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Days Before War? U.S. Concentrates Troops & Withdraws Diplomats

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Days Before War? U.S. Concentrates Troops & Withdraws Diplomats

On December 19, the administration of US President Donald Trump announced that it’s withdrawing troops from Syria. Further media reprots on this issue said that State Department personnel had been set to be evacuated within 24 hours while the timeframe for troops pull-out is between 60 and 100 days.

On December 20, local Syrian sources reported that the State Deparment had already withdrawn all diplomats from the country. While the White House has provided no details on the troops withdrawal process, there are signals that Washington is emergently withdrawing its military personnel and equipment.

On the same time, there are reports that the US has started withdrawing its diplomats and the most combat-effective units from Afghanistan.

This follows a significant increase of US intelligence gathering missions along the Russian borders during the past 10 days. On December 18, British reconnaissance ship HMS Echo entered the Black Sea in order to collect fresh data about water depths and streams for surface and underwater submarine fleets of NATO member states.

On December 18, the US and its allies forced through a UN General Assembly resolution condemning the alleged militarization of Crimea, the Sea of Azov and the Black Sea and supporting Ukrainian actions in the region. The passed resolution is a clear signal to the Poroshenko regime that the Euro-Atlantic elite fully supports its actions.

The passed resolution also marked the start of a new round of pre-war media hysteria in Ukraine. A week ago, President Petro Poroshenko delcared that the Ukrainian military has started redeploying assault units of the Air Assault Forces (AAF) to the areas of a possible “Russian invasion”. These areas include the coast of the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov (near Crimea). The AAF is the branch of the Armed Forces designed for offensive operations. It’s an analogue of the US Marine Corps or the Russian VDV.

On December 20, Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchynov declared that the Navy is planning to send a new naval group to pass the Kerch Strait. The group will allegedly have with officials from the OSCE and other international organizations on board. The secretary of the National Security and Defence Council is one of the key decision-makers in the country alongside with the president and the defense minister. So, it becomes highly likely that the Kiev government is planning to stage a new maritime provocation in the area of the Kerch Strait.

Summing up the abovementioned factors, it seems that the US is urgently withdrawing combat-ready forces from the conflcit zones to free them for some other operations. The only real reason that can explain these actions is that the US expects a big hot military conflict in which it will be involved. In the case of such a conflict, the US will need to have an ability to deploy combat-ready troops to secure its interests or keep them in reserve if the stituation evolves into a global war.

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Stavros Hadjiyiannis

Sounds a bit outlandish, but not impossible.

Zo Fu

South absolutely reasonable. Trump goes nuclear. South China Sea or Ukraine (or both). The WW3 is coming and nobody can stop that. This is not if but when. Markets are crashing, people are rioting, economy bubble bursts and US crossed Russian and Chinese red lines. Please one nuke on Washington D.C and other one on Yellowstone. Thank you.



Icarus Tanović

Los Angeles and San Francisco too.

viktor ziv

Yellowstone is very hot zone, biggest vulcano. If it is pushed to active one, life on earth will be doomed. Just like if tzar bomb is thrown on south pole.

John McClain

I live three thousand miles east, in North Carolina, I don’t want Yellowstone bombed, I know it will be an event not seen by people since Mt. Vesuvius erupted, five or six hundred years ago. When Mt. Pinatubo erupted, almost two decades ago, it cut agriculture production in Europe in half, took a third of America’s, and took seven years to recover to normal air quality. Mt. St. Helen’s would have been equal, but having a bubble in it’s side, allowed much of the force to devastate the ground, and minimized the volume, spewed into the atmosphere, and a great relief for the whole world. If this were struck there is little need for any other, America is dead, and much of the world will be as well. The world doesn’t need a nuclear war, it needs common sense, and an end to constant war. We, America, are dead-ended, Russia and China are on the rise, nothing has to happen, for us to be unseated, we will shortly unseat ourselves, when we suggest we can’t pay the full interest of our debt, and for a change, we are told, but you will. Just as “capitalism” is a natural phenomenon, taking raw material, adding labor, making it more valuable because more useful, and this whole idea fosters trade, allowing interest on debt go unpaid, gets it added to debt principle, and we pay compound interest, just as every worker in the trade chain, profits off the value added, we lose, exponentially, with every “short payment”, and it is only because there are far too many “dollars” in “float”, we have any power at all. The world can’t suddenly turn to gold, it has to replace faux money with real assets, and reach a point the denomination value is fair to the gold backing it, before it can be used for more than securing a real bank, and providing for capital creation by compound interest on investments. It is only a short time before they attain that level, and the end of our Hegemony begins in earnest. Semper Fidelis, John McClain GySgt, USMC, ret. Vanceboro, NC, USA

