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War In Ukraine Day 15: Preparing For Second Phase Of Russian Operation

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War In Ukraine Day 15: Preparing For Second Phase Of Russian Operation

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On March 10, the joined forces of the Russian Federation, the DPR and the LPR did not make significant breakthroughs on the territory of Ukraine. The liberation of territories from the AFU is carried out steadily village by village. At the same time, the strengthening of the positions of Russian forces in strategically important regions indicates that the second phase of Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine will begin in the coming days.

For several days now, the parties have not announced any information about a new round of negotiations. Previously, the main point for talks between Kiev and Moscow was the organization of humanitarian corridors, but after several failed attempts, the Russian Armed Forces began evacuation of civilians from the most dangerous regions on their own without Kiev’s participation.

“Humanitarian corridors in Ukraine towards the territory of Russia will be opened daily from 10 a.m. (Moscow time) unilaterally,” the Russian Defense Ministry said.

As of March 10, the Ukrainian side has agreed on only four of the 14 humanitarian corridors proposed by Russia. Kiev refuses to coordinate the departure of the civilian population towards the Russian Federation, and the nationalists use the ceasefire regime to strengthen their positions, mining roads leading to humanitarian corridors.

Radicals in Ukraine continue to kill, torture and hold hostage over 4.5 million civilians as human shields, according to the Russian Defense Ministry.

War In Ukraine Day 15: Preparing For Second Phase Of Russian Operation

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Meanwhile, the joint forces continue to advance deep into the territory of Ukraine.

On March 10, units of the People’s Militia of the DPR took control over 5 more settlements in the Donbass region, including Maryanovka, Lazarevka, Lesnoye, Blizhne and Tavla.

The armed forces of the Russian Federation advanced 10 km more and took control over the villages of Stepnoye, Krapivnitskoye, Maly Kremenchik, Novopetryakovka and Yalynsk.


The positions of the LPR and the AFU remain almost without significant changes in the area of the cities of Severodonetsk and Lisichansk, which are surrounded from three directions. Fighting continues in the suburbs, but the entry of the LPR forces into the city has not been reported yet. The assault can begin only after the capture of the southern roads leading to the city and the encirclement of the AFU grouping in the region.

To this end, the forces of the LPR continue their offensive near the town of Popasnaya, which is south of Severodonetsk. No significant advances have been reported, and fighting continues.

Meanwhile, the Armed Forces of Ukraine continue to actively bombard residential areas in Donetsk, Horlivka and neary villages, including with the use of weapons of mass destruction, namely tactical missile systems Tochka-U. Fighting continues in the western suburbs of the cities.

The mopping-up operations continue in Mariupol and Volnovakha. The advance of LPR forces was reported in the northern and eastern districts of the city. According to reports, in Mariupol, the units of the PM of the DPR took control of the quarters Azovsky, Naidenovka, Lyapino, Vinogradar in the eastern part of the city and reached the Azovstal power plant. In the western part of the city, the Western microdistrict was taken.

Russian UAVs were deployed to detect and defeat the positions of Ukrainian nationalists in the city.


At the same time, there are no hopes for a quick moping-up of the city, the operations may take more than a week.

Meanwhile, fighters of the nationalist battalion besieged in Mariupol are waiting for a counter-offensive of the AFU from the north of the city, along the Dnieper— Zaporozhye — Kropyvnytskyi—Krivoy Rog front lines. However, the AFU definitely have no forces to counterattack the Russian grouping in the region. Russia and the DPR continue to increase the control zone north of Mariupol.

Ukrainian Bayraktars in action:


On March 10, the Russian Ministry of Defense confirmed that the claims about the Russian airstrike on the operating hospital in Mariupol are a completely staged provocation, what was previously proved by an independent analysis of photo and video materials.

“We have repeatedly stated earlier that medical institutions in Mariupol, including Hospital No. 3, stopped their regular work at the end of February. All the staff and patients were dispersed by the nationalists. The hospital building, due to its advantageous tactical location close to the city center, has been converted into a stronghold of the national battalion “Azov”. This is massively reported by residents of the city who have moved both to Kiev-controlled and Donetsk People’s Republic-controlled areas,” the ministry said.

