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“Do Not Mess With The Turks”. Greece Steps Up Its Forces In Response To Erdogan’s Threats

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"Do Not Mess With The Turks". Greece Steps Up Its Forces In Response To Erdogan's Threats

Illustrative image: A Rafale fighter jet

On September 12, Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis announced a “robust” arms purchase program and an overhaul of the country’s military. This large-scale military modernization seems to be the largest in at least the last two decades. The information was released during an escalating standoff between Greece and Turkey over resources and naval influence in their coastal waters in the Mediterranean. The confrontation between the different actors in the area is depicting the accurate alliances, based on the ad hoc interests’ matches of different sides.

Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, speaking on September 12 in Thessaloniki, said that Greece would acquire 18 Dassault Rafale fighters, four frigates, four Sikorsky MH-60R anti-submarine helicopters, and increase the number of personnel of the armed forces by 15 thousand people.

The package of measures announced by the head of the Greek government also includes the modernization of four Hydra-type frigates of the Greek Navy (MEKO 200 project), the acquisition of new anti – tank and anti-aircraft missile systems, air-to-air missiles, as well as torpedoes for the country’s Navy, and the development of cyber-war capabilities.

“The time has come to reinforce the armed forces… these initiatives constitute a robust programme that will become a national shield,” Mitsotakis said in a keynote address in the northern city of Thessaloniki.

French company Dassault Aviation confirmed that it had reached an agreement to purchase 18 Rafale fighters to Greece.

"Do Not Mess With The Turks". Greece Steps Up Its Forces In Response To Erdogan's Threats


Greece is acquiring French fighter jets manufactured by Dassault Aviation on a permanent basis, as part of a policy of diversifying sources of defense purchases. In 1974, Greece purchased 40 Mirage F. 1 fighters, in 1985, 40 Mirage 2000 fighters, and in 2000, 15 Mirage 2000-5 fighters.

Besides the fighter jets Greece announced the acquisition of four new frigates. Apparently, these are frigates of the BELH.RRA project, an export version of the new French frigates of the FDI type (Frégates de Défense et d’intervention, Amiral Ronarc’h type) produced by the French shipbuilding Association Naval Group. In October 2019, Greece has already signed a Memorandum of understanding with Naval Group regarding the acquisition of two frigates of this type.

Reports of negotiations between Greece and France regarding the acquisition of fighter jets are received periodically. At the moment, the terms of new agreement are not unveiled. Nevertheless, acording to the expert estimations, the transaction will involve a mixture of used and new aircraft, in order to not to exceed a price of 2 billion euros. A budget of approximately 1,8 billion would allow to acquire a dozen used and six new aircraft, or even a dozen of second – hand and 8 fighters of the latest generation

In the context of tensions with Turkey in the Eastern Mediterranean and after cutting back on its spending for years, the Greek government is counting on the European plan for the economic recovery to be able to modernize its defense.

On the other hand, for Dassault, who had not landed new export orders since 2016 and who is actually facing the gradual decrease in orders, this Greek contract is falling. As of June 30, the Rafale order book was now only 68 aircraft, including 28 for France and 40 for export. Enough to keep production lines running until 2024.

“Without a new external order, we will have folded our order book and we will have nothing more to produce in 2025,” worried the manufacturer. The new contract with Greece brings to Dassault an additional respite of one year.

"Do Not Mess With The Turks". Greece Steps Up Its Forces In Response To Erdogan's Threats

Rafale seen from the front of the Sanicole Airshow in Belgium. Photo taken by Tom Houquet./www.dassault-aviation.com

Eric Trappier, Chairman and CEO of the group, welcomed the choice of Athens:

 “Greece reinforces the exceptional relationship we have had for almost half a century […] Dassault Aviation is fully mobilized to meet the operational needs expressed by the Greek Air Force, and thus contribute to ensuring the sovereignty of Greece and the security of the Greek people”.

Turkey and Greece, both NATO members, are riven over hydrocarbon deposits in the Eastern Mediterranean, in an area Athens believes falls under its sovereignty.

"Do Not Mess With The Turks". Greece Steps Up Its Forces In Response To Erdogan's Threats

Click to see the full size image

While Greece, with the support of France, launches a large-scale modernization of its defense, Turkey continues to strengthen its own forces. On August 23, Russia and Turkey announced of having signed a contract for the supply of the second regiment of S-400 Air Defense Systems. This was stated at the Army-2020 forum by Rosoboronexport CEO Alexander Mikheev.

Turkey’s Defense Ministry also started ‘live fire’ naval exercises, which run through the weekend in contested East Mediterranean waters. It came just after French President Emmanuel Macron claimed the EU was ready to impose sanctions on Turkey, following a key summit of six European countries, including Greece. Relations between France and Turkey remain very tense. This is largely due to the issue of resolving the crisis in Libya, where each side has its own interests.

