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MARCH 2025

Denmark Sending Frigate To “Deter” Russia

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Denmark Sending Frigate To “Deter” Russia

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The country has recently tried to show strength on the international scenario, but it only means submission to the US.

Written by Lucas Leiroz, researcher in Social Sciences at the Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; geopolitical consultant.

Apparently, Denmark is interested in assuming a more active involvement in the conflicts on the European continent, but this can lead the country to make risky decisions in the name of interests that are not its own. According to information from the Danish Ministry of Defense, a 140 meter long frigate is about to be sent to the North Atlantic as part of a special NATO mission.

The mission’s objective is to “deter” Russia through a joint naval operation of Western alliance’s countries. Together with vessels from other countries, the Danish frigate will form a kind of “ring of protection” in the North Atlantic. Canada, France, Spain and the Netherlands have also announced that they will be reserving some of their naval equipment to assist the US Navy in this operation. According to military analyst Mads Korsager, the Danish action reflects the “desire to contribute to the deterrence of Russia”, in addition to being a “signal of friendship” to the Americans.

In the same sense, Danish Navy commander, Carsten Fjord-Larsen, said that this mission will be a “golden opportunity” to train the country’s forces and demonstrate that Denmark has a military potential on equal footing with other states.

It is speculated that at least135 Danish soldiers will be sent aboard the frigate. Long-range radar systems, 76mm and 35mm cannons, machine-gun, torpedoes and a long list of specific missiles for marine and air targets will also be sent. There is also the possibility of helicopters being allocated on the frigate. In addition to naval equipment, Danish F-16 fighter jets are included in the aid sent by the country.

Despite bold, the decision it is not surprising. Denmark has previously participated in some similar missions, employing its naval forces to assist foreign troops in NATO projects abroad. For example, Danish frigates supported US and European forces on missions in the Horn of Africa, Syria and the Strait of Hormuz. Among other functions designated to Danish vessels, the main one in most cases was to work in the protection of American and French aircraft carriers.

This time, the Danish mission, in addition to helping to protect allied vessels, will be to monitor the movements of Russian nuclear submarines, avoiding a possible approach to the NATO ring. According to Korsager, the main monitoring targets will be the Russian Navy’ equipment that circulates in the region departing from the Kola Peninsula, where nuclear submarines would be located.

It should also be noted that the decision is taken in the context of a recent attempt on the part of Denmark to raise the country’s international status. For example, earlier this year, around 750 Danish soldiers were deployed to Latvia, making the country maintain its current biggest mission abroad. However, this attempt of international military projection does not necessarily reflect the country’s real potential. Danish authorities even condemned the mission in Latvia, considering it unprepared and poorly planned. There were reports that Danish soldiers had run out of supplies and ammunition, interrupting the drills for lack of material conditions to proceed with the project – which clearly reveals that the Danish government is trying to make the country look like something that does not correspond to the reality.

The current crisis situation in Europe and tensions between NATO and Russia worsen this scenario. Washington encourages Europe to appear strong and united, funding military operations that gather troops and equipment from different NATO countries with the supposed aim of “dissuading” Russia. The Danish Defense Minister, Morten Bødskov, even commented that his country’s decision to send troops was stimulated precisely by this desire to show that Europe is strong in “times of war” and that it will not accept any “invasion” or “military threat”

In practice, this only reveals that once again European forces are mobilizing for unnecessary militarization in the name of false narratives that serve only US interests. After all, there is no reason to believe that there is such a thing as a “Russian threat” to Europe. Moscow’s military operations are territorially restricted to Ukraine and there is no evidence of expanding incursions. So, NATO operation is just aimed at demonstrating force, with no real sense of “protection” against the Russians.

Obviously, it is Denmark’s right to want to “look strong” in the world arena. But it is prudent that the decisions taken by a government correspond to its real potential. Mobilizing troops for a new NATO mega-operation after the failure seen months ago in Latvia will not make Denmark ” look stronger”, it will only reveal how willing the country is to meet American demands even when they do not match its national interests.

You can follow Lucas on Twitter.


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Denmark and every other NATO country is storage for US weapons. Every single NATO country, Arab league country and Israel all flex the same F16/35 and other US weapons. Russia technology out beats them all, so there’s no point in buying and flexing weapons that are inferior to Russia

Work At Home

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Last edited 2 years ago by Work At Home
G2 man

In military terms most of these tiny NATO city states are zero in strategic mass. They are just US puppets and will jump to the masters commands. However, Denmark has a very racist, disgusting and NAZI past. Most Danes were active collaborators of Nazis and now their puppet government is totally controlled by Zionists. All of Scandinavian mini states have huge mental health issues and drugs and alcohol abuse and social malaise.


Take the US military out of the equation, and NATO would collapse like a house of cards.

The Crunge

DENMARK! Oh boy Jens Holms’ country is sending a ship. Must be the greatest ship in the world. The Russkies are toast now. It’s over!

Last edited 2 years ago by The Crunge

lithuany denmark…only terrifics countries

Hunter Biden

HMS Princess Jens Holms

Military frigate and also a gay luxury yacht ⛵ 🛁


Documentary about our princess of the seas, Jensy: “In the navy”


Karl Pomeroy

The break in the war the Ukies were praying for.


I am about to join the western crusade by sending two brigades of Napoleonic infantry from my collection of plastic soldiers from Revell, scale : 1 72. The effect will be the same.


836 AD -AYR -Scotland under Kenneth 1 beat the Danes -13th century Battle of Largs under Alexander 111 gave the Vikings the boot -the 21 century mob don’t even come close to their Viking ancestors.