viktor ziv

John, I have nothing to add or remove from Your post. Thumb UP! People must scream about it, science community has obligation to scream about it, philosophers must scream about it. I agree it’s not something that will happen over there without having consequences over here. Just like butterfly efect in deterministic chaos. I’m not sure what will be more devastating, nuclear winter or financial meltdown.

John McClain

Viktor, there are way too many people out there who have opinions, without having any facts, nor the means to get such, and no will to pursue. I live with the fact I spent two decades a Marine, half the time didn’t know where I was, and wasn’t allowed to, and I’ve seen little of the wars of my time, having deployed “too much” early in my career, and assigned recruiting, the instructor duty, and then “shop head”, as my last two years, running the same shop that was my first permanent duty assignment, here at Cherry Point Marine Corps Air Station. I’ve spent most of my life trying to find the truth, having been a “navy brat” and spent four years in Europe, as a child, and knowing real history, for having walked through it. At six, coming back to the States, I knew the news was lies, and while my parents didn’t support me, they didn’t deny it either. They didn’t want to foment a “hate government” attitude in me, although they each had their own disdain for it, as I discovered as an adult. Having sufficient knowledge and background to make rational choices takes work, not so much, but steady, and we’ve become a moribund society, getting up to fix a soda, or a drink is almost too much trouble. I am just pleased to be able to find facts, news, and opinions, especially outside the U.S., and to find “Americans” aren’t necessarily hated, just the U.S., most people seem to realize, we are also victimized. My senators hate me, I know where their offices are, and I visit them from time to time and confront their words. I like your note of “the butterfly effect”, it is particularly meaningful to those who understand quantum mechanics. Semper Fidelis, Have a Blessed Christmas, John McClain, Vanceboro, NC, USA

viktor ziv

John, thank You for the blessing, I wish You good health and luck. I was born in Yugoslavia. At the age of six, took oath to work hard, learn hard, be good comrade, and to respect and protect Constitution of SFR Yugoslavia. Eight years later, a war broke up, giving me a bitter tast of the oath. Intelligence was in full swing in boiling fratricidal war. As You said, many opinions without causality. During this dark age, there were some candles giving me hope that we, the people, are not alone. Same candles I met on multiple business trips in Europe and Egypt. Also it was my privilege to work for and with Americans, the people of flesh and blood, working hard, learning hard and exceptional coworkers. On southfront site there are several candles I enjoy reading worthy posts.