"Do Not Mess With The Turks". Greece Steps Up Its Forces In Response To Erdogan's Threats

Illustrative Image

Erdogan’s response to French President Emmanuel Macron was very clear : “Do not seek argue with the Turkish people, do not seek argue with Turkey ».

At the same time, France, Greece, and Turkey are bound by NATO membership. However, the growing contradictions between the parties represent one of the major threats to the Alliance’s effectiveness and even its existence.


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Fog of War

How is bankrupt Greece going to purchase all these new ” toys ” ? Go further in debt ?

Albert Pike

Does it matter? What will matter are short delivery times…

Fog of War

Obviously you dont care if Greece is put in perpetual debt prison, because you’re not Greek.

Albert Pike

If Greece goes under, because of the Turks, then there are no more Greeks.

Therefore there is no choice, when the enemy is at your gate, then one must act and prepare. Otherwise there will be real Greek-Refugees and no more Greece, and no more Greek owned properties in then former Greece.

Also then there is no more Greek debt, because Greater Turkey will not pay…

Fog of War

This is a dispute over martime borders. Turkey will never invade the Greek mainland as its too easily defendable. Ask the NAZIS how it worked out for them when they tried.

Albert Pike

The Turks did hold it for hundreds of years…


Turkey is already plenty busy on their border with Syria.


Actually, there are many threats from the Turkish politicians and newspapers of invading the GREEK islands, just because “the Greeks are pirates” and that the “islands belong(ed) to Turkey, even Crete”. Your country also has an offensive Aegean Army Group, with its sole purpose of invading these islands. And let’s not forget the use of illegal migrants as weapons in the Evros area this Spring (where things flare up again), which shows the clear intent of waging an ongoing hybrid war… So don’t mind us if we take your threats seriously and prepare accordingly. It’s called expecting the worst. Now maybe Turkey hopefully finally understands that despite what the AKP & Allies internal propaganda or some German newspapers say about us, for 2500 years now, heroes keep fighting like Greeks, when defending this place.

Fog of War

First of all I’m not Turkish so not my country. Second, any conflict between the EU and Turkey means the automatic end of NATO, which will cause bigger ripples in the world then the Greek Turkish war. Next, dont you think Russia will be very happy to supply the Turks with all the necessary weaponary to accomplish this goal ? Do you think Greece can withstand that ?

Finally, in a similar vein, any attack on Greece by Turkey also spells the end of NATO, there is no way the US will allow that. Especially, not at this moment in time.


” Finally, in a similar vein, any attack on Greece by Turkey also spells the end of NATO, there is no way the US will allow that. Especially, not at this moment in time.”

That’s why it was created the PAX MEDITERRANEA , With the consent of America. ..Stop constantly telling us about NATO … NATO IS DEAD.


Do not Turks already attack Greek islands – through a proxy called “so-called refugees”? The Turks military shove them out of Turkey into those islands and even I saw an episode where they ripped down border fences on the mainland border. From what I’ve seen in the news there are a lot of completely ignorant assholes in those refugees, of course some may be real refugees. On this I agree – EU needs to support Greece in this task, sort its sh#t together on the outer border and send the hordes of lifestyle refugees back with container ships or something.


So? Do you think that Greeks will give up their country for free, just for the glory or the cohesion of NATO? We are in a new century now and as the Turkish elites see the power vacuum in the Southeastern Med part of NATO, so does Greece understand that 20 years of giving up its military was a mistake. New world, new rules.

So if NATO wants to avoid a war between its “allies”, its should make sure Turkey doesn’t invade Greek national soil. It’s that simple. Because it’s not just natural gas for Greece. It’s people, cities, shores, mountains and soil. Most of it, it’s been this way long before Turkey stopped being the center of the fading Ottoman Empire and became a Republic (that is, the Greek state is around for 200 years now), so things are the way they are for 100 years before Mustafa Kemal founded modern Turkey. With some notable exceptions, of course.


Bad memory or uneducated are we ?


not even with the help of USA and Russia together can Turkey hope to invade Greece mainland.

Albert Pike

That’s talk. Lets better show the Turks that Greece is prepared.


Why should any non-Greek care?


That was my own thought too.

big lebowski

Are you an accountant?

Angry Birds

A foggie muzzie most likely.

Fog of War

Yes, anyone who disagrees with your simpleton opinions is automatically a Muslim. BTW, do you have something against Muslims ?


I have nothing against Muslims and I know you as pro Turk Muslim. My only problem was you being pro-Turk, always. For the moment Turkey is enemy of Syria so…

Icarus Tanović

Just don’t waste your time arguing with the prick.

Fog of War

Very dumb childish question and response. You can do better.

FANFARΟNE ? Year of the Pig ??

shattap lowlife, spawned by a female iraniroach and a male flatearther LMAO

Fog of War

People might take you more seriously if knew how to spell basic words.

