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Death Is in Charge of the Clattering Train of US Security Policy

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Written by Martin Sieff; Originally appeared on strategic-culture.org

Does the US Deep State really want to provoke a thermonuclear world war with Russia, China and Iran at the same time? The recklessness and confusion of US policies provoking major crises on every side certainly suggests so. Yet the truth may be even more terrifying.

The dangers of nuclear war and global conflict should literally be regarded as suicidal and insane. Yet the policies being repeatedly urged on President Donald Trump by Democrats and Republicans in both chambers of Congress, the hysterical and delusional mainstream US media and even the top defense and national security officials Trump has himself appointed seem to allow for no other conclusion.

Death Is in Charge of the Clattering Train of US Security Policy

On September 4, Trump, who won his shock election victory two years ago campaigning on a policy of pulling back from needless confrontations and conflicts around the world, threatened to launch a full-scale military invasion of Syria even if that meant clashes with Russian and Iranian forces too.

Second, that same day, the Pentagon gave two Russia warships directly to the chaotic, ferociously anti-Russian government of Ukraine for potential use against Russia.

Third, the very next day, September 5, US Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke suggested a military blockade against Russia as a serious option to cut off Moscow’s booming oil and natural gas exports to Western Europe.

Fourth, On October 2, US Ambassador to NATO Kay Bailey Hutchison, a former United States senator threatened a preemptive nuclear strike against Russian missiles deployed in their own country.

Should Russia’s alleged new system become operational, Hutchison told reporters, “At that point, we would be looking at the capability to take out a missile that could hit any of our [European allied] countries. Countermeasures would be to take out the missiles that are in development by Russia in violation.”

Hutchison then tried to backtrack on the threat but the term “take out” she used to describe possible US unilateral action against the alleged missiles cannot plausibly be interpreted as other than a threat of direct military action.

Fifth, in November, scathing new sanctions aimed at crippling Russia’s ability to carry out financial transactions around the world will go into effect. They have already been passed virtually unanimously by both chambers of Congress with veto-proof majorities and with the hate-crazed support of the mainstream media.

Judged in isolation, these measures – eagerly egged on and supported by Theresa May’s craven government in the United Kingdom – amount to criminal irresponsibility for the survival of the entire world.

But there is even more: Sixth, not content with being obsessed with provoking a full-scale thermonuclear war with Russia, a country whose leadership and people have repeatedly proven their abhorrence of such a prospect, the United States is simultaneously provoking full scale conflict with China – its largest debtor and most important trading partner, and with Iran.

US military officials have told CNN that the US Navy wanted to send warships and aircraft through the South China Sea in November to send a message to Beijing. One has to wonder exactly what message they truly have in mind.

And on October 4, Vice President Mike Pence issued a blunt warning to China that the US would not back down from what it sees as Chinese threats and attempts at intimidation.

To add to the chaos, Trump is now also blundering into a full-scale diplomatic row with Saudi Arabia following the bizarre and obscene murder in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul of Jamal Khashoggi, ironically a leading figure in urging the disruptive and revolutionary US policies that have brought chaos and misery to the peoples of the Middle East throughout this century.

Trump and his irresponsible son-in-law Jared Kushner have only themselves to blame for witlessly giving Saudi Arabia’s ruler, Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman (MBS) a free hand in the first place. But already, the Saudis are threatening to boost global oil prices to $200 or even $400 per barrel if the US government and Congress are themselves reckless enough to condemn or sanction them in response to the murder of Khashoggi.

Such threats, if carried out, would certainly provoke a global economic crisis. But it first victim would inevitably be the government of Saudi Arabia, which is already dangerously fiscally vulnerable precisely because of MBS’s own disastrous economic policies.

The only rational explanation for this combination of aggressive, chaotic confrontational actions and policies in every direction is that Washington policymakers are determined to destroy their own country and take down the world with them. But the true explanation is even more terrifying: They quite simply do not realize what they are doing.

Before World War II, British politician Winston Churchill called for a full-scale military alliance with the Soviet Union as the only realistic way to deter the catastrophe of a Second World War and the conquest of Europe by Nazi Germany.

Instead, Churchill saw a stupid, ignorant, irresponsible British national leadership complacently allowing Europe to descend into chaos and destruction.

To explain the coming doom he saw so clearly, Churchill in Parliament quoted a long forgotten 1890 verse by the Irish editor and wit Edwin James Milliken about a terrible train disaster

“The pace is hot, and the points are near,
“And Sleep hath deadened the driver’s ear;
“And signals flash through the night in vain.
“Death is in charge of the clattering train!”

The same judgment should be made of US policymaking today. In the White House, the Department of Defense the State Department, both houses of Congress and the great institutions of the US media, the story is the same. No sane and responsible person is in control any more.

Death is in charge of the clattering train.

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Promitheas Apollonious

one thing to chatter and another to do. BShitting and try to bully what they can not it seems to be their policy and is a simple explanation why. They never been attacked in what they conceive as safe ground and their plan is destroy europe with russia as the predator and then act as the saviors always believing that they are invisible and none can attack them.

Their secondary target is make their highly expensive gas and oil become competitive with scare mongering. They are that stupid and ignorant always believing they are untouchable. But soon they find out is quite the opposite of that they believe. Waking up will be a nightmare for the ones who be left alive if any.

You can call me Al

Nice one; for me you nailed it with “They are that stupid and ignorant always believing they are untouchable”; if you know many Yankers, you will know that you hit the nail on the head with those few words….. I would add that they are also blinkered, naive and ignorant. USA USA USA.

PS Do you ever wonder why they sing the National Anthem before a domestic American Football game, every road is full of the star and stripes ?; they are the most brainwashed nation on the globe (and yes I include the Muslim states).


“Most people know about, but few are willing to condemn, the strict taboo in the media, of criticizing Jews as a group, using that term. One cannot even criticize a small subsection of Jews, a miniscule percentage of the Jewish population, even when they richly deserve it.”

– It’s Time to Drop the Jew Taboo –


If you look at what Trump campaigned and got elected on, which is why I and many others like me voted for him, and what the US government has delivered. They’re diametrically opposed. Trump has delivered some of what he campaigned on, and offset it by a lot of what he campaigned against. The Jew ridden media, electoral process and legislature is at loggerheads with the electorate on key isuues. The primary one being Jews, Israel, and their Jew world order hegemony drive using the US and NATO as their stalking horse.

US foreign policy is clearly fascist, and this fascism is rooted in Jew world order neocon hegemony. The solution to this problem is extinction grade US, Palestinian and global dejudification. To implement the final solution to humanity’s Jew problem. By outlawing Judaism and closing and demolishing the synagogues and yeshivas. This doesn’t require genocide or victimization of Jews. It just requires outlawing their evil cult criminal organization that felony statutory rapes 1,000 children worldwide every week.

The place to start is a deconfliction agreement between Russia and the US on clearing the IDF and Israeli government out of the occuppied territories with a UN mandated force, and securring Palestine as a full member of the UN to implement the UN resolutions that Israel is in violation of. The right of return in particular, so that after Palestine is stood up as a full UN member, it can be unified by voting Israel out of existence. To bring about the end of Israel and 6 million Israeli Jews.

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