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium-israeli-commander-dismissed-for-ordering-spy-to-procure-palestinian-tahini-1.8473882


Bonsoir, bonjour, Omega,

Si par curiosité la folie et l’horreur humaine illimitée vous intéressent, cette article mérite une certaine attention dépassant l’imaginable soupçonné. Ci-dessous les premiere lignes an préambule et aperitif …. =========================================


Biological Weapons: A Useful and Timely Factual Overview

Part I

By Larry Romanoff

Global Research, February 07, 2020

Region: USA

Theme: History, Intelligence, Militarization and WMD, Science and Medicine

The US government and its many agencies and educational and health institutions, have for many decades conducted intensive research into biological warfare, in many cases strongly focused on race-specific pathogens.

In a report to the US Congress, the Department of Defense revealed that its program of creating artificial biological agents included modifying non-fatal viruses to make them lethal, and genetic engineering to alter the immunology of biological agents to make treatment and vaccinations impossible. The military report admitted that at the time it operated about 130 bio-weapons research facilities, dozens at US universities and others at many international sites outside the purview of the US Congress and the jurisdiction of the courts.

This knowledge hasn’t been a secret for a long time. In a classified 1948 report by the Pentagon’s Committee on Biological Warfare, the main selling point was that:

“A gun or a bomb leaves no doubt that a deliberate attack has occurred. But if … an epidemic slashes across a crowded city, there is no way of knowing whether anyone attacked, much less who”, adding hopefully that “A significant portion of the human population within selected target areas may be killed or incapacitated” with only very small amounts of a pathogen. (1) (2)

A US Army operating manual from 1956 stated explicitly that biological and chemical warfare were an integral operating portion of US military strategy, were not restricted in any way, and that Congress had given the military “First Strike” authority on their use. In 1959, an attempt by Congress to remove this first-strike authority was defeated by the White House and Kennedy increased bio-chemical weapons expenditures from $75 million to almost $350 million. That was an enormous amount of money in 1959. (3)

Robert McNamara official portrait.jpg

US Defense Secretary Robert McNamara (image on the right) executed 150 top-secret bio-weapons programs in the late 1960s and early 1970s, performing bio-weapons experiments and field tests on an unwitting public, sometimes in foreign countries but most often against American citizens. McNamara ordered the Joint Chiefs of Staff “to consider all possible applications” of these agents against enemy nations in a coherent plan for a total “biological and chemical deterrent capability”, the plan to include cost estimates and an “appraisal of international political consequences”. (4) (5)

In the year 2000, The Project for the New American Century (6) (7) produced a report titled, “Rebuilding America’s Defenses”, which contained a radical and belligerent Right-Wing policy ambition for America. Their report called itself a “blueprint for maintaining global US preeminence … and shaping the international security order in line with American principles and interests.” The authors, their genocidal mentality obvious, stated

Etc., etc… Biological Weapons: A Useful and Timely Factual Overview https://www.globalresearch.ca/biological-weapons-useful-timely-factual-overview/5702842

Arch Bungle

In the old republic of south africa the white government conducted experiments with race specific pathogens in search of a virus tgat would kill only non-whites. They received assistance from American and Israeli specialists.


Bonjour Alex. Merci pour le lien. Plus rien ne me surprend au sujet des Anglo-Saxon-Americain-Sioniste. Vous l’avez parfaitement résumé: la folie et l’horreur humaine illimitée.

Arch Bungle

Looks like the idf is ‘going native’. The beginning of defeat for an army is when they realise they have more in commmon with the people they’re killing than with their political overlords … It begins with eating the native food.


Got it. Just like in the US with us eating Native American turkey, cranberries and squash for Thanksgiving. But last time I checked, it wasn’t the Native Americans that were being thankful. Try to keep up and try not make so many stupid comments.

Arch Bungle

Your “try to keep up line” is getting old, where’d you crib it from? Your off topic, btw, none of the foodstuffs you mentioned are cultural dishes, they’re directly taken from the land. They’re not examples of the cultural expropriation your shitty little joo colony makes. Any more of your usual imbecilic arguments?


I share your sentiments but the foreign Jewish colonists in Palestine who came from Russia, Eastern Europe, Europe, etc have nothing in common with the native inhabitants. As a matter of facts, the Jews who came from outside Palestine considered the local cuisine (hummus for instance) as “impure” for a long time before hijacking it and making it their “national dish”.


Yep, the Palestinians make work class Tahini, hummus and olive oil. The Israelis do a great job with world class thermonuclear missiles. Kind of says it all.


I agree; it does say it all: Israel is an absolute degenerate entity. Above all, your comment is a testimony of your psychosis.

