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MARCH 2025

Defender Europe 2020 Can Not Be Cancelled Due To Corona Virus

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Written by Timoschuk; Originally appeared at The Duran

Corona virus – more then 100,000 infected around the world, six countries where tourists are prohibited from traveling and 17, which are recommended to be avoided. “Defender Europe 2020” – 40,000 participants from 17 NATO countries (and Georgia).

One would like to ask: who will win? And soon we can check it out.

Defender Europe 2020 Can Not Be Cancelled Due To Corona Virus

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Polish Minister of Defense Mariusz Blaszczak has already announced the existence of a secret document “The use of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland in anti-epidemic, sanitary and hygienic measures, the provision of medical care and the elimination of biological pollution and infections.” Surely such secret instructions are also available in other countries participating in the exercise.

Although it would be better not to test the ability of NATO doctrines to withstand the modern virus.
And then what? Cancel? This makes no sense. Although many are already starting to support this idea. Currently on the Internet you can find many petitions for the abolition of the exercise. Under them are the signatures of thousands of Europeans.

But in such important issues as ensuring the security of Europe, it would be foolish to take into account the opinion of ordinary citizens who are not versed in this issue.

With the exception of civilian petitions, there are opinions of scholars and professional military personnel.

According to the professors, the large troop movements within the framework of Defender Europe 2020 can contribute to the spread of corona virus infection throughout the European continent. And at the present time, the transfer of American troops to European ports is on the peak. And the source of a dangerous virus can be not only people. But also the transport in which dust particles containing the virus remained.

The first cases of corona virus have already been detected in Germany, Poland. Italy is a hotbed of infection. n the United States, 1635 cases of corona virus infection were recorded, 41 people died. According to a Pentagon spokesman, Ryan McCarthy, Lieutenant General Christopher Cavoli and several other members of his headquarters could become infected with the new corona virus.
But there is positive news from doctors. Of more then 100,000 infected, more than 52,000 people recovered. In addition, the Chinese say they seem to have created a vaccine. But it’s too early to talk about its effectiveness.

Corona virus makes serious adjustments to plans for major official events. Geneva Motor Show was canceled. A similar fate threatens the annual European Eurovision music contest. Endangered football Champions League, Europa League threatened. As part of these events, matches are already being held without spectators. The fact of holding the Summer Olympic Games in Japan is questionable. The matter of their cancellation or rescheduling is seriously considered.

The first canceled military events appear. Thus, the Finnish Ministry of Defense announced that Finnish troops will not take part in NATO’s major “Cold Response 2020” exercise. The U.S. and Israeli military exercises “Juniper cobra missile defense”, as well as the joint U.S.-South Korean exercises, have been canceled.

Against this background, it would be logical if not to cancel, then at least postpone the “Defender Europe 2020” exercise.

On February 28, the US Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel signed instructions recommending that all military commanders take comprehensive measures to preserve the health of military personnel and members of their families located in foreign countries. One of the points of the document provides for the possibility of reducing the scale or canceling exercises and other combat training activities. Moreover, commanders of expeditionary military formations are vested with the rights to impose restrictions.

In connection with the rapid spread of corona virus in Europe, a ban has been imposed on visits by the US military to crowded places and local institutions.

But the instructions of the US military official are unlikely to extend to the exercises “Defender Europe 2020”. Their real cancellation is possible only in the case of mass deaths among US soldiers. Otherwise, the exercise will be carried out according to plans. Because along with a demonstration of American military power, Defender is an economic project. The sale of arms to NATO countries should bring billions of dollars, which the American leadership is definitely not ready to give up.

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Here’s an original idea. In the time of emerging pandemic of a new and highly virulent disease transmitted largely by human contact let’s move several 10Ks of US soldiers fresh from the States to Europe and bunch them up with local troops. Add to that the fact that US government spent last several weeks ignoring and/or playing down the threat while actively preventing it’s own agencies from doing their job in order to – wait for it – keep the market indexes high enough for Trump to get re-elected. Noe what could go wrong in that scenario – #thatshowSpanishflugotstarted

AM Hants

Have you seen the Veteran’s Today article? The US sending the ‘Soy Sauce soldiers’ to Wuhan for a military games event. The US won zero medals, came below Ukraine, but, the soldiers entertained themselves impregnating the population (guess they left the Pride Parade branch at home), whilst also hanging out around the fish stalls.

Wasn’ t Gates and friends discussing the pandemic virus exercise around the same time?

20,000 US Forces on Russia’s borders. Georgia and Ukraine with there US controlled bio-weapon labs, with full diplomatic immunity, advertising for Russian DNA. Gates, who has just stepped down from his corporations, but, after patenting the virus vaccine. Yep, what possibly could go wrong?