” Its shut up ” not your ebonics version of ” shattap ” . Go back to school please.


we came out of crisis last year…now we are rich fat ppl! ^^

Fog of War

Whats your GDP ? Whats your national debt ? How about unemployment levels ? Naive Greece is being used to antognize Turkey . Dont be fools Greek people you’re being tricked.


then why we are so rich??? i am eating with golden spoons!

Fog of War

Must be nice. Its a Greek golden age again.

Icarus Tanović



…………..they are olny gold plated…………..rub them hard enough and you will discover the aluminium .


What’s in it for you ? You are not paying any of that either ! Are you Greek by any chance ?

Fog of War

No, but I respect the Greek people.


Magic printing press … everyone’s printing money these days … it’s the new capitalism. Fuck earning, saving and taxation … just print whatever you need. What could possibly go wrong?

I got a $20 … put it in the scanner … press 5 and now I got $120!

Fog of War

Except, Greece is not allowed the luxuary of printing its own money debt free.


Until it walks away from the EU, if it isn’t shot in the back.


My post was tongue in cheek however if the Greeks want to buy weapons they’ll get the credit they need and the bank will create the money to loan them out of thin air as all banks. If the Greeks can’t pay the money back the EU will bail them out and if circumstances dictate they are unable to do that we’re all fucked because that means the financial system that is the corner stone of western civilization is collapsing.

We’ve been operating on the assumption that national debt …. and debt in general … is unlimited and irrelevant. It’s only the small guys who have to worry about debt. If you’re too big to fail …. as Greece is … the magic printing press kicks in and voila the entity is bailed out, the debt is written off and Greeks (middle and working class Greeks) have to act contrite and ‘suffer’ for a couple of years.

The guys who produce the weapons get paid, the bank who created the money by simply writing the number into their balance sheet have government loan guarantees so the taxpayer is really the one on the hook …. the taxpayer of the future that is because all we do is roll that debt into the $trillions we’ve already saddled our great grandchildren with.

It’s a marvellous magical system based on fairy dust and unicorn tears but we’re all bought into it and have been since the 2000 bailouts. Everyone grab your magic feathers and make a wish and perhaps the magic will continue without consequences.


…………..refer to my comment on the Greek bail-out a few years ago………………..80 Billion was needed, no body was told for what, The EU tax payers stumped up the cash………………and ……………the German weapons foundries got paid…………..80 billion………………………, and Greece received shiny new Leopard tanks. Ching ching, thank you EU tax payers.

John Brown

Wrong no one is printing its own money debt free except for a few that are left like Iran and China. The rest have zio owned private central banks that create money out of nothing and then charge interest on it to their Goyim slave nations who borrow this money instead of creating their own money out of nothing at no interest.

That it is all about explained. ‘Money as Debt” is made in Canada. ‘The Secret of Oz” was made in the USA, Canada and Britain later and is 90 minutes with a longer historical perspective and more info making it the better of the 2 movies for this reason. Money as Debt I – Revised Edition 2009 (Full Movie) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2nBPN-MKefA

The Secret of Oz Full Documentary 2009 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U71-KsDArFM&t=630s


Canadian banks have 4 billion in reserves and lend out 1.6 trillion. This is illegal under the bank of Canada Act.


financial pundit becomes YouTube star. this 12 year understands more

about the financial system then most economists.

12-year-old financial pundit becomes YouTube star

Victoria Grant of

Cambridge, Ont. is earning a reputation as a financial pundit after her

tirade against her homeland’s borrowing practices went viral on


The Canadian Press

Date: Tuesday May. 15, 2012 8:36 PM ET

TORONTO — Canada’s banking system has been the subject of international praise from economists grappling with global turmoil, but one 12-year-old girl begs to differ.

Victoria Grant of

Cambridge, Ont. is earning a reputation as a financial pundit after her

tirade against her homeland’s borrowing practices went viral on


Grant is already a veteran of the financial lecture circuit, but her appearance on April 27 is garnering unusual attention. A video of her address, shot at the Public Banking in America Conference in Philadelphia, has already attracted nearly 65,000 views since being posted a week ago.

For six minutes, the casually clad youngster holds forth to conference attendees on the reasons why so many of the world’s countries are facing staggering debt.

Her well-rehearsed speech, delivered in a clear, youthful voice, takes aim at Canada’s modern day financial system and champions a greater role for the country’s central bank.

“The banks and the government have colluded to financially enslave the people of Canada,” she says.

Grant lays out a brief history of the Canadian banking system, referencing obscure historical figures such as former Vancouver mayor Gerald McGeer and explaining that the Bank of Canada held primary control over government lending until the 1970’s.

Starting then, she says, governments began borrowing from private banks instead at considerably higher interest rates than those available through the central bank.

The result, Grant argues, is a rapidly increasing national debt.

The pint-sized pundit is quick to offer a solution.

“If the Canadian Government needs money, they can borrow it directly from the Bank of Canada,” she says. ” … Canadians would again prosper with real money as the foundation of our economic structure.”

Calls to Grant’s home were not immediately returned.