John McClain

Victor, thank you for the kind reply, it is a blessing to share all things good, with those who have chosen to appreciate what we have been given, from above. I had used facebook, because my children, (adults) used it, but I began to see postings disappear, or not post, and chose disqus, instead, and have held good, reasoned conversations with people, just like my experiences in childhood. People are good, unless they turn toward evil, and don’t turn away when they realize it. I too, have long noted the vast difference between “people who choose to work hard, to make a difference for children, for community, culture”, and those who choose a living means, according to their desires for wealth and profit. Everyone who has ever built something, or made something, knows their work has value, and also knows, over-valuing it closes doors in the future, and find the “happy balance”, enough profit to invest in raw material, quality work, worth the cost to the customer, and this done without leverage, pressure, just “trade”, means the customer comes back, both are happy, and “when the soles of the shoes wear out, he will come back to him he trusts”. We, People, know what God has set for us, but there are always some who won’t work, get dirty, they don’t really believe, when one is done scrubbing at the end of the day, all the dirt and grub, washes off, and one is never defiled by hard work, needing done. I completely understand your statements regarding the war, and the fratricide. War is of the enemy, even as it is Man who chooses to abuse man, and bring it on. In my own experience, it is always bitter, even when doing a good thing, and one must always deal with death and the dead, it takes a toll on the soul, not even seeing “the good people” come back out, open the store doors, and people dare walk the streets again, that does not eliminate the bitter taste we will carry to our graves. I found out I’ve got a bit of “Rus” in my own maternal lineage, and this got me considering Russia and the Soviet Union as a boy, and investigating. I never understood why we, America, and Russia didn’t connect as “brothers in arms”, both rising nations, among European and foreign empires, and desirous of being left alone to make each, our own way. I have discovered so much of the reality of Russia’s, and the whole region’s growth, that was deliberately left out of our history, to support the pressure against the Soviet empire, and having lied, they can never stop, except to reveal their long history, their chosen ways. I have a machine shop fifty kilometers from my house, I’ve worked as a machinist all my life, and worked electronics, while a Marine, because that was urgent, and I knew how. I am retired now, mostly, I work for myself, at 61, I am making models of ideas I’ve carried for years, testing out and finding the value, and then build full sized. I get work from the farmers, when machines break, and I live in a quiet, Christian community. I believe it is only “People” who can ever find peace, such is not a benefit for government, they can’t steal profit, and they need war. I believe a multipolar world would be much like “the multi-bully playground”, where none is merely free to visit violence on anyone, but all must consider who might find cause to support the one being attacked. We, America, have violated every warning, edict President Washington gave us, and he was perhaps, our greatest president, and one of our wisest Generals, ever. Few Generals know how to live in peace, those who do, are a blessing to their own, the troops, and the People, as war builds only power, while destroying capital, built from sweat, labor, and time, none of which are returned in destruction. Perhaps an abundance of connecting between peoples with such forums, can over come the power of governments, and we can find peace, and not live to see another world war. Semper Fidelis, God Bless you and yours, John McClain Vanceboro, NC

Kelli Hernandez

You do realize that war with Russia draws NATO into this which is what TPTB want right? It will be EU citizens in the way That’s why Integrity Initiative 24/7 in UK and US Russiagate, Skripal etc, is hybrid propaganda warfare campaign against Russia and to manufacture public consent for war on Russia

Traian Lalescu

Zionists are capable of anything ! even more than Nazi.

stary ujo

Yes , we are probably near war ! Never believe biggest liar Trumo and geriatric congres USA !

Hasbara Hunter

There will be No War…. the U.S. & NATO are not Suicidal….they are chickenshit….

J Ramirez

I believe they are chicken shit, but they are also stupid.

Hasbara Hunter


Gregory Casey

There will be no war and you are entirely correct to say so. Mad Dog Mattis Resignation ensures there will be nothing happening between now & Congressional Approval of whoever Trumpanzee decides will replace him


Mad Dog Mattis will have already lined up a job with a US Weapons manufacturer I would think :)

Kelli Hernandez

Wrong. Trump will just hire worse neocon. Don’t be fooled into thinking the US won’t go to war on Russia. They truly are that stupid. And US run by secret society psychopathic Rothschild banksters


True! The momentum to create a new world war by the NWO-maffia has been passed long-time ago … Barking dogs seldom bite. Let’s face it, they haven’t got a leg to stand on. Not moral, not military or technological, not financial or economical … The rundown West has stripped itself of all its strength and dignity in all areas … Due to her relentless corruption and egoism, the deliberately planned debt economy and the worthless currency, which is not guaranteed, do not help either. The Americans will isolate themselves completely, and if Europe does not quickly organize its thoughts, it will also bite there on a piece of dry wood. At least if they do not use that wood for the many civil wars that will arise, fuelled by the controlled replacement migration and many refugee flows.