Good luck Russia.

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

It’s fascinating to see these ghouls out in the open, near naked anymore for all to see, who have eyes to see (and many more joining over, developing such “sight” via questions, questioning the narratives, propaganda, etc.)

Sadly, I’m not too sure that it isn’t too late at this point to reverse course or prevent this seemingly inevitable drive/process toward full on totalitarian, dystopia?

AM Hants

Still believe in hope. No doubt the ride is going to be bumpy, but, we will arrive at the final destination, one way or another. Hopefully, extinguishing the NWO satanic tumour.

Assad must stay

Russia can easily bomb the shit out of those labs, what’s 20,000 compared to hundred of thousand Russian has?


It looks like the participants in these wargames will be wearing full NBC ( nuclear, biological, chemical ) kit for weeks when and if the virus strikes:) :)

Its a joy to wear, especially when its a hot sunny day. :) The bonus being that all the wretched beards will have to be shaved off to ensure a proper seal with the respirator.

Add to that the daily change of the NBC trousers, jackets , gloves, overboots etc that will make the exercise more of a ‘changing room exercise. :)

p.s Don’t forget the protocol for having a shit in NBC kit either lads and lassies.

AM Hants

However, if they get them in nuke suits, will they try to take advantage of the opportunity?

No doubt Russia is on top of things and knows, with complete understanding, just what the fake exercise is all about.

Jens Holm

Its normal procedure. Fx Russia do it too.


I agree, AM.

The fact that President Putin has fuelled the oil price fall, suggests that he considers the time is right to counter the US now.

The brain of the US beast is cunning BUT without any profound thought.. It is the brain of a common street thug.

AM Hants

1% inbreeding, does not result in high IQs.

Do believe Russia is fully upto speed, with all scenarios and always have impeccable timing. Time to lance the boil and call NATOs bluff.


Yes,and when one looks at the frenzied shit stirring from the US that has also infected NATO, one wonders what financial implosion or imminent war operations are using a virus that ends the lives of a very small number of people?

The global world population is about 7.5 billion and the projected deaths MIGHT be 100 million = a 1 in 75 chance of death and a large proportion would be in their last months or a year or so of life anyway.

If we balance that number with the million Iraqi’s who died in a population of about 25 million as a result of a fabricated war, there is NO moral equivalence for the current hysteria in the West.

It’s not as if EU leaders care anyway, as if they genuinely cared about their citizens, the leaders would be building homes for the homeless and needy, as opposed to buying US weapons etc that serve no ones interest except the elite fearmongers .

AM Hants

Good point. Not forgetting Albright thought the deaths of 500,000 Iraq babies and children, was well worth the price.

There was an article on Gateway Pundit, saying the ages of those who died in Italy was 81+. I remember when my dad reached 70, he was waiting for the grim reaper, despite being healthy. Convinced you only lived 3 score years, plus 10 (70). He had a long wait haha

Popped into Tesco, convinced the hysteria had not reached this small town, where I live. Ending up laughing when chatting to a stranger, whose husband needed a ‘liquid only’diet, followed by puree diet. Owing to my husband’s health problems, when it all started, I was recommending the benefits of juicing and believe it or not tinned tomatoes. Well she told me Tesco had run out of tinned tomatoes, weeks ago. Only for me to find the shelf was empty. Forgot to check the loo rolls. She also told me, they were fighting in the aisles and the police were involved.

Well, you had wartime rations and all that went with it in the 40s, without the police having to resort to providing protection cover. In the 21st century, toilet paper comes with police protection. Do believe the world has gone mad. How much bad news and new surveillance laws is the C virus hiding?


The next few months is going to show how much more excitable and intolerant the current diverse population of the UK is in relation to the pre 1960’s, I think.

The general UK populations behaviour these days is more 3rd world than the past. The ghetto’s of the UK will explode I think.

There will be much bad economic news to be buried as well as the ‘bail out’ debt burden. Lets hope the virus is short lived, for everyone’s sake.

The number of small and medium business’s that fade away will be huge, especially in catering and retail where the rents are high.

AM Hants

Hope there are many who still have the 40s character. Will find that interesting. Whilst trying to get my head around why toilet paper and guns, are the items of need, during a man made pandemic.

The images in my mind, concerning toilet rolls and pistols, are seriously comical.

Wonder if they will roll in GM toxic products, together with Bill Gates eugenics vaccines, to feed and control the people? Cashless society and cut off from funds, if you do not take the zombie vaccine?