Her arguments have been championed in more orthodox financial circles.

Last June, the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives published a plea from retired finance professor George Crowell, who now works on behalf of the Committee on Monetary and Economic Reform.

Crowell echoes all of Grant’s assertions, arguing borrowing from the Bank of Canada would shore up depleted government resources and usher in an era of prosperity for Canada.

Such a change in monetary policy, combined with crucial changes in tax policy, would make available tens of billions of

dollars that are urgently needed to rebuild our public infrastructure,

protect our environment, and strengthen Medicare and other social

programs so vital in meeting human needs,” Crowell said.

Critics of Crowell’s arguments contend inflation rates would soar if the central bank was able to lend money below commercial interest rates.


to Grant’s video was largely positive, with U.S. financial media outlet

Bloomberg featuring a link to her speech on its web page.

YouTube commentators bubbled over with praise, saluting her for explaining complex concepts in comparatively simple terms.

“Good for you Victoria, if you even understand half of what you are saying, you are doing better than half the Canadian public,” wrote one YouTube user. “I have for

years tried to explain this very simple fact to people around me, and

they think I am crazy. Maybe if they saw it from a 12 yr old they would

be shamed into paying attention.”

One Twitter user offered more concise praise: “Victoria Grant For Prime Minister!”

Others, however, were skeptical that Grant’s words were truly her own.

“If you believe that she wrote it and it was impromptu, you are nuts,” wrote one commenter on the Huffington Post Canada website. “It was a put up job by Toddlers and Tiaras parents.”

12 yr old Canadian Victoria Grant Explains How Banks Enslave People Thru Debt



Fog of War

Of course, I’m well aware of all this. However, part of the scam is that the US has no intention of ever paying back its debt, so in a perverse way, they print their money debt free. The ZioAmericans even state this publicly, saying that perpetual debt is a workable viable system . Of course, this logic doesn’t apply to any other country according to them. The sad part is that most of the other countries of the world play along with this scam to the detriment of their own economies and people. I guess this shows as all the tremendous power that either controls of scares the world’s nations into submission. Concerning China: I’m not sure China does print debt free money, as it actually got some loans from the World Bank recently. Why would it need to do that ?


Countries of the Eurozone cannot print money as they like, like US does, they lost that ability after they abolish their national currency. So Greece cannot print money or any other European country using Euro as currency.


The US Treasury Department only prints the amount of currency they need to circulate. The vast majority of the “money” that the Fed buys from the Treasury is in the form of bonds, not FRNs.

Jim Allen

Perhaps you should look into who owns the fiat US Petrobuck, and the rights to print.


I don’t suppose that you have read The Secrets of the Federal Reserve by Eustace Mullins and/or The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve by G. Edward Griffin, either of which would tell you what you apparently don’t know and/or misunderstand.

Fog of War

Does Russia print its own debt free money ? Why not ?


Yup, that is “The New Reality”…………………….

Harry Smith

France and Germany are major EU actors after Brexit. I think that France already found the way to give Greece the needed amount of money. The next logical step for Turkey is to purchase some SU-35.


Do you recollect an incident that occurred perhaps 5-6 years ago. ( I’m having a dementia moment !) It involved the EU needing 80 Billion Euros, to bail out something or other, so they went cap in hand to all the memeber states and lo and behold, perhaps a month later, one of the major German news-rags reveals that the money was transferred to Greece, in order that Greece could pay for a couple of hundred German Leopard Tanks and other military bits and bobs…………….so the winner was the German arms manufacturers………….paid for by the tax payers of the EU !.

Harry Smith



“the Greek government is counting on the European plan for the economic recovery to be able to modernize its defense”. Greece will use the money they get from EU, EU recently voted for an big economic recovery program where many countries takes big loans and gives the money to countries in southern EU. The countries that have a low retirement age and low taxes doesn’t need to raise their tax rate since other countries with high tax rates and high retirement age pays for it. It was an idiotic decision and Greece will use that money so i will be one of the people that actually pays for it with taxes in Sweden.


Because French and German “MIC” will earn lots of money by selling weapons to Greece. This is nothing new, it was the same before as well. They have tolerated Greece spending on weapons because helps survival of European military industry in Germany and France.


When Sweden joined the EU, it recognizes the external borders of the Union as its own. So when there is a real and present threat that a country will invade and grab European soil, the Swedish money goes a long way to achieve this. If Sweden didn’t have Finland as its neighbor in the past, but the USSR, there would be no way it would achieve such a high standard of life and be a highly developed socialist state.

Fog of War

Yes, its a financial trap. These are loans with interest and not donations, Greece is being setup to be the punching bag in the EU’s attempt to control the mediterranean. Of course non of the other EU countries want to fight to fight Turkey , so they’re egging on Greece to do it. The poor Greek people are going to be the ones to pay the ” bill “.


No air force with any sense is going to attack Turkey and their S-400 system.

Fog of War

The silly Greeks might.


