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MARCH 2025

Did CIA Train Ukrainian Torturers?

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Did CIA Train Ukrainian Torturers?

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Journalist reports similarities between Ukrainian and American torture techniques.

Written by Lucas Leiroz, researcher in Social Sciences at the Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; geopolitical consultant.

Western media accuse Russia of perpetrating war crimes in Ukraine and committing human rights violations against civilians and prisoners. However, these same agencies are absolutely silent in the face of the evident practices of torture by Kiev’s agents against their enemies, which, curiously, present several similarities with the already known torture techniques applied by the CIA, according to a recent report by a journalist. The matter raises suspicions about a possible “instruction” that would be transmitted by American intelligence to Ukrainian neo-Nazis on “how to torture”.

On May 6, a meeting was held at the United Nations Security Council in order to discuss topics concerning the war crimes committed by Kiev against the population of Donbass during the eight years of conflict. Various evidence was presented, showing that such crimes are real and constitute indeed a serious problem in the region. The proofs included photos, videos, oral testimonies from residents of Donetsk and Lugansk, as well as many other materials collected by journalists on the ground.

One of the journalist team’s leaders is the Dutch independent reporter Sonja van den Ende, who categorically claims that there is irrefutable evidence of the collaboration between Ukrainian official forces and neo-Nazi battalions in the execution of such crimes, showing that the practice is institutionalized and not restricted to isolated paramilitary groups. She also states that, despite the material presented, some Western countries – mainly US, UK, and France – showed an “arrogant” attitude, being disrespectful to the delicacy of the subject and ignoring the evidence of suffering of the people of Donbass, as well as despising the work of journalists.

These were some of her words: “I participated in the UN Security Council Arria-Formula meeting on 6 May 2022 (…) The goal of this meeting was to present to the United Nations (UN) members evidence about war crimes committed by the Ukrainian Army in cooperation with the Azov Battalion which was provided by us, journalists on the ground, in Donbass. The evidence was presented in the form of videos and oral testimonies, from residents of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, especially Mariupol, Volnovakha and Melitiopol (…) [However] They (Western countries) completely ignored us and didn’t ask any questions (…) I personally made some remarks at the end of the meeting. I asked them if they want WWIII and why they don’t listen to us, the journalists, who are working on the ground”.

More than simply ignoring the gravity of the facts, the representatives of the Western powers even tried to deny the irrefutable evidence of such crimes. Rodney Hunter, political coordinator for the US Mission to the United Nations, claimed that Russia was “misusing” the Council’s functions and “spewing falsehoods, disinformation, lies and false narratives”. He ignored the fact that the accusations were not simply “made by Russia” but corroborated by an international team of journalists.

In fact, this Western attitude was already expected by all analysts who study the Ukrainian case. Silence and disdain have already become central hallmarks of the way Kiev’s allies deal with the countless evidence of war crimes, genocide and torture committed by the Ukrainian armed forces and Russophobic neo-Nazi militias. Russia has been trying to resolve the case in international instances for a long time, but without success, as is the case with the lawsuit filed within the European Court and ignored by the judges. The impossibility of peaceful resolution was one of the reasons why the military operation became inevitable.

What seems most shocking, however, is the fact that the reports pointed out by Van den Ende states as a conclusion that there is a similarity in practices between the acts of torture witnessed in the Donbass and those practiced by US agents in other parts of the world. Some of the journalists who participated in the investigations in Donbass, including Sonja herself, had previously participated in similar activities elsewhere, investigating crimes of torture committed by Americans. These professionals see an extreme similarity of practices in both cases and believe that this is not a mere coincidence.

The Dutch journalist stated that the torture techniques she saw practiced in a secret Ukrainian prison in Mariupol are strikingly similar to those practiced by the CIA in clandestine detention sites around the world. These techniques include acts of extreme violence, such as the so-called “enhanced interrogations”, where the interrogated are physically hurt in order to give information – a practice that was already confirmed by the US Senate, in 2014, to have been used by the CIA against prisoners.

Furthermore, Van den Ende claims that she has found evidence that Ukrainian neo-Nazis practice the so-called “waterboarding”, a drowning technique that is also widely used by the CIA, which leads her to believe that the Azov Battalion and other Ukrainian nationalist militias have been specifically trained by the Americans on “how to torture” their detainees.

