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More Details Appear About Tiger Forces Airlanding Operation Behind ISIS Lines (Video, Photos)

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Few minutes ago the Syrian media released more info about the Tiger Forces landing operation behind ISIS lines in the province of Raqqah reported earlier today.

According to the report, government troops led by Tiger Forces Commander Suheil al-Hassan were transported by 4 Mi-35 attack helicopters to the eastern Raqqah countryside 21km behind the frontline and Khirbet Makman village, Al-Qadir town and Bir Rahum.

The Russian Aerospace Forces supported the opeartion providing an air cover to the advancing government troops, according to the report.

This was the first ever airlanding operation conducted by the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) during the ongoing war. The operation confirmed the growing SAA military capabilities and its restored ability to conduct rapid operations across the country.

More Details Appear About Tiger Forces Airlanding Operation Behind ISIS Lines (Video, Photos)

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More Details Appear About Tiger Forces Airlanding Operation Behind ISIS Lines (Video, Photos)

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More Details Appear About Tiger Forces Airlanding Operation Behind ISIS Lines (Video, Photos)

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More Details Appear About Tiger Forces Airlanding Operation Behind ISIS Lines (Video, Photos)

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More Details Appear About Tiger Forces Airlanding Operation Behind ISIS Lines (Video, Photos)

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More Details Appear About Tiger Forces Airlanding Operation Behind ISIS Lines (Video, Photos)

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More Details Appear About Tiger Forces Airlanding Operation Behind ISIS Lines (Video, Photos)

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More Details Appear About Tiger Forces Airlanding Operation Behind ISIS Lines (Video, Photos)

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More Details Appear About Tiger Forces Airlanding Operation Behind ISIS Lines (Video, Photos)

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More Details Appear About Tiger Forces Airlanding Operation Behind ISIS Lines (Video, Photos)

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More Details Appear About Tiger Forces Airlanding Operation Behind ISIS Lines (Video, Photos)

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More Details Appear About Tiger Forces Airlanding Operation Behind ISIS Lines (Video, Photos)

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More Details Appear About Tiger Forces Airlanding Operation Behind ISIS Lines (Video, Photos)

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More Details Appear About Tiger Forces Airlanding Operation Behind ISIS Lines (Video, Photos)

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More Details Appear About Tiger Forces Airlanding Operation Behind ISIS Lines (Video, Photos)

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More Details Appear About Tiger Forces Airlanding Operation Behind ISIS Lines (Video, Photos)

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awesome!! ??



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Steven Fay

good job

Maj Dan

Like Bill Clinton: His wife does not miss him. She probably has something better!


It’s Mi-17s transporting and apparently Ka-52s doing CAS. Otherwise… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c8a4984a1f833ba5792574a6e467f1163a46f8f738cb3711e9fc79ffbb33ee14.jpg


Well done heroes. God bless you all.

Richard M

A big defeat for Daesh. Now they have to keep eyes on the sky, not just dig in and block overland advances.


You can move 4x4s with heavier weapons with the MI17s. That could be a game changer if deployed in any type of volume. And provide a decisive advantage even in smaller numbers on a case by case basis.

Anton Spirin



Very ballsy!!!


ISISrael and Ziodi Arabia won’t be enjoying this news, the US terrorists and their “SDF” proxies even less. For them the SAA should’ve been disbanded by now, like Saddam’s was after 2003 instead of becoming an evermore competent fighting force.


This is not a bad way of vertical envelopment of ISIS forces, dropping about 50 special forces equipped with heavy precession weapons, Kornets ATGM, shoulder fired weapons and being able to paint identified enemy targets for air strikes, represents a potent surgical force. Being able to hit ISIS vehicles and tanks from behind lines, destroying fortified positions and opening gaps for the advancing main forces represents a significant breakthrough in SAA capabilities. More Mi35 helicopters are needed to expand SAA aerial deployment capabilities.

Jan Tjarks

Indeed, it badly threw Daesh off balance. SAA seems to have reached Al Kawm already, which is a huge advance. Only one road left for Deash to supply central Syria if I understood correctly. Not exactly a comfortable position.

