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Dilyana Gaytandzhieva: Putin’s Elite Inner Circle Infiltrated By NATO Informants

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Independent journalist Dilyana Gaytandzhieva appealed to Russian President Vladimir Putin. She says that the Putin’s elite inner circle is infiltrated by NATO informants. She asked for a meeting with Ramzan Kadyrov to give him a list of names of identified infiltrated GRU agents.

Dilyana Gaytandzhieva is a Bulgarian journalist and Middle East correspondent. She published a series of reports on weapons supplies to terrorists in Syria and Iraq and investigated US activities in bio laboratories in different countries. She has recently revealed that Serbia had been sending weapons to Ukraine while denying it.


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She’s a nutcase


I saw her online a while ago. If I told you all that I knew, the same could be said. Those thriller stories are nothing on real life.


US has been planning to destroys Russia Ukraine EU and China even EU because EU is competitor of US’s trade 😆

Southfront resident nigha

So: 1. She blames Serbia.

2. She uses Bellingcat as her main and very intimate source.

3. She calls GRU as NATO.

4. And then claims that Kadyrov, who spends most of his days making TikTok videos, is the only trustworthy person in the whole Russia.

Last edited 2 years ago by Southfront resident nigha

Bellingcrap = MI6


1. Serbia DID supplied weapons to the terrorists in Syria, bigtime, Gaytandzhieva was not the only one to report this. But only an idiot may think Serbian government , I emphasize government, is not included in extremely lucrative business or that there are no pro-Western or Globalist/masonic forces in Serbia. Not everybody is chanting anti-NATO slogans, only the sane part of population 2. Bellingcat is like USAID – den of spies working for UK government 3. I think she wanted to say that GRU is infiltrated 4. Kadyrov fuction is to keep Chechen islamists tribes in line with Kremlin politics (at least officially). Chechens are like Uyghurs for China or Albanians for Serbia – probable liability and need to be kept under control until foreign forces (US, UK) cease to influence them


Serbia supplied weapons most to UAE, Jordan, and US. Maybe you don´k know but huge part of Nato used 5,56×45 ammo is produced in Serbia. US is biggest buyer. That is reality of arm business —


If we want to earn money in this war, we would sell 152 mm rounds that everyoe need and only Russia and Sebia produce


I thought US is an enemy of Serbia. Seems not when it comes to money for the privileged in Serbia.


By private arm factory as i know. Same as CZ “Excalibur international”, which has also supplied terrorists in Syria with old weapons via Bulgaria — center of illegal weapon transit. Bulgarian arm dealers are also in this business from the beginning of “Arabic spring” in Syria. Terrorists in Libya have used LAR — licensed copy of G3 produced in Brazil at IMBEL factory. They are working for Washington.


Spy games are the norms played by almost all of governments that are likely designed to contain full of malice and oftenly nasty far beyond our imagination.. Allow me to site an example to what happened in the Saudi Arabian consulate office in Istanbul where Saudi critic Khashoggi was butchered which was secretly monitored by Turkish regime using its spy mechanisms. Words won’t be able to describe such scenario.

Last edited 2 years ago by NATO's PROXYTUTE

I think you have misunderstood what she said about BC. She is well respected as an independent journalist and shone the light on the arms going to Syria. She did not say her info is based on BC she said that BC is getting info from these inner circle informants and it is her contact who was originally with BC who has spilled the beans.

Cuckmander Hebrew

FSB = Fucking Simian Bastards

Those imbeciles were having their MUTTskals pussies raped by everyone ever since the ussr died.

Meanwhile, all christcucks especially amerikwan 🇺🇸 zogmutts deepthroat “muh Kris Chan blyatkovia 🇷🇺!”

Crucify all christcucks and kikeroaches alike.

Seymour Undies

All of this spook talk becomes very complicated and riddled by disinformation sources like Bellingcat. From the looks of it, everyone involved will say whatever you want them to say if you hand them a pile of money. I don’t trust this woman, but then again, I don’t trust the CIA from what it has done in the past. So who knows.


What a person! Thankyou Heroine. большое спасибо


Concur ! Hm, why Peskov undercut BRICS (controlled by Russia &China)and recently grown, favoring G20 controlled by Blackrock etc.? Why the same person doubted Kadyrov’s military rank? Why Nebuliana, (Rus. Central Bank) who graciously lost $300 billions (not millions) of Russian money to the West, received promotion to run Central Bank for another 3 years; why Glaziev, the only economist Vladimir should listen to, has no his ear; why Russian Allies surrounded and then left Kiev? The final goals are not reached in village battles, but in the Capitals (remember Berlin?). Therefore something is not quite right in this slow Special Operation, as Mr Roberts (PCR), the Worlds best commentator, already points out for several month. Let’s see if this brave lady lives and what Kadyrov symbol of moral righteousness learns and what he does – future Russian Pres?


the move on Kyiv was a spook tactic to draw ukraine divisions west out of the donbass apparently. source southfront and years of playing rome total war.