They won’t be anyone’s problem shortly thereafter.


Dont be ridiculous, S-400 can be destroyed, its not so hard.


It’s actually rather hard for those using terms like IsraHell and ZioAmerica to comprehend that, don’t bother.


Aren’t they destroyed in their terminal phase, normally?


They can also be damaged electronically. all electronic systems can be hacked


Repeat that again.


Aren’t they destroyed in their terminal phase, normally?


What do you mean by that?


It means his code is corrupted. Next


Do you not know what a munition’s terminal phase is?


I know what it is but what about that? What are you trying to say man, STOP speaking with riddles and do a proper explanation.


lol Really? You think just the 2 batteries that Turkey has which are not even networked with all the rest western/NATO air defence system and C4I will prevail an attack? Turkey does not even have capable SHORAD system like Tor/Pantsir to defend the S-400.

Greece using the Mirage 2000-5Mk2 and the Rafales with SCALP-EG missiles that have a range of 560km will easily out-range any air defence and destroy the S-400.

Just for your information, Turkey has not received the large 40N6 missile(400km), they have either the 48N6E2(200km) or 48N6E3(250km). But just because a missile might have 250 or 400 km range that doesn’t mean it can engage a target at that range. Those long ranges are for medium-high, to very high altitudes and with a clear sight of line, engaging a target at 200km means the enemy fighter must fly at high altitude and by that time it will have lost most of its energy to manoeuvrer, also the curvature of the earth effects the radar range, any hills, mountains, valleys will block the signal.


Just for your information, the Russia’s have a lease on a slip in Turkey’s deep water port that they have been using to deliver most of the S-400. Something tells me that Russian ships in the vicinity might interpret an attack on Turkey an attack on their ships, and that would obviate the need for the S-400.


Yes, but the Russians still remember that the Turks shot down two of their planes and killed the pilots.


Which is undoubtedly why they sold them something they could shot down more with. Attempting to sink the USS Liberty hasn’t prevented America from selling anything to the IDF, and that killed 34 and wounded 171.


This is because states are governed by interests, not by friendships.


hahaha Dont be delusional, first no lease exist as you say, show me where u read it.

Second even if they have a lease so what, what that has to do with anything? You really believe that Russia will get involved to save Turkey and intercept an attack from Greece? lol Are you so delusional? Russia getting involved in NATO conflict? With so many NATO players around that area(Greece, USA, France, Italy) plus Israel that have a lot more forces than Russia? I repeat again, are you so delusional? What are you smoking man.


I can’t find anything about it with Google, but that isn’t new. If you regard me as delusional I’ll go with that, because most of what you type seems pretty fictional to me, and you probably wouldn’t believe that Google would ever censor anything. I can’t answer any of your questions because they are not based on anything I’ve typed.


You cant answer because its all BS.


Russia is stirring the pot with the intentions of weakening and eventually breaking up NATO. By observations Germany is the hidden and silent instigator behind a lot of the disharmony generated in the Balkans.


Sorry dude… In what wet AKP fantasy are Russians allies with Turkey? They use them to keep the US and NATO away and they sure would like to include them in SCO. But they are not Turkey’s friends and they never, ever forget the death of Oleg Peshkov, by the Turkmens.

And why would Greece attack Turkey first? It doesn’t claim that Imbros (İmroz) is Greek and it needs to take it back, because reasons… Are you confused with who the aggressor is here?


Why do they have to be allies to lease a slip?


As for Russia, it is clearly not delighted with what is happening. The Black Sea straits Bosphorus and Dardanelles are extremely important for Moscow. For centuries it has been trying to control the passage from the Black Sea to the Mediterranean. These straits are of strategic importance for the Russians. If a war breaks out between Turkey and Greece, the Turks will not abandon the Montreux doctrine, however, the Greeks can block the straits, after which the free passage of Russian warships and merchant ships will stop. Therefore, Moscow has no interest in escalating the conflict.

Servet Köseoğlu

Greeks can block the straits??? bro you saved my day again…


Small talk … it has become in history again. Have you heard about the Battle of Elli? The naval battle of Elli, which together with the naval battle of Lemnos, about a month later, glorified, once again, the Greek Navy and “closed” the Turkish fleet in the Dardanelles for a decade. The arrogant Tayyip Erdogan may claim that 500 years ago his ancestors were in the Mediterranean (he probably forgets the catastrophe in Nafpaktos in 1571), but he does not want to remember where his ancestors were 100-110 years ago. When the White Sea (Aegean Sea) was seen through binoculars… The Greek Fleet is able to close the Dardanelles Straits whenever it wants !!

Servet Köseoğlu

all-right hun..


Does this link open for you ??


Mustafa Mehmet

To much ouzo again re yanni


Others drink raki and do not know what to say



Hulusi Akar has written his own book on Meze. xa xa xa



S-400 are not networked with the rest of the Turk anti aircraft Turk systems simply because not compatible. And that is the biggest vulnerability of S-400.


