Wow. USA might say that proves Russia’s homophobia
Simon Ndiritu
2 years ago
… and that’s how liberal values will weaken Putin??? These pigs have taken perversion to the trenches and will be destroyed.
Last edited 2 years ago by Simon Ndiritu
Jens "Addicted 2 Boyz" Holmo
2 years ago
I was me suking Sawier. I sory, we hurt, bat now better. Whai rusticans ataked us? add me
2 years ago
Attacking people while they’re “at it” is the worst crime imaginable. Even if they’re gay.
Nothing could be worse. There is no doubt that those who threw the bomb will soon die.
Mr. Guldar Tate
2 years ago
They aren’t hunting for actual gay people. They are just calling the Ukrainians a bunch of f****s or punks. Standard insult in any military
This is not simply an insult in this case, but reality. Kiev regime allowed parades of sodomites, allowed them to enter military service. Several years ago there was a social TV promo about perverts in military. Originally it was filmed in England and translated at 10-15 languages to broadcast in colonies. Remember “Tornado” company – servicemen of police – gang of sadistic sodomites. Ukrainization is mental perversion, and one kind of heavy perversion initiates another kinds. They love to name others a faggot even nobody talked about sodomy before, because they are real faggots, this is the mirroring.
The homosexuals (main focus buggering little boys) are the vanguard in the struggle for societal acceptance, followed by outright pedophilia, then followed by incest and bestiality, ending with necrophilia and cannibalism, unless they have thought of something even more perverse by now. This stuff always comes out of the shadows during the decline and fall of a civilization.
Pedophiles, zoophiles and cannibals too. Few years ago two radio anchors went to a hospital to cut a bit of flesh from their bellies. Then they roasted and chewed it in air of their radio. This is first step to make the unacceptable acceptable, the Overton windows method. That’s how they implemented sodomy: 1.Just to speak about it even in rude form, because almost nobody knows about this shit; 2.To show it in neutral or comic shades like in “Police academy”; 3. Blatant propagandist campaign (pressing on emotions rather than logic) that sodomites have civil rights too, they are suffering, just let them fulfill their rights on “parades”, not hide their identity to stop suffer. 4.Accepting the perversion in legal ways; 5.Perverts dictate to majority, laws about rights to adopt kids and to name it “family”, about “homophobia” – against the rights of majority to name sodomy as perversion. Changing documents of WHO where sodomy mow is not mental decease anymore. All who disagree are oppressed. Pedophilic propaganda now is on the stage 3 — “poor” pedophilic monsters have “the right for love”.
Dude, they’re giving each other blowjobs. They’re gay.
Last edited 2 years ago by Tommy Lee
2 years ago
some missiles target themself with heat seekers … they fly towards the warmth … faggots, beware …
2 years ago
How to bomb buggers
biden is ped oh
2 years ago
that is biden and zelensky
2 years ago
Blow me…exactly.
Romanian whore
2 years ago
Soros and the company of Satan’s servants having at own disposal the ‘whole world riches’ as they sworn allegiance to Lucifer via masonry fucking reality will not stop till all world will be sterilized, faggotized and lesbianized, that’s the all things to know.
neo kweer libtards = kaputinism are next:
2 years ago
Leviticus 20:13 You shall not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.
2 years ago
Daily Deadly Dildo Dropping.
2 years ago
Well they already adopted the immoral ideology the democrat are using against us in the west
One of them took a pose like he is sucking a d**k of another one, so they are sodomites. I’m not surprised at all, this is common practice for ukros. They promoted sodomy for years.
It isn’t as clear when you’re watching it on a cellphone.
Joseph Day
2 years ago
So that’s why there’s so many bodies with there pants down
2 years ago
De-militarization, de-nazification and de-sodomization.
Romanian whore
2 years ago
In reality that’s what for they are fighting after all ! To create a pervert nation full of LGBTQ+++++ biologic trash.
Mark Dankof
2 years ago
Were Pete Buttigieg and Admiral Rachel Levine found in the rubble?
2 years ago
I find reprehensible to attack like this two guys not involved in fighting. So they are gay even if this look weird to us this is not our business! Live and let live! They should not wast ammo on non combat stuff!
Wow. USA might say that proves Russia’s homophobia
… and that’s how liberal values will weaken Putin??? These pigs have taken perversion to the trenches and will be destroyed.