Is there anything you actually research or do you regurgitate the first rambling that comes to your mind? Israel’s nuclear program was not indigenous but the result of foreign import made possible by Zionist French circles and British intelligence. It caused a major stir within Israel causing the entire membership of the seven-person panel of the Israeli Atomic Energy Commission to resign in protest and lead to the purge of Israeli officials opposed to it – namely former Defense minister Pinhas Lavon. They knew it was nothing but suicide.

Ricky Miller

That is one of the best, factual and effective retorts to a troll that I’ve ever read. My compliments and gratitude.


Thank you.

Arch Bungle

Jake321 is a hasbaranim. His standard tactic is to paste responses of this format:

You can pretty much ignore that fucker unless you find his spam entertaining.

Arch Bungle

Bullshit on your thermonuclear missiles claim. The Israelis do sweet fuckall on nuclear missiles that can be considered world class. Even the Pakistanis tested theirs, and the North Koreans under blockade. Israel – nothing.


Population of Palestine region –

2.5 million Palestinians (Arabs) in the West Bank.

1.7 million Palestinians (Arabs) in the Gaza Strip.

Israelis keep stealing land from the Arabs daily; …so there are 5.8 million Arabs and 6.2 million Jews between Jordan and the Mediterranean Sea; …besides all of Palestine, the Israelis are also eyeballing that Lebanon strip of real estate for themselves too. Israeli terror actions speak louder than words.

There will never be peace until all the Middle East countries force Israel to desegregate and step back into the original real estate that was provided to them in 1947; which constituted to about 6% of the total Palestine land area (which is a surveyor’s nightmare – see 1947 map of scattered chunks of land with no defining boundary, which is one of the main issues). The original Palestinians (land owners) must have some kind of financial recourse to retrieve real estate that was stolen from them by Israel over the years. Middle East countries must place heavy sanctions against Israel until they reframe and stop their vicious terror activity against the Arabs; and come to the realization that they cannot continue down this deadly path.

NOTE: Nov. 29, 1947 the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution calling for Palestine to be partitioned between Arabs and Jews, allowing for the formation of the Jewish state of Israel. Arab leaders and governments rejected it and indicated an unwillingness to accept any form of territorial division, arguing that it violated the principles of national self-determination in the UN Charter which granted people the right to decide their own destiny. The MacDonald White Paper of May 1939 declared that it was “not part of (the British government’s) policy that Palestine should become a Jewish State”, sought to limit Jewish immigration to Palestine and restricted Arab land sales to Jews. …Six Arab nations in the General Assembly staged a walkout in protest. …Countries that voted against the resolution – Afghanistan, India, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Yemen, Greece, Turkey, Egypt, Cuba …Immediately after the adoption of the Resolution by the General Assembly, a civil war broke out and the plan was not implemented.

United Nations General Assembly created this bigoted segregation mess in 1947. If the United Nations didn’t change the region; whereas, everyone lived in Palestine as “free soul’s” under the Palestinian government; the Jews would of integrated into the Arab population.



Those terrorists will die like dogs, we are sending reinforcements to crush them like in 2002. https://www.timesofisrael.com/idf-sending-extra-combat-troops-to-west-bank-as-violence-surges/

Arch Bungle

You need reinforcements to crush an occupied people in prison camps?


Can you actually read how many terrorists they have in the West Bank before you comment? Fatah has thousands of them, they were just not active till they got an order to start shooting at IDF forces. Last time we did an operation, this was the result – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Defensive_Shield

Ricky Miller

I know that terrorism is how Israel seized Palestine in the first place. Read Menachim Begin’s book, and other accounts. They attacked, murdered and extorted Palestinians from their homes and villages, and targeted British soldiers who tried to intervene and who tried to enforce migration law. Israelis were terrorists in the cause of mass theft but when the disaffected Arab Israelis or Palestinians fight back they are dogs? It shows your warped worldview. The Arab Israeli in this case didn’t target civilians, but occupying soldiers. That act, by definition avoids the terrorist label. And what of the Palestinian Police Cadet, killed by mistake? He’s a dog to you too, no doubt. These outrages, perpetuated endlessly is why the rage will never go away and combined with the regional demographics is why in the end your Jewish crusader kingdom will die a macabre death.


And anyone as stupid and suicidal as you who seriously tried that will not be long for this world. And if need be will be turned into pretty glow in the dark dust and vapor. Get real, junior.