“The nature of the external and internal damage to the building may mislead the mass non-professional audience in Europe and the USA, for which this production was made. But not experts. A high-explosive aviation munition, even of lower power, would completely destroy the outer walls of the building.”

This is not the first fake news that the Kiev regime is spreading in the hope of provoking NATO to close the skies over Ukraine and thereby to drag the Alliance into a war with Russia.

The offensive of the DPR forces continues on the western outskirts of Volnovakha, in the villages of Bugas, Novotroitskoye, where the flags of the republic are already hanging on administrative buildings. During the retreat, the AFU soldiers deliberately blow up substations, water drains, depriving local civilians of light, water and heat.

In the north-east of Ukraine, Russian forces have launched an offensive towards the city of Chuguev, where the AFU military base is located and which remains under the control of the Ukrainian Army. One of the SBU buildings was destroyed on March 10.


The situation in Kharkiv remains fairly stable. Fighting continues in the outskirts of the city. On the evening of March 10, a fire engulfed the Institute of Physics and Technology in the north-eastern outskirts of the city, where nuclear researches were conducted. Earlier, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation reported that the SBU and the militants of the national battalions mined the reactor of an experimental nuclear installation, with the aim of another provocation.

War In Ukraine Day 15: Preparing For Second Phase Of Russian Operation

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Kharkiv residents demand that the AFU remove equipment from schools, the military are outraged that residents allegedly intend to drain their positions:

Ukrainian nationalists in a children garden:

War In Ukraine Day 15: Preparing For Second Phase Of Russian Operation

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Fighting continues in the Kiev area to the west and east of the capital. It was reported that Russian columns were advancing to the southwest in the Boryspil area, but it is too early to talk about strengthening Russian positions there.


Meanwhile, assassinations continue in the city. Dmitry Demyanenko, a former deputy head of the Main Directorate of the SBU in Kiev and the Kiev region, was killed at a checkpoint in the Darnitsky district of Kiev. Demyanenko was shot by militants of the special purpose police regiment “Peacemaker”.


In the southern front lines, Russian forces are reportedly advancing towards Kriviy Rig and Nikopol from the direction of Mykolaiv. Missile strikes were also carried out in these areas.

In the area of Zaporizhya, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have passed the village of Gulyai Pole from the east and are moving towards Novaya Novoselka and Ugledar.

An armory of Ukrainian forces in a schools in Kherson:


To the north of Mykolaev, new clashes were reported near Voznesensk, from where Russian troops were repulsed a few days ago.

Missiles and artillery of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation struck targets in the Korabelny district of Mykolaev, Kulbakino airfield and Voskresensk.

On March 10, Russian Kalibr missiles were launched from the warships in the Black Sea and hit the airfield near Kriviy Rig.

War In Ukraine Day 15: Preparing For Second Phase Of Russian Operation

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Judging by the military developments in the southern and eastern regions of the country, the beginning of the second phase of Russia’s special operation in Ukraine will take place in the coming days. It includes a massive offensive against the AFU positions in the districts of Odessa, Kriviy Rig, Dnepropetrovsk and Zaporizhya, as well as the encirclement of the largest AFU grouping in the Donbass region.


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Who uses ”cover the skies over Ukraine” apart from Zelensky? They think this is Afghanistan? NATO could never be able to enforce a no-fly zone over Ukraine even if they wanted to, how?

Last edited 2 years ago by Wizzy

The whole point is to stoke a spark so that WW3 would erupt. Not that it would benefit the people of any particular nation, but rather the international jewish clique and their lackeys.

Trevor Lorenz

How many of the Russian billionaire oligarchs with close personal ties to Putin are Jews? Let’s not start naming them as the thread would get long and boring.

But I don’t think Putin is anyone’s saviour.


