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MARCH 2025

Death of Darya Dugina Is The Death Of Socrates

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Death of Darya Dugina Is The Death Of Socrates

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Originally published on ZradaXXII

I have read most of the books Dugin wrote before 2008. I also know him personally quite well. I don’t support many of his views, some of them I find nonsensical, other I don’t understand etc.

I leave a probability however that I am merely too ‘daft’ for his philosophy.

However what British (and I have little doubts the crime was planned and guided by Mi6 and Ukrainian whore – literally – Natalia Vovk and her direct bosses were merely perpetrators and most likely will perish soon) achieved with this disgusting terroristic attack is that millions of people in Russia and all over the world will start reading Dugin’s books, lectures, watch his interviews etc. etc. – and will discover literally the most anti-Western and anti-globalist thinker and philosopher ever, in comparison to whom any Western conservative is a kid from a sandbox.

Because Dugin’s ideas – sometimes weirdly formulated, seemingly nonsensical and astonishing – are based in the abysmal depths of ancient, medieval and modern philosophy.

His books, already translated into a dozen of languages and quite popular in some countries with strong anti-Western sentiment, especially in Iran and Turkey, but also in China, Japan etc., will be now translated into dozens of languages and will provoke a whirlpool of anti-Western ideas, narratives, emerging one after another like mushrooms after the summer rain.

And some of those offspring ideologies will be even more successful and dangerous for the West than his own ideas.

That’s what you’ve done.

This death is much more than the death of Qasem Soleimani – albeit a similar coward act. Soleimani was a logical target, he was a fighter, not a theorist. However when you try to kill the idea, the idea will likely kill you.

Britain, your soft culture, your mainstream and ‘alternative’ crap, all your ‘Doctor Who’, ‘Jeeves and Wooster’, your BBC, your Harry Potter, your Tolkien and all your Gaydalfs are joke in comparison to the ancient dragon you’ve awakened. You’ve awakened the Balrog – trust me, I know what I’m saying.

Death of Darya Dugina is the death of Socrates. You and your degenerative culture will drown in her innocent blood.

Death of Darya Dugina Is The Death Of Socrates

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For those who are completely unaware of what Alexander Dugin is all about and only heard from the Western media that he’s ‘a Russian fascist’, ‘Putin’s brain’, ‘Kremlin pundit’ etc. – he’s sort of amalgamation of European traditionalism (René Guénon most notably and all his disciples), German ‘conservative revolutionaries’ (most notably Martin Heidegger), continental school of geopolitics (Halford Mackinder, Karl Haushofer), Iranian mysticism (Ishraq school of Shihaboddin Yahya Suhravardi) and East-Orthodox mysticism.

He’s definitely not about ‘progress’, ‘positivism’, ‘space exploration’ etc., which is why I lost interest in all this stuff. At least he rarely wrote/said anything positive about that 15 years ago.

However it would be a significant underestimation to say that his ideas are negligible only because he’s a militant conservative.

After all there will never be any breakthrough to the stars if people don’t understand their most intimate self – how they think. And that’s what philosophy – and language (and hence – math) are all about.

As those of you who are educated enough may know, the human kind has largely been in a mental and cognitive deadlock since the emerging of quantum mechanics and relativity theory. The deadlock also apprehended by David Hilbert and proven by Goedel, who showed that ‘to find complete and consistent set of axioms for all mathematics is impossible’.
That’s why philosophers have to return over and over again to the fundamentals of thinking and ‘purely’ humanitarian non-scientific philosophy turns out to be a glimmer of hope where modern logic stumbles.

Dugin’s achievement and merit is that he rediscovered many thinkers and ideas largely forgotten by Russian and international public and showed that the mainstream Western ideology (no matter, ‘right’, ‘left’, ‘centrist’ etc.) is a pure perversion and a trap, that doesn’t solve any of modern critical cognitive problems but lures the human kind into the abyss of decay, mental decomposition and spiritual death.


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Russia is a paper tiger

Why so silent? Looks like something is happening on kherson👀

Last edited 2 years ago by Russia is a paper tiger

stop sucking cocks Sawyer—your monkey pox cannot prevent ukies from losing Kharkov


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Last edited 2 years ago by Isabelhitworth
Southfront resident nigha

That’s a lot of Dugin’s dick sucking and asshole rimming. Did Dugin write the text himself????

Dugin is using his daughter’s death to advertise himself as a prophet. Makes you wonder if he ordered the hit himself.