As Deash wanted to take Sukhna, their back got rolled up right away. This forces Deash to split forces, easing pressure on Sukhna. It would be a huge surprise already if Daesh manages to take back the city.

But it can get worse, if SAA manages to split Daesh apart and thus killing every opportunity to attack Sukhna with force, but having to address being split apart. Effectively, it’s not about taking Sukhna anymore, but preventing the worst outcome for Daesh. Being attacked in their rear while trying to retake Sukhna is no option.

A brilliant move by the SAA.


Tiger forces getting close to Suknah places ISIS in a very difficult position, ISIS is in no contidition to counterattack and take Suknah, it does not appear that ISIS wants to withdraw eastward and avoid being encircled in central Syria. The ISIS forces in the Eufrates valley have to contend in defending T2 and the about 100-150 kms around it; Deir Ezzor is a dagger in ISIS’s back bleeding it continuously, ISIS forces in the Euphrates valley will not have the numbers, firepower and mobility to counter SAA and allies advances, they are on the verge of being destroyed.


Hmmm, do the Syrians want to cut off the US head-chopping, heart-eating rapers in the west and have to fight their breakout attempts or get them to run the gauntlet down the last road? Beda Fomm here we come….

Jan Tjarks

Both options are possible. As Deash needs manpower in the east, cutting it off will make them desperate, probably creating opportunities to destroy large forces with less risk, which are trying to break through or aiding the fight at Sukhna.

But letting them through will make it easier to retake central Syria. However, that is a matter of time only anyway. While the gap, if there are enough forces available to close it, can relief pressure on the forces in Sukhna if necessary.

Thus, question is, what is regarded being more important and how real is it that SAA can really close the gap in time now. If they lose to much time to close it, the bulk of the forces will have withdrawn anyway.

Therefore, leaving a gap is the more likely event, be it tactically wanted, or necessary due to limits imposed. We will see what really happens anyway.

While Daesh is being flanked out like there is no tomorrow, it at least has the advantage to be in the center, throwing around its forces wherever they are needed. At the same time SAA forces are split up, not being able to reinforce each other (north / south) in the Sukhna area.

Jens Holm

Its always forgotten from SAA`s that they make it easy to be flanked out and they give ISIS all chances for doing it by long thin lines.

Jan Tjarks

With the manpower at hand for both sides, it plays out better for SAA currently, as they can field more troops.

The huge front line around central Syria now might have been intended from the beginning, to stretch Daesh forces, as it affects them more than SAA. They can count on plenty of forces, as many hate Daesh to the guts. Especially those, who saw what Daesh really is. At the same time, Daesh has to hire mercs or has to use forced conscription.

Solomon Krupacek

More Mi35 helicopters are needed

not rocket technology? :))


Your problem is, the Cold War outcome chew bone you like to chew on, is a thing of the past, Gorbachev trusted Reagan and got burned, US has become so unreliable and deceptive, no intelligent Russian would trust them. As far as Sweden being so advanced and intelligent , I view them as intelligent idiots, whereby leftist agenda has made them mentally ill, void of common sense and out of touch with reality, identical to all NWO leftist deadbeats.

Jan Tjarks

Currently the USA are desperately begging everyone to finally start a war with them, but no one is falling for their traps anymore. Everyone is hanging out the sign at their doors:

No soliciting!

Besides, NK is throwing some bones, but those won’t hit Guam anyway, they are not stupid. They know, if the USA attacks them first, it is the prefect excuse for China and Russia to support NK with full force, giving the USA their next Vietnam. China already clearly stated this, while Russia won’t leave NK hanging out alone either.

If there is no other opportunity arising, the USA still might bite. They probably would consider it the easiest case to manipulate in the media.

But, it seems to me that Trump is using his bad reputation to full extend, to fool the establishment, by over fulfilling their demands making them fail.

White house in full guerrilla mode?


Yes, it is of my opinion that Trump is giving the establishment enough rope to hang itself.