I like optimist Saker too, who generated this theory -but according my Ukra contact, nobody from Donetsk/Luhansk moved “to help” Kiev, on the contrary, reportedly more units & weapons were transferred to the established “fortified” areas in Novorossija, esp. to Mariupol?


As already presented – and not published here – I like optimist SAKER too – however his theory of “drawing Ukra forces from the East” , didn’t actually happened (as per Ukra source) – on the contrary, enhancement of fortified eastern Ukra positions continued, as if Ukra leadership knew ahead, that the “negotiated” Russian withdrawal from Kiev area will occur.


Gaytandzieva has been reporting about secret US and NATO biolabs since 2016. when nobody seemed to care. She was first to report such biolabs in Georgia and was first to report that there are suspicious projects in RF where local companies took nasal swabs of Russians and some staff under US diplomatic immunity took these samples and sent them from RF to undisclosed destinations by diplomatic channels. Gaytandzieva was among first who informed public about arms shipment to Syria (arms shipments for ISIL and HTS terrorists, not Syrian government) from Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia and Serbia (yes, Serbia too) organized by CIA and US State Dept. Same weapon has been used to kill civilians, Syrian soldiers and Russian soldiers as well. So, let’s give some credits to Gaytandzhieva. Infiltration of common pro-Western stooges and Freemasonic traitors and NWO agents into Kremlin structures is already common knowledge, nothing to be surprised about. It is very interesting how this RF-Ukraine war plays excellently into the hands of globalists scumbags – lack of energy, fuel, food, fertilizer for many countries – a manna from heaven for Great Reset plans. While I currently support Russian views I am very, very suspicious about honesty of a number of people in Russian leadership. So, is this actual conflagration between rightful, Christian values oriented Russian people and heavily corrupted Western structures of power or the result of an internal strife between Western and Russian elites on the matter that Western elite do not want accept Russian elite as peers at the world scene and in a New World Order as planned.

I am still in a great deal of doubt. Do not be surprised if Serbia send weapons to Ukraine. These are deeds of governments common folks that keep very different views of sitation than their governments. Same situation is everywhere – Slovakia, Slovenia, Italy – you name it. Nobody should that easily blame common folks as nobody in power asks them about their opinion. Arms dealing are secret matter about which you never hear in media like “our government delivered 200 tons of rockets and 20 000 000 bullets for infantry weapons to this-or-that inflamed part of the world.

Pamfil Military Academy

100% true. Only to mention the historical lifelong Stalin fears about own fake jews inner circle. In the last stage of his life he strongly believe his fake jew doctors is poisoning him. So, he deported a lot of them to gulags…not only fairy tales. As Russia was crowded with JUSA capital over the drunken corrupt Eltin period and funded an upper very rich social class, we can suppose with very little error that those rings of highly pro-western figures are still in some important government places. Without any doubt, Gaytandzieva is right ! Look at the same picture all over the former Warsaw Pact countries: ALL are full of CIA trash from top to bottom.

Pamfil Military Academy

I totally admit the same: this SMO have many ‘not quite right’ things. I bet 4:1 that ALL is a staged theater of the globalist circle of the sorosist fake jews using Putin as theirs pawn (with or without his consent). The best argument is the former Covidiot country politics of the so-called antiamerican hegemony powers, China and Russia. They’ve done ALMOST the same atrocities against human rights as the western cabal of the world reset.


She’s right, Putin’s circle is infiltrated – anyone with a braincell knew it when he decided to invade in 2022 instead of in 2014. They’re going to silence her, she’s been creating problems for them for years.


Your statement is absurd. Just look the facts.

In 2014 Russia didn’t have MIR cards, didn’t have alternative for SWIFT, was not independent in food production and imported cereal and other products.

Same sanctions that were impose to Russia now would have crushed Russia in 2014 because they didn’t have alternative so the finance would have collapsed.

Also the world situation have changed a lot. China become more aligned with Russia since 2014, and European economies became weaker, with all the printing in last years.