I happen to have both of the items. If the cops decide to stand down for ‘health and safety reasons and if there are Mad Max gangs looting, the two items will come in handy , AM. :)

AM Hants

Haha, Holy sh*t batman. If that happens, guess I can always rely on my supply of ‘baby wipes’, when Mad Max turns up. No doubt, NATO Pamper Stocks are well stocked in Westminster.

AM Hants

Just been flicking through the Daily Mail. Found the Richard Little John take on the ‘organ eating, head choppers’ known as CIA created ISIS and their Coronovirus guidelines, how does one wash one’s hands, in the desert, when dining on raw organs, and using fresh skulls, for dining accessories? Will the US and allies drop a few goodies, from one of their ISIS protection helicopter fleet?

Plus, have you heard of ‘Operation last gasp’? I kid you not, Boris wanting JCB and Rolls Royce to suddenly start producing ventilators, with no ventilate production experience. With everybody out of work, how are they going to find enough intensive care staff, trained and experienced, to man the ventilators? Let alone additional intensive care beds or units, to accept the new, all singing, all dancing, ventilators, lacking health regulation approval or guidelines?

Do believe ‘Operation last gasp’ is apt, for those who haunt Westminster.


There really are far too many government imbeciles dreaming up these daft names, AM.

Pave Way IV

“…daily change of…”? Not in the U.S. military, Florian. Except for once, because you’re issued two sets of the jacket/trousers. After the second day you need to excuse yourself from the contaminated environment for new ones. It’s pretty inconceivable that the average soldier would get issued ‘fresh’ JSLIST (Joint Service Lightweight Integrated Suit Technology) suit every two days.

In an uncontaminated environment, the suits can be laundered a few time (which degrades their performance) or are supposedly good for 120 days without laundering. Suiting up after someone else is symptomatic is useless against coronavirus because you’re infectious before you show symptoms, and otherwise healthy service members may have coronavirus and be infectious without showing any symptoms. Better than nothing I suppose, but it’s kind of like waiting to suit up for a nerve agent until you notice half your squad flopping around like fish and foaming at the mouth.

None of the U.S. JSLIST (or other NATO CNBC gear, AFIK) is effective against biological threats the size of virus particles – unless your carbon nanosphere suits have special magical powers to repel evil. Avoid rubbing up against other sweaty, infected soldiers (always a good idea anyway). At best, the gear will keep you from getting infected because your buddy is only sneezing and coughing inside his own face mask, not directly on you. And if you never come in contact with potentially infected locals. This assumes you’re all at MOPP-3, which is wearing the jacket, trousers, rubber boots and mask. All day and all night. You only have to carry the gloves in MOPP-3, so don’t touch anything and arrange frequent hand-washing ceasefire breaks with your enemy if possible. Don’t use lemon-scented hand sanitizer – it could reveal your position to the enemy.


I was issued with puffer bottles of Fullers Earth as well :)

“Absorbs and removes a wide range of chemical and biological agents from clothing, equipment and the body.”

Pave Way IV

Magic dust! See – that’s why I’m not rich. I’m not clever enough to think of how to market magic NBC ‘dirt’ to the U.S. military. There’s got to be a few shekels in that scam!


Fullers Earth is also used in cat litters. :)

Dick Von Dast'Ard

So to surmise the plan could be to send thousands of germ soldiers into the Europe from the U.S. and then make a vaccine available to European govts at a hefty price. Germ’ans.

AM Hants

Reminds me of the UK Prime Minister of the time. When WHO were trying to spin the ‘next bubonic plague’ of the time, Gordon Brown purchased £10 million, worth of Bill Gates vaccines. Poorer nations denied them and they end up in cold storage and nought more was heard about the virus. Wonder where the out of date vaccines can be found? No doubt the Gates Foundation used the money to keep the Clinton Foundation sweet. You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours.

Jens Holm

The market and decissions are like that. A lot of never used things are produced for the world. Just evil talk from You.

If things from people are not firty, You bring it by Yourself. It would be no surprice if You with a big smile shaked hands with all, You dont like. But remember it can hit back.

The production here was to save lives. Ehats the value of a life. Its only calcium, water and fx not enough iron ti get magnetic.

AM Hants

Sorry, can you get somebody to translate that for you?

Jens Holm

Thats normal fast and perfect english here.

There are so many thibgs You dont understand here, because Your world is so limited according to a lot of things.

One thing is You have a spanker culture and suffer hard by that choise, but blaming me and other westerns for that is too too much.

I will never even try to go down to the level I learned, when I was 15 to 18 years old apart from some spelling here and there.

