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Documents Reveal Trump and Co.’s “Ukraine Play”

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Documents Reveal Trump and Co.'s "Ukraine Play"

Lev Parnas (left) and Rudy Giuliani (right). Click to see full-size image

On January 14th, US House Democrats released a cache of documents obtained from Lev Parnas, a close associate of Donald Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani.

The materials released by House investigators exposed a number of previously unknown details about efforts by Giuliani and his associates to obtain material in Ukraine that would undermine Trump’s Democratic opponents.

Also among the documents is a handwritten note on stationery from the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Vienna that says “get Zalensky to Annonce that the Biden case will be Investigated.“

In a letter outlining the evidence, Democrats said that Parnas’s attorney confirmed that Parnas wrote the notes.

The documents – including phone records, texts and flash drives turned over by Parnas – were sent to the House judiciary committee by three other House committees “to be included as part of the official record that will be transmitted to the Senate along with the articles of impeachment,” according to a statement.

They present how in early May 2019, Lev Parnas reached out to Ivan Bakanov, who is a close aide to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Bakanov is a childhood friend of Zelensky and was assigned as chief of the SBU, the Ukrainian secret service agency, by the president.

Documents Reveal Trump and Co.'s "Ukraine Play"

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Documents Reveal Trump and Co.'s "Ukraine Play"

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Serhiy Shefir, the first aide of President Volodymyr Zelensky was also in contact with Rudy Giuliani.

Initially, Parnas connected with Shefir to organize a meeting between him and Giuliani, finally Parnas himself met with Shefir, because Giuliani cancelled his trip to Kiev.

Documents Reveal Trump and Co.'s "Ukraine Play"

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Documents Reveal Trump and Co.'s "Ukraine Play"

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Documents Reveal Trump and Co.'s "Ukraine Play"

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Lev Parnas was in contact with the Ukrainian Minister of Interior Arsen Avakov, with the first message being sent on April 15th, 2019. Avakov remained in seat, after Petro Poroshenko lost in the elections and has remained under Volodymyr Zelensky’s presidency.

They initially organized a meeting and it is unclear if it took place, but the two met around the end of April 2019.

Documents Reveal Trump and Co.'s "Ukraine Play"

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Documents Reveal Trump and Co.'s "Ukraine Play"

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Documents Reveal Trump and Co.'s "Ukraine Play"

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Documents Reveal Trump and Co.'s "Ukraine Play"

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Parnas, furthermore, was in contact with Ukraine’s chief negotiator with the US Andriy Yermak, during the week Volodymyr Zelensky travelled to New York for the UNGA.

Documents Reveal Trump and Co.'s "Ukraine Play"

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Additionally, Parnas frequently communicated with Ukrainian Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko, who gave him information regarding Joe Biden and his son, Hunter Biden. Lutsenko frequently spoke of US Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch, whom he wanted to be removed from her post in Kiev.

Documents Reveal Trump and Co.'s "Ukraine Play"

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Documents Reveal Trump and Co.'s "Ukraine Play"

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Documents Reveal Trump and Co.'s "Ukraine Play"

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Documents Reveal Trump and Co.'s "Ukraine Play"

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Documents Reveal Trump and Co.'s "Ukraine Play"

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Documents Reveal Trump and Co.'s "Ukraine Play"

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Documents Reveal Trump and Co.'s "Ukraine Play"

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Documents Reveal Trump and Co.'s "Ukraine Play"

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Documents Reveal Trump and Co.'s "Ukraine Play"

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Then, Parnas attempted to pressure Lutsenko into acting, as Giuliani was saying that it was time to look into the allegations that Ukraine had meddled in the 2016 US Presidential elections.

Documents Reveal Trump and Co.'s "Ukraine Play"

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Finally, it appears that Parnas also communicated with Igor Kolomoisky in September and October 2019. There are justified suspicions that Kolomoisky, an oligarch is the one sitting behind Volodymyr Zelensky, at least in part, pulling his strings.

Documents Reveal Trump and Co.'s "Ukraine Play"

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“All of this new evidence confirms what we already know: the President and his associates pressured Ukrainian officials to announce investigations that would benefit the President politically,” the chairs of the House Intelligence, Oversight, Judiciary and Foreign Affairs Committees said in a joint statement. “There cannot be a full and fair trial in the Senate without the documents that President Trump is refusing to provide to Congress.”


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AM Hants

More interested in who gets bonus points and more from Burisma Holdings.

AM Hants

Talking of Ukraine, has anybody seen this?

The Head of Ukraine International Airlines Inadvertently Admitted Ukraine’s Guilt in the MH17 Crash in Donbass…

‘…The President of Ukraine International Airlines (UIA) Evgeny Dykhne in an interview with a Ukrainian media agency made a loud statement. By blaming the Iranian authorities for the crash of the Ukrainian plane, he actually inadvertently admitted the guilt of Kiev in the crash of Boeing МН17 above Donbass in the summer of 2014.

Dykhne stated that the authorities are already responsible for the crash of his airline on January 8th as they did not close their airspace.

