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Deputy Head Of Kherson Regional Administration Kirill Stremousov Died In Road Traffic Incident

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Deputy Head Of Kherson Regional Administration Kirill Stremousov Died In Road Traffic Incident

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On november 9, the deputy head of the Kherson regional administration Kirill Stremousov died in a road traffic incident. The fatal accident took place near the town of Genichesk, where the Kherson regional administration was transferred amid the evacuation of civilians from the city of Kherson.

The head of the Ministry of Health of the Kherson region, official data on what happened to the deputy head of the region would be revealed later.

The real reason behind the incident is yet to be revealed. Presumably, the culprit of the accident was a truck driver who made a dangerous maneuver. The driver of Stremousov lost control, trying to avoid a collision.

Deputy Head Of Kherson Regional Administration Kirill Stremousov Died In Road Traffic Incident

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Deputy Head Of Kherson Regional Administration Kirill Stremousov Died In Road Traffic Incident

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Deputy Head Of Kherson Regional Administration Kirill Stremousov Died In Road Traffic Incident

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Deputy Head Of Kherson Regional Administration Kirill Stremousov Died In Road Traffic Incident

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Kirill Stremousov was 45 years old. He has five children left and the sixth will be born soon. The head of the region promised to take care of his relatives.

“Kirill was one of the brightest people who are able to speak and present the truth to people about what is happening in the Kherson region. He worked without a machine gun. He worked with his word and his ability to speak. He has been on the front line, he has been in the rear. He visited both the territory of the region and Kherson itself. Wherever he was, he spoke purely and sincerely about what was happening,” said acting Governor of the Kherson region Vladimir Saldo.

In 2009, Stremousov entered politics and joined the ranks of the Socialist Party of Ukraine. At the same time, he created the local media TavriaNews. In 2021, he became a member of the pro-Russian party Derzhava.

Stremousov headed the Rescue Committee for Peace and Order in the Kherson region after the Russian military entered the city. After the civil-military administration was established in the region, he became deputy head of the region responsible for family, youth, sports and information policies.

He was very active in the social media and was one of those who covered the ongoing military and political developments in the region on a daily basis. He wrote the last message on the morning of November 9 in Telegram, stating that “the situation in the region is under full control of the Russian military.”

On November 9, he was in Kherson and was helping with the evacuation of civilians to the left bank of the Dnieper River. He stressed that the withdrawal of residents of the right-bank part is the main security issue in the Kherson region .


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this is not an accident !!!




Screw Spanish.



Romanian whore

When I heard about ‘driver escaped’ I am 99% sure it’s a secret services action. Happened many times. Same was here: driver escaped. I know 100% for sure from former secret services agents they have in theirs manual of assassinations a chapter with ‘Car crashings and ….how to…..’


@Romanian whore

It’s always the same murderous leeches behind these things. Murder of J.F. Kennedy, General Patton, the filmmaker D. Crowley (+ whole family) that wanted to release the film ‘Grey state’ (which showed that the fake Covid-Pandemia was planned and the health dictatorship was prepared for already in 2014). Then Michael Jackson, Austria Minister Haider, German politician J. Mölleman and doctor Dr. A. Noack, the NSU-deaths in Germany, and in Russia Mr. Lebet and now that ‘car crash’ guy. It’s always the same perpetrators.

Here, just listen to what Michael Jackson said about the jews. And since we both know Zelensky is jewish, and all the russian oligarchs including jewdy Jewtin is so too, we should come to our senses and start fighting the real enemy now. And that is the jews. It’s not the eskimos, it is also not the Spainiards or the French, no, it’s the jews, that’s the parasites name, ok ? It’s not the russian or the american people, it’s not the polish or the german people, no it is jews. Jews who claim to be the Ru, UK, Australian, USA, French, Italian, Ukrainian, Austrian, Switzerland or whatever government. These imposters are just claiming to be “our government” when in fact they are our all enemy. Here, sit down first and then listen closely to what Michael Jackson tells us (before he was killed):


Last edited 2 years ago by Bridgeindawater
Romanian whore

Agreed down to the last letter. But only with one big mention: NO jews. but the khazarian fake jews !


Just a special trafic operation. Since entire resonable written paragraphs are deleted i guess i should not bother writing them since the trolls of both sides are the only ones not deleted.


The neo-Yeltsinist regime in Moscow cannot allow him to criticize their “tactical” abandoning of Kherson so they remove him?



Oh hear, hear .. how it comes that you suddenly realize that Putin is a traitor and a jew ? Is his ‘tactical’ decision making you wake u finally ? Btw, here, please sit down first and then listen to what Michael Jackson said before he was killed. He explictly says that the jews are leeches, and that they are hunting him, and that they are part of a conspiracy and moreover that they do all the evil things on purpose. Here listen to it yourself. Some month later he was suddenly dead, killed by a poison jab.


Last edited 2 years ago by Bridgeindawater
Porc halal

Lol! … “Channel restricted”, “contains holocaust denial” … that’s telling a lot of who is behind bitchute … next


@Porc Halal

No, the channel is just restricted in your country. Just use a proxy and you can see everything. So bitchute is not censoring, it is just your browser and internet-connection resp. internat-provider that is restricting you and your country.