I was me suking Sawier. I sory, we hurt, bat now better. Whai rusticans ataked us? add me
Attacking people while they’re “at it” is the worst crime imaginable. Even if they’re gay. Nothing could be worse. There is no doubt that those who threw the bomb will soon die.
They aren’t hunting for actual gay people. They are just calling the Ukrainians a bunch of f****s or punks. Standard insult in any military
They call them “piders” which is more like “pedophiles”.
Close, but not at all.) “Pidor” is a rude form of “pederast”, pederasty is greek word with same meaning as sodomia. Pedophilia is even worse.
This is not simply an insult in this case, but reality. Kiev regime allowed parades of sodomites, allowed them to enter military service. Several years ago there was a social TV promo about perverts in military. Originally it was filmed in England and translated at 10-15 languages to broadcast in colonies. Remember “Tornado” company – servicemen of police – gang of sadistic sodomites. Ukrainization is mental perversion, and one kind of heavy perversion initiates another kinds. They love to name others a faggot even nobody talked about sodomy before, because they are real faggots, this is the mirroring.
Now US and NATO want to decriminalize pedos
There is a government pervert movement in Spain that seeks to have sex with animals.
The Western world is pandering ( pardon the Pun ) to the tiny number of degenerate freaks who currently control the West.
Parasite freaks.
The homosexuals (main focus buggering little boys) are the vanguard in the struggle for societal acceptance, followed by outright pedophilia, then followed by incest and bestiality, ending with necrophilia and cannibalism, unless they have thought of something even more perverse by now. This stuff always comes out of the shadows during the decline and fall of a civilization.
we need to criminalize perverts parts and chop em off.
Pedophiles, zoophiles and cannibals too. Few years ago two radio anchors went to a hospital to cut a bit of flesh from their bellies. Then they roasted and chewed it in air of their radio. This is first step to make the unacceptable acceptable, the Overton windows method. That’s how they implemented sodomy: 1.Just to speak about it even in rude form, because almost nobody knows about this shit; 2.To show it in neutral or comic shades like in “Police academy”; 3. Blatant propagandist campaign (pressing on emotions rather than logic) that sodomites have civil rights too, they are suffering, just let them fulfill their rights on “parades”, not hide their identity to stop suffer. 4.Accepting the perversion in legal ways; 5.Perverts dictate to majority, laws about rights to adopt kids and to name it “family”, about “homophobia” – against the rights of majority to name sodomy as perversion. Changing documents of WHO where sodomy mow is not mental decease anymore. All who disagree are oppressed. Pedophilic propaganda now is on the stage 3 — “poor” pedophilic monsters have “the right for love”.
Dude, they’re giving each other blowjobs. They’re gay.
some missiles target themself with heat seekers … they fly towards the warmth … faggots, beware …
How to bomb buggers
that is biden and zelensky
Blow me…exactly.
Soros and the company of Satan’s servants having at own disposal the ‘whole world riches’ as they sworn allegiance to Lucifer via masonry fucking reality will not stop till all world will be sterilized, faggotized and lesbianized, that’s the all things to know.
Leviticus 20:13 You shall not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.
Daily Deadly Dildo Dropping.
Well they already adopted the immoral ideology the democrat are using against us in the west
Stupid fucking headline …….. Grow to fuck up SF
Quite funny header on my taste.
How can you tell they are gay? Wth is this title?
yea camoflage is good. look at the video carefully a few times. But yea maybe a girl recruit on all fours.
One of them took a pose like he is sucking a d**k of another one, so they are sodomites. I’m not surprised at all, this is common practice for ukros. They promoted sodomy for years.
It isn’t as clear when you’re watching it on a cellphone.
So that’s why there’s so many bodies with there pants down
De-militarization, de-nazification and de-sodomization.
In reality that’s what for they are fighting after all ! To create a pervert nation full of LGBTQ+++++ biologic trash.
Were Pete Buttigieg and Admiral Rachel Levine found in the rubble?
I find reprehensible to attack like this two guys not involved in fighting. So they are gay even if this look weird to us this is not our business! Live and let live! They should not wast ammo on non combat stuff!
“Not involved in fighting”? Do you think they ended up on a trench by accident?
Another GAY NATO soldier going off prematurely, i wonder if he went off with a bang ROFL. =Z=
The video showed a bunker getting bombed. Nothing else.
Lucky one had his head down
You can put whatever headline you want, but headlines like these drain credibility from the site.