Considering the high level of proximity between US intelligence and Ukrainian neo-Nazis, it does not seem surprising that the US has in fact operated some sort of clandestine training, teaching torture techniques considered “efficient”. What is surprising is that international organizations remain silent in the face of such an absurd fact. Something so serious cannot in any way be ignored: sanctions must be applied against the US for its connivance with Ukrainian crimes in Donbass.


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Ashok Varma

The sad fact is that US is a depraved racist cesspool with a very hateful evil population that has no regard for even rudimentary humanity, let alone basic human rights or decency. The daily gun violence, crime, racism and sheer evil permeate US savages so the CIA is only exporting its home “values”, Abu Gharaib, Bagram, Guantanamo, 200 torture Black OP sites in Poland, Romania and other occupied puppet NATO failed states are some other recent examples of CIA contribution to the worst types of brutality.

Captain Hohol

Tbh despite the “racism” aspect, a very disproportionate percentage of gun violence is actually perpetrated by minorities in the U.S.

So much so that if you only accounted for whites committing gun violence the U.S would have a criminal incidence similar to that of Luxembourg.


You are a Cretin Bullshitter par excellence = Rates of white-on-white and Black-on-Black homicide are similar, at around 80% and 90% Overall, most homicides in the United States are intraracial, and the rates of white-on-white and Black-on-Black killings are similar, both long term and in individual years.

Between 1980-2008, the U.S. Department of Justice found that 84% of white victims were killed by white offenders and 93% of Black victims were killed by Black offenders.

G2 man

Historically 98.7% mass shooting in the US, Australia (Port Arthur), NZ (Christchurch), Norway etc are committed by “white” mostly Anglo angry trash. In the US, 99.2% of all mass gun violence is committed by “white supremacists” according to the corrupted FBI stats even. The trailer trash is angry at the success of others and has guns and will continue to kill innocent people. US is an angry imploding banana republic that is fanning terrorism and wars at home and abroad, while neglecting its own poverty stricken trailer trash. The stupid evil bastards have spent over $90 billion deadbeat printed dollars against Russia by arming the Jew clowns in Kiev, while average American trash has no health care, is addicted to drugs and guns and has declining life span. GO FIGURE!


Yes, but mass murders in USA are only 1% of the murders

Shirley Temple

White loser men are angry as they have small peckers, no skills and women now control the US and Europe and don’t want to date losers . The trailer trash is armed and deadly.


You jews have a serious inferiority complex.


Mate the whitey bloke is angry at feminism. A new generation of angry white supremacist killer: shedding blood with internet winks, memes and livestreams with full right wing government’s backing. Why do the Seppo’s need military grade weapons?


Exactly, all the other shootings is mostly gang-related (blacks or mexicans) or robbery related (blacks and mexicans). So here we have the truth.

Hundreds of years ago Blacks were nabbed in Africa by paid african and european slave-hunters and then, in hostage-style transported to USA into slavery by jewish companies, which also owned nearly ALL the slave-ships.

And mexicans were and still are led into the USA by jewish dominated US administrations, so that they can flood america, same as jewess Merkel, in Germany, flooded the land with blacks and Arabs from all over the world. Bottom line: It’s jews behind the real crimes always !

Last edited 2 years ago by Sörenson

No, most mass shooters aren’t White. You fall for all the government PsyOps instead of the real thing.

Russia falsely claims all Whites in the West are incurable “racists” and “faggots” while regularly threatening to nuke the west and tying in with Orthodox Christian end times theology.

https: //www. amren. com/the-color-of-crime/

https: //thuletide. wordpress. com/2020/08/01/racial-crime-statistics-lots-of-infographics/


Eat shit and die faggot Nazi, you’re like the Uncle Tom house negro of white Americans. All of your group chats and gay little torch marches are full of FBI and CIA agents, they’re the only people you’re making any plans with you dumbass. You’re one of the most valuable and indispensable tools in the US government’s arsenal of domestic control, a useful idiot, patsy, braindead moron, whatever you want to call yourself.

Last edited 2 years ago by ATLGA
Ashok Varma

Dear chap, it is the Anglo-Zionist who are pushing the LGBTlowIQ QUEER perverted agenda all over the world and meeting resistance in Muslim and Orthodox nations. So Russia is right that the west is full of NAZIS> RACISTS and QUEERS. There is a natural alliance of traditional cultures with high morality building against the morally bankrupt Anglos-Zionist agenda of castrating men and pushing homosexuality and Lesbianism and now this new tranny sickness.


Well said except I wouldn’t describe Muslim nations as “high morality.” They have legitimate complaints about Western treatment but have pathologies of their own. Their attitudes toward the “infidel,” for example.