A lot of people seem not to know the fact that “the western” and you can include the biggest number of euro countrys too – do no longer have a military to do military jobs. They have been cut down to a career opportunity system for yes sayer kids of the ruling party. Most of these officers there did not have combat service for decades – some of them the last time at the academy, but right afterwards their job has become a civilian one. The smaller countries could arm around 5000 “fighters” of questionable fitness and mental levels – since smoking, drugs and the alcohol has also become an issue hard to control in this part of the world. The university is to be visited if you are looking forward to rank up the officers list and who knows if after all that civil school live behind you – you perhaps already got a better job than the “western professional military” could offer you…


Agree. They even renounced to compulsory military stage and rely only on ‘paid army’, 1000 smaller than in the former communist regime. Also, after ’89, the old security intelligence who totally defected to the globalist american hegemony, used to lure political figures with military grades in secret. So, we now have THOUSANDS of (cardboard) generals, I mean literally THOUSANDS, many under 50 years old, who are the lackeys of US embassy for everything and enjoying ‘special pensions’ for this military status. When the country is bankrupt, failed and with poorer citizens, those ‘special pensions’ eat 2 BILLION Euro’s a year !!!!!!!! Only to maintain a mafia-like political system.


I could have chosen a military officer carrier when I was 19. But fighting for what ? President and NATO ? I don’t see the point. So I make sport and remain a single business private teacher (less tax). I will never fight anyone.

Last edited 2 years ago by Sylvain

Sad to be said the fight has reached us by now (in the heads of corse) – and believe it or not – your job now would be a 8 – 12 hours a day office and coffee mashine walk and then drive home and “have served the professionals” who can’t do a single pull up, who can’t run a kilometer without collapsing, who need 8 hours of sleep every night and still complain about the burnout syndrome thing…

Ashok Varma

Russia has demonstrated remarkable restraint, but now is the time to go full Monty and destroy the Ukrainian Nazis with maximum force and airpower. Every conventional weapon in Russian arsenal must be deployed to liberate Russian Ukraine heartland. No mercy for the Nazis and drug addicts.


Lavrov said yesterday that NOW it’s a fight of Russia for it’s own very SURVVAL. And I agree 110% of that.

Trevor Lorenz

The Russian people are strong, and will survive. It’s The Supreme leader for life Putin who is fighting for his survival. We should not get the two separate entities mixed up.

Will Putin die in a ditch like Momar, or by the hangman’s noose like Saddam?

Counting sheep

Ok mr or ms. CIA agent

Simon Ndiritu

Will you die from Opioid overdose of from mass shooting?

Yamil Perez

What was the first phase, Scooby? The Russian corpses phase?


So you’ve finished sucking your first tranche of bandera-nazi dck, and you’re posting on your lunch break?

BTW I don’t know why you are having lunch – surely you are full enough?



Arch Bungle

Please don’t insult the dignity of sandniggers.


Anti-Jewish and Anti-Nazi in the same sentence – you’re really are dumb huh?

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Azovisis corpses phase*

Arch Bungle

No, it was the: “Get Zelensky Cowering in an Unknown Location Begging for Help From NATO” part.

Hope that answers your question, cornpop.




Hey, it is supposed that in war peoples die, isn’t it, cock-sucker faggot ?


“Kriviy Rig, Dnepropetrovsk and Zaporizhya” I seriously hope not. As I said on other thread instead of trying to encircle all of these cities and advance on too many directions they should focus their main offensive towards Moldavia/Transnistria from both north and south, split the country in 2 (or 3 actually: east, west and south/odessa), isolate them from foreign support, and only then switch eastwards to finish the job and take these cities. With enough troops they can reach Moldavian border in 2 weeks from both directions, and then the game is over for ukraine.


Last edited 2 years ago by Valens

Who knows what the Russians have decided on based on what they know on the ground.

Really depends on what they have for 2nd Echelon/Wave and Phase II.

Will they bring in the kind of equipment that will neutralize the best western anti-tank equipment like the Javelin, if they are available?

The western backed Ukrops have a fair bit of US Javelins. Are the known locations of those equipment currently determining where the forces go next rather than where we prefer them to go?

Ukraine central command backbone is broken, so its unlikely these weapons can be carried to where they are needed, so the solution would be to go around these danger zones until more advanced equipment can be brought up or those stockpiles are neutralized by air strikes.


Isolating the country would mean to completely control all of the borders, which seems impossible due to the size of Ukraine. I would argue that the Russians are on a good path, they consolidate, regroup, and when they finally close the cauldron with the Ukrainian brigades in the Donbas they have basically neutralized the Ukrainian most capable forces. While all the major cities are besieged. The Ukrainian side and the western media are playing their game convincing the world of a Ukrainian victory, but nowhere we see the Ukrainian forces take over the initiative, that is a good sign for a Russian winning position. I would also guess that it is form upmost importance to free the Donbas and secure the population there, that finally the shelling of their homes will come to an end.