My point was that if Putin didn’t invade in 2014, when all the residents in east and south Ukraine were for Russia, Ukrainian army sucked and Donbass militants even held Slavyansk (in short, he’d have taken over the entire Ukraine in less than 6 months, not only the Donbass), then he shoudn’t have done it in 2022, when not only his enemy has become stronger but also had time to poison the minds of the population against Russia. The HARSH reality of a drawn out war has turned many Russian speakers against Russia even in traditional Russian hubs like Kharkiv and Odessa to the point they’ve switched to the Ukrainian language (in social media too) in order to show they’ve cut themselves off from Russia. (yes, I’d like for Russia to win the war, but I’m not brainwashed not to admit reality – all liberated areas are full of aged people, the young have relocated to the west or abroad)

Russia’s finance wouldn’t have collapsed because they wouldn’t have imposed so many sanctions back then because the coup was fresh and they didn’t have an alternative to Russian energy – the sanctions were harsher now because they had time to pre-think them and also they had already started to diversify their energy sources.

So, I remain behind my opinion that if he didn’t do it in 2014, he should have found another way since then. How is it possible that the USA/UK/Israel are able to infliltrate and create color revolutions everywhere and Russia isn’t even able to do it in Ukraine of all places? War solves 1 problem and creates 100 problems. Russia with China and Europe were on their way to unite Eurasia through trade and overthrow the USA hegemony, but now the USA managed to destroy that process by creating a new Cold War (the West vs the Rest), and it’s taking steps to hurt all major economies (including its own, as it seems) so that it can bring about the Great Reset.

Last edited 2 years ago by helen
Petar Petrov

Wrong – China did not do their part of the Deal.There will be bigger war to the South soon to get China come in – Finally, the USA,Inc.+ the UK will be destroyed!!!!


“Russia,s financial collapse ” -not in the real world – when did you last check Russian debt compared to other countries ? When did you last check the harsh conditions of the poor in Ukraine-the total and ongoing corruption even admitted by the Whitehouse -people fled if they could and only women were allowed to . Mr.Putin said many times he didn’t want to kill fellow Slavs and made his troops not act like -USA -“Shock & Awe ” of Iraq-changing a bit now but he is still not employing a full wartime force .Heard of the Mir card ? He knew what the USA were up to.


For the West, financial collapse always happens to their enemies, even in wishful thinking but never to them.

Seymour Undies

Not as though Russia didn’t telegraph this war. They warned people over and over again. and as for Putin getting bad advice, we haven’t seen any major disasters in this war. Russia is ahead and has a decent kill ratio (I’d say about 2 to 1). As expected.


More 7-10:1

Pamfil Military Academy

The real kill ratio is 5:1.


10-12 to1,fixed! We are not in march 2022!

Pamfil Military Academy

No way !


After the messed up march period,putin removed 150 fsb agents and certain others for messing with policys and ever since proven to be more stead fast successfull,so why change things now? Kill ratio is 10-12 to 1,march is not forever.


Ramzan loves Putin, he shows it by word and ACTION. He is a good one. Even I trust him.

Yamil Perez Dead

Maybe Putin’s elite inner circle was more like an amateur inner circle. I mean the guy’s a fucking military amateur. I watched the videos of the ruskies training camps when I infiltrated the FSB. They looked like a bunch of morons playing with paintballs in a garage. They even had 10 year old kids doing the training courses. Fucking deranged lunatics.

Last edited 2 years ago by Yamil Perez Dead
Wayne Gabler

The people with more loyalty to the Rothschild Banking Cartel than to Russian Citizens have been deeply involved in the Russian business interests since 1991. There have been several purges of people that like that are taking the opportunity to move their family and belongings to a friendly nation like Finland and Israel. Prior to that, the efforts were designed to slow down Russia’s entrance into ‘the industrial age’ At some point, passing information to ‘an unfriendly country’ will see a person charged with treason and their family stripped of all ‘valuables’ and positions of ‘power’. Russia’s plans from ‘day1’ included getting NATO to roll back to pre-1997 positions. Since those countries are ‘neighbours’, who listen to the Bankers in Brussels, so why would Russia not do to Belgium just what they did on ‘Opening Night’ for the War to free the people of Donbas?

China is beginning to treat NATO as a terrorist entity, the list of goods available will be shortened by ‘many pages’ for as long as it takes to put the original ‘VOC’ out of business. The ‘VOC’ cannot even tell their ‘financial slaves’ what is going on as they would begin to cheer for a quick fall from power rather than something like a ‘scorched earth policy’ that is the norm with NATO and the ER World Bank.

Pamfil Military Academy

Absolutely CORRECT. Look my above reply.


LOL. Ah… she isn’t even a real person.

