
This undated file picture from the US Air Force (USAF) shows a US B-52H bomber dropping a load of M117 750lb bombs at an undisclosed location. (AFP Photo) / AFP
Written by The Saker for the Unz Review
There are two myths which are deeply imprinted in the minds of most US Americans which are extremely dangerous and which can result in a war with Russia.
- The first myth is the myth of the US military superiority.
- The second myth is the myth about the US invulnerability.
I believe that it is therefore crucial to debunk these myths before they end up costing us millions of lives and untold suffering.
In my latest piece for the Unz Review I discussed the reasons why the US armed forces are nowhere nearly as advanced as the US propaganda machine would have us believe. And even though the article was a discussion of Russian military technologies I only gave one example, in passing, of Russian military technologies by comparing the T-50 PAKFA to the US F-35 (if you want to truly get a feel for the F-35 disaster, please read this and this). First, I am generally reluctant to focus on weapons systems because I strongly believe that, in the vast majority of real-world wars, tactics are far more important than technologies. Second, Andrei Martyanov, an expert on Russian military issues and naval warfare, has recently written two excellent pieces on Russian military technologies (see here and here) which gave many more examples (check out Martyanov’s blog). Having read some of the comments posted under Martyanov’s and my articles, I think that it is important, crucial, in fact, to drive home the message to those who still are thoroughly trained by the propaganda machine to instantly dismiss any notion of US vulnerability or, even more so, technological inferiority. I am under no illusion about the capability of those who still watch the idiot box to be woken out of their lethargic stupor by the warnings of Paul Craig Roberts, William Engdal, Dmitrii Orlov, Andrei Martyanov or myself. But I also think that we have to keep trying, because the war party (the Neocon Uniparty) is apparently trying really hard to trigger a conflict with Russia. So what I propose to do today is to connect the notions of “war with Russia” and “immediate and personal suffering” by showing that if Russia is attacked two of the most sacred symbols of the USA, aircraft carriers and the US mainland itself, would be immediately attacked and destroyed.
The aircraft carriers myth
I have to confess that even during the Cold War I always saw US aircraft carriers as sitting ducks which the Soviets would have rather easily destroyed. I formed that opinion on the basis of my study of Soviet anti-carrier tactics and on the basis of conversations with friends (fellow students) who actually served on US aircraft carriers.
I wish I had the time and space to go into a detailed description of what a Cold War era Soviet attack on a US aircraft carrier battle group would typically look like, but all I will say is that it would involved swarms of heavy air and sea launched missiles coming from different directions, some skimming the waves, others dropping down from very high altitude, all at tremendous speeds, combined with more underwater-launched missiles and even torpedoes. All of these missiles would be “intelligent” and networked with each other: they would be sharing sensor data, allocating targets (to avoid duplication), using countermeasures, receiving course corrections, etc. These missiles would be launched at standoff distances by supersonic bombers or by submerged submarines. The targeting would involve space-based satellites and advanced naval reconnaissance technologies. My USN friends were acutely aware of all this and they were laughing and their own official US propaganda (Reagan was in power then) which claimed that the USN would “bring the war to the Russians” by forward deploying carriers. In direct contrast, my friends all told me that the first thing the USN would do is immediately flush all the carriers away from the North Atlantic and into the much safer waters south of the so-called GUIK gap. So here is the ugly truth: carriers are designed to enforce the rule of the AngloZionist Empire on small and basically defenseless nations (like Saddam Hussein’s Iraq). Nobody in the USN, at least not in the late 1980s, seriously considered forward deploying aircraft carrier battlegroups near the Kola Peninsula to “bring the war to the Russians”. That was pure propaganda. The public did not know that, but USN personnel all knew the truth.
[Sidebar: if the topic of carrier survivability is of interest to you, please check out this Russian articletranslated by a member of our community which is a pretty typical example of how the Russian don’t believe for one second that US carriers are such hard targets to destroy]
What was true then is even more true today and I can’t imagine anybody at the Pentagon seriously making plans to attack Russia with carrier based aviation. But even if the USN has no intention of using its carriers against Russia, that does not mean that the Russians cannot actively seek out US carriers and destroy them, even very far from Russia. After tall, even if they are completely outdated for a war between superpowers, carriers still represent fantastically expensive targets whose symbolic value remains immense. The truth is that US carriers are the most lucrative target any enemy could hope for: (relatively) small, (relatively) easy to destroy, distributed in many locations around the globe – US carriers are almost “pieces of the USA, only much closer”.
Introducing the Zircon 3M22 hypersonic missile
First, some basic data about this missile (from English and Russian Wikipedia):
- Low level range: 135 to 270 nautical miles (155 to 311mi; 250 to 500km).
- High level range: 400nmi (460mi; 740km) in a semi-ballistic trajectory.
- Max range: 540nmi (620mi; 1,000km)
- Max altitude: 40km (130’000 feet)
- Average range is around 400km (250mi; 220nmi)/450 km.
- Speed: Mach 5–Mach 6 (3,806–4,567mph; 6,125–7,350km/h; 1.7015–2.0417km/s).
- Max speed: Mach 8 (6,090mph; 9,800km/h; 2.7223km/s) during a test.
- Warhead: 300-400kg (high explosive or nuclear)
- Shape: low-RCS with radar absorbing coating.