“If you want to know my opinion, it is the fault of those who did not close the country’s airspace. I do not care very much if the person pressed the button or the system activated itself,” said the head of the Ukrainian airline…’



The moral for Evgeny Dykhne being , ‘ Engage brain before mouth’. :)

AM Hants

Not something those with Galician DNA would ever contemplate.

Hope he keeps up with his views, and when is the Disney charade of MH17 and the Dutch meant to be going to court? Hopefully, when the masses are focused on the words of Evgeny Dykhne. At least Iran owned up, not matter the cost.

Dykhne stated that the authorities are already responsible for the crash of his airline on January 8th as they did not close their airspace.


Off topic, but, have you seen this?

CAMPAIGN 2016, CAMPAIGN 2020, COMMENTARY, FILM, INTERNATIONAL, POLITICS, RUSSIA, RUSSIAGATE, TRUMP ADMINISTRATION, U.S., UKRAINE Documentary Released Monday Sheds New Light on Ukrainegate… https://consortiumnews.com/2020/01/13/documentary-released-monday-sheds-new-light-on-ukrainegate/


Another good find by you, AM.

It well lays out all the details of how a corrupt state works, and the USA is currently at the top of the pyramid. Above the pyramid are the puppet masters of course who live in the cloud.

Corruption is rather like a sewer. The commixture of dirty cash flowing into the sewer is then flushed into a sewage farm owned by the corrupt elite and the dirty money is then cleansed and separated into a private stream (Bank) that can then flow back into society as ‘potable’ income.

Its as simple as that in my opinion.

Jimi Thompson 2

I am sure you have probably already seen “Ukraine On Fire” and “Revealing Ukraine”, but, if not, check them out and here is a condensed “version” of some of the events that are under the microscope.

> https://www.thebeltwayreport.com/2019/12/patriot-releases-video-ukraine-santilli/

AM Hants

Thanks Jimi. Funnily enough, I was never a fan of Oliver Stone, will he started showing an interest in Ukraine and Russia, back in 2014. Same with George Galloway, till I sat down and listened to him, post 2014. Now have so much respect for the two of them. Will be popping over to Beltway Report and thanks for the link.

Jimi Thompson 2

Exactly the same for me, for both… at least to the degree in which they are intent on exposing the major players… and of course you are always very welcome!

AM Hants

Just tried posting it on Gateway Pundit, and funnily enough it has gone straight to pending.

Now see what would have triggered it going into the bin?

‘…For those who have not idea what Ukraine is all about, here is a video, to bring you upto speed.

UKRAINE – Ground Zero For The CIA Coup Upon America… https://www.brighteon.com/f…’


Must admit, I find it difficult going over to that site at the moment, owing to the hysteria and demand for war with Iran. Somebody is spending one heck of a lot of money on disinformation trolls and comments sections.

However, did like the work they were doing with regards Ukraine and the Impeachment.

Jimi Thompson 2

I can hardly stand any site like GP these days… it’s as if the greater percentage of Trump supporters shifted from America First principles and demands, to “whatever Trump is doing is fine with me… even though he hasn’t done 90% of the things that make up the America First agenda.”

It’s sickening… they are as bad, if not worse than, the Kenyan’s cultists… SMH.

GP banned me twice and I believe it was because I was either posting information that Holt didn’t yet know, or that didn’t fit into his / Trump’s globalist endeavors.

Oh well… by the time Jones and his crew at Jones International Group, and the social disinformation terrorists running the Zinc Group project get fully ramped up, 95% of the population will be absolutely clueless to what is going on in the world around them… everything will be completely manufactured.


AM Hants

I am so with you. Enjoyed their articles on Ukraine and the impeachment, but, then it was like going onto a Breit Bart Comments section. Somebody is paying a lot of money to keep the disinformation trolls circulating, as they come out with the same old soundbites, with regards whatever nation Washington DC wants war with.

Now, it is just like popping into the national mental asylum and you have no way of distinguishing hardcore Clinton voters from hardcore Trump voters. I wonder who is behind GP?

Jimi Thompson 2

Ugh… SMH.

Holt is the top of the foodchain at GP… he has flipped and has most recently, and openly, made it known that he is a solid Israel Firster, carrying water for the globalist Neocons.

AM Hants

Does he run it on behalf of anybody else? No mistaking where his loyalties lie.

Jimi Thompson 2

If there is someone in the shadows that he answers to, I am not aware of who that would be.

AM Hants

Think I saw this a couple of weeks ago as it reminded me of ‘What They Are Not Telling You In Ukraine’, back in 2014. Might have the title wrong, but, it was from Storm Crowd or similar, off the top of my head.

Happy to share and thanks for the link. Just started watching it.

Jimi Thompson 2

I have no affiliation… I just thought you would like to see it!


AM Hants

Thank you and you so thought correct.

AM Hants

Brilliant, I watched part of it, but, did not have the time to dedicate to all of it and then forgot about it. Thanks for the link as sitting here watching it, remembering the Larry Diamond videos and girl of Ukraine. Wasn’t she working with Saakashvili at the time? Not forgetting the English speaking mercenaries, over in Ukraine, back in 2014. Went looking for the videos, fairly recently to find Google clean-out, got their first, so nice to see them in the video.

