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MARCH 2025

Development of the Israeli Air Force Tactical Fighter Fleet

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Development of the Israeli Air Force Tactical Fighter Fleet

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Written by A. Marsov; Originally appeared at Foreign Military Review #4 2019, translated by AlexD exclusively for SouthFront

The Israel Defence Ministry is modernising the Air Force combat aircraft fleet on a ten-year period. The main part of the Israeli attack aircraft at the present stage is tactical fighters (TF) F-16 “Fighting Falcon” of various modifications, F-15C, D “Eagle” and F-15I “Ra’am” (about 300 units in total).

In addition, in order to rapidly build up the combat potential of the Air Force during the threatening period, it is planned to put into operation at least 150 F-4E “Phantom”, “Kfir” and A-4 “Hok” (these aircraft are not in operation and are in long-term storage).

Development of the Israeli Air Force Tactical Fighter Fleet

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The main efforts of the Israeli leadership are aimed at purchasing 50 American fifth-generation F-35A Lightning-2 TF before 2024. As of December 2018, the 140th Aviation Squadron Golden Eagle (AvB Tell el Milch) received 14 such aircraft. At the same time, according to the Western expert community, it is possible to order another 20 aircraft of this type for the Israeli Air Force, including modifications with short (vertical) take-off and landing – F-35B.

It should be noted that the enterprises of the Israeli military-industrial complex (MIC) are actively involved in the design and mass production of certain components of the fifth-generation aircraft. In particular, Elbit Systems is one of the leading developers of the HMDS (Helmet Mounted Display System) large format target designation system.

This system is part of the on-board radio electronic equipment (OEM), which provides a display of the current situation as well as a large array of additional information necessary for the pilot to simultaneously pilot the vehicle, escort, identify and defeat air/ground targets.

In addition, it is planned to establish production of wing consoles F-35 machines on the technological base of the company “Israel Aerospace Industries” (IAI).

For this purpose, it is planned to use the IAI’s production line, which previously assembled similar elements for the F-16 “Fighting Falcon”. For this purpose, the American firm Lockheed Martin has allocated at least $2 billion to the Israeli side with a 10-year contract period.

Development of the Israeli Air Force Tactical Fighter Fleet

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At the present stage, as part of an additional agreement between the U.S. and Israel, a modification of F-35I “Adir” is being created for the Air Force of the Jewish state. It will differ from the base version of the F-35A “Lightning-2” in increased mass of combat load, as well as in the use of FREO components and aircraft guided weapons produced by Israeli enterprises.

In addition, joint development of a special software version for the F-35I “Adir” is underway. Its implementation will make it possible to use various radio electronic components produced by the IAI’s subsidiary company “Elta” as part of the F-35I’s BREO. This equipment, produced for other types of aircraft in container version, will be installed inside the fuselage. This will keep the aircraft’s radar range low visibility.

The nomenclature of onboard arms of F-35I fighters is planned to include additionally guided aircraft bombs and air-to-air and air-to-ground missiles created by the national military-industrial complex. According to the Israel Defence Ministry leadership, these measures will reduce the dependence of the national air force on imports of high-tech products imposed by Washington.

Currently, representatives of Lockheed Martin Corporation are discussing with the customer the features of the upcoming fight tests of the new Adir. It is expected that they will start this year and will take place in Israel. The test programme is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2022. In the future it is not excluded the possibility of converting all existing F-35A “Lightning-2” TI from the country’s Air Force to F-35I “Adir” standard.

At the same time, Israeli military experts note a number of shortcomings typical of American aircraft that were identified during the pilot operation of the transferred aircraft: frequent failures in the work of onboard armament as well as in logistics (ALIS). The leadership of the Department of Defence intends to address these observations during the design phase of a new aircraft modification.

It should be also noted that the Israeli Air Force Command, in order to improve the speed of maintenance of its fifth-generation fighter jets, has trained its own specialists in several additional areas required to operate the F-35A Lightning-2 systems (AvB Nevatim, Adir Training Centre).

The Israeli Armed Forces are simultaneously modernising the fourth-generation tactical fighter fleet. They are intended to ensure that the Air Force maintains a high level of operational readiness during the re-equipment of TF F-35A “Lightning 2” units, whose acquisition programme is behind schedule.

