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Does Germany Want War In Europe?

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Does Germany Want War In Europe?

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Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

Ever since the Scholz cabinet was formed, the already deteriorating relations between Russia and Germany have been in an effectively perpetual downward death spiral. Apart from its shameless support for the Neo-Nazi junta in Kiev, Berlin also regularly provokes Moscow with statements and (geo)political moves that are not only exacerbating the situation, but are also ultimately self-defeating and even dangerous. In November last year, classified plans of the Bundeswehr detailing a potential war with Russia were leaked, clearly showing that Germany never gave up on the idea of “Drang nach Osten”. To say nothing of the viability of such a suicidal plan.

And yet, not even this was enough, so the German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock just had to say the quiet part out loud and almost officially declared war on Russia. Several terrified officials and spokespeople in Berlin were quick to deny that the statement was made in an official capacity and that the country was “not really at war with Russia”. One would think that Germany learned at least something from its dark past, particularly from the numerous historical defeats Moscow inflicted on various German invasion forces. Unfortunately, this is simply not the case and Berlin continues with its “death wish” rhetoric, mindlessly antagonizing Russia which is still trying not to burn all bridges with Germany.

The latest example of this is the statement by the German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius. Namely, on October 29, ZDF Heute reported that he said:

“We have to get used to the idea that there may be a threat of war in Europe,” adding that “Germany must be able to defend itself” and that “this applies to both the Bundeswehr and society”. “We must be prepared for war,” he simplified.

The controversial statement was made while Pistorius was responding to questions regarding Germany’s supposedly belated rearmament program, a problem “stemming from the issues related” to Russia’s special military operation (SMO) in Ukraine and more recently with the prospect of the latest Israel-Gaza conflict escalating into a full-blown war that would include most of the Middle Eastern countries and possibly beyond. He believes that “these conflicts will have consequences for German society”.

“We have to become capable of fighting,” Pistorius said, further adding: “Unfortunately, everything that has been mishandled for 30 years cannot be fixed in 19 months.”

He also touched upon Germany’s massive and ever-escalating economic problems. Pistorius rejected criticism and allegations that the Scholz cabinet was “too slow” to react to the so-called “turning point” and insisted that “not only had a €100 billion special fund for the Bundeswehr been set up, but that state bodies had also been changed”. It should be noted that the aforementioned “Bundeswehr special fund” is effectively nonexistent, as German deindustrialization is preventing its implementation.

However, instead of taking some responsibility for the consequences of their own actions, high-ranking officials in Berlin keep seeing matryoshka dolls left and right and now even blame Russia for the latest escalation in the Middle East. For instance, earlier last week,  Baerbock attended a meeting of foreign ministers of the European Union in Luxembourg and made sure not to miss the opportunity to attack Russian President Vladimir Putin for allegedly “taking joy in the crisis in the Middle East”.

“We can see that the Russian president is certainly happy, given the situation in the Middle East. That is why we are looking at Ukraine even more closely than we have done in the past,” she said.

This clearly implies that Germany is also worried about the prospect of having the United States “focus too much” on Israel and forgetting about the EU’s favorite puppet regime. The Neo-Nazi junta frontman Volodymyr Zelensky is also terrified of the possibility and has even tried to bring the spotlight back to himself, but the US and Israel were having none of it. By giving the aforementioned statements, Pistorius and Baerbock were trying to find a way to reassure Kiev, although that’s worth little without Washington DC’s support.

The truth is that the Scholz cabinet is becoming increasingly unpopular, meaning that the promises it gave to Zelensky and his henchmen are not exactly a done deal. Namely, its dwindling influence and highly questionable ability to get reelected are making it impossible to give even basic promises in Germany itself, let alone to anyone abroad. This is perhaps best seen in the failed attempt to rebuild the Bundeswehr. Quite expectedly, Scholz’s political opponents are using this to their advantage.

This includes the BSW party led by Sahra Wagenknecht and the AfD, among others. The former currently has the support of at least 14% of the electorate, according to a recent poll. It’s important to note that this is only one percent behind the governing Social Democrats (SPD) and two percent ahead of the increasingly unpopular Green party. What’s more, it was precisely the attempt to hurt the AfD that resulted in a voters’ shift toward BSW, while the AfD itself is increasingly seen as a viable alternative to the current government.

Somewhat astonishingly, the Scholz cabinet, which likes to present itself as supposedly “progressive”, is much more prone to bellicosity. At the same time, it keeps accusing others, particularly the AfD, of “right-wing bigotry” and similar political constructs with little to no basis in reality. This is to say nothing of the continuous silencing and suppression of any calls for peace and diplomatic solutions, whether in Ukraine or the Middle East. And yet, the same people keep accusing Russia of “enjoying war and destabilization”.


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Medal ?

germany and nato are now at war with russia. no knowledgeable person in power buys into a war for ukraine but rather a war against russia by the zionists. with little or no success on the battlefield or in destroying russia’s economy, nato’s commitment screams of an escalation as globalism will have only one ruler.

captain hohol

i’m starting to wonder if zionism has anything to do with it, it would be suicidal to wage war against the last bulwarks against pathological leftism as it is now already made clear that the political left hates the state of israel, and were israel to ever be politically isolated, they would be consumed entirely.

does not make any sense to facilitate the expansion of leftist politics or nations.


everyone hates israel it wasnt until the the alt right that the european far right stopped identifying most their problems with zionist conspiracies. this is before all left wing jewish agitation became associated with soros and open socitey foundation. americans sanitized things to get the european far right into power the same way they coddled hitler in the 30s. results will be the same. sidney warburg will set you free…….

death in rome careless whisper


german polititians want what their us handlers tell them to want…

Gneaus stapo

my politicans want what i want, no need for americunts to be involved. anyway our german politicans are too soft and hill billy hippie like for my taste.