The main problem here is YOU DONT HAVE THAT PART OF ENGLISH.

Blame the English or blame the ones, which read and write American English.

AM Hants

Blame the English for not being able to understand your comments. That makes perfect sense, the English version, would be completely different.

Jens Holm

USA import a lot of medicine. The world is competing. Denmark export for 6,4 billion pr 3 months Lantus pennicilin INSULIN pen. buý NOVO NORDISK.

We have several other but smaller companies doing the same things. BE A SHAREHOLDER TODAY. Be owner of Denmark.

Its a huge free market. Our Goverment control fake copies, When I go to the Pharmasist here I dont take Danish products. The Pharmasists has to ask, if I choose the cheepest one. My economy says YES.


And number 2. You cannot produce vaccine like that that fast at all. Its mutates too, so the vaccine might work lees or the illnes might be worse or down to nothing.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Rather depends on whether you designed the virus and vaccine together… Doesn’t it?

Jens Holm

Ha ha. Thats a possibility too. We have seen firemen being arsenists too. There is Munchausen by proxy as well.

AM Hants

Soy Sauce Soldiers, who turned up in Wuhan, hanging around the fish markets, rather than playing games.

Why are they so desperate to kick off Defender 20, which will coincide with Russia’s Victory Day, 75th Anniversary, which NATO member nations leaders are trying to avoid? Why has Trump turned down the invite? Will Boris be going? Remember the Yalta discussions between Roosevelt, Stalin and Churchill? Can you imagine the media photos of President Putin, Trump and Johnson, with the Russian 21st century military, forces, weapons and systems in in the background? No wonder Trump and Johnson are in no hurry to be in the photo. Only one true statesman and leader, with two imbeciles in attendance.

Ukraine is trying to kick start war in the East, so NATO, in the area will have the right to invade.

US ran out of money and desperate for war.

Martial law in Europe. Alternative media shutdown and the fake pandemic Corona Virus, used as the excuse.

What will the idiots, led by the Nazi supporting Atlantic Council, try to pull with this exercise?


Please tell us more how American soldiers brought the virus in China

AM Hants

Read the Veteran Today article. Or if you cannot read, get somebody to read it for you.


Another underground Russian publication with a pompous name

AM Hants

Seriously good article that you would not find CNN mentioning.


I don’t like CNN either, I consider them as good as Russian fake news

AM Hants

Riddle me this, but, when you look at the Russian media budget and compare it with what the US, ‘5 Eye nation, EU and NATO member states spend on media, why does Russian media always get it right? Why are they such a threat to the media outlets, controlled by just 6 media corporates, who rely on Government funding, to top them up?

Same with the Russian Defence budget. Similar to the tiny Island of Great Britain, including Northern Ireland. So how can the 11 time zone nation, on a budget of $48 billion, manage to make all weapons and systems, that NATO HAS AT IT’S DISPOSAL OBSOLETE?

US Defence budget at around $750 billion and Russian Defence Budget $48 billion and decreasing. How come Russia gets it right, economically and the US, ‘5 Eye Nations, led by dual nationality politicians, NATO Member States, UK and EU, so get it wrong?


I didn’t say Russian media always get it right, you said that. I didn’t say Russian media is a treat for the other media outlets either, you said that. So why are you asking me this stupid questions?

AM Hants

, “I don’t like CNN either, I see them the same as Russian fake news’ – do believe that is what you said?

Isn’t CNN part of the media industry run by 6 media corporations, with Government assistance?

Russian media outlets, in comparison receive very little Government or corporate financing, in comparison

Just like how Russia spends so little on defence, but, what little she does spend, in comparison to others, produces results, unlike others.


Russians are spending twice of their taxes on defense comparing to Americans. The rest of your comment is just like your other comments, machine-like generated, random mix of true and fake phrases about America, pushed by Russian bot factory

AM Hants

Russian tax system, 13% flat rate, that even oligarchs have to pay. Russians also get free health are, free education, including University level, and enough street cleaners to keep the human faeces, well in Russia’s case, animal faeces, from lining the streets. The creditor nation, with healthy currency and gold reserves, and in control of her vast wealth of resources, works for the people, not against. Including investments in massive infrastructure programmes. Not forgetting Russia is virtually debt free, when you factor her minimal debt, if for foreign exchange transactions and she can easily cover her debts. Did I leave out the GM free agricultural industry, that can easily feed the Russians and cheap energy, on top?

