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MARCH 2025

Demonization of Russia in a New Cold War Era

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Demonization of Russia in a New Cold War Era

It is time for political leaders and each individual to move us back from the brink of catastrophe to begin to build relationships with our Russian brothers and sisters.(Photo: U.S. Department of Defense/flickr/cc)

Written by Mairead Maguire; Originally appeared at Common Dreams

Inventing a foe to sell military ambitions is still the most dangerous of games

In examining the future, we must look to the past.

As we watch the media today, we are spoon fed more and more propaganda and fear of the unknown, that we should be afraid of the unknown and have full faith that our government is keeping us safe from the unknown. But by looking at media today, those of us who are old enough will be reminded of the era of Cold War news articles, hysteria of how the Russians would invade and how we should duck and cover under tables in our kitchens for the ensuing nuclear war. Under this mass hysteria all Western governments were convinced that we should join Western allies to fight the unknown evil that lies to the east. Later through my travels in Russia during the height of the Cold War with a peace delegation, we were shocked by the poverty of the country, and questioned how we ever were led to believe that Russia was a force to be afraid of. We talked to the Russian students who were dismayed by their absolute poverty and showed anger against NATO for leading their country into an arms race that they could not win. Many years later, when speaking to young Americans in the US, I was in disbelief about the fear the students had of Russia and their talk of invasion. This is a good example of how the unknown can cause a deep rooted paranoia when manipulated by the right powers.

All military is expensive, and we can see in Europe that the countries are reluctant to expand their military spending and find it hard to justify this to their people. In looking at this scenario, we can ask ourselves what is beneficial about this hysteria and fear caused on both sides. All armies must have an enemy to deem them necessary. An enemy must be created, and the people must be convinced that there is need for action to safeguard the freedom of their country.  Right now, we can see a shifting of financial power from old Western powers to the rise of the Middle East and Asia. Do we honestly believe that the Western allies are going to give up their power? My suggestion is: not easily. The old dying empires will fight tooth and nail to protect their financial interests such as the petrol dollar and the many benefits that come through their power over poverty-stricken countries.

Firstly, I must say, that I personally believe that Russia is not by any means without faults. But the amount of anti-Russian propaganda in our media today is a throwback to the Cold War era. We must ask the question: Is this leading to more arms, a bigger NATO? Possibly to challenge large powers in the Middle East and Asia, as we see the US approaching the South China seas, and NATO Naval games taking place in the Black Sea. Missile compounds are being erected in Romania, Poland and other ex-Soviet countries, while military games are set up in Scandinavia close to the Russian border to practice for a cold climate war scenario. At the same time, we see the US President arriving in Europe asking for increased military spending. At the same time the USA has increased its budget by 300 billion in one year.

The demonization of Russia is, I believe, one of the most dangerous things that is happening in our world today. The scapegoating of Russia is an inexcusable game that the West is indulging in. It is time for political leaders and each individual to move us back from the brink of catastrophe to begin to build relationships with our Russian brothers and sisters. Too long has the elite financially gained from war while millions are moved into poverty and desperation. The people of the world have been subjected to war propaganda based on lies and misinformation and we have seen the results of invasions and occupations by NATO disguised as “humanitarian intervention” and “right to protect”. NATO has destroyed the lives of millions of people and purposely devastated their lands, causing the exodus of millions of refugees. The people around the world must not be misled yet again. I personally believe that the US, the UK and France are the most military minded countries, whose inability to use their imagination and creativity to solve conflict through dialogue and negotiation is astonishing to myself and many people. In a highly militarized, dangerous world it is important we start to humanize each other and find ways of cooperation, and build fraternity amongst the nations. The policies of demonization of political leaders as a means of preparing the way for invasions and wars must be stopped immediately and serious effort put in to the building of relationships across the world. The isolation and marginalization of countries will only lead to extremism, fundamentalism and violence.