Are you on the team working on that? Why in the world would connectivity between NATO and S-400 be desirable with NATO disapproving of the acquisition?


Do not forget we also have in Greece S-300.. we know how the system works.


How about Greece buys 36 Gripen then ? Saudis are paying.


Dont be ridiculous, Greece wont take any money from you for arms, we never did from EU citizens. Time to stop with that myth. Greece has paid all the weapons that have bought over the years to the last cent from its own money. Now those new weapons will be funded by the Greek reserve which is more than 35 billion Euros. And what we do with our money is our business, if you dont like it nobody cares, or else you can send your own troops, ships and airforce to protect EU borders. Its easy for you to say that when u have friendly neighbours, look where Greece is, in the most hot zone of the Mediterranean and one of the most hot zones on earth. We have spent billions upon billions over those years to buy and maintain that large army.

cechas vodobenikov

the EU redistributes wealth—mainly from the 2 largest economies—France/Germany, to less affluent nations—-Portugal, Ireland, Romania, etc


That means nothing, you have no idea how that works, you are not even in EU, so not your problem. And all EU countries contribute to the European funding, according always with the size of their economy. Better go learn some things.


They sure find a way. As nothing in this world is free, it’s interesting to know what they get in return.


The Saudis and UAE have already bought Greek bonds, specifically issued just for this. So don’t you worry about it. I know finding a source of funding for these purchases stresses you a lot, but don’t worry. It seems Turkey has many many enemies in the Suni world (ie almost all of its neighbors, and nearly everyone, everywhere), who are willing to see it calm down and get off its high horse… So when there’s a will, there’s a way.


It seems to work pretty well for the United States. Maybe they should bribe Jerome Powell.

Fog of War

Great, why doesnt every other country do the same then ? Maybe because they’re prevented from doing that. Who’s preventing them ?


Maybe the Fed hasn’t started buying foreign corporate bonds, yet.


Because not everyone is a member of PAX MEDITERRANEA..

Mustafa Mehmet

more more food ? and money sir https://media3.giphy.com/media/FyKfqRxVbzciY/giphy.gif



Fog of War

In what manner ?


The French will lob them another rescue package of course.


I told you guys .. that at some point NATO will disintegrate. But another military defense body will be set up, of which Turkey will not be a member. and his name ...PAX MEDITERRANEA. Pax Mediterranea will be guarded by a strong military force, so we will equip more. WHERE DID NATO FIND THE MONEY TO CREATE IT ?? This is how he will find the money and PAX MEDITERRANEA..

Do not be surprised where Greece found the money for military equipment


First its not bankrupt, you should follow the news better, Greece is out of the moratorium program for more than 2 years now and has more than 35 billion cash reserve as we speak.


Has no one ever counterfeited Greece Euros like the US Treasury has petrodollars?


Greece is not like Turkey who taking money from Qatar and China..


Qatar and China are counterfeiting Euros?


This troll is broken. Next please.


Your block function is not working?


Qatar pours $10bn into ailing Turkish economy in currency swap deal https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/qatar-turkey-swap-deal-tripled-exemption-clearstream-banking-and-euroclear-bank


Was it counterfeit or negotiables?


The person who asks … also has the answer.That’s what I learned.


You must have a pretty twisted education.


You must have a very twisted concept of logic….and i thinking liken about hexadecimal in octal…xa xa xa do you think you are smarter or better trained than me ??My position is off the top of the Diamond Chart.


It was very simple to turn you into a babbling propagandist.


Completely.. from you comfy chair, from you keyboard, How can a democratic oligarchy do such a thing to a non-democratic Greek ??


It is pretty easy since they seldom leave their comfy chairs.


Yes for those who have comfortable chairs. A comfortable chair is never dangerous. On the contrary, those who do not use a chair for their work are dangerous. People who belong to the Aristocracy of the Spirit (according to Plato) like me do not use chairs.


The only chair I own, and it is comfortable, is the driver’s seat of my home.


It makes sense … everyone is the “driver” in their home … with or without chairs. Everything is a state of mind.


Most homes lack the wheels.


It does not matter, from the moment it is on the planet, and the planet spins like a wheel … then they spin too…Of course many times whiskey also helps


Nothing is static in the Universe.


Why would anyone expect it to be?

cechas vodobenikov

Heraclitus vs Parmenides

cechas vodobenikov

be careful—many that post here live deep in Plato’s cave

Mustafa Mehmet

But you always begging Germany and Russia to help you out. that’s why you always waiting outside EU building with big begging bowls asking everyone any change please


Germany and Russia are your friends and allies. NOT OURS. So why ask for something from them ?? From the moment we know that they will not give us anything. Pax Mediterranea. This is the New Military Alliance that will dominate the Mediterranean..you will do well to understand this.