Hasbara Hunter

True…but the only Civil Wars in the West should be Focussed on the Elitist Establishment….not on any Foreigner….in Holland we got very Friendly “Foreigners”…they are not to be blamed for the High Treason & Crimes our Governments Committed…Unity among the Scum for we are all brothers….


I could not agree more! Very rare to hear this sort of opinions, thanks! Most of the reactions on those mass immigration subject are only one dimensional … That is why we must also reject the UN migration pact because it makes the principle of ‘unter- and übermenschen’ legal. That some would be illegal while others have the right to flee, travel or move for whatever reason.

No person can be declared illegal, everyone should be allowed to try his luck elsewhere if this is prevented by circumstances in his own country or region. In addition, this legalization grasped our centuries-long colonization practices by subjecting hundreds of countries of origin to the bank mafia through our governments and multinational corporations. Who by means of legal and illegal arms trade, drug and human trafficking all kinds of finance, supports and sustains slavery in the world! Done with that !!!

Hasbara Hunter

Sheeples were Led to believe that War is a Necessity (Without War no Trade under the Veil of Policing the World) and that the Elites will take care of us and have the answer to all our problems (whilst creating them)…It ain’t even our System that is Bad it is simply Hijacked by an Evil Cabal…If Man truly starts working together with the Right intentions there would be Less Mass-Migrations…because We as Human Species would be Helping Folks to Grow crops in the Desert…and build them a little Home with Clean Drinking water, a little Healthcare & Education in a Good Peaceful environment….this is what we are capable of….

Parisa Zoorgoo

the only war is to decide when to rid ourselves of the terrorists accomplices in gov, media and finance. there are many2% non terrorist giews amongst us, and a few terrorists running the show. we should forcethem to choose sides beforebefore, purging the ziochitts


looks like it but as usual russia will stand tall whereas the dis-organized morons of america will regret every second of it. hopefully there is some sense in the white house although it’s hard to see.

stary ujo

Will regret ? USA blocking all Russians activities , 7 years underfucking legal goverment of Syria!


You’re on the wrong site for spreading CIA/NATO propaganda.

stary ujo

We Slavs never go opposite Russians, we are brothers .USA are waste country ! Sorry !


oh I thought you were anti-Russia, never mind then


Slaves !

stary ujo

We never will slaves of usa , never !




See a shrink !


Zio terrorist arsehole alert….

Hasbara Hunter

You Lost…..take it like a MAN….no Cryin’ & Moaning….that is embarrassing…for all of us…

Tudor Miron

USA Blocking? Was it Russia who created ISIS and started a war to topple Assad and create manageable jiihadi state in Syria? Is it US who prevented that from happening? What planet you are from? US can’t block shit thanks to Trump who keeps desingaging US from the role of world policeman. Don’t think that this is in favor of ordinary people (far from that).


I think ‘stary ujo’ was having a translation and contextual problem Tudor.

I hope so anyway :)


If the Jews are suicidal enough to start a war we beg the Russian military not to retaliate against Western people, many if not most of whom are anti-war and pro-Russia and would fight on Russia’s side against the kike Jew world order that is actively trying to destroy them and their nations. The fate of civilization and humanity rests in Russian hands.


No, the fate of humanity does not rest in Russia’s hands. If they retaliate, then it will be mutual to bring equal amounts of chaos and destruction to the West. THAT is what keeps the West in check so they hopefully don’t do anything suicidal. But if it does happen, and I do get killed, then such is life. If I don’t, then I’ll do everything within my power to bring about change in the country I’m in.

Hasbara Hunter

The Jews want to Sacrifice Half of their Poor Population in IsraHell….the Elitist Rest can probably be Found in South America is my Guesstimate…


The protocols are clearly outlined here:


Harvey Swinestein

LOL. Just like the Nazis, who took their gold and families to South America after WW2. .


Most Jews live in and are protected by America, so obviously the US has to be destroyed.