Russia will win the Ukrainian war, even Biden said that. Russia today is far stronger than back then. Russia in a civil war? Well, that’s more likely to happen in Ukraine, or even more in the US and some European countries. Well, well, disinformation dreams….

Last edited 2 years ago by Dave
Peter Jennings

President Putin and his ‘elite inner circle’ have caught nato on the hop a few times, so either these informants ain’t too well informed or they are keeping things they learn to themselves.

They didn’t seem to know a whole lot, or the extent of, the recent modern Russian weapons and radar jamming tech.


Most people haven’t even understood the entire point of this war for NATO – it’s not only to bleed Russia through a war of attrition in Ukrainghanistan, it’s also to STUDY Russian battle tactics and weapons on the battlefield in order to find ways to neutralize them… because in a few years NATO is going to use Poland, the Baltic states, Finland as its new bulwark against Russia. And mark my words: Moldova is soon going to have problems because Russia didn’t take Odessa and didn’t cut Ukraine off the sea.


The Baltic states and Finland, 8 million, Poland 40 million. Ukraine 46 million, most of whom will be Russian citizens by Sept, Oct. Russia 146 million people, with the soon to be added new citizens of Nova Rossiya.

The Ukraine concentrated their best soldiers and gear in the Donbas to attack the DPR\LPR, and have been destroyed. Finland has refused to allow NATO bases and missiles, as the moment they try to put anything into Finland, it goes the way of Ukraine, ie demilitarised. Odessa is a matter of weeks from liberation, Russia doesn’t run its wars according to NATO analysts, which is why they are winning, while NATO just has the failed wars of Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria to contrast to what the Russians do successfully.

Last edited 2 years ago by Rightiswrong
susan mullen

Re: Ukraine population, a source citing UN July 1, 2022 data says it’s only 39.6 million. https://worldpopulationreview.com/countries/ukraine-population. The site and others all show Ukr population has plunged since 1990, which was end of USSR and–sadly for Ukr–the year it became a de facto US colony. US “help” always means worse misery and poverty. US made Ukr. the Mexico of Europe, made it the poorest, and made it #1 in “remittances,” ie money sent home to Ukr. from family members forced to leave Ukr. to find work. 2014’s US violent overthrow of Ukr’s elected gov. began 8 yrs of US taxpayer funded daily attacks on civilians in E. Ukr. including children. As US pal Poroshenko said, “our children will go to schools, their children [in E. Ukr] will grow up in basements.”


En cuanto a Mexico estas equivocado. Informate mejor antes de emitir comentarios respecto de pueblos que desconoces.

susan mullen

The woman in the above video and on You Tube claiming to be Dilyana isn’t Dilyana. Dilyana’s actual icon appears below the fake You Tube video, you can see even from that small photo that Ms. X is a fake.


I dont trust her.


she tries to make russia hate serbia


And kick his valuable staff members.


I follow many many Russian sources day by day, I have seen almost every piece of captured Ukrainian equipment, most published videos available in Telegram, VK. There are no Serbian weapons in Ukraine. Those mines were purchased by Poland 2019 , and end user was Polan army. Can not say the same about Syria, because we have connections with many Arab countries, and can not always know what they do


No filmed or openly discovered Serbian weapons yet but who knows which surprises may come along the way. If Iwere Russian and find Serbian weapons cache in Ukraine, I wouldn’t publicize it much but would discretely contact Serbs for explanation. I doubt Russians would publish such findings widely.


Heard the same about 60mm mortar shells from Poland, they have plastic body and silent in flight. Shells in the video can be made in CZ as it marked at boxes.



she is same as that other person who shifts the blame from NATO causing the war to EU


they (US)try to trick the minority that see trough their bs


Lol GRU are not stupid. they will try to kill kadryov and replace him


jens and Sawyer infiltrate by pedo nazi lgbt values

Muhammad your Prophet

Maybe she’s right. Vladimir Putin is such a pathetic leader who just turned Russia into the world’s biggest shithole maybe they all fantasize about ripping off his filthy looking man tits with a butcher knife.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet

US has been killing and genocide 7million of innocent peoples in the Middle East and Donbas 😆


What she says makes sense. I never paid attention to Bellincat previously (barely stumbled on the name here and there but didn’t draw my attention) but those are the ones who “investigated” the Malaysian airplane downing in 2014 (and blamed Russian instead of the real culprit: Ukraine), who “investigated” the alleged Syrian chemical attacks and blamed Damascus (it was all fake), who “investigated” the murder of Skrypal and the poisoning of Navalny, blaming Moscow in both cases (quite dubiously) and who also claimed that it was Iran who downed an Ukrainian passenger airplane in 2017 (dubious too). They always take the western side and the founding of the “journalistic” and “fact checking” agency by British school dropout and unemployed blogger Elliot Higgings in 2014 is suspiciously coincident with the nazi putsch in Ukraine. Bellingcat is almost certainly a Soros-CIA-Gladio organization designed primarily to muddle the waters in Ukraine and Syria (this last was the main interest of Higgings when blogging).