You make it up out of thin air


You forgot the black on white and white on black stats. Quite convenient

Shirley Temple

American and white women love BBC. White men are pathetic in bed, so to compensate for small dicks and no jobs they are killing people.


Oh so you’re a mudshark whore?

Shirley Temple

You picked the right nick JACK-off dearie :)


You probably think all “White” men look like kikes, spics and Spaniards. You forget about Slavic and Nordic men.

Shirley Temple

Sorry darling, Nordic men look like non- evolved Neanderthal primates with ugly pasty skin like the Anglo-faggots, we prefer tall dark and handsome swarthy types who are the only men left. Thanks to Angela Merkel we have a lot of choice now. You can keep playing with your puny dick and get angry.


Russia falsely claims all Whites in the West are incurable “racists” and “faggots” while regularly threatening to nuke the west and tying in with Orthodox Christian end times theology.

https: //www. amren. com/the-color-of-crime/

https: //thuletide. wordpress. com/2020/08/01/racial-crime-statistics-lots-of-infographics/


It is not true that all whites in the west are incurable racists and faggots. Most of them are not racist but many are faggots, trannies, sissies or closet homosexuals. But in far greater number they are plain stupid. Let me explain; vaccination rate in the West is way bigger than in the rest of the world who used their minds and senses to what is good for them or what is good for agenda. Such reasoning is almost absent in the west.


https: //odysee. com/@KnowMoreNews:1/Esoterica-Kabbalah-Secrets:1


You’re a mindless hater that takes everything that you hear at face value. https: //odysee. com/@NordLuxBellator:6/Video-20220507_225014-Meeting-Recording_20220508_042221150:5

Elohim Kosher Bar

Hang ALL mercs publicly. This includes ALL of the Generals / Admirals / Colonels / contractors, etc. found in the Mariupol bio-lab.


They also found that guns are used in only 8% of violent crimes in the US. And it is indeed a fact that that if you remove shit skins from the equation crime rates are in line with the EU. Downvite away trolls in doesn’t change the facts.

G2 man

US is a violet cesspool without even a broken moral compass and hatemongering, racism, greed, spite and envy are historically entrenched in its sick perverted psyche. Almost all mass murderers and shootesr in history from NZ, Australia to North America has been violent gun-toting Anglo angry trash. No other ethnic group has this much evil in their genes. So-called Americans are just sick.


Because they imported the third world. Now Europe is going to same route.


I would like to propose a view where most of these “gun-toting Anglo angry trash” are merely manipulated “manchurian candidates” used by FBI and CIA to cause mayhem in order to make it a cause for anglo-saxon oligarchy ruling the US and UK for disarming people and enforce totalitarianism. These shooters are not genuine, they are basically tools for very corrupted organisations like FBI etc. These happenings are NOT RANDOM.


Thanks for the truth Captain. Decades of stats on homicides in the USA show that for every 1 black man murdered by a white, 9.7 whites are murdered by a black. Almost half of homicides in the USA are committed by 6% of the population, black males. Even though the Obama admin added most Hispanics into the calculations as whites, the stats did not change. Very few people do the work if research and allow biased media to do their thinking for them. /// As far as the US government goes, it along with Israel and the UK make as good of terrorists as other terrorist governments.


I don’t see any nigga in ukraine but rather white protesty trash of soros killing unarmed, dont be a bloody fascist poofta,you may try to fool the truth,but you shant,no more lies! The rise of your factional lgbtqrxt henchmens are the decay of the century,problem is you hohols aint got the balls to ever dare take on any child molesting tranny or phaedo! Dead set you prefer the likes of them to decently raised christians,so your all doomed! God wouldn’t have it any other way,what God wants,God gets,crime’a river,dudded one.


Thanks. The “choir” below have their comic book fantasies but your comment is the correct starting point for understanding American pathologies.


The United States is “a racist-violent country rooted in the forced removal and enslavement of millions,” an African American journalist in Detroit says.

Abayomi Azikiwe, the editor at the Pan-African News Wire, made the remark during a phone interview with Press TV on after a white American gunman shot dead 10 people and injured three others in a mass shooting at a Black neighborhood in New York, in an act of “racially motivated violent extremism.”

