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“Defund The Police” And The Overwhelming Avalanche Of Mainstream Opinion

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"Defund The Police" And The Overwhelming Avalanche Of Mainstream Opinion

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On June 8th, protests throughout the US continued for the 14th straight day.

One of the most significant calls resulting from the protests are those to “defund the police.”

US President Donald Trump has vowed there won’t be “a dismantling of police”, but some cities have already taken the first steps to doing specifically that, such as Minneapolis where George Floyd was killed by Derek Chauvin.

“Defund the police” means taking funds allocated for police forces across the US and channelling them into other public programs.

Those who support the idea claim that US police has become a “catch-all service responsible for dealing with all of society’s problems.” And that is not something they were trained to, or even meant to do.

Supporters want the funds that won’t be given to the police to be put for education, housing, mental health support and social services.

“When we talk about defunding the police, what we’re saying is ‘invest in the resources that our communities need,” Black Lives Matter co-founder Alicia Garza told NBC’s Meet the Press.

Activists say that previous solutions like body cameras and oversight boards have failed to reform police departments and that now is the time to look at systemic solutions to a problem with a long history.

The idea is that a societal change like that, with more funding in those programs would reduce the need for police, at least in the capacity in which it is actively being funded currently.

“Are we willing to live in fear that our lives will be taken by police officers who are literally using their power in the wrong way?” Garza told Meet the Press. “Or are we willing to adopt and absorb the fear of what it might mean to change our practices, which will ultimately lead to a better quality of life for everyone?”

There are some groups that support the total abolition of police. One of them is MPD150, a group “working towards a police-free Minneapolis”.

“Crime isn’t random. Most of the time, it happens when someone has been unable to meet their basic needs through other means,” the group writes on its website.

“By shifting money away from the police and toward services that actually meet those needs, we’ll be able to get to a place where people won’t need to rob banks.

Sure, in this long transition process, we may need a small specialised class of public servants whose job it is to respond to violent crimes. But part of what we’re talking about here is what role police play in our society. Right now, cops don’t just respond to violent crimes; they make needless traffic stops, arrest petty drug users, and engage in a wide range of ‘broken windows policing’ behaviours that only serve to keep more people under the thumb of the criminal justice system.”

US President Donald Trump, however, is firmly against defunding police. US Presidential Candidate Joe Biden also said that he isn’t specifically supportive of it.

“I support conditioning federal aid to police based on whether or not they meet certain basic standards of decency and honourableness. And, in fact, are able to demonstrate they can protect the community and everybody in the community,” Biden told CBS.

The situation, especially in the US is such that no contradicting opinion can be expressed against the civil unrest.

New York Times editorial page editor James Bennet resigned from his position after the opinion section published a much-criticized Op-Ed by US Senator Tom Cotton, Republican of Arkansas, calling for a military response to civic unrest in American cities.

The opinion piece was titled “Send In The Troops.”

“One thing above all else will restore order to our streets: an overwhelming show of force to disperse, detain and ultimately deter lawbreakers,” he wrote.

Bennet apologized for the Op-Ed, saying that it should not have been published and that it had not been edited carefully enough.

“Last week we saw a significant breakdown in our editing processes, not the first we’ve experienced in recent years,” said A. G. Sulzberger, the publisher, in a note to the staff on June 7th.

Sulzberger added: “Both of us concluded that James would not be able to lead the team through the next leg of change that is required.”

Naturally, change is necessary, and the opinion in the senator’s piece was probably too harsh, however, shouldn’t all sides of an argument be heard?


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Zionism = EVIL

The Zionist cunts agenda is global police force that brutalizes the unarmed population on the template of Palestine occupation, India is also doing the same in Kashmir. The dumbass Americunts have armed the police on paramilitary firepower into an occupation force with automatic weapons, armored cars, stun grenades and even cluster weapons. The Zionists give lessons on how to choke women and children until they die. We saw the pressure on the neck of Mr. Floyd and other blacks and minorities.

Amnesty International which normally tows the line, even went to the extent of lodging a formal complaint.

U.S. Police are Being Trained by Israel—And Communities of Color Are Paying the Price

In recent years, Georgia has experienced troubling trends in fatal police shootings and brutality. As this has unfolded, the state continues to pursue a “police exchange” program with Israel.


Chauvin was going to be punished regardless of rioting; whenever theres a death in custody, the body camera footage is held and reviewed. Citizen review boards are part of that process.

The left-liberal communard college Harvard has done an exhaustive study and found no black racial disparity in the killings of unarmed men by police. In fact, they found that unarmed whites are more likely to be killed by police than whites, when adjusted for population.

Police are more likely to kill unarmed whites than blacks, because nobody will give a shit.

Raptar Driver

I doubt he would have been punished. Maybe a slap on the wrist.

Bobby Twoshoes

Americans are allergic to solutions. Why analyse and fix problems when you can burn it all down and hope the next irrational and uncompromising ideology will save you?


These dummies calling for no police will be the first to cry when they become victims of crime & there is no one to help. What do they want local militias patrolling instead, mob justice.


China’s Cops Do Not Carry Guns and Kill 100x Fewer People Than US Cops — 12 vs 1200


The Chinese also have over 1,000,000 Chinese Muslims in re-education camps. Are you advocating that too?


US have muslim concentration camp for terrorist breeding and recruitment base in syria.


So 2 wrongs do make a right — who knew


And thank Obama for that

Peter Moy

Well first of all, Chinese society is not as violent as the madness you see in the US. 2019 murder rate per 100,000 people: China – 0.62, US – 5.35. For the last few years the US has had almost twice as many murders as China even though it has about 1/4 the number of people. Yes the abundance of guns in the US is a major factor (highly controlled in China) but you can kill with many other types of weapons. The societal mentalities are just completely different when comparing the US and China. Just look at the crime rates in all categories. What happens in the US is just downright sick when compared to other countries.

Decatur Guy

What utter BS! The narrative is being pushed by the (((MSM))). And we all know who controls the (((MSM))).


Defund all the inner city police- let the blacks police themselves. And if the suburban police and county sheriffs wont do anything to stop Mob incursions into the outlying areas, defund them too. We have enough firepower and skill that we can do the jobs they refuse to do.

Swift Laggard II

you and who? mf


Come and find out. Make sure to bring your whole pissant Mob


Funny that every city talking about defunding the police are way behind in their Police pension payments and are looking at having to file for bankruptcy. Defunding the police is simply a way to cancelling out their pension requirements to just the present retired cops.

Raptar Driver

Excuse or not the military units we call the police need to go away. All we need is the sheriff’s department.


All Sheriff departments are good for is handing out traffic tickets. call 911 and they may show up before the week is out. Personally I don’t care what happens in cities. I live in a military town and truthfully we have too many folk here that are serious soldiers. Even the retired ones are still bigger badasses than the majority of people.

Raptar Driver

The sheriff’s department is legitimate. The sheriff is voted into office and has constituents. Other police Departments Are unelected and Unaccountable. I was in the military back in the day when we had real soldiers. Hope you feel Safe?


So was I and hubby we both did a tour in Vietnam – My 2 brothers did 3 tours total – Dad was a golden gloves boxer and ex fiance when I lived in the UK was ex- sas. yeah I feel safe anytime any where.

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