Development of the Israeli Air Force Tactical Fighter Fleet

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In particular, the possibility of purchasing up to 30 new F-15E Strike Eagle fighters from Boeing is under consideration. Their most likely designation in Israel is F-15IA. These machines have a lower weight of construction, including the use of an innovative remote-control system. This made it possible to increase the combat load and establish additional points of suspension of the weapon. The basis of the fighter’s BREO will be a multifunctional radar with an active phased array antenna, which has an increased range of detection of air targets, greater resolution and reliability.

The possibility of Tel Aviv receiving credit funds from international financial organisations for this purpose, guaranteed by the U.S. government, is currently being discussed. Taking into account the preparatory activities, the start of deliveries of new aircraft is not expected before 2022. At the same time, in the medium term, it is planned to upgrade all existing F-15I Ra’am combat vehicles to F-15IA level.

In total, Israel spends a third of the U.S. financial assistance on the acquisition of weapons of its aircraft fleet renewal programme. Its structure, approved by the U.S. Congress in 2018, represents annual tranches of $3.8 billion until 2028.

This will enable the Israeli Ministry of Defence to maintain the proportion of new and upgraded strike aircraft at up to 80 percent of its staff. The integration of tactical fighter jets into the unified information space of the Tzayad national armed forces, which is being created, will further improve the quality of task fulfilment.


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Daily Beatings

F35s that can’t go supersonic for extended periods:


I guess Syria and Iran will have a rich target environment if the squatters decide to stray into their backyards.

Jens Holm

Supersonic for longer periods are not needed. You just fo You best to talk those jets down.

No coffeemachine as well and not even hot water forr tea.

Daily Beatings

I guess someone has to be an apologist for this 1.5 trillion dollar debacle. But you’re not just an apologist, you’re also an idiot.

Jens Holm

Yerrrh, everything should go supersonic 24/7 if it costs 1,5 trillion dollars.

Is it Your money ??? If not its none of You business.

Daily Beatings

For 1.5 trillion as long as it has fuel it should go supersonic 24/7, anything less is unacceptable. My tax dollars at work paying for this money pit, so it’s my business.

Jens Holm

When we make military equipment here, we are clever enough to be stockholders too.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Germany arms your lot, they also fucked your Margrethe.

Jens Holm

You dont know much about us. Do You.

If its about Margrethe Vestager, she is employed as Kommisionary by EU and for all members.

When some sometimes dont like her, its because se is doing a good job.

And its many other companies and countries too. She woould like fx Google and Facebook should pay tax, because they makes a lot of profit.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Denmark collaborated with the Nazis, sent troops to Russia, and kissed Hitlers ass.

What’s left to know, that Margrethe is the spawn of a nazi officer!


Israel is a corrupt criminal entity that is fleecing the gullible west with a totally fake narrative. With an dubious imported population of barely 6 million or so squatters living off western taxpayers in occupied Arab Palestine it is on stolen land and on borrowed time and not worth even mentioning. It amounts to nothing as zero plus zero still equals zero.


Hopefull these air assets will be used to take out Nasrallah :D

Ashok Varma

Hezbollah is good fighter against terrorism. India should be worried about Saudi Wahabbism that is seeping in.


And shia terrorism as well.


I love India :) Ashok is a traitor and should be ignored.


Whose this Mustapha idiot Turk?


Mustafa is on our side he hates Iran and Hezbollah too, he is ok with India.


He is abusing hindus.Im a hindu.Anyway turks dont matter much to us.They are weak as compared to us and we can crush them if they do something funny to India :D


Well I don’t think Turks have something against you guys, but no one can win India in a war we all know it. Some Turks love Pakistan I know, but I think most of them don’t care. Anyway no need to argue guys, our problem is guys like Ashok.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Britain “won” India, for centuries you muppet. Before the Brits, the Mongols ran it.

You muppet!


You are so strong that you cant even build your own support ships and that Turkey building them for you ?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Musthaveashit is a goatfucker, of the highest order. Iron Zion is his goat.

Jens Holm

I allow me to say is BETTER then Assads. Its because they are educated as milisia in smaller grou ps with many smalller relative indenedent Leaders.

So they fit better. We see the same for YPG.

Mustafa Mehmet

Hezbollock is terrorist group.. go back to the your s*******. H


India can and should destroy the Paki terrorists, but don’t think for a second that Hezbollah likes you.