Johny cash

You seem to know way more than the russians. There leadership and planners has been nothing short of pathetic. Making the most basics of mistakes in every turn. Only started using krasnopol yesterday like wtf, did the generals or commanders only realised they have these. My confidence in their military has been badly shaken ngl, calling it a disappointment is a understatement.

Maninder singh Batra

In normal circumstances I would have agreed but these are circumstances where russian forces are busy capturing biolabs and nuclear power plants to prevent the Ukrainians from producing wmd and destroying nato infrastructure . The attack was haphazard and totally unplanned and just abrupt as if an emergency to prevent some kind of attack and it did take considerable losses. Please note that soviet Premier Nikita khrushchev favored high mobility light armored vehicles in a nuclear war environment. Likely a nuclear or bio attack was coming and putin preemptively struck

Cyric Vigilius

Most of the Russian losses happened in the first three days. Nothing hapharzard or unplanned about it. It has been planned for at least two years. They tried a decapitation strike in the hopes the regime would collapse. In didn’t. More of an intelligence failure than a military one.

The south is the key. That is where the offensive has made the most progress. Complete the land bridge. With the exception of Kyiv, the north is just to keep Ukrainian forces tied down.

Last edited 2 years ago by Cyric Vigilius

From an ‘academy of military’ probably your have the most ‘right’. The key is the south and the encirclement of Kiev. Deprive the banderastan of a sea shore is a holocaust.

Horse Cock Putin

Papist Banderist Uniate Pigs hiding behind women and children human shields instead of fighting like men, cannon fodder for that group, you know whom I’m talking about.. May every last one of them die in agony or live the rest of their days in a cage. Kiev in turmoil with liquidations and infighting soon to be surrounded and cut off of supplies. UAF forces crumbling and fleeing while the “Cokehead of Kiev” asks for foreign volunteers. Well, Russia should also form a Foreign Legion of its own to let the rest of the world in on this fight against Fascism.

the end

I would stuff them in human Nazi ZOO. Visitors can buy crakers, petards, or toilet paper to throw at them. NOTHING ELSE ALLOWED!


Here, I again agree. Like in Spain, where the imperialists from Washington and London orchestrated a coup against the legitimate left-wing winners of the elections and practically giving Spain to Hitler and his Franco criminals…


Azovists getting buried in mass graves in Mariupol, at least 1000 so far over the last 24 hours

Porc halal


the end

The source is western MSM, which is shouting, we need to get out our citizens. Well, I am happy to announce, Nazis ain’t going anywhere but 6 feet under. Popcorn anyone?


‘Human’ trash that belong to the landfill, not a mass grave.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Bayraktar videos look fake. Especially the first one. What type of SAM is that. No radar no nothing. It looks like a modded S-125 twin launcher. Russia has phased those out 25years ago. They are used in Syria tho…


They went as far as to use a video of a Palestinian girl punching an Israeli soldier and called that ‘brave Ukrainian girl fighting Russian soldier’. Real integrity there.

the end

Well, with joos, you never know when they will stab you in the back. Well, they will do it always anyway. So rest the word “integrity” for true purpose.


On the sam, you could be right, but to my eye it looks like sa-6 tri launcher with one missile missing (either used or not loaded), as I’m not aware of a twin mod for sa6. /me shrugs


It doesn’t matter what launcher that is (most likely a KUB with one of three missiles launched. S-125 is mounted on a truck, not tracked armored vehicle) It’s more than obvious that the launcher, including it’s crisp shadow move around over the ground. Lousy cheap fake.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

A cruise missile a day keeps Azovisis away 🤗

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

CIAtrolls and ukrobots are crying and raging 🤗🤡

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Slava Rossiye 🇷🇺

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Phase 1: Warming up Phase 2: annihilation Phase 3: mop up Phase 4: 🤗🇷🇺