Kelli Hernandez

True. But don’t you think that Putin and Russia’s patience has been tried long enough? The reason you have your morning coffee is because Putin has black belt in Taekwondo. The difference between Putin & US, EU leaders is that Putin is not a psychopath


Cockroaches may have their tails up but will be easily crushed beneath Russian boots.

Tom Tom

Correction: the U.S. and Russia will destroy each other.


Correct. And this was known as MAD during the “Cold War” and is still the case today because a conventional war between Russia and the US is out of the question. If the neocons dare to attack Russia, the next step will be a nuclear war and the Kissinger’s Mutually Assured Destruction dream will become reality. The reason for a nuclear war is that Russia has supersonic nuclear missiles that the US doesn’t and which cannot intercepted by any ABM system – so the US reaction to a hypersonic missile attack can only be to use nuclear ICBMs. The US cannot launch ballistic missiles against Russian targets either because S-400 systems are by far the best ABM systems that exist today.


You mean Hypersonic missiles, they both have Supersonic but only Russia (as of yet), to the best of my knowledge has Hypersonic missiles


Hypersonics missiles have existed since the 60’s. They’re called ICBM’s Einstein

viktor ziv

ICBM goes aroun 4-6 Mach, while hypersonic can reach up to 20 Mach penetrating interception. :(


ICBM’s go faster than Mach 20, like Trident II


Andrej Kiska

I downvoted you ICBMs go Mach 20.

viktor ziv

Okay, didn’t know that ICBM can reach over two earth escape velocities (especially from 60’s). :)


ICBM are not hypersonic


But that’s wrong, you fucking retard.


Well I was going to acknowledge my mistake but seeing as you are an abusive fuckwit, I withdraw. Here’s hoping the first missile hits your area and also hoping that the US is just annihilated. Can’t stand fucking septics.

Harvey Swinestein

They both have hypersonic missiles, but the US one is still in its infancy of development, whereas the Russian one is ready for deployment. There are at least 10-15 years technology gap if Amerika was to play catch up . .


Perhaps, but based on my observations Russia might just wipe out the USA, without being totally destroyed.


It will not go to nuclear exchange. US will play it covert. it will not tell its public that it is involved in Ukraine, so it will not have to use strategic nuclear forces if its covert force gets destroyed. US know very well that in case of nuclear exchange there is possibilty of mutual destruction or Russia winning. The possiblity of US winning does not exist.

Harvey Swinestein

It doesn’t always have to escalate to nuclear immediately. A localized confrontation could get very intense, yet without going nuclear . .


I will be able to watch it unfold from my balcony.

Real Anti-Racist Action

Think of it, that is exactly what the Jews want to happen. Wipe and Russia and USA, and allow Israel to emerge as the worlds leading nuclear superpower. Israels intends to become the new USA, while goyim wipe out goyim in mass. They pimped out goyims against goyims this very same way in both the first and second world wars. http://ihr.org/sites/default/files/RevisedBillboardResized.jpg


You make a valid point , I agree.

Aen RaBeon

IMO Putin realizes this and will courier a few khinzal to tel aviv should the war go nuclear.

Zo Fu

Correction: and they take entire world with them.


No they won’t. Russia can defend itself.


Anyone heard anything from that vampire Bolton since Trump’s Syria announcement? Have to wonder what that warmongering pos has been doing while everyone’s been blindsided and still are trying to figure out what the Americans are really up to. Not much coming out of Israel either.


Seems Yanki Cockroaches are busy building new base in Deir Azzor. Amn news


Pentagon is often confused about which way the tide is going. Are they making improvements for the SAA to move in later ? :)

Bigaess Wangmane

Hopefully yes, the SAA could do with a few free bases from the Disunited States.


They aren’t confused, they simply have a different agenda. The US is breaking up into fiefdoms, State Department, White House, Pentagon and CIA all have different agendas.


The Israeli’s are all occupied with wailing at the wall :)


It’s coz we became aware that a 1.200 man terrororganisation center whas discovered nord of Idlib near the Turkish border !