Jens Holm

The enemies have no chance unless the Israeleins keep themsekves as sitting ducks and tell, where they are…

Ashok Varma

Israel is a begging bowl like Pakistan and all its weapons are freebies from US and the west. It like an industrial sized money vacuum cleaner sucking the western world dry with endless largesse.

Jens Holm

There we go again. The comment is comming from Your own behind and Your own bad food. Very good cimputers cant send smell – yet.

Mustafa Mehmet

99p hindu varma.. clueless idiot


Fuck your profet and islam.I shit on ur quran :D


You indians can shit every corner in your overcrowded stupid neck-moving shithole. You can even survive by eating your shit. You guys are the definition of cockroaches with chinese locusts. “Breeding” and “Shitting” is your proficiency.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You can’t spell Koran, never mind shit on one.

Jens Holm

Haha. Most mulims cant even read it but instead gets a paper or are told its “written”.

So people has to believe “it has been written” and not pancake with goat and jam recepies.

And we see the results. Fx so many here think they has to lie all the time. But facts are You twice can see, that You CAN lie.

rightiswrong rightiswrong


rightiswrong rightiswrong

Musthaveashit is a goatfucker.

Mustafa Mehmet

Only your mama nobody else I. fu… ck

rightiswrong rightiswrong

I fucked your mama and sisters, dirty bitches who eat pig meat and then suck on a hot dog.

Jens Holm

Muslims are strange. The rest of the world ejoy pigmeat. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ff022390c1857d2a208b8c99d5b120fca3a4638ac78c5a0e3171ceb58a804dd1.jpg

Jens Holm

Mee too, but only my own and not in the wintertime. She has been dead for a some time. She is still smiling..

Jens Holm

You are a clver goat ??? How much do You pay:)

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Musthaveashit paid Margrethe 2 danish pig rolls, for a ride.

Margrethe would only do it if the pigs joined in.

Jim Allen

US Government is destroying the country, economically, as the Globalist’s advance UN Agenda 21/2030 Sustainability Development Guidelines. Underway since 1992. This is a world de-population agenda, Developed, written by the owner of United Nations organization, The City of London. Zionist Khazar criminal Banking Cabal headquarters. The Cabal owns Israel, The Vatican, Central Bank, the world banking systems, International Courts,, Interpol, and more. Either the Bank, Rothschild directly, or Groupe LCF Rothschild. Rothschild represents the members of the Groupe, of Globalist elite 1% that own all manufacturing, Agriculture, food production, Medical products, Pharmaceuticals, Healthcare providers, Transportation, NGO oversight, Non-Profits, Charities, the financial institutions, stock markets, surveillance, security, intelligence agencies, most countries Federal reserve bank. US Government is a wholly owned subsidiary of The City of London. US military is the designated protector of Israel, the Banking Cabal’s bully puppet, serving it’s needs as directed. The puppet masters are done with USA, sucked all the resources, anything of value dry. Zionist Khazars pretending to be God’s Chosen Ones now intend to turn the country into a nature reserve. But first the population must be killed. (genocide) As outlined in UN Agenda 21/2030. The reduction of world’s population 90% by 2030. To date The City of London is prevailing. The people are silently standing by. All the COVID-19 “Social Distancing, that isolate the people like a super-max prison the lock down of the economy, causing businesses to close, actually deliberately forcing these businesses to close, permanently, unemployment is off the charts, again. The methods US Government has dictated to the people to stop the virus spreading goes against all known medical practices. The one treatment that’s effective, has been labelled dangerous, banned for use, and all stocks of the treatment are gone. Not to be found in US. Not like this has never happened before….


Ashok you are a traitor that supports Pakistan against India, pp is a true patriotic Indian.


F35I and F16I are doing a good job in killing IRGC scums, but it’s just the tip of the iceberg. When we really decide to hit them, they will go back home dead everyday.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

How can dead people go home everyday?

You inbred 3 skinned muppet.

Jens Holm

Only enemies see begging from Israel. Israel dont beg.

So the begging must be in Your dreams or nighmares.

We as westerns dont see whats not there. A s private person I am tired in UN has paid for Palestinians since 1949 and by me a few dollars too.

At Least Jews makes their own money and get the rest from USA.

Americans are emmigrants themselves and do understand how it is to be among Indians.


Israel don’t beg…….LOL !!