- Cost per missile: 1-2 million dollars (depending on configuration)
All this is already very impressive, but here comes the single most important fact about this missile: it can be launched from pretty much *any* platform: cruisers, of course, but also frigates and even small corvettes. It can be launched by nuclear and diesel-electric attack submarines. It can also be launched from long range bombers (Tu-160), medium-range bombers (Tu-22m3), medium-range fighter-bomber/strike aircraft (SU-34) and even, according to some reports, from multi-role air superiority fighter (SU-35). Finally, this missile can also be shore-based. In fact, this missile can be launched from any platform capable of launching the now famous Kalibr cruise missile and that means that even a merchant marine or fishing ship could carry a container with the Zircon missile hidden inside. In plain English what this means is the following:
- Russia has a missile which cannot be stopped or spoofed by any of the current and foreseeable USN anti-missile weapons systems.
- This missile can be deployed *anywhere* in the world on *any* platform.
Let me repeat this again: pretty much any Russian ship and pretty much any Russian aircraft from now on will have the potential capability of sinking a US aircraft carrier. In the past, such capabilities were limited to specific ships (Slava class), submarines (Oscar class) or aircraft (Backfires). The Soviets had a large but limited supply of such platforms and they were limited on where they could deploy them. This era is now over. From now on a swarm of Zircon 3M22 could appear anywhere on the planet at any moment and with no warning time (5000 miles per hour incoming speed does not leave the target anything remotely comparable to even a short reaction time). In fact, the attack could be so rapid that it might not even leave the target the time needed to indicate that it is under attack.
None of the above is a big secret, by the way. Just place “zircon missile” in your favorite search engine and you will get a lot of hits (131’000 on Google; 190’000 on Bing). In fact, a lot of specialists have declared that the Zircon marks the end of the aircraft carrier as a platform of modern warfare. These claims are widely exaggerated. As I have written above, aircraft carriers are ideal tools to terrify, threaten, bully and otherwise attack small, defenseless countries. Even medium-sized countries would have a very hard time dealing with an attack coming from US aircraft carriers. So I personally think that as long as the world continues to use the US dollar and, therefore, as long as the US economy continues to reply on creating money out of thin air and spending it like there is no tomorrow, aircraft carriers still have a bright, if morally repulsive, future ahead of them. And, of course, the USN will not use carriers to threaten Russia. Again, the US press has been rather open about the carrier-killing potential of the Zircon, but what it rarely (never?) mentions are the political and strategic consequence from the deployment of the Zircon: from now on Russia will have an easy and very high value US target she can destroy anytime she wants. You can think of the US carrier fleet like 10 US hostages which the Russians can shoot at any time. And what is crucial is this: an attack on a US carrier would not be an attack on the US homeland, nor would it be a nuclear attack, but the psychological shock resulting from such an attack could well be comparable to a (limited) nuclear strike on the US homeland.
This, on one hand, will greatly inhibit the Russian willingness to strike at US carriers as this would expose Russia to very severe retaliatory measures (possibly including nuclear strikes). On the other hand, however, in terms of “escalation dominance” this state of affairs gives a major advantage to Russia as the US does not have any Russian targets with an actual and symbolic value similar to the one of a US carrier.
There is another aspect of this issue which is often ignored. Western analysts often speak of a Russian strategy of “deterrence by denial” and “Anti-Access Area Denial” (A2AD). Mostly this is the kind of language which gets you a promotion and a pay raise in US and NATO think tanks. Still, there is a grain of truth to the fact that advanced Russian missiles are now providing Russia with a very cheap way to threaten even fantastically expensive US assets. Worse, Russia is willing (eager, in fact) to export these (relatively cheap) missiles to other countries. I find it amusing to see how US politicians are in a state of constant hysteria about the risk of nuclear proliferation, but fail to realize that conventional anti-ship missiles are a formidable, and much more likely, threat. Sure, there are missile export limiting treaties, such as the MTCR, but they only apply to missile with a range of over 300km. With modern ballistic and cruise missiles becoming smaller, deadlier and easier to conceal and with ranges which are (relatively) easy to extend, treaties such as the MTCR are becoming increasingly outdated.
The bottom line is this: as long as deterrences holds, attacking US carriers makes no sense whatsoever for Russia; however, as soon as deterrence fails, attacking US carriers, anywhere on the planet, gives Russia an extremely flexible and powerful escalation dominance capability which the US cannot counter in kind.
Striking at the Holy of Holies – the US “homeland”
If you thought that discussing striking US carriers was bad, here we are going to enter full “Dr Strangelove” territory and discuss something which US Americans find absolutely unthinkable: attacks on the US homeland. True, for the rest of mankind, any war by definition includes the very real possibility of attacks on your own towns, cities and people. But for US Americans who are used to mete out violence and death far away from their own peaceful towns and cities, the notion of a devastating strike against the US homeland is pretty much unthinkable. On 9/11 the loss of 3000 innocent people placed the vast majority of US Americans into a total state of shock which resulted in a massive over-reaction at all levels (which was, of course, exactly the purpose of this false flag operation by the US and Israeli deep states). Just as with carriers, the dangers of a US over-reaction should serve as a deterrent to any attacks on the US homeland. But, just as with the carriers, that is only true as long as deterrence holds. If the Russian territory becomes the object of a US attack this would clearly indicate that deterrence has failed and that the Russian armed forces should now switch from a deterrence mode to a war-fighting mode. At this point, the US American over-reaction to begin attacked or taking casualties could, paradoxically, result in a last-minute wake-up call indicating to everybody that what will come next will be truly devastating.
Introducing the RS-28 Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM)
Though officially very little is know about the Sarmat and the Yu-71, the reality is that the Internet has been full of educated guesses which give us a pretty clear idea of what kind of systems we are dealing here.