Following the mass shooting on Saturday, the 18-year-old white supremacist gunman surrendered to police in what authorities said would be investigated as a hate crime. If the gunman had been from an oppressed minority group the US mostly white racist police would have shot him dead on site. But since this terrorist was white he was handled with kid gloves by an equally racist police.


blacks murder more blacks per year in the usa than ten years of whites murdering blacks. Put simply Black lives do not matter to black people, they only matter when they are killed by a white. Blacks are the most racist group in america today. those are the facts.

G2 man

Infact, even at my age and experience and efforts to analyze global events objectively, I am still astonished when decent people around the world are appalled by US savagery and total moral decay at all levels. The CIA is a very low caliber Jew and WASP terrorist organization with all respect to Mr. Varma who appears to be a better class of western enslaved Hindus who act as tokens in all imperialist organizations and policies. Just for propaganda purposes the CIA has recently hired a Hindu token frontman as their CIO (Chief Information Officer), just to show the “equal opportunity” in the US. However, Chinese, Russians, Muslims are barred from holding any government position, let alone at the CIA. Interestingly, US Blacks made up less than 2% of the total CIA global terrorist force of 120,000 or more. Indians unfortunately, have a inferiority complex and make coolies for the imperialists historically. The Chinese having a 3,000 year old culture are hard to coerce.

The CIA is a caricature of the depraved US failed state that was founded on mass genocide of natives, dispossession of the “Indians”, importation of African slaves and then since 1776, fully institutionalized racism and exclusion and violence against minorities. The CIA is the global torturer and mass murderer for the delusional US quest for “full spectrum global domination”. Even though corrupt and racist to the core, the CIA has a bigger budget than Russia, China, India, Iran and of the world combined, but still it is a glaring disgrace and failure at all levels going back to the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba, and recent failures in Central America (Iran-Conrta), numerous assassinations of foreign leaders, including recently Iranian General diplomat Soleimani and the overthrow of Pakistani PM Imran Khan for his supposed “tilt” towards China and Russia. The US is a criminal rogue state and a fledgling banana republic without even a iota of a moral compass.

The racist and vicious nature of CIA and its crimes against humanity and totally inline with perverted American savagery. US is steeped in racism and hate and since its accidental gate crashing as a deadbeat “superpower”, post WW2, the only pillars of US policy are hubris, racism, total disdain for human rights and using torture and terrorism along with theft of global resources as an official policy. An average American is a total enslaved brainwashed trailer trash fed a steady diet of racism, and since 1945, when the Zionist Jews got hold of US government, media, institutions and business, the CIA’s primary goal is fan global destabilization for US hegemony fanning Russophobia (Soviets before), Islamophobia (since Zionist parasites invaded Palestine and Islamophobia since Arabs and Muslims generally detest the American liars and hypocrites. The Zionist policy of Islamophobia is exclusivity aimed at establishing corrupt puppet Wahhabi regimes in oil rich pimpdoms and steal every cent of Arab and Muslim natural resources. Only the Iranian revolution of 1979 has thrown in wrench in the Anglo-Zionist CIA plans.

So these daily exposure of CIA crimes is nothing new, Mr. Assange is in jail just for minor leaks of US evil and now with the dying US banana republic and power shift to Eurasia, CIA crimes against humanity will get worse, in the near future Russia will be the prime target of terrorism and destabilization. If they succeed in Russian Balkanization, China is next. US IS PURE EVIL!

Last edited 2 years ago by G2 man

The CIA is, and always has been, loaded with Catholics, who are certainly not WASPs. Colby and Casey were both Catholics.


maybe, but the CIA despite fanning terrorism and savagery is an abysmal failure at all levels.

The US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is even more abysmal in terms of getting everything wrong, as recently demonstrated by its chief Avril Haines during her questioning on Capitol Hill. History shows that the CIA strategically blew it all the way from Vietnam to Afghanistan and Iraq. Ukraine is no different.



You have no capacity to think critically.


Yes, and nowadays even some black people – at least those with a functioning brain – are waking up and realizing the truth about the jews and that Hitler fought these pest of mankind for very good reason.

Joos are controlling the USA, Europe Russia and China as well – China Communist Party was established by Mao Tse-Tung, a notorious Wallstreet agent of the joos, who was supported by Rockefeller Foundation and jewish elite Yale University (Yale-China) to become “young global leader” of new judeo-communist China. The Yale-China Association trained and educated Mao before he was brought into power and supported him on all his way and years.