Israel just whines………….and every corrupt western government steals taxpayer money to feed the insatiable WELFARE QUEEN. My government forks out $3 Billions in cash and an addition $8-10 Billion in subsidies that will never be paid back. Israeli companies are allowed to bid on American government contracts, which is a direct theft of taxpayer money. Israeli organizations directly fund American politicians. Israel does not need to beg, the corrupt slime just give the cash away.

Is it the same in Denmark ? If so, what the hell happened to the Vikings? When did you guys start bending over as well?

Jens Holm

Well most in West like the “wellfare Queen” and dont see it as a theft.

You probatly compare with Your own lousy economy. I can only advice You and Your children to go to school and educate Yourself and make a bigger income.

I didnt invent the USA system, but we pay very high tax here but we also get back in things meant for all.

Fx we have free schools and You can be a lawyer or doctor for free. We dont pay for hospital visits and almost nothing for medicine.

All gets the same pension as base and many add extra pension.

We do have a GDP of 55.000 dollars and pay only 2% for warfare and some extra fx for educating Iraqian soldiers being much better in their small ranks as well as using less bullets and hit more targets.

Wé feel fine here – most of us. Our IMF is A+ + +. and we sell mpre to USA then they do to us, and its advanced stuff incl. some arm tech.

We now are good in Corona. The last many days we have had lewss then 10 dead ones and have less restriction. We are 5,5 mio and have 550 dead ones. ………………………..

Vikings were a big expansion from Sweden, Norway and Denmark. They were very good in vessels, trading but also very determinat Leaders.

I think there were 2 reasosn for they dissapered. 1) They were not many and assimilated and 2) The Christianity and its culture took over with knight and big castles.

But we can find a lot from them even today in neigbor languages as well as lot of silvercoind were owed and became jewlery here.

The good things about the Vikings are, they were written a lot about and there were many good and exiting stories.

Maybee You know old Obelix, Asterix and the small white dog Idefix.

When they come back from America to Iceland and tell they have found a new land the local king says – A new land, is this not good enough.

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/88759f41552422bee67dd47571e98cf4322fdb587a65e0953532ade7237bbff6.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ff022390c1857d2a208b8c99d5b120fca3a4638ac78c5a0e3171ceb58a804dd1.jpg

El Mashi

Soon, any Israeli aggression will be responded in kind with a retaliatory attack on the airbase from where the aggression originated.

Jens Holm

Much like Your comment miight be the next title for some scioence fiction.


Try us.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

2000 years of shame.

That’s what you get for worshipping multiple gods and mutilating your sons.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Hitler did 6 million of your lot, and still the Germans laugh at your non response.


IAF is doing great in hunting down IRGC targets, so they will leave Syria or die.


Sadly, there is almost no sunni left in Syria, all shias and sub-iranian race kurds. That means, there will be always big retardullah presence in Syria if things wont change soon. The last Idlib escalations was a chance to USA and Israel. Israel showed his support by doing simultaneous attacks. But USA kept saying “We will give political support bla bla”, all we needed was to USA suprassing Russians. Then in a month there would be no Hezbos in Syria. But Trump feared on elections. Meh, dont think there will be another chance.


I trust our generals Exerian, it might come to a ground assault like TSK did. Now it’s up to Russia to put their pressure on Iran, we will not let Syria become another Southern Lebanon. You may see a war soon.


Well, i am certain there is something going on. What is happening on the ground is way different then what our politicians are selling to us. James Jeffrey constantly making meetings with almost everyone, trying to find a common ground. Our army still massing armor on that small area like we dont have enough. There is definitely something going on. Presidents last praise letter to EU and statements about not activating S-400 for now etc. Maybe, just maybe USA understood his mistake, we will see. I dont even like Erdoğan but we gotta admit he is strong m8. I can name at least 5 countries that he can win elections as a foreigner. Working with that kinda man is always better then working against him for peace and stability in ME. Anyways, we will see some results in the upcoming days, my best wishes for humanity.


I agree man, and I hope Turkey also protects its interests in Syria. If the SAA wanna help Iran so be it, you will see the biggest war in decades. Israelis are ready for it, but let’s see if they are ready to die far away from their land. Just a little reminder, our artillery can bomb Damescus to the ground without even crossing the border.


I say, they had it coming. The pain they caused, deserves a punishment.


I isn’t a “Jewish state”, it’s a zionist antisemite colony.

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