Compare that with the world’s largest debtor nation, whose tax payer has to pick up the bill for the $22 trillion, plus, national debt. No free health are. No free University education. No money for infrastructure projects. No savings. No street cleaners to clean up the human faeces lining the streets.. No intelligence running the Government, any party. Reliant on GM toxic food and also a nation that imports more than they export.

Russian Defence Budget $48 billion and decreasing.

US Defence budget around $750 billion and increasing.

Russia, in control of Corono virus.

US, Corono virus getting started.

Jens Holm

Thats propagandalf.

AM Hants

Good article.

Jens Holm

In Your dreams You are an american soldier ib China because of the good food – ???

AM Hants

You are aware the Soviet Union fell in 1991?

Jens Holm

Oh Yes. the best amusement before that was seeing my Communist little sister see Honnecker resign in DDR. But…but…but the people are uprising gagainst the state elected by themselves.

It never was like that. It was Russian Neocolonialisme and plundring by Stalin and Friends and after that by men looking back to WW2 only.

None do that in a car today and Russia dont make cars anymore for that reasons,

Putin is a Bolsjevik. He just bought his clothe in the West.

AM Hants

Russia do not make cars?

Remind me, but, who designed and produced the Presidential fleet of cars in Russia?

Jens Holm

All Your Haram Tabus are same thing. We have a language for both genders being all over. That language is a very important part of our cultures.

We have always been mixted and therefore never name it as mixted even the jobs in the homes often had been divided some between men and vomen.

Many of You hardly are allowed vomen before You get maried and what do You have. Well You have her as some picture and all kinds of phrases. But do You know women.

NO most of You dont. You just learn they has to be kept low by some old book, where You probatly never has been reading a line from.

Muslim women and even girls are even in lack tents, bacause themtemptt You. Well normally our men learn from birth not to be tempted to be a rapist or childabuser. The crimerate normally also are lower, bacuse You have a relation to them as PERSONS and not someone just making babies in the kitchen.

So whats not haram about that. Is it prostitute or motherfucker. Yes it is.

We can speak freely about each other and are not divided and can meet anyone we wish. They are just as bright as us and take the highest ranks in education as well as well paid jobs, så we dont have to negosiate with death and divorse. They own their own money and are doing just as fine as men.

Fysiscs is same thing. Many women also stronger then many of the weak men and even they are not, they can worker more ours and compensates well by that.

Thats an important part of life, You cant even talk abóut.

And again: You spank Yourself and Your life by Islam, and then You blame americans and jews for, the bad parts of that stuff dont work.

Now go and learn the rest of Our culture, so You understand.

AM Hants

Sorry, lost in translation. Do not even know what your culture is? Assuming Muslim, but, is that Sunni, Shia or the CIA funded version?

AM Hants

By the way, you are so correct, I have absolutely no idea, whatsoever, how a female functions, let alone what they are capable of. Owing to being so wrapped up in the wonders of my own gender. I really must find out how the female mind works.

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

Are the PTB (NWO faction) fast tracking along their goal of world dominance? Do they feel like they are getting close to an event horizon or a time of higher probability of inauspicious, carrying more negative risks vs their status (quo) and feel they must rush things along as some kind of window is closing for them from which to initiate and properly establish their Nth Reich. As Russia, China, Eurasia is on the ascent, prospects for their realizing, and prospering, their NWO becomes more difficult to pull off. The US empire is on the descent. Strange days, indeed! God help us all.

AM Hants

Do believe that. Together with how many times have they wanted to erase the world, before Russia pulls something out of the bag? Tall order, but, refuse to stress. It ain’t all over till the fat lady sings. And not Poroshenko at a Pride Parade, or Trump, come to that haha.


World war 1, Spanish flu, spread by soldiers. NATO not educated in history. Will learn hard way.


Yes, a hard lesson indeed ,especially for nations that have not suffered real hardship in recent times. A US troop ship bought the Spanish Flu to France at the end if WW1 and it first spread in the field hospitals thence to Europe and the world.The pandemic lasted from Spring 1918 to the Autumn of 1919.

“The first wave of the 1918 pandemic occurred in the spring and was generally mild. The sick, who experienced such typical flu symptoms as chills, fever and fatigue, usually recovered after several days, and the number of reported deaths was low.

However, a second, highly contagious wave of influenza appeared with a vengeance in the fall of that same year. Victims died within hours or days of developing symptoms, their skin turning blue and their lungs filling with fluid that caused them to suffocate. In just one year, 1918, the average life expectancy in America plummeted by a dozen years.”

“However, a second, highly contagious wave of influenza appeared with a vengeance in the fall of that same year ( 1918 and ended in the Autumn of 2019 .sic.) Victims died within hours or days of developing symptoms”


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