Dugin is a Satanist and a Nazi. Look at the flag of his cult. They also use this Satanist hand sign: 🤙

Last edited 2 years ago by Southfront resident nigha

Why would a father murder his only daughter, the sister of his only son?

Southfront resident nigha

Killing your child is the right (usually intentionally mispelled as ‘rite’, but pronunciation is the same) of passage in Satanism.

Last edited 2 years ago by Southfront resident nigha

On Wikipedia it says that Alexander Dugin had one son from his first marriage, Artur Dugin. He also had a daughter from his second marriage, Darya Dugin. This would surely mean that Artur was the oldest, not Darya?

I also found Vladmir Putin’s message of condolence to the parents of Darya, on en.kremlin.ru.

It reads, in part : “A vile, cruel crime cut short the life of Darya Dugina, a bright, talented person with a true Russian heart, kind, loving, sympathetic and open. journalist, scientist, philosopher, and war correspondent, she honestly served the people and the Fatherland, and proved by deed what it means to be a patriot of Russia.”


The reason I posted a few sentences from Vladimir Putin’s very moving message of condolence to the parents of Darya Dugin, was to show how highly the president valued Darya. Would he, this noble and righteous man, have written a letter of condolence to a man who he knew had murdered his own daughter? Of course not. And not only that, Alexander Dugin would not be a free man today if that had been true. So stop spreading lies about this man, a man who Putin himself holds in high esteem. I’ve also noticed that you have reposted the comment the SF moderators deleted in which you falsely are insinuating that Alexander Dugin murdered his own daughter. Which we all know is a lie.


US and NATO has been killing and genicide 6 million of innocent peoples in the Middle East lol

Last edited 2 years ago by War

US has been killing and genicide 6 million of innocent peoples in the Middle East lol 😜

Last edited 2 years ago by War
Florian Geyer

Your foul language betrayed what you are, and you are a Jens Holm reincarnation of a NATO cretin.

Slava Rossiya.


“I have little doubts the crime was planned and guided by Mi6 and (an) Ukrainian whore.” Very interesting and highly plausible, possibly also absolutely true? Cui bono? Well, how about the English? They can’t defeat Russia and then revert back to some good old assassination, in this case they decided that murdering a sweet innocent 29 year old woman was a great idea. And by blowing up her car had her murdered in a most barbaric fashion, as if they wanted to make a statement? Well, message received. We’ll catch up with you later! Promise. “Natalia Vovk and her direct bosses were merely perpetrators and most likely will perish soon.” My guess is that they are already dead, can’t leave any incriminating evidence, can we now? “You and your degenerative culture will drown in her innocent blood.” Lets hope so…


I’m not sure what is going on here now? One of my comments have been removed by SF again, eventhough I’m only stating what is already stated in the article above. I also proved that Alexander Dugin in no way was involved in the murder of his only daughter, something that is proved by the very moving condolence message Vladimir Putin sent to the parents of sweet and innocent Darya, posted on en.kremlin.ru.. Why this comment of mine was deleted is a mystery???


For the record SF have removed 2 of my comments here today. In the last one I called Putin both noble and righteous. Didn’t matter it was deleted anyway.


Balrog? What a pile of nonsense…

Southfront resident nigha

So the Nazi idiotology creator Heidegger is ‘conservative revolutionariy’, eh? 😆😆😆😆

Last edited 2 years ago by Southfront resident nigha

the nazi ideologist was Nietzsche.

Southfront resident nigha

No. According to the article, Nietzsche was part of ‘continental school of geopolitics’ 😆😆😆

Last edited 2 years ago by Southfront resident nigha
Karl Pomeroy

You don’t support many of Dugin’s views? You find them nonsensical? Then why write the article? I agree with everything I’ve ever read by Dugin. His logic is perfect.


One naZi less.


Alexander Dugin is a profound and serious thinker. He appears to be a freemason. Russia culture was poisoned by Bolshevik jewry and communism injected into it. Dugin represents the darker side of the innate process of regeneration that includes Orthodox Christianity and a romantic organic naturalism. This naturalism was best articulated in the Anastasia series of books that stressed traditionalism , back to nature and enlightened spiritualism. In this conception the nation becomes the macro level and the family the micro level in an integrated united purposeful organic structure which both protects and responsibly guides development in a positive direction. In this regard both Christianity and naturalism become universal societal binding ideologies. Let us hope Dugin’s legacy is not to be as misunderstood as Nietzsche and never used as a justification for crimes against humanity. Peace on Earth ; Goodwill to the Righteous.

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