Gneaus stapo

get it, nothing changed in moscow.. once an evil empire always an evil empire. czar, bolshivik, gobnik mafia gangster putin… flatheads just believe everyone else works in their totalitarn way as well


the same families and organisations who funded the czar, then the bolshevics and then the yelzin and putin era now fund the strange bedfellows of neo bolshevics and neo banderists in kiev. they just replace the tools but the system behind it stays the same. they may perhaps jump to china or india soon and cause a revolution in the us and eu to hide their traces just like they once did in russia. stop obeying them or we will have one war or crisis after the other cause they need us distracted.


what utter nonsense. wagenknecht hasn’t got a hope on hxll to even take 5% to qualify. southfront…..stop talking this crap up. 14%? my ass


what are you afraid of? afraid your favorite war mongers are going to lose? afraid you won’t see anymore innocent people dying? you should be!

Gneaus stapo

at least germans have a choice, in flathead faschist rashnik empire opposition ends up poisened, imprisoned, falling out of windows etc.

Last edited 1 year ago by Gneaus stapo

what choice? to emigrate if they learned something useful in life or to perish in this deindustrialized us colony , which has now no use for the hegemon. in 20 years there will be only multi culti mafia from all the criminals germany has let in its country , but no more place to live for the normal people.

Gneaus stapo

wagenknecht is an elitst hummer eating bitch, if there was ever a twat needing/ crying for a fuck it is her

Gneaus stapo

stupid assclown articel, as usual

Gneaus stapo

afd are the nazis in germany, somehow they are pro putin, führer complex i guess


i suppose you have no idea what nazis are. the world has changed since the ww2. the victims of the past have become the perpetrators of today. the actual reality in germany is rather the greens and neoliberals are on the verge of the new totalitarian ideology , while afd is rather protecting democracy. crazy but understable if you watch the politics of the last decades.


cred ca au berea in creieri de la oktober fest.

Gneaus stapo

putin and erdogan send eu millions of refugees masses in 2015+. time to redo the favour. mandatory refugee national service/ consription. sure ur welcome syrian, eritrean, etc now get drafted, proof ur worth and fight on the east front. syrian/ afghan/ eritrean whatever freedom legions . our equlivant to the little green men that putin send to ukraine 🇺🇦 in 2014.

if u dont like it yalla yalla,dawai dawai back home

Last edited 1 year ago by Gneaus stapo

you lose complete the logic because of your hatred against russia. how did putin send millions of “refugees” to eu? wasn’t it merkel and the german greens which invated millions of migrants 2015 from the whole world to europe? anyway the “refugee” disaster in europe began long before putin became president of russia. the most arrogant and irresponsible acted exactly the germans.


the corrupt and highly dangerous german political establishment… utterly subservient to anglo-american dictate, will do whatever it takes to destroy germany. economically, but it would also involve g in any insane war, in europe or elsewhere. no direct confrontation with russia though, since germans wd simply refuse that.


the mindless filth running germanistan (into the sewer) for its chosenite owner in the washing town sewer is begging to get another ohrfeige from the russian bear. the demented loons in the hollow man’s “government” are intent on blowing the eussr to bits now that natostan lies in ruins and german panzers are again burning in rump ukrapland.


after 30 million soviet and russian dead last time, the germanistan oligarchs might have learned…but filthy nazi$ never do. hence berlin and brussels are destined to burn again as retards and fools rush onward to their doom and urupp splinters into its disparate fragments. perhaps the price of seeing the evil eussr aka natostan destroyed will be worth it when the pentacon scum are finally driven back to slumville proper.

Lo Hung Testicle

germsany wants war in europe??? is stupid fckn question like does jens holm want war in his arsehole.


nato and us influence is higher around germany and the visegrad states thanks to the cia. ambassador bandar and the british likely also pushing the line. merkel was east german and moderate. the germans are naïve about us deep state politics, false flags and proxy wars. look at the italians and spanish nato members and you’ll see how little the average educated european wants to go along with the project for new american century.

death in rome – careless whisper


not an expert on german politics but nato and the cia can easily appease certain blocs. the pacifist greens can be reassured that anti-russia is anti gas and oil. the afd arguing they are fighting for a stronger conservative germany and the social democrats fighting for liberalism and against russian gangsterism. deep down this is all a crock of shit spouted from the british and americans but playing parties off against each other is easy when nuance is understood.

rammenstein – deustchland


another thing is german imperialism starts at home. they can sell weaponry to scandanavia, baltic and central european states on anti-russian fervour regardless of who wins in ukraine. hitlers economic miracle was all from reconstructing the devastated millitary. the bundeswehr is likely ossified due to lackof use but it is likely on a par with the rapidly exhusting russian millitary. sad to see political opportunism from the usually neutral german state.

death in rome – love is a battlefield


germanistan never learned even after they slaughtered 27 million soviet and russian citizens. the oligarchs and their weapons industry imagine they can have another go at the bear (hiding behind loud mouth ussa of course).


meanwhile nazi wunderwaffen are burning in rump ukraine and the mountain of stinking ukrainian canon fodder is all that stands between mother russia and the evil eussr slash natostan sewer brussel$. some clowns never learn and never will. z and more z until the cancer is cured.

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