Jens Holm


Jan Tjarks



I flew UH-1 ‘slicks 1968-69, in I corps VN, for the 101 ASHB and I am Jealous of these aviators. There is nothing like combat to get the adrenalin flowing, read all about it in my book “Slick Driver” available on Amazon,for $3.95, all revenue goes to my local Vet hospital. Good luck men.

Eezy Green

How about giving the money to your victims you piece of shit shameless war criminal. Spruiking here for your tawdry little book is disgusting. Hope the Agent Orange keeps you itching.

Jan Tjarks

Don’t brag at the victims and don’t brag at those who have been fooled becoming soldiers in wars. That is exactly what the oligarchs and the establishment wants from us, that we fight and meddle with everyone, beside them.


Says the guy wearing a mask and using a fake name

Brad Isherwood

The number of helicopters destroyed or damaged during the operation shocked the proponents of U.S. Army aviation and prompted a reevaluation of basic airmobile doctrine. The 101st Airborne Division alone, for example, had 84 of its aircraft destroyed and another 430 damaged. Combined U.S./ARVN helicopter losses totaled 168 destroyed and 618 damaged.[9] During Lam Son 719 American helicopters had flown more than 160,000 sorties and 19 U.S. Army aviators had been killed, 59 were wounded, and 11 were missing at its conclusion.[85] South Vietnamese helicopters had flown an additional 5,500 missions. U.S. Air Force tactical aircraft had flown more than 8,000 sorties during the incursion and had dropped 20,000 tons of bombs and napalm.[89] B-52 bombers had flown another 1,358 sorties and dropped 32,000 tons of ordnance. Seven U.S. fixed-wing aircraft were shot down over southern Laos: six from the Air Force (two dead/two missing) and one from the Navy (one aviator killed).[citation needed][wiki]

How many Americans aware of this shit kicking? https://www.amazon.ca/INTO-LAOS-Keith-W-Nolan/dp/044020044X This book covers the numerous actions occuring in concert with the Main operation. US M551 Sheridan tank platoons getting overrun on night lager, US supply convoy driving route 9 thru a shooting gallery of RPGs. ARVN Generals screwing each other so that mission fails. As military drama writing goes. …Nolans book is a 9


I want to read your book.

Brad Isherwood

Used to post on Freerepublic website. …before getting booted for criticising Bush. Poster – Aloha Ronnie was Col Hal Moores Radio man during the Battle of the I Drang, Made famous from the movie – We were Soldiers / Mel Gibson. Another poster was Green Beret MACV going over the wire into Cambodia /Laos to rescue downed airmen,recon Ho Chi Minh trail,run Hatchet missions. http://rs150.pbsrc.com/albums/s99/MERKAVAS/Airlift3.jpg?w=480&h=480&fit=clip Family member was Gunny 3rd Marine Mike Co 65 – 69 Quang Tri Province 3rd Marine gearing up for opps at rockpile.

Into Laos should be at numerous used bookstores. It’s online free read after joining and jumping thru a few hoops. The 2 posters mentioned above were quite candid about what went on during the war and how command was FUBAR. Grant/Gunny 3rd Marine has passed on now.


I flew ‘over the fence’ a few times, putting them IN or taking them OUT, call me Bad names I don’t care, I’d do it again in a heartbeat.


Well done

Mahmoud Larfi

General al-Hassan looks real badass with all that techy gear… Much like Syria’s G.I Joe. What’s that rifle he’s carrying ? Any Idea ?

Toni Liu

It looks like AK74M with gp30 grenade launcher and unknown night scope


Very good!


Next time point your guns towards the helicopter floor. Every vital part of the helicopter it’s located on the top and one misfire could potentially bring down the chopper ending the mission real fast.

Wahid Algiers

Psychological very very hard for the ISIS fighters who now need a vertical look too in direction of their beloved heaven.


Considering the losses of the Syrian Army, particularly so many pre-war trained troops, this looks like a rather impressive come-back gig. Well done them lads.

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