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Death Toll Rises In Eastern Ukraine Amid Joint NATO Sea Breeze Exercise

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Death Toll Rises In Eastern Ukraine Amid Joint NATO Sea Breeze Exercise

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Amid the Kiev’s glorious reports of major joint naval drills with NATO member-states in the Black Sea, there is still a military crisis in Eastern Ukraine that is claiming lives of soldiers from both sides.

On July 4, a serviceman of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (UAF) was killed as a result of shelling in the Donbas region. This is reported by the press service of the Joint Forces Operation on Facebook.

“Since the beginning of the day, 5 violations of the ceasefire regime have been recorded… one serviceman from the Joint Forces was fatally injured,” the report says.

According to the reports, the UAF positions were shelled with grenade launchers of various systems, heavy machine guns and small arms.

According to unconfirmed reports, the victim was captain and head of the medical center of the UAF 93rd brigade. He was killed in fire exchange near the village of Grigorovka.

The DPR People’s Militia has not yet commented on the claims.

Death Toll Rises In Eastern Ukraine Amid Joint NATO Sea Breeze Exercise

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At the same time, the shellings are reported on the territory of the Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR) on a daily basis. On July 2, as a result of the shelling, a soldier of the LPR was reportedly killed. This was announced by the official representative of the Defense Ministry of the Republic Ivan Filiponenko.

The representative of the defense ministry noted that due to the shelling of Ukrainian forces, the servicemen of the People’s Militia of the LPR were forced to open return fire on the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The representative office of the LPR in the Joint Center for Control and Coordination of the Ceasefire Regime (JCCC) clarified that the areas of Zolotoye-5 and the village of Kalinovo were under UAF fire that was carried out from 73-mm mortars, SPG-9 machine-gun anti-tank grenade launchers, AGS-17 automatic machine-gun grenade launchers and small arms.

The victims on the both sides of frontlines in Eastern Ukraine were reported amid the joint exercises in Ukrainian-NATO exercises Sea Breeze 2021 in the Black Sea that hosted participants from more than 30 countries and are the biggest in the last 20 years.

On July 4, on the occasion of Ukrainian National Navy Day, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy visited not a Ukrainian warship, but the destroyer USS Ross in the port of Odessa.

Death Toll Rises In Eastern Ukraine Amid Joint NATO Sea Breeze Exercise

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79 years ago the Comedian would have been meeting Himmler in Kiev.


Actually, back then the Jew comedian would have been working in one of the SS’ work camps. “Arbeit Macht Frei.”


“Actually, back then the Jew comedian would have been working in one of the SS’ work camps. ”

OMG, the horror.

A Jew having to work…

Americunt LOSERS under fire in Syria

The reality is that the Americunt dumbass losers and their NATOfaggot puppets are playing with fire in Russian Ukraine, which has always been an integral part of Russian motherland. Trying to use the Jew scum regime in Kiev to push Russia’s buttons will not help as Russia today is militarily very robust and has many strong allies, including China and Iran. Russian military today is more than a match for NATOqueers as President Putin accurately stated. The Black Sea and adjoining NATOfaggots clown colonies will become a blazing inferno if Russia decided to get tough. The days of rust bucket gunboats is long gone as the Chinese President Xi Jinping reminded the US losers on the 100th anniversary of the founding of CCP. The Americunts are dead broke and imploding and much worse is yet to come. BTW, the moronic Americunt occupation base in Northeast Syria from where they steal OIL has just come under massive IED and drone attack.

Reports say the United States’ biggest occupation military base in Syria has been hit by a number of “massive” explosions.

The blasts rocked the outpost located in Syria’s al-Omar Oilfield in the Arab country’s eastern province of Dayr al-Zawr, the reports said on Sunday.

Yemen’s al-Masirah television network cited Syrian sources as describing the blasts as “successive” explosions followed by shooting flames and medical evacuation helicopters.

JC Denton

A country called Ukraine is on the map just since 1991. Kiev even used to be the russian capital. Why can’t you retarded faglord understand such simple things? Why do you ALWAYS have to disagree with common sense?

Last edited 3 years ago by JC Denton
Chess Master

There was no pogroms in Russia, there was no Americans on the Moon and Putin never received an expensive present from a billionaire.


“The blasts rocked the outpost located in Syria’s al-Omar Oilfield in the Arab country’s eastern province of Dayr al-Zawr”

That is the beauty of american, zionist and turkish stupidity. They forget they are sitting on an explosive powder keg while they hurry to steal as much Syrian oil as possible.


ukraine never always? I thought it was ukraine always never almost.

Peppe il Sicario

He’d be a lampshade or bar of soap.

Micheal Petrovich

Never happend. Just jooish lies


One small correction Southfront: the “SPG-9” is a 73 mm. recoilless gun.


Dear OGOPOGO, thank you for your comment. The information has been edited.


As always: The Jews take over and war and human misery follows close behind. This is the second go round with the Jews for the Ukrainian people. Holodomor 2.0?!

Zionist losers are garbage

The Hollywood facade of the Zionist scum is wearing thin, tiny landlocked Hamas gave them a hiding and Jew owned weapons peddling ships are burning at high seas and Zionist IDF senior officers dying of “unknown causes”. There is an old adage that a people are judged by their friends, the Zionist scum’s only “friends” are corrupt Wahhabi pimp regimes like UAE and Saudis or dumbass Americunt deep state. On the other hand Russia’s friends are the Chinese Superpower and regional powerhouse Iran. The Zionists are destined for the garbage heap of history along with deadbeat Americunt losers.

Peppe il Sicario

Russia is a client state of no one. Don’t f*ck with bears Jens! They’ll eat you like a danish pastry!

Séamus Ó Néill

Inane gibberish as usual !

JC Denton

get out with your fucking hoaxdomor…

Lone Ranger

Lay of the LSD laced Kool aid Jens…


By the way: Less than 1% of the Ukrainian people are Jews. After plundering, destroying, and killing so many Ukrainians and Russians, the Jews infected the West. Armed with what they’ve plundered from us, they’ve returned to Europe, the Ukrainians but only some of the first to suffer the plague of deceit, poverty, misery, war, and murder the Jews bring.

A clown like you

Did they get fuked again? 4th of July – “US’s biggest Syria base hit by ‘massive’ explosions: Reports” “Reports say the United States’ biggest military base in Syria has been hit by a number of “massive” explosions.” PressTV. Ir (https://www.presstv.ir/Detail/2021/07/04/661536/Syria-United-States-base-hit-explosions-rockets-reports)

P.S Happy 4th July slave yanquis make sure to pay Zion billions more.

Americunt LOSERS under fire in Syria

Over a dozen medivac helicopters were seen and the stolen oil tankers are burning. Looks like the drones have been very busy today.

L du Plessis

Ukraine & Syria, peace is not excepted so no end without an all out war.


Where there are jews, war will result. They are the devil’s children.

Lone Ranger

Eff CIAtroll ukronazis.


The Nazis were a response, one of many, to the Jews’ doing to Germany immediately after the First Zion War, WW-I, what the Jews are doing now to America and Europe: Tearing up our societies and civilizations for their own ends. Everything the Nazis did in their rise to power was copied from the Jews’ playbook. The Jews had violent street gangs, red brigades, etc. long before the Nazis ever arrived on the scene.

Then, when the Jews’ plundering of the West’s economies became hard to hide, the Jews financially supported the Nazis: i.e. the Jews needed produce another “victim” narrative to continue their subjugation of the world.

But now some will call me a Nazi, but I am a born libertarian that hates all tyrannies, including the Nazis. However, I understand that the Jews’ behavior produced the Nazis, not the German people.

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