You can think of the RS-28 Sarmat as a successor of the already formidable RS-36 Voevoda (SS-18 Satan in US classification) missile: it is a heavy, very powerful, intercontinental ballistic missile with multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle (warheads):
- Weight: 100 tons
- Payload: 10 tons
- Warheads: 10 to 15
- Hypersonic glide vehicles: 3-24 (that’s the Yu-71 we will discuss below)
- Range: 10’000km
- Guidance: Inertial , satellite, astrocelestial
- Trajectory: FOBS-capable
That last line, about being FOBS-capable, is crucial as it means that, unlike most Soviet/Russian ICMBs, the Sarmat does not have to fly over the North Pole to strike at the United States. In fact, the Sarmat could fly over the South Pole or, for that matter, in any direction and still reach any target in the USA. Right there this capability is, by itself, is more than enough to defeat any current and foreseeable US anti-ballistic missile technology. But it gets better, or worse, depending on your perspective: the Sarmat’s reentry vehicles/warhards are capable of flying in low orbit, maneuver, and then suddenly plunge towards their targets. The only way to defeat such an attack would be to protect the USA by a 3600 coverage capable ABM system, something which the USA is decades away from deploying. And just to add to these already formidable characteristics, each Sarmat can carry up to 3-24 (depending on who you ask) Yu-71 hypersonic glide vehicles.
Introducing The Yu-71 (aka “Object 4202) hypersonic glide vehicle (HGV)
Yet again, this is hardly a topic not covered in the media and you can find numerous articles describing what a hypersonic glide vehicle is and how it can be used. (the best article I could find in English was by Global Security, it is entitled “Objekt 4202 / Yu-71 / Yu-74”).
Here is a summary of what we think we know about this HGV:
- Max Speed: from Mach 5, according to Scott Ritter, to Mach 9, according to a quasi official Russian source, to Mach 15, acccording to Sputnik, to Mach 20 (that’s 7 kilometer per second, or 25’200kh/h, or 15’000mph), according to Global Security. Whatever the true speed, it will be fantastic and far, far beyond the kind of speeds current or foreseeable US anti-missile systems could hope to engage.
- Hypermaneuverability: Russian sources describe the Yu-71 as “сверхманевренная боеголовка” or “hypermaneuverable warhead”. What that exactly means in turns of sustained Gs does not really matter as this is not about air-to-air combat, but about the ability to perform sudden course changes making it close to impossible for anti-missile systems to calculate an engagement solution.
- Warhead: nuclear and conventional/kinetic.
That last line is very interesting. What it means is that considering the speeds attained by the Yu-71 HGV it is not necessary to equip it with a conventional (high explosive) or nuclear warheard. The kinetic energy generated by its high speed is sufficient to create an explosion similar to what a large conventional or small nuclear warhead could generate.
Bringing it all together now
Did you notice the similarities between the Zircon missile and the Sarmat+Yu-71 combo?
In both cases we have:
- an attack which can come from any direction
- speed of attack and maneuver capabilities which make interception impossible
- the capability for Russia to destroy a very high value US target in a very short time
It is amazing to see that while US decision makers were talking about their Prompt Global Strikeprogram, the Russians actually developed their own version of this capability, much faster than the USA and at a fraction of the cost.
These are all ideal way to “bring the war home” and to encourage a country which enjoyed total impunity for its policies to being seriously thinking about the consequences of messing around with the wrong people.
To make things even more potentially dangerous for the USA, the very same geography which protected the USA for so long is now becoming a major vulnerability. Currently 39% of the US population lives in counties directly on the shoreline. In fact, the population density of coastal shoreline counties is over six times greater than the corresponding inland counties (source). In 2010 the US Census Bureau produced a fascinating report entitled “Coastline Population Trends in the United States: 1960 to 2008” which shows that the coastal counties provide an “intense concentration of economic and social activity”. In fact, a very large number of US cities, industrial centers and economic hugs are located near the USA coastline making them all *ideal* targets for Russian conventional cruise missile strikes which could be launched from very long distances (including over open water). And we are not talking about some future, hypothetical, cruise missile, we are talking about the very same Kalibr cruise missiles the Russians have been using against the Takfiris in Syria. Check out this very well made video which explains how Kalibr cruise missiles can be hidden pretty much anywhere and used with devastating effect on military and/or civilian targets:
The reality is that the US homeland is extremely vulnerable to any kind of attack. This is only in part due to recent Russian advances in military technology. For example, the “just on time” manufacturing or delivery practices which are aimed to minimize costs and inventory are, from a strategic/military point of view, extremely dangerous as it take very little disruption (for example in the distribution network) to create catastrophic consequences. Likewise, the high concentration of some industries in specific areas of the United States (oil in the Mexican Gulf) only serve to further weaken the ability of the United State to take any kind of punishment in case of war.
Most TV watching Americans will dismiss all of the above by saying that “anybody come mess with us and we will kick their ass” or something equally sophisticated. And there is some truth to that. But what this mindset also indicate is a complete mental inability to operate in a scenario when deterrence has failed and the “other guy” is coming for you. That mindset is the prerogative of civilians. Those tasked with the defense of their country simply cannot think that way and have to look beyond the “threshold of deterrence”. They will be the one asked to fix the bloody mess once the civilians screw-up. Georges Clemenceau reportedly once said that “War is too serious a matter to entrust to military men”. I believe that the exact opposite is true, that war is too serious a matter to entrust to civilians, especially the US Neocons (the vast majority of whom have never spend any time in uniform) and who always make it sound like the next war will be easy, safe and painless. Remember Ken Adleman and his famous Iraqi “cakewalk”? The very same kind of scum is in power today and they want us to believe that the next war will also be a cakewalk or that being on a high speed collision course with Russia is something the USA can afford and should therefore engage in. The combined effect of the myth of US military superiority with the myth about the US invulnerability result in a US American sense of detachment, or even impunity, which is not at all supported by fact. I just fervently hope that the people of the USA will not find out how mistaken they are the hard way.