I don’t think, Denmark is sending anything.. It’s the people who call themself “government” and follow orders from a group globalists.. This has nothing to do with the population..

t s

Danes are subjects under a monarchy


What a cucked pathetic country.


I live in Denmark Denmark is like Liberal

Peppe il Sicario

They surely are!! Some of my partner’s relatives from Serbia moved there nearly 20 years ago. They tell me that the vast majority of native ethnic Danes are complete and utter cucks to whatever their government tells them. Germanic peoples on the whole fall under this category and the Russians and other non-germanic people in Europe all know it.

hunter bidé lab pork !

ahahahahahaha Denmark or a group of politicians and global nazis digital parazites !!? send a frigate to deter russia …………………………oh my my please call the greta its to much climate change !!!!

Karl Pomeroy

Just don’t read the article while you’re drinking coffee! You’ll choke laughing.


how much did jens pay sf to publish this poison taco

Florian Geyer

I understand that Jens Holm is being recruited by the Danish navy to train sailors how to speak English with their US masters. :)

Niall of the Nine Hostages

Talk about stupidity and virtue signalling Danes. Anyhow Russia can breathe a sigh of relief, because the Irish navy won’t be joining NAziTO fleet in the North Atlantic. First off the Irish Republic is neutral and the 26 Counties armed forces will never serve alongside the brits or any alliance that includes the brits. However that doesn’t stop the traitors who run my country from allowing NATO aircraft to refuel at Shannon airport. The Irish navy is the only navy in the world where the sailors go home for lunch. It has 9 vessels used mainly for “fishery protection” or should I say hassling Irish fishermen in Irish waters while other European fishing fleets steal the fish. The last time the Irish did battle with the Danes was Good Friday 1014. The battle of Clonyarf was a decisive battle for Ireland and marked the end of 400 years of Danish and Viking raids. Both sides had around 10,000 men in the field. The astronomers of the Irish High King Brian Boru calculated that there would be a high tide in Dublin Bay at 3pm. At that hour Brian threw all his forces into battle with the order to drive the Danes towards the sea. The Danes tried to wade out to their ships to escape the Irish onslaught and were drowned by the rising tide. 6500 Danes were killed in that battle.


Seems as these danes were even more aggressive than our vainah (chechen and ingush) compatriots in the past. There is TV series about danes and saxons wars in Wessex, “The last kingdom”. If you like history, you can watch it with interest.

Last edited 2 years ago by Антон
Florian Geyer

Very interesting history, thank you.

SM Sparviero

Impressive as there was 1,000 yrs ago some astronomer who calculated the sea tides. And now we have the flat-earthers. Go figure: the Middle Ages were actually more civilized than some modern people are.


Its not hard to calculate the tides a few days ahead as the tides are about 45 minuites later each day but as it varies, it does need professional calculators. High tides are higher just after a new moon and full moon, lowest on the quarter moons and at the equinox, they are both higher and the low tides are lower.


Good idea to get the tides to help to achieve ones objectives


The more we go in this Ukraine’s war, the more Wackos we see in these leaders in Europe. It’s like seeing Danny DeVito being Arnorld Schwarzenegger or at least trying to be. What a bunch of EGO fat head morons would try to face a Bear in his territory. In the game of chest , the Russians have proven their superiority and the Russians won the WW2 with their warfare superiority and strategically. The Brits/US and their Allies wouldn’t have ever won WW2 without the Russians. This time NATO’s war criminals will never win this war without China. NATO without Turkey is like an Eagle without his wings. Erdogan will not provoke Russia, because Turkey desperately needs Russian’s crude oil since he cannot get it from Iran or the Saudis. Putin and his staff are clever people and they will not fall on this North Atlantic Terrorist Organisation’s tactics.

L du Plessis

Deter Russia 😂😂😂


Lol! They aren’t detering anything, they are just wasting their resources, let them.


I predicted fun in commentary section and i was right. Well, Jensy, hell-l-l-o there! What pirate princess of Denmark can tell us?


LOL!! the days of the vikings are over.

Florian Geyer

It’s all about Viqueens now in Europe, Cromwell :)


This is like a little child threatening a fully trained MMA fighter 😂


Denmark is sending a ship Seriously that is scary :)

William White

Surface ships are all sitting ducks for Russia’s new missiles. Floating Coffins!

Karl Pomeroy

I’m sure Russia will flee Donbass entirely as a result of this Danish frigate.


Two words come to mind…laughable and pathetic.

The Crunge

If their frigates as good as Jens’ writings, the Ukes better say frig it, let’s make peace.

Last edited 2 years ago by The Crunge

Just what does Denmark think they are going to do with this ship? If they fire on Russia, They will have made themselves fair game for a missile midship.


One Danish frigate. Game changer…

Peppe il Sicario

Just stick to making butter cookies, please!!!!

The Crunge

They do make good butter cookies. I think they’re a lot better then the Italian ones. Are you Italian? Why does everyone love Italian food. Over rated shit. But I live in new Jersey. I guess I don’t know real Italian food. Those zeppolis are horrible to. The Chinese donuts are a lot better then them. But I have to say not many people give a shit about my opinions.

The Crunge

Those Italian butter cookies are so dry that I don’t even think the vultures in the dessert would want to eat them. Those Canollis are horrendous pieces of garbage as well.


Empty bluster

GTU-UK195Odumb p00fs losing streak

Stick to danish tarts,no future in fascism nor Gay7,nor them mi6/lgbtq midget minions (period)

Last edited 2 years ago by GTU-UK195Odumb p00fs losing streak
Capt. Steven Hiller, USMC

This is like when germany said they would send zellerboy 5,000 helmets LOL

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