During our visit to Moscow we had the pleasure of attending a celebration of mass at the main Orthodox Cathedral. I was very inspired by the deep spirituality and faith of the people as they sang the entire three-hour mass. I was moved by the culture of the Russian people and I could feel that their tremendous history of suffering and persecution gave them sensitivity and passion for peace.

Surely it is time that we in Europe refuse to be put in a position where we are forced to choose between our Russian and American brothers and sisters. The enormous problems that we are faced with, such as, due to climate change and wars, mass migration and movement of peoples around the world, need to be tackled as a world community. The lifting of sanctions against Russia and the setting up of programs of cooperation will help build friendships amongst the nations.

I call on all people to encourage their political leaders in the US, EU and Russia to show vision and political leadership and use their skills to build trust and work for peace and nonviolence.

Mairead Corrigan Maguire won the 1976 Nobel Peace Prize for her work for peace in Northern Ireland. Her book, The Vision of Peace (edited by John Dear, with a foreword by Desmond Tutu and a preface by the Dalai Lama) is available from www.wipfandstock.com. She lives in Belfast, Northern Ireland. See: www.peacepeople.com

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John Mason

If I was Putin I would throw out of Russia all embassies whose countries have sanctioned Russia, a no fly zone in Syria and give NATO 1 hour to start withdrawing all the way back to Germany or it is ww3.


It is not as easy as that. Dont forget NATO views its self as far superior power and is really arogant in its behaviour. The way this would turn out would be that we are all dead by the end of this week. So i am happy you are not Putin.


Aye, the real counter to arrogant hotheaded behavior is not to become an arrogant hothead yourself but to be more cool and smarter.

John Mason

No point putting off the inevitable and no one is immortal, comes down to how want to live your life; under a rock or defiantly free. Everyone has a choice and like I said if I was Putin that would be my choice.


If i was Putin, i would be doing exactly what Putin is doing. Perhaps with one exception. I would be trying to send Russia the way Jaques Fresco imagined…..

John Mason

Venus project….would be good to have like Utopia. Unfortunately a pipe dream.


Not an utopia. Full electrification of the whole country was utopia in the beggining of 20th century. Now reality Electricity powered submarine was utopia in Vernes times. Now a reality. Traveling to the space in rocket, was utopia in 1880s. Now a reality (kind of)

Venus project is entirely able of realization. Where do you think automatization of production procesess will lead us with current “money for work” system?


The Venus Project by Zeitgeist Movement is quite rational and interesting. If every resource in the World is equally distributed, we’d all live comfortably and every person would have to work for max 1-2 hours per week. This is logical when you think all of us working for a few filthy rich families (the reason for our modern-slavery). But weird enough, whenever I see such eco-cities, I remember the hunger games… :

Few years back when I investigated TZM (The Zeitgeist Movement) I came acros a Rotschilde (j.r.). heading a TZM seminar in Europe somewhere… Its in YouTube too… We all know ‘the Elite” want the world population to be reduced to 500 million or less (debating)… connecting the dots here… scary. TZM – wolf in sheep’s skin?


I share your view on the Venus project. The global oligarchy sees a project of a model that would not use money or curency as a treath, because money is the very blood of Global oligarchy and NWO. The way they create money while keeping everyone focused on making profit enables them to run the the entire society. Only by money it is possible that the global oligarchy controls the politicians and is able to corrupt almost anyone. There for Venus project and such ideas are being attacked/infiltrated. They are actively trying to overtake the movement or/and discredit the idea the same way they did it for the first time with the appearance of communism. But such a clever and free society should be adopted by the mankind anyway, it just has to be stripped and cleared of the NWO agents inside, or a similiar society using these ideas in an even better way could/should be invented. Special need for such moneyless society is rising fast with the progress of automatization, which will make the “money or work” system obsolete and not viable soon. I am actually working currently on these topics and my book about it is nearly ready. Unfortunatelly it will not be available in english for further time period.


exactly. and nice to hear. keep up the good work, people need to wake up from their slumber quick.