Ricky Miller

Oh, I’m not going to do it. I don’t live there, I live in Ohio. I’m hoping for a paradigm shifting government here in the U.S. in the coming years that makes Israel pay for it’s own military adventures and advantages. Without superpower patronage, which is sure to decline and end anyway regardless of electoral hopes because the U.S. is running out of money and competence, Israel will have to compete with her neighbors and her internal and rapidly growing Arab population. In the end the result is inevitable: either Israel makes a sustainable peace with the Palestinians and revises her atrocious neighborhood behavior or she will be overwhelmed, end of story. Israel is an anomaly in the region, surrounded by a powerful and vibrant civilization. Do the math.

Rafik Chauhan

terriosim in the world was started by this Zionist thugs. car bombing was also Zionist creation. killing of children was Zionist creation. killing unarmed civilian was Zionist creation and this biggest cowards army who hide behind civilian plane to target and country fearing of response and pissing in the pants.


How funny, an Arab blaming Israelis in terrorism, new levels of stupidity. Car bombings and suicide vests are something you guys know too well, no one can take it from you.

Arch Bungle

He’s right. The euro slav joo colony of israel was founded by terrorists like the irgun and stern group. Palestinians have never engaged in terrorism only resistance warfare.


LMFAO…you have to be kidding! No one with any brain cells at all could possibly believe what you just posted.

Arch Bungle

I don’t need belief, I have historical facts. Which you don’t seem to have at all. Done any research lately on the Irgun group?


LOL…spoken like the true loser you and yours are and have been for a very long time and will continue to be into the foreseeable future. Pathetic.

Arch Bungle

Rubbish, you perpetual liar!

There or NO terrorists in the West Bank other than the inbred white jew colonists manning the checkpoints of the shitty little colony you call ‘israel’. NONE! NOT 1!!


Why are you crying? can’t handle the truth? too bad. They either cool down, or we make them to.

Arch Bungle

All your bullshit aside, you’re still lying in the end.


Watch us as we smash your terrorist friends, West Bank or Gaza. Israelis call the shots here, not anyone else.

Arch Bungle

Women, children, old people as usual, that’s all the IDF is good for. I’m going to enjoy watching Hizbullah wipe you creeps off the map soon.


LOL…big brave baby, going to WATCH his big brave heroes die trying to achieve his delusional wet dream.


LOL…poor baby loser. Boohoo…now show what a big boy you are and go join your butt buddies there and get your very own Darwin Award.

Arch Bungle

Your kindergarten level spoutings aside, do you actually have a logical argument to make?


Even if these were what you claim, in all cases when prisoners riot in any prison in the world, the Authorities send in reinforcements to put them down. And guess who usually wins. But if you would like to do more then spout and cheer your friends on to their sure death, why don’t you get fitted for a suicide vest and join them. But do practice a lot first.

Arch Bungle

Let’s address this strange premise you’ve just injected into the conversation:

What is this “prison” you refer to and who are it’s “prisoners”? Further, why are they prisiners and who are wardens?


the idf shoots a poor palestinian on no grounds but declare him or her a terrorist with malign intent and it’s immediately accepted by the west’s subservient press and politicians while it was in fact just plain murder like the thousands of such murders committed by the idf every year – and the world allows the jews a continued existence despite these crimes against humanity, the ethnical cleansing program operated by the illegal settlement called israel, the concentration camp Gaza and the lebensraum program a la hitler. the jews must be stopped by any means necessary!


Well get to it already. Your Darwin Award awaits.

Ricky Miller

Let’s move on to Israel’s Darwin Award, civilizationally. It’s a Chinese world, we’re all just marking time until the pax China era emerges about 2050, or sooner. The Chinese now publish more scientific and engineering papers than the United States and Western Europe combined. In twenty years there will be ten Chinese mega-cities each with 100 million people or more, and this civilization is already at the forefront of technology and economy. The Chinese are no fans of colonialism, in fact they hate it with a passion. Hundreds of millions of Arabs across the Middle East, North Africa and Europe will be screaming out for justice for decades, and they’ll be a part of the China era, starting now with the Brick and Road initiative. The United States is bankrupt and Europe in marginal decline with Muslims being the fastest growing segment of the population. No one will come to Israel’s defense and China will likely probation status Israel away from cutting edge technology, education, trade and research. Why wouldn’t they? Israel will have 15 or 16 million people in 2050, at most. China will know where the value added markets are: Egypt 110 million people. Turkey 100 million. North and Central Muslim Africa 250 million people. Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Arabia 180 million people. Israel needs to make a deal, surrender territory and control of the captive Palestinian people and pay them reparations and Israel will survive, albeit in rump form with it’s wings clipped. Decline and the Zio neo-colonialist State of Israel has no long term future.


palestinians! use shurikan, the silent death agains occupants!


And it will help them like it helped the Japanese against the US occupiers. Great suggestion. Now if only the Palestinian leadership was as smart as the Japanese, the Palestinians would have their own country and a good economy by now.


Japanese did not anything.

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