Karl Pomeroy

You’re right about Bellingcat. I investigated MH17 as a journalist from the day it happened, especially focusing on Twitter reports and videos out the DPR. Most Donbass watchers thought Bellingcat was a joke. Bellingcat photos of Buk missiles were so fake, you could see through the trucks to the background objects. The shocker was when the fake fraudulent Dutch Safety Board used Bellingcat as their main source of evidence against Russia!

AM Hants

Elliot Higgins, and wasn’t he an underwear sales rep, before becoming a Housing Officer for an agency housing refugees? Similar story to his mate, who ran the Syrian Observatory of Human Relations. Both of them used redundancy money, or similar, in order to take a Google Software Course and then found themselves contracted to MI16 and friends.

Do you remember the BUK, they swore came from Russia, yet, there was a photo of it, under the poster, advertising Ukraine goods and in Ukraine. How so much was missing, to support the BUK. Then they showed a video, of the BUK being transported, down a road, the day before the MH17 went down, and it was lined with elderberry bushes, in full bloom. Which goes against nature, as they never bloom in July.

Whatever happened to the BBC video, with live witnesses, that got banned, owing to the fact they mentioned the two military jets, that were shadowing the MH17?

Same colouring, same radar image as the plane, expected to fly through Ukraine airspace that was carrying President Putin. Following a very successful BRICS Summit. Modi, returning to India, was in the plane behind the MH17.

Belingcat and trolls, renowned for single digit IQ journalism. How much of UK intelligence has been handed over to the private sector, just like USA intelligence?


BellincRap is British MI6 project, their own sick, fake version of Wikileaks. When they realized Wikileaks was powerful and dangerous, they decided to create their own controlled version mostly aimed at Russia or simply anyone who is against UK/US. It’s fed with British intelligence data, some half-true (but deliberately chosen for propaganda purposes), some completely fabricated. Classic disinfo op.

Last edited 2 years ago by CDM

Makes sense: it is indeed like a reverse Wikileaks, just that instead of actually triple checking the leaks, they make up most of the “evidence” themselves out of the blue.

This world would make for a great comedy show… but sadly it is for real and that’s too Orwellian to be put up with. Being in the skin of Winston Smith is not a decent life to live.

Karl Pomeroy

Can she be trusted?

Tommy Jensen

Facts are facts. So what do you mean? Her statements are easy to verify if anyone wish.


I’d hit it!


Dilyana was correct about the bio weapons labs. This women seems legit and her past work is very good. Bellicat are MI6 . I suspect she is right about the spies too. Kadyrov is far smarter than his detractors realize and is very loyal to Russia and Putin. Time to clean house. Lavrov is beyond suspicion . Interesting development.


Filthy Serbs are no better than Jews. Supplying weapons to islamists and ukrops. They are so subversive. Vile people.


Well communism was brought in from the west. Jeltsin had 100 CIA bodyguards..but Putin is so okay.. What if the whole ukraine thing is to hide vaccineprograms deaths and build NWO?

susan mullen

The woman on this video is not Dilyana. Ms. X is also on the you tube video and claims she’s “Dilyana.” The real Dilyana’s small icon/photo appears below the You tube video by the imposter. The icon is small, but is the actual Dilyana. You can see for yourself the obvious difference. The lady on the video has long brown hair but is much younger and has different features. The video is loaded with clips of Dilyana’s work, but the lady on the video claiming to be Dilyana is a fraud. You can find the real Dilyana in other videos. Perhaps Mr. Putin doesn’t have double agents around after all.


They know everything but are surprised at every step, LOL. They also think Putin does everything, so the inner circle is important. Didn’t they learn professional guys like Shoigu and Lavrov do their own job?

Ole C G Olesen

Good Show … Dilyana .. You have Tons of Guts !

Hook nose Jew

Bull shit

Pamfil Military Academy

With Serbia is likely with all former Warsaw pact/commie states: government is 100% pro JUSA and the peoples are mostly against. So, not to wonder why. The globalist fake jew banksters know how to enslave a country, they have hundreds of years of experience in this domain: corrupt the elites and you have the most easy way to do that. Henceforth the tool will work by itself.


They’re going to find this woman dead soon, no doubt. She knows this risk and she is brave

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