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MARCH 2025

Deadly Weapons. Safety First (Videos)

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These videos could sever a visual illustration of the widely-known phrase that weapons safety rules are written in blood.

Such things also happen:

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Simon Abruzzo

more lol

Jaffar al-Majmuni



Man! Arabs (and probably Iranians too) have such criminally disregard for safety rules. It’s really part of their culture of yeah, when God calls your number you will go, so why bother with anything safety related.

And of course they love to watch way too many Rambo action movies. So they love to shoot guns into the air and/or from the hip.

Rhodium 10

there are not Iranians!..just Arab and Pakistan people!

Tom Tom

Sometimes Iranians, and maybe a French guy.


it is similar when they drive motorized vehicles. There was a saying in the western community in Saudi: In the past the Arabs rode camels. Their brain was managing the sitting, the camel’s brain managed the movement and navigation. Now they drive cars and lack the camel’s brain…




Dropping those shells from the truck was insane – not one has any common sense.


1 wedding and 1 funeral….. What are these people thinking?


So bridge collapse I 95 Connecticut. Guy sees truck drop in front of him. Pulls over, flashers, jumps out, frantically waving for next car to stop. Next vehicle does not slow down. Guy barely jumps out of the way. Yuppies in brand new Mercedes convertible flip him the bird as they barrel past at 75 mph. Can only imagine that 40 foot drop to the water. 6 died that night including flippers.

Tommy Jensen

Fock heads, Its not funny. Your sadistic laughing is unwelcome, misplaced and without the human dignity that is required by intelligent men with guts, backbone and courage to take due care of long haired women and our society!


Please Tommy, you talk of bloodshed to others all of the time. Stuff a sock in it fool.


Yeah those short haired women are a problem eh?


Brutal stuff but, right on the money.

Empire's Frontiers

I could watch videos like these for hours.

Tom Tom

Never shoot your weapon into the air. I don’t care how “Arab” you’re feeling like that day.

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