Then Svoboda, showing their Nazi sympathies, again, Google clean out, takes longer to look for the videos.

Robert Kagan, Bill Krystol and Elliot Abrahms, who set up PNAC. Nuland, wife of Robert Kagan, who if Clinton had got the White House, would have been her Secretary of State, despite her husband batting for the other team. Well other side of the coin, when tossed. Going back to Nuland, and doesn’t both Nuland, together with Elliot Abrahms and Anne Applebaum, plus, countless Ambassadors sit on the Board of Directors of the US Government funded NED NGO, which works in unison with Soros ‘Open Society Foundation’ and how much Government funding, from nations all around the world, does he pick up to keep his Foundation operating?

Again, happy to share video and so needs sharing. Whether going back in time, or just checking out how to implement regime change scripts, here, there and everywhere.

Jimi Thompson 2

Google is definitely scrubbing a lot of the web as it pertains to Epstein links, the laundry list of crimes committed by the U.S. government in Ukraine, much of what has been published about the CIA’s / Pentagon’s / NATO states’ terrorists groups, etc., etc., etc.

Instead of Trump tearing the Deep State apparatus apart, it has grown exponentially in size and power since he has been in office.

Considering what has been accomplished over the last 36 months alone, I honestly don’t believe there is a “way back”.

I used to believe there might be, with perhaps 10 million people having to be kiIIed to “get there”, but, I think the number may now be around 100MM, throughout the United States and Europe, if it is still even possible at all.

AM Hants

Weird with Google, which I should leave well alone. However, when searching for something, via Google, you fail to find it. However, change search engine and no problem. Wonder how many of their files they have managed to clean out?

Trump, thought with him there would at least be 50% chance of peace. With regards the ‘Theatre of Impeachment’, no longer have any interest in what happens to him, purely owing to him taking out the Iranian General. Before that, they could not impeach him over Ukraine, so he then goes and gives them a reason. Why though, when things were turning his way. Something he does each and every time, knowing the media will come back, a couple of weeks later and his safety catch will have been ignored. Loretta Lynch, is one such case. When the media were homing in on the story of her meeting Clinton on the runway, what does Trump do? Change the headlines and then two weeks later, the media have forgotten all about it.

If there is any chance of peace in the World, do believe it will be Russia and China that make the breakthrough.

Jimi Thompson 2

At this stage, I want one of two things… either a true America First candidate to emerge and fulfill the America First agenda, in full, or full blown civil war… there is no middle for me… I am beyond sick of watching the 5th Column run their schemes, and listening to their respective supporters cheering them on, all while western civilization is being taken apart and destroyed, piece by piece.

AM Hants

Don’t think you are the only one to wish for that.

Over here in the UK, must admit, just want the boil to be lanced, believing in short term pain for long term gain. If things carry on like they are, where will it stop, besides them getting off trying to scare us all, as part of the game?

Jimi Thompson 2

I feel for you guys… considering all of the factors (population replacement / destruction of culture, etc.) there is no other choice but civil war.

I am most likely letting my cognitive dissonance outweigh reality in thinking that we still have a slim chance of avoiding it here.

We are only a few years behind you folks, but, we’re catching up quickly.

If “we” don’t destroy the machine, and those running it, they will finish off what they have been diligently working on for a long time now, which is the absolute destruction of our respective countries.

AM Hants

Still believe in hope and it will sort itself out. How did they sort out the Roman Empire, post Caligula? We take things as far as we can and then something happens to knock us back on course.

Jimi Thompson 2

Hhhhmmmmm… I used to be an optimist too…sadly, reality has started to take some of that away.

Just another example (below) of all the winning we are experiencing… SMH.


Two Syrian Orthodox Christian priests were executed by Nour al-Din al-Zenki – A “REBEL GROUP” THAT WAS ARMED, FUNDED & VETTED BY THE CIA.

What’s left of Nour al-Din al-Zenki is now in Idlib, and is being protected by the U.S. and Turkish governments.

AM Hants

Poor priests and so sick.

AM Hants

The link from Consortium:

The site of our documentary UkraineGate: just released, already censored by Facebook – PLEASE HELP US… https://www.les-crises.fr/le-site-de-notre-documentaire-ukrainegate-a-peine-sorti-deja-censure-par-facebook/

AM Hants

Eventually got a link that works, with regards ‘Ukraine Gate’. https://www.les-crises.fr/video-ukrainegate-partie-1-un-procureur-pas-si-solide/


” À partir de Joe Biden, cette enquête nous conduira au cœur des réseaux de corruption ukrainiens et internationaux…”

Oh,the irony :)

AM Hants

Appears they are trying to shut down Burisma Holdings and US Political corruption. I wonder why?


Its just so so unfair that the majority of sane people think that the USA is as institutionally corrupt as a banana republic,AM.

Anyone who thinks otherwise should be put in a Fema Camp and ‘neutralised’.

I do love that word, its sooo politically correct.

AM Hants

Must admit to seriously finding the word sinister. Always muddle it with neutered for some reason and depending on context, haha.

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