Mustafa Mehmet

Alliance with who.. Greek Cypriot community they’re bankrupt like you or Egypt they’re worse than you

Mustafa Mehmet

Outside putting office https://media4.giphy.com/media/3o8dp3z1qMdvfOgv28/giphy.gif

Tom Tom

Of course Greece is bankrupt. Having lots of debt doesn’t mean you’re not bankrupt. The U.S. is the same, and actually worse.


Of course it is not.


……………..the difference is, Amerika can print green-backs all day and all night long………………….27 Trillion deficit………………who cares and who can do anything about it.


it works as long as countries like belgium, switzerland,uk and japan continue to accept the american bonds at face value even if it is decidedly chillier today than say 3 years ago.


US are buying those bonds using Belgium ,Swiss, UK for cover…maybe only Japan does that as favor to US but nobody else for sure !!


Verner, I think it is deeper than that; Who’s got bigger guns and more of them ? The countries you mentioned are the slaves of the criminal cabal that controls the finance system, uses Amerika as its enforcer , and has its seat in Russia. Shall we call it what it is, namely the Jewish/Zionist Russian Mafia, Go root around Veterans today’s website, some of the articles posted there will blow your socks off.


We won’t send you the bill pumpkin hence mind your own business. The Arab Emirates shall pay and you do not have a say !


We had 32 billion in the bank as a “safety cushion”

Servet Köseoğlu

The design of the Rafale looks like the Canadian Arrow built in 1956. Only 6 prototypes were constructed. Never put into production. Gross…

Angry Birds

Pay a visit to the ophthalmologist and drink vitamin D enriched ayran

Servet Köseoğlu

on top of that it will be just like a butterfly on a horse dick at the hands of ”talented” greek pilots.

Ice Icegold

Your pilots are in prison thanks to your “democratic” sultan erdogan.

Servet Köseoğlu

even with the old,retired ones https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/04fb9616fbda1cce858a1dea37fbc1752316a3f451279708cc76345dd9faf99a.jpg



Servet Köseoğlu

so??? we captured al-bab at the end of the day right?


Yes they are sooo useless and the Turkish Air Force knows that they are no match for its glorious air defenses… Just ask the servicemen at al-Watiya. They know: https://thearabweekly.com/rafale-attacks-turkish-targets-al-watiya-airbase-egyptian-or-french

Servet Köseoğlu

read carefully,ı didnt say useless…mirage 2000-9 was used not rafael and air defense system is nike old tech 35-40 km range..

Антон С

“Hawk” is crap, even after modernization. Iran should replace its “Hawks” with S-350, “Buk-M3” or domestic variants, which looks like “Buk-M1” (possibly not just coincidence). Al-Watiya got 2 strikes, “Hawk” did nothing except being destroyed.

Alberto Garza

the u.s. is no longer upgrading the turkish f-16

Servet Köseoğlu

yep…and after f-35 deal we dont intend to


yep and the russians can provide few alternative decidedly better at half the cost. so hurry and then you can deal with the jews (together with iran) in their flying lemons, f35s.

Servet Köseoğlu

russian jet is not option now..ı wrote 10 times why people insist on writing su-35 or su57 ı dont understand…

Angry Birds

The turkeys do not know how to win chicken games against Greece, the irony ..

Mustafa Mehmet

Brainless clueless stupid idiot https://media3.giphy.com/media/8TKp4u0r5CXm0/giphy.gif

hans meiser

both greece and france are a joke and in fact europe is not worth to be taken serious

FANFARΟNE ? Year of the Pig ??

the french field approx 300 reasons to be taken dead serious LOL


the french are just plain stupid about on par with the poles! and can’t seem to get out of a wet paper bag.


“joke” comparing to whom?


he must be butthurt Turk


Yes, or…

Or frustrated nihilistic German, hating his own country, for being such spinless puppet to US.


shure spinlesssss


ssssssehr gut !


just words. non of them have adjusted their radars


radars are fine tuned…no need for adjustment….now tell me how many orcs have you left…did those pesky humans killed them all??


what is “fine tuned” mean in your definition?

Tom Tom

If you’re just now getting started on arming yourself, it’s too late. Hmmm, a French-Egyptian-Greek alliance vs. Turkey-Iran-Russia….uh huh.

Alberto Garza

i dont think russia will get involved .


but its presence with a number of heavily dangerous warships sure as a klucking bell will make the others take notice and calm down although the stupid french might just be stupid due to the loss of prestige if they fold the tent and back down.

cechas vodobenikov

Russia will not support turkey, nor will Iran; neither support turkey/US imperialism in Libya or Syria


And in Iraq…even expanding her territory in Greece is Turk imperialism.

Mustafa Mehmet

Turks dont need any support from anyone vodo.

cechas vodobenikov

ignorance of history; of all the wars between Russia and turkey ottomans—15 won by Russia—the 2 victories by turkey aided by anglo nations


Turkey is NATO country and not an allay of Russia or Iran. Such war is not even possible in theory. Definitely not for Russia.