In the meantime, the Russian Chief of General Staff, General Gerasimov, has announced that Russia had completed what he called a “non-nuclear deterrence system” based on the Iskander-M, Kalibr and X-101 missiles. According to General Gerasimov, the Russian armed forces now have enough high-precision weapon systems to strike at any target within a 4000km range. Furthermore, Gerasimov declared that the number of platforms capable of launching such missiles has increased twelve times while the number of high precision cruise missiles has increased by a factor 30. General Gerasimov also explained that the combined capabilities of the Kalibr cruise missile, the Bastion mobile coastal defense missile system and the S-400 air defense system made it possible for Russia to fully control the airspace and surface of the Baltic, Barents, Black and Mediterranean seas (talk about A2AD!). Gerasimov concluded his briefing by saying “the development of high-precision weapons has made it possible to place the main burden of strategic deterrence from nuclear to non-nuclear forces”.
To fully evaluate the implications of what Gerasimov said please consider this: deterrence is, by definition, the action of discouraging an action or event through instilling doubt or fear of the consequences. So what Gerasimov is really saying is that Russia has enough conventional, non-nuclear, capabilities to inflict unacceptable consequences upon the USA. This is something absolutely new, a fundamental game changer. Most importantly, that is the official declaration by a senior Russian official that the USA does not have any technological superiority and that the USA is vulnerable to a devastating counter-attack, even a conventional one. In one short sentence General Gerasimov has put to rest the two most important myths of US geostrategic theory.
Keep in mind that, unlike their US counterparts, the Russians typically like to under-evaluate Russian military capabilities. You will find the Russia media bragging about how “totally awesome and best in the world” Russian weapons systems are, but military personnel in Russia still has a corporate culture of secrecy and under-reporting your real capabilities to the enemy. Furthermore, while junior officers can stay pretty much anything they want, senior officers are held to very strict rules and they have to carefully weigh every word they say, especially acting officers. So when the Chief of Staff officially declares that Russia now has a conventional strategic deterrence capability – you can take that to the bank. It’s real.
Alas, the western media is still stuck in the “full idiot” mode we saw during the transit of the Russian aircraft carrier from the North Atlantic to the Mediterranean: on one hand, the Admiral Kuznetsov was presented as a rusty old bucket while on the other NATO forces constantly shadowed it as if it was about to strike London. Likewise, US politicians present Russia as a “gas station” while, at the same time, stating that this “gas station” has the capability to decide who lives in the White House. This kind of reporting is not only unhelpful but outright dangerous. One one hand the “the Russians are backward brutes” fosters are arrogant and cocky attitude. On the other hand, constantly speaking about fake Russian threats results in a very dangerous case of “cry wolf” in which all possible Russian threats (including very real ones) are dismissed as pure propaganda. The reality is, of course, very different and simple in a binary way: Russia represents absolutely no threat to the United States or anybody else (including the three Baltic statelets). But if some western politician decides that he is smarter and stronger than Napoleon or Hitler and that he will finally bring the Russians to their knees, then he and his country will be destroyed. It is really that simple.
Zircon is planned to be introduced into production next year, Russia should increase the production of Kalibr missiles and accelerate the development of the Sarmat production along with the HGV production and deployment.
Russia will have her Prompt Global Strike weaponry in place within 2-3 years, while US is lagging badly behind in hypersonic development and production, and their delivery systems are old with insignificant payload capability.
while US is lagging badly behind in hypersonic development
sure not. until today russia has nothing functional. be sure, when russia will have 100 zircon, usa will have 300 equivalent missile.
No matter how big their carriers are and how many support ships they have, one nuke detonated under water will wipe them clean.
That is your wishful thinking, US hypersonic development is in a stagnant stage, due to lack of brain power. If you have proof of something otherwise, you are welcomed to present it to educate yourself. Zircon was already tested and it is planned to go into production next year.
Keep in mind that 600 billion Pentagon budget bought the awesome number of 57 F35 in 2016, when Russia with a budget of 60 billion procured over 100 aircraft in 2016. Russia has obtained a maningful technological edge against US, while US has been degrading its capabilities fighting insurgent wars; Syrian battle front proved this reality.
you are wrong. usa are far advanced in this field
and according to capacities of us industry i already knw, whoch country will have the most of them :P
Not much else is known about the October 30 test. The U.S. Navy’s Strategic System Program, which oversaw the test, told USNI News it was “the first conventional prompt strike missile for the United States Navy” that the Navy could someday deploy on its guided missile and attack submarines. Submarines are ideal platforms for PGS, as they can loiter underwater near targets, whittling down the reaction time even farther.
However, Hypersonic weapons are difficult to develop. The faster a weapon flies, the harder it is to steer, making precision targeting difficult. Hypersonic speed also dramatically increases the aerodynamic forces and temperatures (up to 1800 degrees Fahrenheit) the weapon is exposed to. These issues pose immense, but not insurmountable, technical challenges.
Solomon, l am from Australia! l can tell u right now about these tests!
Woomera ls a very OLD rocket base. Its a peace of shlt from the 1960’s when the UK were testing rockets and nukes here!