Yamil Perez Is A Faggot

LEAKED RADAR SIGNATURE FOR BAYRAKTAR TB2: https://cmano-db.com/aircraft/5476/ Against early warning radar bands without loadout (0.01-0.005m²) or (0.0.008-0.015m²) with loadout Against fire control radar bands without loadout (0.00065-0.001m²) or (0.0008-0.003m²) with loadout This makes the TB2 a stealth drone, even stealthier than an F-35s leaked radar signature of 0.001m² Pantsir-SM and BUK-M3 are the ONLY efficient options to effectively counter TB2 besides S-400. I’ll explain why:

1. Pantsir-S1 has a detection range of 36km for a 2m² target, and tracking radar range of 28km for 2m² 2. Against TB2 with loadout, Pantsir-S1 has an 9km DETECTION range and a 6km ENGAGEMENT range. 3. Unfortunately only IR/Optical is the best option for TB2 for S1. 4. TB2 MAM-L can reach 12km while MAM-C can reach 8km. MAM-L can engage safe outside of S1 range 5. Pantsir-SM has a detection range of up to 75km for a ~1m² target, and a up to 40km for a ~1m² target 6. Pantsir-SM can DETECT a TB2 then around 23km and ENGAGE around 16km. All Pantsir-S1 should be upgraded to the SM standard ASAP, as well as BUK-M2 should be upgraded to M3 standard. S-400 can detect and shoot down bayraktar around 60km with 96L6 and up to 90km with Nebo-SVU. S-300 can shoot down TB2 at range of 40km and up to 60km with Nebo-SVU.

Even with this info, SAA managed to down at least 10 TB2, and Libyans downed over 40. But with more advanced Pantsir/BUK upgrades, TB2 wont stand a chance at all. Also Moskva EW and Krasukah-2 can hijak SATCOM controls of TB2, so no air defense even necessary. So far over 7 UKROP Bayraktars downed by Russian BUK-M2 and Pantsir-S2 in Ukraine, and another 4 downed by RuAF Su-35s.

*Problem with BUK is that it has NO detection radar that spins 360 degrees. It has only one multimode radar which can point only one direction at a time. That is why Bayraktars sneaked from behind. To remedy this, Krasukah for passive detection, Pantsir-S2 with active search radars for 360 degree coverage, and BUK-M2 with active radars need to be escorting every armored convoy*

Last edited 2 years ago by Yamil Perez Is A Faggot
Yamil Perez Is A Faggot

Russian ground forces should station S-300PM2 with 96L6 and Nebo-SVU behind frontlines north of Kiev, Chernihiv, east of Kharkov, and at Kherson. This will give them a complete air defense bubble against Bayraktar TB2 up to 60km, and against mig-29 up to 250km. In addition to their armored convoys being escorted by Pantsir-S2 with active radars (not S1) to provide 360 degree anti-air coverage. EW systems should also be active near frontlines that can detect and locate TB2 passively, and even hijak their control systems or fry their electronics. Up the game! Release the Bear.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

TOR would be also a good option. They proved themselves in Syria against drone saturation attacks. More so than the Pantsir. Also I doubt the gayracktard is that stealthy. Thats around the same level as an F-22 or B-2 Bomber. I doubt the Turkish defense industry can produce something like this. Also 3D passive radars will detect it no matter how stealthy it is. The problem is that the majority of SAMs are in Russia or Belarus due to safe reasons. Only a few are inside Ukraine. They need more. And also Tunguska.

Maninder singh Batra

I think things are a lot hotter than you realise. That is why advanced weapons are being kept in reserve.


I see someone else plays CMO too, just keep in mind the data isn’t secret (you’re not leaking anything) it’s from open sources + developers guessing for the purposes of balance in the game. ;)

Ze Z

Typically in wars, the first thing you do is stop the enemy’s communication. Radio and TV are taken over, and the mobile cellular network is turned off, etc. With the control of radio and TV, one could begin to guide the civilian population. Strange that the Russians haven’t done it yet. Then I don’t understand why drones aren’t used more often. It was enough to put one to watch the city of Kharkiv and Mariupol to know where the Nazis were hiding… In short, a very atypical war.

Maninder singh Batra

They left the cell network to let the population realise that the volksturm and Ukrainian regime are a bunch of criminals. And the effect is showing

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Not taking out every tv/radio and celltower has two reasons. First, they don’t want the local population totally cut off from the communication network and news. Second the EM radiation of these towers can be used for target illuminiation for 3D passive radar. Imagine it like an optical IR sensor but instead of IR its using broad band radio waves that reflects from aerial targets. This type of passive radar is very advanced and only a handful of countries have the tech. The main advantage is that its totally passive, cant be tracked, pinpointed or jammed. Disantvatage is that its only for detection and tracking if you want to engage the target you need other types of active radars.