Please send link.


“””Summing up the abovementioned factors, it seems that the US is urgently withdrawing combat-ready forces from the conflcit zones to free them for some other operations. The only real reason that can explain these actions is that the US expects a big hot military conflict in which it will be involved”””

What US is withdrawing from Syria are mostly SOF that have very little use in a big hot military conflict. For US to get involved in a hot military conflict they need to deploy several full strength divisions, with more divisions on the way within a few weeks……which they do not have. The author of the article makes silly presumptions.

Manuel Flores Escobar

During first gulf war USA needed 5 months to deploy 250.000 troops there in continue movements to Saudi Arabia bases…therefore USA just leave Syria and Afganistan because they lost the war in the first case..and probabily in the second case

stary ujo

The Vladimir Vladimirovic Putin , man No.1 ,in the world , by us magazine Forbes , save this fucking world !


Why would the US need to withdraw troops from Syria to support any war for Ukraine v Russia. There are already thousands of troops in Nato countries particularly Germany.

Harvey Swinestein

To get them out of harm’s way if a conflict takes place. The US knows Iran and Syria will back Russia in any global conflict and possibly strike US forces in Syria and Afghanistan . .


I agree, but if the US was starting a war with Iran, they would get their people out of Afghanistan.


Update, the US is preparing to pull 7,000 troops from Afghanistan.



Why? It seems like they would want those bases for supplying ISIS and launching attacks against Iran’s eastern section. The Taliban is no friend of Iran, so I don’t understand how US troops would be exposed.


Well you see Iran has an army, with tanks and stuff, if the US attacked Iran, Iran would overrun American troops in Afghanistan within days. It would be a real war, and the Taliban would cheer Iran for exterminating the American invaders.

Kelli Hernandez

They are now

You can call me Al

…..and what happened TODAY 21/12/18 ?.

You can call me Al

Ukraine => Russia = +China = +Iran = +++++?.


As if a few thousand soldiers would make the difference. The new global war will not be fought by brave men, but by low, cowardly dubious elements hardly named human dignity. I hope that the Russians are smart enough to protect the European citizens, but will learn the true elites a hard lesson in their mega-bunkers. You only have to look at the location of the many building projects that have become excessively expensive, to know where they have planted their underground runaway stations and decision rooms. Some heavy vacuum cups should be sufficient.

Hasbara Hunter

I wonder how long it will take to Sink the entire NATO-Fleet with Hypersonic Missiles…. anyone got some raw data on that?


Don’t worry…not too long….we don’t want to suffer the zio terrorist US military sacrificial soldiers

Kelli Hernandez

A great article here on Southfront called, “Why The US Military is woefully incapable of fighting a conventional war” It is a must read. Mattis knew that US military in dire need of upgrade & innovation but US military budget is far too corrupt, it cannot pass an audit..US Navy is worst of all. US Navy ships are sitting ducks. Waste, abuse, fraud and THEFT put the US military and personnel is huge danger . Russia small military budget used for upgrade & innovation. That’s why Israhell won’t fly U$ F-35 boondoggle over Syrian skies with S-400 in place .

Hasbara Hunter

What a coincidence…I already had saved that Link…thanks…:)


You can call me Al

I read somewhere, that the US military are a base camp military. They are enhanced by Hollyjewwood; but even that facade is cracking.

You can call me Al

6 mins, 48 seconds.

Jenny Lancaster

when the nukes start flying Syria is possibly one of the safer places lol there and new zealand, there are many many imminent war indications, heavy comms traffic, light comms traffic, build up of troops, withdrawal of troops etc etc it’s a fine balance knowing how to read the signs, that’s why amateurs like Trump are dangerous to have in charge

Tom Tom

Damascus is the longest continuously inhabited city and has never been (completely) destroyed. Therefore, this prophecy from Isaiah is meant for the future:

Isaiah 17:1 The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.