You can read in the Yale Daily News, which is the student newspaper of the Yale University, article from 29.02.1972 the following:

“Yale has helped many young men in their political rise to power. In the class of 1919, in addition to the 1,000 male leaders graduating from New Haven, Yale in China assisted a young man named Mao Tse-tung. Without Yale’s support, Mao Tse-tung would probably never have risen from the shadows of history to the top of China.” (end of quote)

Today we all can see who the real madmen the maniacs the satanists are. It is not Hitler but the Jews who have infested the whole planet with their murderous satanic globalist schemes, all the greed, global fraud, central banks, anti-human law, disrespect for God and nature, their”vaccine” ratpoison poisoning of half the world, and braintorturing and brainwashing lying media conglomerats. They war-monger everywhere and want that all none-jews fight each other.

Listen folks, to what the black american Referent Ray Higgins has to say:


Last edited 2 years ago by Sörenson

Fuck the Jews too, they are as racist as the crackers, just look at how they treat brother Falashas in Occupied Palestine. They also support Nazis.


The Cheka and all successor organizations were always loaded with jews.



I like how you are showing your true colors. Ironically you lack the capacity to realize Russia is just as bad, if not worse.


Despite torture and fanning global terrorism, the CIA is failing badly in Russia.

Russian rouble near 5-year highs as high oil prices and growing wheat exports creating a booming Russian economy. Rouble heading towards par with USD and Euro as Russian economy shows resilience.


Southfront is such a joke. https://odysee.com/@NordLuxBellator:6/Video-20220507_225014-Meeting-Recording_20220508_042221150:5

Ashok Varma

Then why do you low IQ trolls spend your miserable lives on Southfront bleating anti-Russia propaganda ? that is the 64 million Rupee question!


America is not the CIA. Americas traditions are Protestant, it largest church was Lutheran, but America was transformed throughout the 1960s using drugs and music and movies education and training And it came from Laurel Canyon Naval Intelligence. Foreign institutions con Americans soil.You are a successful by product of the brainwashing they instigated in order to destroy Americas democracy.

Opercion Z

How NATO’s NAZI army fights like Islamic State in Ukraine and both are trained by US and the CIA.


Yes ok but we also need to realize what’s behind it all ! As that’s in fact what matters, and what mankind urgently needs to realize ! See: Nowadays even some black people – at least those with a functioning brain – are waking up and realizing the truth, which you (Ashok) likely still can t fully see. It is not “the USA” or “Russia” or “Europe” or “China”. They all have the same evil master, the parasite in their brain (if you want to call it like this).

Yes even black people are now waking up, realizing the truth about the jews and that Hitler fought these pest of mankind for very good reason. Who owned the slave-ships bringing blacks from Africa into slavery in the USA ? -> Jews ! Who owned the largest slave-trade companies in USA and Europe ? JEWS ! Joos are controlling the USA, Europe Russia and China as well – China Communist Party was established by Mao Tse-Tung, a notorious Wallstreet agent of the joos, who was supported by Rockefeller Foundation and jewish elite Yale University (Yale-China) to become “young global leader” of new judeo-communist China. The Yale-China Association trained and educated Mao before he was brought into power and supported him on all his way and years. You can read in the Yale Daily News, which is the student newspaper of the Yale University, article from 29.02.1972 the following: “Yale has helped many young men in their political rise to power. In the class of 1919, in addition to the 1,000 male leaders graduating from New Haven, Yale in China assisted a young man named Mao Tse-tung. Without Yale’s support, Mao Tse-tung would probably never have risen from the shadows of history to the top of China.” (end of quote) Today we all can see who the real madmen the maniacs the satanists are. It is not Hitler but the Jews who have infested the whole planet with their murderous satanic globalist schemes, all the greed, global fraud, central banks, anti-human law, disrespect for God and nature, their”vaccine” ratpoison poisoning of half the world, and braintorturing and brainwashing lying media conglomerats. They war-monger everywhere and want that all none-jews fight each other. Listen folks, to what the black american Referent Ray Higgins has to say: https://www.bitchute.com/video/yspjnWng7fpr/

Last edited 2 years ago by Sörenson
Your Having a Laugh

Hitler’s grandfather was a Rothschild, a Crypto Devil Khazarian Jew, the only other political Party in Nazi Germany at the time allowed by Adolf Hitler Rothschild was the Zionist Party, sorry to burst your bubble, but yes we get you, but not the Nazi way far from it, the Nazi’s and Zionist have always been on the same page, they are the same just different side of the same coin, both crypto devils pretending to be righteous before God, I.e. the gangster state of the Jewish Zionazi Israel on the land of the Islamic Emirate of Palestine. We will never forget our Palestine.