Romanian whore

I don’t see why peoples still use fake manipulated and highly controlled WEB browsers. Use the damn TOR browser for sensible things.

Romanian whore

Open with TOR browser and then save the video on HDD with a free online Bitchute downloader. Hurry up, they will delete that for sure, just like was in the Covid-idiot plandemic. The fake jews control everything.

Last edited 2 years ago by Romanian whore

What seems to go completely over many Western Christian White peoples heads is that black people may always not make much distinction between Jews and Whites in general, Christianity is an offspin of Judaism, Jesus Christ was labelled “KIng of the Jews” by the Romans remember, in the same way white racists may label anyone coloured as a “n*gg*r” even if they are not from Africa.


Let’s hope the truck driver can be found and brought before a court on charges of dangerous driving and leaving the scene of an incident. The roads in kherson can be most dangerous with speeding drivers and in this case a reckless one driving a truck. Say a prayer for Kirill and his family a good and decent man …

opet ja

The driver was sent from Kremlin, so don’t expect he will be found, at least not alive…

Romanian whore

Absolutely that was the reality. The driver will lose his track 1000% and never see again spending its entire life somewhere in a remote Siberia village with a state pension from KGB, or he will be eliminated as well if needed. I can list at least a dozen REAL russian patriots who fought against nazi’s in Donbass who were eliminated as well, Givi, Motorola, Zakharcenko, etc……..russians are stupid just like how americunts are. Both and all are controlled by the deep state globalist ocult fake jew agenda.

V for victory

It seems squashed by a truck, the car is almost unreconizable, and yet the truck was not stopped? How is it possible?

Romanian whore

KGB Putin at work. When russian peoples will wake up will be too late ! For the americunts and the euroidiots this is already a cemented reality


Looks more like an explosion.


The real war is between moderate prosperity and growing impoverishment. By the way, the roots of this war are in Lenin’s NEP. Sorry, but it´s History.

Last edited 2 years ago by jorge

Stremousov was murdered. A good Socialist man died today. We mourn your loss

Romanian whore

Amen ! RIP and pray GOD to punish the perpetrators, the fake jews of Kremlin.

Gerry Bell

Very suspicious coming soon after his article in RT ‘Ukraine Handed its Ass…’ declared the Ukraine assault on Kherson had collapsed AND THEN SHORTLY BEFORE Russia announced a complete retreat from all territory west (or north) of the Dnieper! Surely it is no coincidence the sequence to these events…


Road safety is a point of concern in Cherson these days!

opet ja

Killed by Kremlin traitorous mafia !!! He was opposing that “tactical” retreat and this is also a warning to others not to speak loud against Putin and his mafia dictatorship.

Romanian whore

Absolutely this was the real reason. And he shared same fate as Motorola, Givi, Zakharcenko, and many, many others real russian patriots who were eliminated by the Putin’s circle of fake jews.


This man told live on Russian tv that the Ukrop army is much stronger than the Russian army and more in numbers in the Kherson region. After he said that , the man died.

Putin is sad

Was it the same truck that blew up the Kerch bridge?


@Putin is sad

Haha, yes maybe. At least Putins jewish childhood friend and multibillionaire Arcady Rotenberg had made millions of shekels from the corrupt deal in which his private friend Putin gave him the contract to build that now collapsed bridge. The jew Rotenberg doesn t care if that bridge is in da water or not, as he got the russians taxpayers money in his pocket already. That’s how it works in jewdy Pootins (read: Jewtins) Russia. He orders all the russians taxpayers money to be transfered into the pockets of the jews, and in order to keep in power and hinder the robbed and cheated russians from revolting against his regime, he orders all the russian men in fighting age into the Ukrainian meatgrinder in order to fight and die there. Money for the jews, and poverty and death for the (christian) russians. What a great “russian” president !

Last edited 2 years ago by Bridgeindawater
Romanian whore

I never ever supported Putin who is a mobster placed in that power position by the Kremlin power circle of khazar fake jews ! Only to see how he acceded to power and how he played the oligarchs when he was mayor of St. Petersburg and it’s enough. Not to mention other dozens of dark snapshots of its political and profesional trajectory. He is a classic MOBSTER and he is clearly a fake jew.

Romanian whore

That was never an ACCIDENT ! Just elimination of another uneasy Putin’s characters, just like Motorola, Givi, and other dozens of real russian patriots. Putin is a mega-traitor, a fake jew playing a very particular role in that shit.

Last edited 2 years ago by Romanian whore

Exactly ! But sadly you and a few here seem to be the only ones realizing this truth.

Last edited 2 years ago by Bridgeindawater
Romanian whore

From beginning I was present on SF with another nickname and I predicted all that military shit with over 90% accuracy. What I predict now, is they will make the deals, sharing what to divide from that russian conquered zones. Putin, the kikejoo will remain with DPR, LPR and Krimeea but will finally cede almost the remaining entire Zaporodjie and Kherson. He will retain only a small buffer zone for having a direct land connection with Krimeea. And the fajoos (fake jews, now that will remain definitively in the vocabulary worldwide) from both sides will successfully end the chapter of enslaving peoples from earth by ongoing economic and military crisis. The digital underskin credit and ID cards waits inline very soon.

Last edited 2 years ago by Romanian whore
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