Антон С

Exclude Russia from the list. Iran too.

cechas vodobenikov

turkey cannot challenge, Greece, Egypt, Cyprus, France…UAE, SA even oppose them…only Qatar, Azerbaijan, both insignificant support turk imperialism…now azerbijian is cooperating w Russia/ Iran to connect the Iranian and Russian electrical grids…this was created by the idiot amerikans w their stuxnet…Russia is modernizing the port of Lagan in order to increase trade w Kahzakstan and Iran


saw a piece in zerohedge that de russians have amassed a large number of naval vessels in the east Med which is a serious notice to france and greece and nato not too be too adventurous when it comes to turkey or the inlet into the black sea or in general where the syrian matter is concerned, such as the attempt by the jews and the yankee-twats to regime change lebanon, which eez is required by the jews in order to bring the gas stolen from the palestinians to europe by pipeline. it won’t happen without access of the eez of lebanon and thus the ammonium-nitrate devastation in beirut, no doubt set off by the jews in palestine.

and france, silly buggers, can try to take advantage of the situation by selling loads of second hand defective weapons to the bankrupt greeks, what 35 billion stashed away for such purpose is just plain silly.


” serious notice to france and greece and nato not too be too adventurous when it comes to turkey or the inlet into the black sea”

As far as I remember “piece in zerohedge” was talking about possible Russian intervention in Syria (which is more realistic motive ) not as “notice to France and Greece and NATO” Turkey is also NATO so why would Russia take any side at all and starting WW3 to defend Turkey?!? Anyways NATO is not against Turkey but EU.

It is in Russian interest that NATO is in inner conflicts not opposite. US -IsraHell regime change intervention in Lebanon has nothing to do with Palestine or the gas but about Hezbollah.

France is selling new weapons to Greece


pompeo visited lebanon a few months back to acquire the right for the jews to use lebanon’s economic zone to build the pipeline they prefer for the gaz stolen from the palestinians. at the same time he promised to provide weapons to lebanon, not the latest stuff but solid second rate stuff. he was turned down and shortly after the problems in lebanon surfaced with demonstrations and finally the ammonium-nitrate explosion. the jew’s pipeline is not possible without access to lebanon’s eez.

russia ain’t planning to get deeper into syria but they need to deter france and greece from doing something stupid, which they both are prone to do.

there is no nato-brethren stuff between turkey and greece and nato wouldn’t involve itself in the turkey/greece spat even if paid although greece, the silly buggers, would like them to help sort the mess the greeks have managed to get themselves into.


russia ain’t planning to get deeper into syria but they need to deter france and greece from doing something stupid, which they both are prone to do. “Stupid” such as…?

So all in all you don’t see this as territorial dispute between Greeks and Turks and EU intervention as justified?! I do not follow you there. Why would EU have reason to do that?


French should also sell the Rafal to Syrian Air Force.

Servet Köseoğlu

what???syria even cant buy 60.000 tonnes of cucumber… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f40e7c02fbde2eb6d19a886ae6b95ab28d9d1d58005bb8d8e8753d617fd013a7.gif


The word is that those “60.000 tonnes of cucumbers” were in storage in Turkey and that Turks have used them as sex dildos stuffing them up their ass, so nobody wants to buy them any more.

Servet Köseoğlu

my comment was spammed but ı am sure you read it..ı dont want to reply again mr.cliche


Got spammed !!!?? ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha !!! Thanks Greeks ..keep up good work!

Servet Köseoğlu

lol..why are you upvoting yourself?you are really boring f.ck..


I never do that but I was hopping that if I do that that will additionally upset you so I did that as well and I was RIGHT !!!


All wars are bankers’ wars. They’ve been sucking Greece dry through high interest loans, why wouldn’t they make a killing out of financing arms’ trade. They’ve always done so… and they’re sure to finance both sides. Oh, and Erdogan doesn’t mean “to argue”… arguing is good. He means, don’t pick a fight.

cechas vodobenikov

today wars are low intensity—major wars are rare. Mainly we observe proxy wars, financialization, suctions, etc…Egypt alone has a larger military than Turkey—-turkey backed down when al-sisi declared the “red line” at Sirte…Greece can defend itself. the turk lira is steadily losing value, the economy is more fragile—poverty exceeds 60 million and turkey has not been able to eradicate PKK/YPG or CIA funded SDF


Such a confusing web of alliances and interests. Russian mercenaries fighting Turkish mercenaries in Libya, Russian airforce bombing Turkish-backed forces in Syria (and sometimes even the Turks themselves), Turkey backing Azerbaijan against Russian-backed Armenia, Russia supplying weapons to Turkey that will be used on Greece, even though historically the Greeks and Russians have been ideological brethren and certainly share a religious heritage (Russian and Greek Orthodox Church are basically identical). Meanwhile France backing Greece and opposing Turkey in Libya, while Egypt and UAE back LNA in Libya even as they oppose Iranian-backed Houthis in Yemen, while Iran is an ally of Russia…

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