Go to any western city and its not whitey you have to be concerned about getting mugged or attacked by. Fact!


Abu Ghraib prison – CIA black sites – Afghan Zero Units – Al-Qaeda – ISIS – MeK – etc etc etc.

It wouldn’t be surprising to anyone.

Ashok Varma

The CIA scum did the same in Latin America, Vietnam and now in Africa too. They are killing and torturing woman and children to spread US “democracy and human rights”. Americans are the worst savages since the Mongols invaded Eurasia. US is a sick depraved perverted failed state under evil Jew control and the CIA is just a tool of global Zio-Nazis.


I know wonderful Americans. I am one, and wonderful. One makes a mistake judging human individuals by country or race. I have even met good Ashkenazis!


They will throw you under the bus and say “hang him [you] one meter higher”. https://odysee.com/@NordLuxBellator:6/Video-20220507_225014-Meeting-Recording_20220508_042221150:5


Rig Veda:

The mighty Thunderer, with his fair skin friends, won the Earth, the sunlight and the waters. (1.100.18.)

Indra protected in battle the devotee Arya, and subjugated for Manu to the lawless ones and conquered the black skin. (1.130.8.)

The god who destroyed the dasyu and protected the Aryan Color (Aryavarna). (3.34.9)

With the drink, the Soma drinker grew in power, the Iron God, with a yellow beard and yellow hair. (10.96.8.)

Assad Defeated Zionists

And don’t forget Guantanamo college for institutionalized torture 24/7.

G2 man

Also keep in mid that 97% of the tortured innocent people “renditioned” to Gitmo and over hundreds CIA Black OP torture sites in Europe, Egypt, UAE and Saudi Arabia were farmers or just Muslims, while the ISIS darlings of the CIA were protected and even shifted in helicopters in Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen and Iraq. The CIA is the main sponsor and patron of Wahhabi, Nazi and Zionist terror. Now CIA and other puppet western “intelligence” agencies are recruiting, arming and training the most racist murderers, rapists and NAZI white trash from the ghettos of Europe to go Ukraine and kill Russians. The blowback from these CIA protege criminals is already creating a dangerous black market for the thousands of manpads, ATGM and other weapons sent to Ukraine. Most European cities will look like Mariupol in a few years when these Nazis have turf wars for drug, human trafficking, prostitution, money laundering and other criminal franchisee under the protection of the CIA which already runs the largest drugs, human trafficking, arms peddling and money laundering enterprises in the world. The blowback from NAZIS will make ISIS look like a church choir.


Mostly correct. Don’t forget that the CIA and Mossad are the children of MI6. MI6 is the world police for The Crown. The Crown has been run by Ashkenazis ever since the Dutch bankers kicked King James II off the throne. The Rothschilds presently run the Crown. The USA is a vassal state to the Crown. Even the Jewish House of Saud was put in power by the Rothschilds. The USA is deserving of blame, but who is hiding behind this?


Mate the Kike is against humanity, PERIOD! The Seppo’s have been hijacked by Kikes.


I suppose that’s why you endorse their White genocide plans. https://odysee.com/@KnowMoreNews:1/Esoterica-Kabbalah-Secrets:1

Dr. George Habash PFLP

Orthodox Church leaders slam Israeli police attack on Abu Akleh’s funeral

Patriarch of Jerusalem accused Israel of ‘disrespecting the church’ over what he called a ‘police invasion’ at Shireen Abu Akleh’s funeral and Zionist crimes against the believers.


Absolutelly correct view.


You are such a mindless faggot. The war in Ukraine is going terrible for you, cry me a river. https://odysee.com/@NordLuxBellator:6/Video-20220507_225014-Meeting-Recording_20220508_042221150:5


Yet Russia, China, North Korea, etc still run worse prison camps. LOL You sand niggers are nothing but pawns for the jews.



now you have just screwed it up calling people here “sand niggers”. Here people are divided between pro-globalists (which include all those 3-letter organisations, WEF controlled governments and European aristocracy, bankers, corporatists and media shills) and anti-globalists, the common people with sane minds. So it does not matter somebody’s ethnicity but his common sense and at least grain of wisdom. WEF has it agents all over the worlds, many Indians participate in their agenda. But also Chinese, Russians, Germans like Anal-Lena Baerbock and so on. Is is confrontation between true humanity and devils in human form+some relly stupid people like Anal-Lena.

