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MARCH 2025

Desert Hawks, Liwa al-Quds Recapture Imporatnt Hill From ISIS In Eastern Hama

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Desert Hawks, Liwa al-Quds Recapture Imporatnt Hill From ISIS In Eastern Hama

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Syrian government forces, led by the Desert Hawks Brigade and Liwa al-Quds, have liberated the important Tabarat Al-Deibeh Hill from ISIS terrorists in the eastern Hama countryside.

The hill has been place of an intense fighting for about two weeks and has been captured and recaptured a few times by the both sides.

However, on Thursday, government troops fully secured the area.

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Wahid Algiers

In general, thanks to the palastinian sunnies and the shia hezbollah for fighting in Syria on the right side.


Quite agree, it’s important for the future of Middle Easterners that the US attempt to fabricate a new invented tradition about ancient antagonisms fails and is seen to fail.

Justin Ryan

Yet you support the US Coalition and the SDF Kurds against the SAA! So why are u talking BS u rat! Yes, u know i screen shot ur posts bitch! shall i start posting them every time u make a comment? Ure a Rat!

Jacek Wolski

Don’t forget to take a deep breath between sentences.

Justin Ryan

was that supposed to be a come back comment? If it was, it might actually be the most pathetic one ive ever encountered! Are u a lefty liberal who supports 3rd wave feminism? Ure high estrogen levels are obvious,

Try again, i know that cant be all u got! Come on mate, put some effort into it!

Jacek Wolski

If you’re having problems at home there are help lines you can ring. Try Lifeline, you life is precious to your family.

Justin Ryan

yep…. ure a liberal cuck! next time just say “I’m a liberal cuck” so we don’t need to wait to discover it! I bet when people call u a “fuck head” u reply with “you’re an apple”! and then u smile to yourself and think “yeah, I told that guy off”! Hahahaha, how do people like u survive? I’ve heard of people like u! They usually commit suicide because of ‘online bullying’! How are u still alive??

Jacek Wolski

You paint a sad picture of your life. It’s not too late to reach out and seek help. Stop being an ISIS supporter as this will not end well. Have you spoken to your family and friends about problems that you keep bottling up inside?

Justin Ryan

Who said I was an ISIS supporter? Where did u get that info from? Do u even know what u are talking about? Did u just wonder into a conversation not knowing what the hell was going on? Seriously…. are u stupid? Just answer that first and we will talk about how in the hell u come up with the idea that I support isis! So…. step 1….. are u stupid?

Jacek Wolski

So not only are you an ISIS supporter, you’re also becoming a stalker. Your problems seems to be quantifying innumerably ?

Justin Ryan

Ummmm, who’s the stalker? If u look up, u will see its is YOU who replied to me yet i said nothing to u from the beginning! Now im the stalker? Now i support ISIS?

What shit u smokin?

“Wolski”….. ok, ok i see whats happening here ok! I smell a rat! Another fuckin Jew Rat who’s Grand father didnt get Gassed in Warsaw!

OK, i see…. ure protecting a fellow Rat and u thought u could fool me huh!

ok, ok….. U know, after a while, rats are easily found, just takes a keen eye to spot them!

Jacek Wolski

Life getting a tad too difficult for you in the playground Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi? Fear not, the SAA will wipe that smirk off your face you ISIS rat!


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