These hypersonic tests we have been running are always conducted by the University of Queensland ln Brisbane!
l know for a FACT they FAlL all the time! They had one time success ln 2007! Big fucklng deal!
Stop your bullshlt, l have friends who have been involved ln these tests and they all say that they can only do one test per 2 or 3 years! Thats how technologically difficult lt ls to do!
Stop posting bullshlt!
Haven’t you heard the expression “don’t believe everything u read”?
To me, u sound like a damn fool!
lol conducting tests ln Australa to master hypersonic missiles! Absolutely laughable!
We don’t invent much here, and CERTAlNLY NOT THlS STUFF! lol, u make me laugh!
Sure Captain Kirk !! Keep talking to Jesus
Zircon are in service since 2012 !! Not next year !! In service FOR FIVE YEARS so far !!
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How do u know?
Personally, I did not like this article as it is both propaganda and to a certain extent BS.
It doesn’t matter who has the bigger c.o.c.k; if it kicks off directly, do not forget the US muppet puppets.
Are you sure China will come on board to help; I hope, I pray they do, but I am still sceptical.
and what about all the smaller and weaker Countries that get embroiled in this crap ?.
Both sides are going to get hit badly unless Russia gets its finger out of it’s but, china comes on board and neutralises the US + Israel in some way. Unfortunately either way, the innocents suffer.
1. No one personally is actually wrong by stating their view – their view maybe wrong; but at least they had the decency to converse and give heir ideas.
2. The command and control has always been through the Yanks, Israel or the Gulf states; if you were naive enough that if one gets knocked out, that is it; the ignorance is telling – of course they will have back up.
3. OK – I ask you a simple question:
USA, Israel, Nato, the GCC + a few others vs Russia ???
Betting Odds please.
Israel is superior in Hollywood movies ONLY, ….and has the honor of getting th first F35 Turd Disabled by an “obsolete” Russian Missile…. NATO + Israel + UK + whatever = minus ZERO. LEARN RUSSIAN if yo want to survive the Re Education Camps
I shall keep to English and work with my Russian partners thank you.
you are sick :DDDD
You can say what you want and I shall take them n board and contemplate them.
You seem to have me totally wrong, but hey-hoo.
Personally I think you live in dreamland, but I share your dreams.
IF CHINA actually stood up and announced to the World it supported Russia, Iran plus plus; THEN and only then, would I have he kind of optimism you have.
No disrespect intended, however – I am entitled to my opinion.
” Israel vs the middle east (with no US support the Arabic countries would win the slug mat..”
Israel has nukes, and some have have stated outright they will use them before they lose. Now for me, this reflects on a collective mindset rather than policy decisions which we cannot know. But it is relevant. If they do, we all lose. As my mother said, desperate people do desparate things.
” We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European capitals are targets of our air force.”…..”Our armed forces are not the thirtieth strongest in the world, but rather the second or third. We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that this will happen before Israel goes under.” Professor Martin Van Crevel
Chomsky agrees,and I agree with chomsky. Gatekeeper or not.
“If there ever were serious support [for the right of return], Israel would go all out– using nuclear weapons, anything else– to prevent it. So it’s not going to happen.”
we all lose. 100% guaranteed.
I can cal you TJ, or I can call you Jay, but I prefer to call you Johnson if I want any day !! The only propaganda spreader are you. Even the Pentgon has reported on the Rusian Superioiy FOUR generaiins ahead of US Forces !! You better learn Russian, you will need it !!
You are a dick sh1t, a dumb one at that.
Take the 313 away from my log in or look at it closely, and maybe you and I have chattered before.
I am British, pro-Russian, anti-Yank, anti-immigration and if you don’t like it – F.O
The 313 came from another post on here and if you can check the picture I have, it states “Fake, Fake, Fake” … another ZIO-Yank play.
PS I have no idea about this “I can cal you TJ, or I can call you Jay, but I prefer to call you Johnson if I want any day !!”
why anti immigration ? That is more divide and conquer. We could all live on this planet in peace, if the world was more decent and less unequal.
Because our culture, religion, creed, moral stading is being decimated purposely.
Not by immigrants.
Your culture is now consumerism m8. Just like every other country. And with respect, our culture was never one single thing. Our culture came from immigration of many different cultures. Starting with the natives we decimated as we took their country.
religion. Your so called religion, isn’t shared by that many of us any more. And Islam, has been in America, for as long as we have. 1600 is my understanding. We brought them as slaves u see. So unless you are saying that because they were slaves, their religion doesn’t count, then they get to keep their religion, and call it as american, just like the Christians do. …..And that is OUR culture. slave trading and genocide on the natives who were here before us. A great country created by slaves. And much of our so called Christianity, supports ISraeli terrorism against women and children. Supports globalist terrorism against the planet.
`creed`is simply group think, that which allows a few people to control the minds of many more. I try not to involve myself, and I certainly cannot blame immigrants for destroying it. I would applaud them, if they actually did. Because our creed now, is imperialism, and invasion, globalism based on hate of Muslims for the imperialisticactions of our governments.
moral stading“
We have no moral standing m8. We do genocide, mass murder, invasion for the globalist. We do torture, rendition, we take away basic freedoms of expression for our populace. We allow a few people to hoard resources while children starve and the masses of our people are dropped into poverty. ( then we are led to beLIEve the problem is immigrants rather than inequality.) We allow our corporate masters to destroy the planet with concepts like planned obsolescence and cyclical consumption, all for profit.
I am not impressed with what we are anymore, and I know I cannot blame immigrants for any of it.
please feel free to improve my understanding.
Thanks for the response and whilst I fully understand it; I assume you are American (if I am wrong, I apologise)-I am British -different World.