Lesco Brandon


Gary Setiadi

America is waging a total hybrid war against Russia: military, economic, media and cyber. Dear President Putin, please hit back hard at America and not let it act with impunity. Please print US dollars to recover money that was stolen by the West: https://youtu.be/i77nE2gLbDY Please release the bioweapons found in the Ukrainian labs into America. Please bioengineer deadly sub-variants of Covid and release them in wave after wave into America. Please Sir, put nuclear forces on standby.

Last edited 2 years ago by Gary Setiadi
G2 man

US and its Euro trash puppets are spending more money than on all wars that the US has initiated since 1945. Billions in weapons and propaganda are being spent against Russia in a Twitter age hybrid war. The will be a template for the upcoming war against China if these murderous NATO bastards succeed in destroying Russia.


The war crimes trials in Moscow or wherever they are held will lay it all out.

Deplorable Dave

I don’t think neo-Nazis need to be shown how to torture people.

Last edited 2 years ago by Deplorable Dave

Are there any doubts?… And what difference would similarity make after these (https://www.cbsnews.com/pictures/abuse-photos-ii/) came out!?…

I worked with men and women in uniform that were so emotionally distraught by the images from Abu Ghraib that they put themselves in the queue for early retirement when that scandal broke! But I had heard plenty about Camp Bondsteel before that but no pictures like what surfaced out of Abu Ghriab.

The U.S. military has never been the same since. And for obvious reasons!

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt

There was this article on Vetern today that talked about how Abu Ghraib prison was used by Mossad and cia to torture Shias into giving them information about the whereabouts of Imam Mahdi AS. Zionist Satan followers want to kill Isa AS (Jesus) and his companion Imam Mahdi AS for the dajjal (anti Christ)


This is a full spectrum war,


In the previous days and weeks the Southfront.org quite gladly jumped on the bandwagon of Ukrainian propaganda bringing unconfirmed news about Russian debacles, yet it is shy to refer about the NATO officers captured in Azov plant. Why is that ?


blocking hyperlinks also implys trying to deny the truth,despite telegram objectives far out weigh all the western narrated lies and deceptions,(counter productive measure) indeed, Whos idea was that,WHO?

G2 man

This western cyber propaganda against Russia has no equal in history, but still 95% of the world’s population supports Russia. The west is so exposed at pathological liars that no rational person can take idiotic MSM Anglo-Jew propaganda seriously. This is a new hybrid disinformation war based on heavy censorship in the west, but it failed as people found alternate media like SF, RT, Sputnik, Press TV, Iranian, Indian, Brazilian and Chinese independent media. The NATO puppets could not even bring hundred thugs for a pro-Ukraine rent a crowd in any western city, but thousands came out to support Palestine and the cold blooded Zionist murder of Shireen Abu Akleh, the Al-Jazeera journalist. People around the world are waking up to US and Anglo-Zionist lies and total disinformation.

Donald Moore

Two words, “Of Course!”


I think that the Americans are behind the atrocities such as the paratroopers who were murdered by the Ukrainians and the Georgian degenerates and filmed. The Ukrainian atrocities have the hallmarks of a US psy-op. “Sparkly eyes” kind of bullshit. It comes straight out of Ed Lansdale and David Galula and Frank Kitson’s “work” in the Phillipines, Algeria and Kenya.


Mate the Seppos have killed millions of civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan alone. US bombs civilians to spread democracy, especially if you have OIL.


Wake up Clyde ! Nowadays even some black people – at least those with a functioning brain – are waking up and realizing the truth, which you (Clyde) obvious still can t see. It is not “the USA” or “Russia” or “Europe” or “China”. They all have the same evil master, the parasite in their brain (if you want to call it like this).

Yes even black people are now waking up, realizing the truth about the jews and that Hitler fought these pest of mankind for very good reason. Joos are controlling the USA, Europe Russia and China as well – China Communist Party was established by Mao Tse-Tung, a notorious Wallstreet agent of the joos, who was supported by Rockefeller Foundation and jewish elite Yale University (Yale-China) to become “young global leader” of new judeo-communist China. The Yale-China Association trained and educated Mao before he was brought into power and supported him on all his way and years. You can read in the Yale Daily News, which is the student newspaper of the Yale University, article from 29.02.1972 the following: “Yale has helped many young men in their political rise to power. In the class of 1919, in addition to the 1,000 male leaders graduating from New Haven, Yale in China assisted a young man named Mao Tse-tung. Without Yale’s support, Mao Tse-tung would probably never have risen from the shadows of history to the top of China.” (end of quote) Today we all can see who the real madmen the maniacs the satanists are. It is not Hitler but the Jews who have infested the whole planet with their murderous satanic globalist schemes, all the greed, global fraud, central banks, anti-human law, disrespect for God and nature, their”vaccine” ratpoison poisoning of half the world, and braintorturing and brainwashing lying media conglomerats. They war-monger everywhere and want that all none-jews fight each other. Listen folks, to what the black american Referent Ray Higgins has to say: https://www.bitchute.com/video/yspjnWng7fpr/