You can call me Al

The fortress will disappear from Ephraim, and the kingdom from Damascus; and the remnant of Syria will be like the glory of the children of Israel, declares the Lord of hosts.

Says the Lord of hosts – !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Unless the USA…United Slaves of Aipac has a death wish…nothing to worry about. Sounds more like they are putting their tails between their legs and running to hide. Like their zio terrorist Jewish masters…the are afraid to fight someone who retaliated with better weapons.


“United Slaves of Aipac”. Damn I wish I would have thought of that!!!


Hopefully these are just signs of a routine invasion of Iran, and not NATO’s version of Barbarossa (Christmas Edition). Stennis Carrier Group, currently paired with Essex Amphibious Group, seems to be queing up on Iran/Afghanistan. ‘Self-inflicted’ deaths of US Admiral and Iranian General. And now Mattis is seeing himself out. Strange things amiss at the Circle K, dude.


On December 20, local Syrian sources reported that the State Deparment had already withdrawn all diplomats from the country.

What diplomats does the US have in Syria?

Gregory Casey

No doubt that these are CIA & NSA. CIA personnel always deploy into States around the world under the guise of ‘Diplomats’




They are the regular mutations of Trump. Statements by Senators Marco Rubio and Lindsey Graham do not imply any conflict ,on the contrary disapprove of the Trump policy.Graham, Rubio call U.S. withdrawal from Syria a ‘mistake’ .Νews from«MSNBC» Following the Trump administration’s decision to withdraw a significant amount of U.S. troops from Syria, Republican Senators Marco Rubio and Lindsey Graham spoke out against the plan, calling it a “colossal” and “huge mistake.” Dec. 19, 2018.


If you planned to attack Russia or Iran you would remove all your vulnerable personnel, but that would tip off the enemy. So how about a well known crazy President orders their withdrawal against the wishes of the US Government.

Mattis quitting in February, why not today if he is so against withdrawing? 7000 troops leaving Afghanistan, how about they intend a complete withdrawal but cover it with a partial draw down.

The whole thing could be a cover story and the US plans to attack Iran. The US has many reasons to want to have control over Iran again, and the Americans are crazy enough to try it.

You can call me Al

That would be my guess as well; but remember if they attack Iran – it is the same as attacking Russia, China and Iran.

To me, the US must know that the Russian military (+ Chinese and Iranian) is closely behind the Nato rankings in numbers and technology (military and economical combined), if they dont strike now; they are dead men walking and their vile empire is over.

I wonder how India, Pakistan react if it happens.


Perhaps the US State Dept ‘luvlies’ all demanded to go home for Christmas and threatened Trump with a Yellow Vest demo ?

kromotaporn akrapok

All comments are directed to sea of Azov, Kerch, Crimea, US vs. RU but none towards Colombia and Brazil vs. Venezuela as proxies of the US. The TU-160s weren’t there by chance. Things are heating up in the region. Expect a false flag as soon as Bolsonaro is in power beginning of January. Something along the lines of Venezuela “attacking” Colombia…

Kelli Hernandez

This was one of my thoughts when iI heard of troop draw down in Afghanistan and Syria. Can’t beat Russia in Syria, take it to Russia’s backyard . Putin is preparing for such a conflict with S-400 all over Crimea . Americans are fucking deluded.

Renato Santos

nos temod ate o dia 21 de julho de 2019 para o fim

Renato Santos



The U$ doesn’t have enough military assets in Syria, and Afghanistan combined to make any difference in a war that will last no more than 30 days.

Joe Kerr

If this analysis is correct, then someone should tell the uber-zionists who are having fits about Trump’s withdrawal from Syria. The U.S. had its chance to confront Russia in Georgia 10 years ago and blinked, just like Trump blinked when Erdogan doubled down this week. The U.S. and its attack dogs won’t dare to take on Russia or China, preferring instead to bomb weakly armed targets like Gadhafi’s Libya. They tried to to push China into a war it wasn’t ready for when they bombed its Belgrade embassy 20 years ago.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x