My apologies for assuming you were American. But being British, OR Canadian, changes nothing in what I said me thinks.
No worries, but it is a rather large insult.
Actually, I am sorry to contradict you, but being British and European makes a very big difference with those with an IQ over 95 …… however in your defence, I do actually agree with you regards Canada at the moment; I honestly cannot contemplate how such an esteemed Country has fallen so rapidly.
My view only; we are all allowed our opinions, otherwise it would be a boring comments section hey ?
British and European makes a very big difference with those with an IQ over 95“
You make an opinion without explaining it. Please do. And I bet you the reality, is not what you believe with respect to that.
As to IQ, mine was tested in the top 3% of the population before I went to law school, so I do not pander to opinion as evidence, insult as reason not to discuss. The fact you think Europe and the UK are any different when we are all owned by globalism, is beLIEF based delusion. Period. And you will fail, trying to rationalize that ludicrous proposition.
And I expect anyone with an IQ over 95, to put `feelings`aside when having a discussion of import.
How man Iraqis you brits murder based on the lies of 911. In fact, how many untold millions have you murdered for imperialism over the last 200 years.
Fact is, you invented FIAT banking,
you officially support terror on Muslims with the lies, and you allow yourselves to be manipulated to hate.
Your media is as bad as ours,
You still have a queen, all prostrating your selves for royalty WHICH IS JUST A FORM OF OVERT INEQUALITY SUPPORTED BY THE PLEBES.
Lots ignorance there m8. And I call elitist bunk trying to make you lot any different.
As to the EU, they gave away any national authority they had, to the banksters in Brussels, those who now rule the EU. They do imperioalism, resource expropriation. ( ever hear of Libya)
Oh ya, you guys are just exceptionally different huh :P
Divide and conquer ignorance, can be self inflicted.
You have me all wrong.
So wrong it frustrates me.
My stupid 313 logo may confuse you but I am still the same bloke that is a pro-Russian – anti-Zio Yank ctun….and I think you will find a similar comment to yours elsewhere.
I did have a problem with this article; simple as that. Get over it.
Your problem was only a misunderstanding of the writers intent. To wake up the American herd that they are not exceptional, and nor are they immune.
Oh right, apologies.
That was the point he made. That the American promulgated attitude that they can win any war with Russia, including a nuclear war, is bunk. They cannot. Russia has skills, t and there is no telling what would be the end, other than mass extinction.
Thanks again. Yet again I must write myself a note, stipulating wine and commenting do not mix.
yah, yah, again such stupid article :(
important are facts, not opinions.
” of Russian military technologies by comparing the T-50 PAKFA to the US F-35″
dear child, the fact is, F-35 IS in service, pak IS NOT!!! and the first dozens will use shitty engine. that means, these will be not valuable for name battla-ready. the parameters of pak we WILL learn is several years, the parameters of f-35 ALREADY are present. and will be developed, like in case of f-15, f-16. moreover, check, how many f-35 will be in service in usaf, and how many paks in ruaf? the number show, the pak will be only sunday plane for ruaf. btw., in the next 2 dacades the challenger of pak is not f-35. but f-22. and after that time will be another, much better plane.
“The aircraft carriers myth”
little child, you live in the world of your myths. those carriers were not esigned for ww3, but to allow for america easily start wars in every part of the planet. against nigeria, somali,a iraq, flakland islands, etc. you can onanize, but these ar not weapons against russia. on the other hand, russia feeled and feels the absence of this category of ships. if in case of syria would be at syriana shores the 19th and 23rd russian fleet with two carriers, there would be dramatically other situation. in favor of russia, of course. as former officer i heard your bullshits thousands times, but the eality is, on oceans america is superior gainst the whole rest of the world. and you should not write such idiot articles, but accept the reality, if one country has allies on another continent, simply needs this category of ships.
Russia has a missile which cannot be stopped or spoofed by any of the current and foreseeable USN anti-missile weapons systems.
“Introducing the RS-28 Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM)”
again dear child, this is plan, not in service. we will see. the main thing is, HOW MANY of them will be in service. because if only dozens, this is no threaten for america. usa has finish the treaty about decreased number of defense systems. so, they have money to build up such systems, which can catch 10 000 russian warheads. and be sure, thaad is ABLE to hit directly the little russian warheads. much more advanced technology then s-x00, which dont have direct contact.
” “Objekt 4202 / Yu-71 / Yu-74”). Here is a summary of what we think we know about this HGV: Max Speed: from Mach 5, according to Scott Ritter, to Mach 9, according to a quasi official Russian source, to Mach 15, acccording to Sputnik, to Mach 20 (that’s 7 kilometer per second, or 25’200kh/h, or 15’000mph), according to Global Security. ”
so, greenhorn child, you wrote, nobody knows nothing, only speculations. no facts.
thanks, i have no more questions :)))
“The reality is that the US homeland is extremely vulnerable to any kind of attack.”
oh underdeveloped child, sure not. yanks have also their secrets, and what i saw also with eyes of officer, they surprized in all wars the soviets, and will also russia. the homelend is extremly good defended, the ships have also similar precize rockets like thaad, so, zirrcon (also in futre), diamond, opal, etc. will be only partially effective. chinese knows this, therefore the use nuclear missiles against carrieers.