Last edited 2 years ago by Sörenson

Then they get false information. Why? Too the Inquisition also got false information. Torturing people gave nothing but lies.


fake lawyer is better than violence.


US by its perverted nature is sick, so torture is just normal savagery for CIA and the US military of racist losers. Americans have no morals or iota of humanity for they just kill and torture innocents at home and abroad. It is a predatory culture of sheer evil and violence.


Is the Pope Catholic.

Billy Bob

Does the BEAR shit on Ukraine?


The judeo bolshewic vermin is no bear but is in fear, and will be lured out of his cave and then shot. After nearly 3 month Mariupol is still standing and binding russian troops there. Putin army took a heavy beating there, and is broken and humiliated beyond repair. Putin soon will have to ask for more troops being recruited from all over russia, or take Syrians and iranians as proxies because the russian men are all eighter killed in Ukraine or already fully drunk, pissing their own pants, as they not want come to Ukraine, only to be slaughtered for Putins stupid agenda and his special operation total failure.

Azov battalion in Mariupol are heroes. They fought off the invaders as long as possible, draw their troops on them, battled them, kicked ass and in an outstanding way, nailed half of the gigantic russian Red Asshole Zombie Army there for months, hence gave Ukraine and Nato time to build up strong defences in Odessa and elsewhere. Moreover the months-long time-window, which Azov achieved to create, was well used to train and tens thousands of new recruits in the use of western weapons. Training-programms in US military bases in Germany and Poland where established in that months and the fighters are now ready, thanks to the heroes of Azov battalion. Btw. Look at this. Very funny video. Ukrainian troops take russian tank crew prisoner. Ukrainian with hand-grenade in hand, knocks on the Russian tank upper door, and tells the russians: “Guten Morgen, Russland Schweine Soldaten” = translation “Good morning, Russia pig-soldiers !”. Very funny ! Hahah, the Ukrainian obviously are a very humoristic people. They are so superior to the invader scum, that they even make fun of them, while taking them prisoner. Great video ! https://funker530.com/video/ukrainian-allegedly-knocks-on-tank-hatch-with-russians-still-inside/

Last edited 2 years ago by Sörenson

If so much appreciation for Azov batalion, why don’t you simply go to Ukraine and join them. This armchairing you are doing and trolling is not act of bravery but of idleness. If supporting and admiring these “brave heros of Azov” why don’t you show your bravery and go to join them. Walk the walk, not just talk the empty talk. You seems to love Hollywood movies. Be an actor then. Go and taste some blood and pain if you dare.


Because it is usually no good idea to walk into another country with a gun in your hand. I too like the Palestine resistance fighters, but I also like Hezbollah fighting Israel, I like the Germans who fought against the International Jewry, and I like Japan fighting the jewish controlled USA. I like the Iraqi Resistance and Saddam Hussein fighting the US invaders, the Yeminitis fighting Saudi invaders, and I like the Ukrainian defence forces fighting in defence for their home-country. I have my own country – which I will defend when times goes. Everything else would be invading other country (like Putin has done to Ukraine) , or taking part in war which is not mine.

Last edited 2 years ago by Sörenson

Is the Pope Catholic? LOL!!!


The great USSR army has a long history of rape and torture… It is a bid hypocritical to blame its own behavior an the other side.

And no Ukrain army as former USSR did not need any further training in torture.


Russian investigation comitee is working already for 8 years collecting evidences. Have yesterday seen interesting video, basically in every town in South Ukrajine are now hundreds investigator from Russia talking with victims There will be big public trial when this war is over. As much I know there are criminal cases against almost 500 UF officers

Klaus meier

Vakuum bombs for Bandera Bandits…. Quickly…


the cia is a masochist organization that employs psychopaths. of course they would look for fellow psychopaths to fit the propaganda.

Richard Raymond

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFynJY_SeKc&t=26s Vanessa Beely provides proof positive of torture going back to 2015 & 2016

Last edited 2 years ago by Richard Raymond
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