“Everything is possible”

John Mason

Not everything, like your age will never come down.


Interesting man. Thanks.

Brother Thomas

Thank God you’re not Putin in that case. Patience is the key. Play the long game. The Empire is in decline. That way we will all survive.

John Mason

What makes you so sure that the empire won’t fire the first shot. What makes you think that Putin won’t fire the first shot also, he could be biding his time. Looks like you rely on wishful thinking. No wonder that the world is in such a mess when you cower down hoping the problem goes away.

Brother Thomas

Ok, tough guy! I (of course) can’t be sure who will fire the first shot, or if there will be a shot fired. Neither can you. The difference between our positions is you are urging Russia to fire the first shot – or set ultimatums that will force both sides into hardened positions from which neither side will be able to easily stand down. I see you are p1ssed off at the way the US and NATO have been acting. I am too. But escalating unnecessarily would not help Syria is we start WW-3. I suggest you read Mairead Maguire’s piece again – It is wise as it is eloquent in its call for peace. “We the people” need to heed her call. Governments make so much effort lying to us because we DO have power. As Thomas Hobbs put it, the power is with the governed.



Breaking News: US and British Forces Trapped in Idlib Syria

The terrorist commanders with large beards are US and UK army forces. At the moment 20,000 US and UK army with advanced weaponry are fighting against Syrian army to take land from Syrian nation. In this Syrian war US and UK have lost 10,000 army soldiers which have disguised themselves as terrorists. Now these US and UK army forces losing war very fast.

Already they have killed one million Syrians. Therefore, SAA and allies should kill them all. If Trump and Nikki and Benjanyahu is there in Idlib, so kill them too. No excuse for terrorists whether that is a fighter or a president of US.


They should leave Syria because they were not invited. Syria is a sovereign country. I wish soldiers had brains to think for themselves. They are supporting Al Qaeda. The guys who supposedly blew up the WTC twice. I don’t see any Russia or Syrian soldiers on US land.


The WTC was blown up by US intelligence themselves but for that they have blamed Al-Qaeda to invade Afghanistan. Al-Qaeda are in fact US army.

Dušan Mirić

It is fishy story. Trapped with Turkish border so close?!

Julian Clegg



For the money that is now being wasted on additional military spending we could either improve Europe’s borders, or alleviate poverty in Africa, either way would significantly reduce the real threat to Europe, unwanted mass immigration. Think of all the good things that could be done with 300 billion that is now being wasted on useless military hardware and improving shareholder value for the stockholders of Lockheed Martin.

Peter Jennings

The problems lie with our barbarous leaders who have this notion that they have to appear tough on their political tours. In reality they are just obstinate and hateful creatures who are as much at home toadying as they are threatening. A good definition of a psychopath as any.

UN/US/nato domination aims not only concern countries but all the people too, that includes those living in nato countries. If/when the nato public becomes too much trouble for these ‘leaders’, they will also receive the same treatment that is dished out to others in foreign lands, where puppets of nato and the UN cannot control their sticky fingers. The UN and nato were set up solely for the reason of world domination and both have been lying and cheating the public for decades. Nothing what-so-ever to do with maintaining peace between nations. However, they can do it when it suits them. Most of the time, it doesn’t because their aim is the domination of everything.

Religion is all well and good. However, i do not see it as the problem solver when all peoples of religion, bar none, have so easily turned to violence and murdered others for their beliefs.

The problem solvers are the people, the public, the cash cows. Withdraw your consent for the UN and nato and let everyone know you will not be fighting any more shyster wars. Both organisations have gone rogue and need replacing.

Jens Holm

Yerrh – Russia back to Berlin.

Brother Thomas

Thank you for this beautiful voice of reason. What you say is so simple and obvious, yet rarely heard from our leaders. Though we humans have become very clever and technologically advanced, we have not become wiser and have trouble with the simplest rule of being good: to treat others the way you yourself would want to be treated.

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