Last edited 2 years ago by Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan
Chairman Meow

what about nearby patroling advanced fighters (eg Su-34) looking down from somewhat above 3000 m ?

I suppose then a far away A-50 (over 200 km) has almost no chance of seeing these drones?

Chairman Meow

oops i meant to reply to “LEAKED RADAR SIGNATURE FOR BAYRAKTAR TB2:”

Timmy Temperance

It is disturbing seeing soldiers in schools. When that school gets hit by return fire those Nazis will find a kid and put jam on his face so the Western media can say that Putin eats children.


I am a russian simpathizer from EU. I really aprove hard measures against ucranian claims to join NATO, the criminal gang my country belongs. But i think it is contradictory to be an anti-nazi and saying that everything is a jewish conspiracy. Neo-liberals have no religion. Just profit.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greatganza

Russia is already fighting the U.S.. Ukraine is just a proxy.

Russia! You better start fighting the real enemy or you will lose.

You cannot beat the enemy by only fighting the proxies. You should have learned this in Afghanistan.

The U.S. wants to destroy you!

mike l hutchings

the truth comes back around, it takes its time, but it always does


I think it’s a decent time for a covert Op arming the kurds inside Turkey. They have the rights to have theirs own country, like the israeli !

jos Boersema

Hey guys. Can you avoid putting the deaths of people to music and cheers ? It is somewhat distasteful, even if they are “the enemy”, and I think you will shoot yourself in the foot with it. It does not look civilized. It also does not help with anything. What does it help with ? The will to fight ? Happiness ? But, really ? Are we really happy about people dying ? Compare: children born, wedding, new born, new job, or the DPR flag on a village. I think such is better to be happy about. If you laugh and have music to death, then “the enemy” also sees this, and it makes them angry, possibly very angry and willing to fight. Whatever you gain, you loose there. Just don’t do it. It also makes it harder for wounds to heal, when the whole stupid war is over again. I think it is understandable that soldiers laugh and cheer when they have a hit after so much effort, but it’s not necessary to share exactly that with the world, is it ? People doing gruesome jobs have their way, but when the coroners make jokes during their work, the grieving family is not supposed to be there to hear it (and, they aren’t). Right ? Wasn’t there a rule about “respecting the enemy” ? I also wonder if it makes it easier for Ukranians to surrender to Russia, if they do *not* see videos of their own people dying set to happy music or laughter. You need to make it easy for them to surrender, right ? Basic respect for the enemy, can help with that. Would you like to surrender to an enemy, who put the death of your comrades to funny music and shared it with the world ? I would think: if this is what makes them happy, using me for target practice on the range will make them happy as well, so what am I supposed to do with that ? Maybe I will decide to fight to the death. Don’t get “too carried away” with things ? A lot of people are just more people, their opinions are not that strong. They live here, they live there, they hear this they hear that, they end up on this side of the front line, or the other. I hear the people in the east like the bible, no ? You can also look this up: Mozes forbid the Israelites to celebrate when the army of the Pharao died in the sea, even though that was a tremendous victory for them, and they won the whole thing because of just that. Even the religion is against it ? Have a great day …

P.S. Have you thought of the possibility that in the future, it could be months, large amounts of Russians are taken captive ? What if USA + Vassals decide to slow the Russian advance, and they pour in. What if those prisoners end up under the control of guards, who sees videos about their dying comrades on South Front, set to funny music and laughter. What will they do to the prisoners ? Will you like to be taken prisoner by the USA side and Vassals such as Ukranian or NATO, knowing that your side is routinely making funny videos about the people dying in whose complete control you would be, a control so complete that they could kill you any moment, say that it was just another death on the front and nobody will ever be able to proof a thing ? Will you think: oh no, I wish my comrades had treated these guys with more respect when they fell into our hands, because now I have fallen into theirs, and I risk a similar treatment, or worse as a payment of revenge.

Last edited 2 years ago by jos Boersema

A grad salvo a day keeps cia banderistan the fk away

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