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MARCH 2025

Donald Trump Promises to Stop US Overthrowing of Governments

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US President-elect Donald Trump has promised a “new era of peace,” vowing that the US will stop to try to overthrow world governments, during the first stop of his “Thank You” tour.

Donald Trump Promises to Stop US Overthrowing of Governments

President-elect Donald Trump speaks during the first stop of his ‘USA Thank You Tour 2016’ in Cincinnati (Photo: European Pressphoto Agency)

A “new era of peace” was promised by US President-elect Donald Trump, who also vowed that the country will stop to try to overthrow world governments and instead of this will cooperate with other states, interested in destroying of the Islamic State (IS) terrorist group, in order to fight international terrorism. The statement was made during the first stop of his “Thank You” tour in Cincinnati, Ohio.

“We will partner with every nation that is willing to join us in the effort to defeat ISIS and radical Islamic terrorism,” the TASS news agency quoted the words of Trump, speaking at US Bank Arena in Cincinnati on Thursday evening.

“We will destroy ISIS. At the same time, we will pursue a new foreign policy that finally learns from the mistakes of the past. We will stop looking to topple regimes and overthrow governments, folks,” The Washington Examiner magazine cited his words.

“Our goal is stability, not chaos because we wanna rebuild our country. It’s time,” Trump added.

He also promised that “depleted” military of the US will be rebuilt, and repeated many other vows of his campaign, including a promise of construction of a “great wall at the border” with Mexico.

The future US President also once again mentioned his mission to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, calling for help for female entrepreneurs, affordable childcare, and an investment of federal resources for law enforcement across the country.

During his speech, Trump also made a surprise announcement, declaring that he chose Marine Gen. James Mattis as a secretary of defense during his future presidency.

Further stops of victory tour of the US President-elect have not yet been declared. According to the Bloomberg news agency, citing some officials, additional stops on the tour will be announced after the venues have been booked. However, earlier, in November, head of the Trump’s advance team George Gigicos told reporters that he tour may take Trump to “swing states we flipped over.”

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Yup, and uhhh……. but Iran, huh Trump. He wants to nuke Iran. His new war lord wants to nuke Iran. Evey-body in His new war cabinet wants to nuke Iran. Half of the wacko Yankees wants to nuke Iran. You better wake up an read what the rest of the bonkers gov. He is scrambling together this days. I have lost everything I hope for, this man isnt anything else than an massive lair and have no problems with lying thru His teethes, witch UssA does all the time.

Did I miss anything, huh, dont trust this man for an second anymore, the only difference is rhetoric, period, the cabinets He puts together is all raving wackos, and what on earth is then this bullshit about non interventions when they all drool about nuking Iran. Infact they want an war with China, since I ges they have figured out that Russia is to powerful to take on, so they will go for smaller entity’s as they always have, If I was an Philippine, I would watch my back, never turn your back against any rat from the insane UssA. They want war, period, Trump no exception what so ever.

This man is an fraud, so we traded pest, with the plague.



Given that Trump “has confirmed that the USA is, and has been actively engaged in the “overturning & the changing of regimes globally – ie., he has confirmed that the USA is, and has been engaged in, organized terrorist acts against legitimate countries / governments, inclusive of : Serbia, Iran, Syria, etc., and thus, he must now make the other step forward, and compensate for the needless deaths the USA has / and is being guilty of causing and conducting, which are : in the 100s of 1000s globally [ in Vietnam, the human deformities caused form the devasting agent orange spreading in / throughout the forests, to combat – supposedly – the Viet Kong, in an absolute atrocity and crime against humanity. President Trump, now that he has re-established The Republic of the United States of America, ought to have – to cause – to force – to put the gun to the head of USA Corp, run / that was run by the Khazarian Mafia, NWO, Bilderbergers, CFR scum, or whatever other name you wish to call them : and confiscate all their funds – assets – properties, which is, in the 100s of trillions of dollars : AND – compensate the victims of their organized criminal acts, inclusive the known crimes of 9/11 – Libya, Iraq, Afganistan, Pakistan, etc., President Trump, must continue, and accept responsibility, and say and repeat the words..”I am sorry, what the USA Corp did, was criminal, we need to make amends, in compensating human victims, and property damage.” In this manner, the world will “see” – that “he does what he says”, and he is “not just words”. ARISTOTELIS ELLINAS.


It will take a while, a year maybe, to see what the situation is in the US. Everybody wants it yesterday and that is nothing new. Everybody wants it cleaned up perfectly. That is not going to happen. None of the ideologies are going to go away, anywhere, for a very long time.

What i am hoping happens is a new direction is embarked upon. I am not looking back. Forward is the only vector that is realistic. Humpty Dumpty never gets put back together. But, maybe in the future, Humpty stops getting put on the wall in the fist place. I will take that. A good day to all.


Trump does not want to bomb IRAN. Israel wants that US bombs Iran, let us see if this president continue being an obedient dog of his master, as the other presidents have been.


Trump has no master, that’s the whole point lol


Seems to good to be true. I sincerely hope Trump keeps his word. Say what you want about him but he is owned by nobody, he’s not a NWO pawn and he’s not a globalist. All good things.

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