“According to General Gerasimov, the Russian armed forces now have enough high-precision weapon systems to strike at any target within a 4000km range.”
hahaha! child, also here, in SF was long analysis about capabilities of russian military industry. and they were not able to produce enough kalibr for syrian war. HOW COLD produce enough for war with really strong enemy? this is the reason, why only 100 kalibrs /2 years. tjhis is shameful little number. moreover, you can shoot on not any, but low nomber of targets. if you also hit it, depends upon, what is the target. :P
“General Gerasimov also explained that the combined capabilities of the Kalibr cruise missile, the Bastion mobile coastal defense missile system and the S-400 air defense system made it possible for Russia to fully control the airspace and surface of the Baltic, Barents, Black and Mediterranean seas (talk about A2AD!). ”
chold, you repat nullshits. i knew one gerasimov. i did not cjekck, ahether is the same or his son, but the old was big cock, and if son, than the apple …
summary: russia has ome good weapons, but is not superior to usa, not to nato. not in all categories has excellent weapons in service. and the most important. russia dos not have enough weapons!!!
one addendum to carriers.
everybody think, that nuclear war will lasted days. no. long months. but within first weeks will be destroyed all satellites, nuclear submarines and silos. so, russia will have no chance to attack usa. BUT yanks with fleets and carrirs in this phase can send troops in russia. each ship has compass ;)
Lol, the whole yankee fleet will be destroyed in the first days of war, lol, they will have to use rubber boats to get over here.You overestimate usa, they might have carriers or whatever but in the end those are nothing more than big coffins,
by whom? check the number of ICBMs, guy.
By us, you really think that the numer or wepons officially given by russian govmt. is real , you think that they have nothing behind their back ? They know exactly where and when those ships are, if the are not bragging like americunts doesn’t mean that they don’t have anything.
You do realise that stroking the american salami won’t help your countires when the active part of Russo-American conflict will kick off, you, the pawns will go first, if the russian govmt will perform well , the western elite will back back off for a little to re-think their strategy, but that won’t save you, i’m just wondering , aren’t you guys wondering about that ? Is it really worth to die for couple of dollars and opportunity for your elites to enjoy rich and colorful lives ?
Now he’s talking to himself…
Salomo Krupacek should worry about Male Pregnacy afecting him. The Russian Do Not Like LGBT “forces” and Russian Komissars may decide to NOT USE Condona in the Re Educarion Camps !! Ditto with the Horny North Koreans !! If you don’t belive ASK THE MARINES who were sodomized in Korea !!
russians are animals. you are right
We are animals too dimwit. All of us.
1. There are 180 F22’s and no more will be manufactured. The Russians are in no rush to manufacture the Su-57, just enough to keep their technology going. All of the fancy new electronics and missiles have already been tested out and installed on the Su-30/35 line. The last step is to upgrade their engines before going into full production. The F35 has one very large engine. I don’t know how that is going to fair against infra-red homing missiles with radar guiding them close to the jet aircraft. I hope that is never tested in combat.
2. Saker stated time and time again that aircraft carriers are for bullying 3rd world countries but I’m not convinced that the Pentagon knows that. If this is there only useful purpose why do we have 10 of them with plans to build out 12+? That seems rather excessive.
3. So you think that 100% of the U.S. coastline is protected against conventional, long range cruise missiles? Again, I hope that this is never put to the test.
ad 1)
yes, your number is correct. but the still serve. therefore i wroze: in the next 20 years
ad 3)
not the ostline is importentm but the target territory. if catsh the werhead 50 km before target on its trajectory, it is enough. sgure will not release nuke missile on waco, TX. :) pentagon exacly knows the russian targets. and moscow also the americans :)
Regarding 3, we are talking about Russia’s ability to use conventional missiles on U.S. targets as part of an escalation ladder, not a nuclear war.
Their Kalibr cruise missile has a range of 1,200 miles with precision accuracy, as was demonstrated in Syria. As for targets, the Russians have hundreds of U.S. bases outside to U.S. to choose from as well as numerous soft targets in the U.S. via submarine or long range bomber launches. The length of coast line coverage is important because of the unpredictability of what to defend. The Russians don’t want to bomb Waco but there are refineries, power plants, pipelines, and naval bases like San Diego. So everything can be defended against a long range, ground hugging missile with supersonic finishing speed?
there is priority list. important bases are massively defended, therefore can not be surprized. less important, mainly for logistic purpuse. are defended weaker. in their case hude missile attack could be effective. but you know, the defense sytem is based on satellites. and they register firing of missiles. maybe russians coud hide several peaces of launchers, but so few, that would not affect significantly the result.
profit motive is always excessive.
Russia has the capability to destroy all of the US’s aircraft carriers and overseas bases. That includes its overseas headquarters, Israel. Shalom
and? what after? in answer usa destroy russia and america will fleurish
Dear Israeli friend, I hope you have a second passport that is up to date. You’ll need it.
I think the US in the short to medium term will continue the attempts to destabilise Russia from within via financial and proxy terrorism. This will fail unless there is a Russian government in the future as inept and corrupt as that in the USA and Israel.
the russian government is much more corrupt than any western government. russia is the paradise of oligarch. putin is also thief. his children are in western countries. his money is in western banks. you all are soooooooo naive …………
“his [Putin’s] money is in western banks.”
So say our Information warriors in the CIA. If his money is in western banks then why don’t we seize his assets since we passed sanctions authorizing such actions against ‘oligarchs depending on their relationship with the regime’?
Answer, we don’t know where they are because this is a myth. Our govt feeds these stories to the NYT who then repeats it like braying sheep.
This is no myth, chris. And you together with cia are happy, that this money is outside of russia.
You have not been looking at the US government recently then Solomon and La Clintons frauds and wrongdoings? The US make a banana republic look respectable.
yes, and this is promile of putins thief activity.
look at picture published yesterday in SF. how many stolen russian moiney lands in offshore banks. my little commie, i was in moscow on business meeting. so, i have own experience with russian corruption.
fauck you with your commie bullshits! russia is megacorrupt land. was always. only stalin sopped for some years.
Typical Israeli hysteria. Good luck in attacking Lebanon. A cyclone of rockets with shower over Tel Aviv and Haifa with hundreds of deaths. For the first time, Israel will taste the better medicine it has forced on others. Shalom.
You really are mad Solomon. So full of hate and bile. A self hating Marxist.
no hate. only the truth about russian politicians
you babble hate. And talk foolishness.
I fail to see the problem with marxists. And that HATER certainly isn’t one.
The banksters used capitalism to take over the planet. NOT COMMUNISM, OR SOCIALISM.
All of those ‘isms’ have been and are over represented in the higher echelons of power by Zionist Jews.
doesn’t change the fact that an idiotology based on inequality, dog eat dog, survival of the fittest is going to end up as a dictatorship called fascism. Some babble about cronyism, or whatever else they want to call it,. but the reality is that the action of allowing unlimited hoarding creates fascism. Because the big dogs DO win. Illogical to think otherwise when we know they can buy anything or anyone with the power called credit creation.
Call them Zionists or not. What I do know, is the puppet government in my country are not Zionists. It was the MONETARY system we allow, which gave the banksters the planet to call their own.
By fixating on Jews, you disrespect the truth of that. And you allow the herd to dismiss that fact, allowing them to call it racist propaganda.
Fact here, and WE ALLOWED IT. Cannot blame anyone but ourselves m8. And the only ISM that can exists in this world of rampant inequality IS fascism. Logic dictates. Patterns prove out.
“Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The Bankers own the Earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create deposits, and with the flick of a pen they will create enough deposits to buy it back again. However, take it away from them, and all the fortunes like mine will disappear, and they ought to disappear, for this world would be a happier and better world to live in. But if you wish to remain slaves of the Bankers and pay for the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create deposits.”
Sir Josiah Stamp, President of the Bank of England in the 1920s
” And the only ISM that can exists in this world of rampant inequality IS fascism ”
I would argue that any extreme ‘ism’ has its own ‘elite’ that have luxury lifestyles. Communist Chinese and American Elite’s have fabulous wealth for instance.
The cycle of Greed, Excessive Geed, Corruption,Deviancy, Tyranny, Revolution/Lost Wars and Collapse is continuous. Its just the timescales that differ.
Sure, thats the point.
Money is the tool to affect inequality. The ism is really irrelevant, and if the ism is contrary to inequality, it will fail quickly or fall to the corruption of inequality like communism did. Everything is corrupt, touched by inequality and its brothers greed and envy.
We simply cannot have a communist sharing state in a world driven by inequality and self gain. Those with the most, will rule in an unequal planet..
Now with technological unemployment, we could end it. If we could only convince the herd that they didn’t have to compete for survival anymore. Which we do not. Just so a few rich scumbags can rule the roost.
Not the sharpest knife in the drawer, are you.
Reported by the PENTAGON : Russian Armed Forces are FOUR generations ahead of US Forces. The F35 is a Joke. The Litoral Frigate was meant for the 1990s. The atomic arsenal is obsolete and it will take 10 years to Modernize. There is not enough US Anglo Saxon canon fodder WITHOUT Atificial Limbs to fight for Israel anymore.
ou shpuld make site oriented to political jokes
It is very hard to get through to viewpoints and straight up propaganda to ascertain the truth, in terms of the state of things. In a nutshell, I tend to go with the point of view by the author of the article. Here is why.
The volume of ridicule, laughter and condescension by Western military and political types, has dropped dramatically since the conflict in Ukraine began and Russia secured Crimea. Again in late September of 2015, there was also a whole bunch of ridicule regarding Russia’s chances in Syria. Now, they are generally an increasingly frustrated bunch of folks. Everybody here who has been following this stuff, far longer than I, knows what it was like. So where are things today?
Nobody is seriously challenging Russia, wherever it has a formidable force. The US coalition is ‘in constant communication’ with the Russians in Syria. Israel tiptoes around them also, if not crying like babies about Hez and the rest of the ‘bad guys’ they don’t like, which Russia has no problem with. The laughter has died off. The arrogance and juvenile threats made by US officers has ceased. On the battle field, Ukraine is in a box and the Takfiris are either running like hell or are gradually being exterminated in Syria.This change in behavior by the Occidentals is telling me that they know Russian forces are very for real. I wish well to all.
If America and Russia go to war it would de-facto escalate to a NATO vs SCO war, or in other words WWIII. One thing that I can guarantee is that if this happens, non of us will be alive to tally up the losses and argue over bullshit. Anyone unlucky enough to survive the nuclear explosions will spend the rest of their days dying from disease. People would resort to killing their next door neighbor for the canned food in their pantry out of sheer desperation. This shit is not funny at all, and cannot under any circumstances be taken lightly. If we care about anyone on this planet, weather they be friends or family, then we better make the following point crystal clear. War between our countries must be PREVENTED at all costs. If we fuck this up there won’t be a second chance us.
some will live to old age. They have nuclear powered bunkers, and they think we are useless eaters. Oh, I am sure it has already been thought all; the way through. As the neo cons trumpet that they can win a nuclear war with Russia. And tell us there are too many of us on this planet.
Is there really something like escalation dominance? Wouldn’t decision makers factor in the possibility that it’s either just an engine problem on the ship or the bitter end?