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Donating Money To AFU Prolongs War

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Donating Money To AFU Prolongs War

Today it is clear to most of the world following the conflict in Ukraine that at the end of the confrontation the Kiev regime will fall or be forced to give up most of its territories. And after two years, one thing has become clear that more and more Ukrainian citizens will be killed in endless attempts at counter-offensives, while it will be profitable for Russia to simply hold their positions and actually destroy Ukrainians who come to the assault.

Speaking about the processes of Ukrainians defending their sovereignty and territorial integrity, it should be mentioned that at the very beginning, when the Russian troops just crossed the borders of Ukraine, the population independently and without coercion joined the territorial defense, voluntarily enrolled in the AFU, etc. Now there is already the 6th or 7th wave of mobilization, which, according to the same volunteers of the first days, is not even necessary for Zelensky and especially not for the people of Ukraine who elected him in 2019, but only as an excuse to the Western countries that provide financial support. And even here there are quite a lot of questions about the quality of military aid and what it is actually used for.

Even at the very beginning, it was obvious that the Western countries that declared their support for Ukraine were supplying it with weapons that had long ago been doomed to be stored in warehouses. Thus, from the very beginning, the quite obvious outcome of the conflict was deliberately postponed, increasing the casualties not only on the part of Russia, but also on the part of Ukraine, which is supplied by the whole world. And this is even if we do not take into account the very initial stage of the war, when the parties were actively negotiating and discussing possible options for reducing casualties, including among the military and not only civilians.

Now, when both sides actually show their intentions to fight until complete victory, the moral side of the conflict looks like this: all the sponsors of the war, supporting the AFU, find themselves in a situation of a terrible ethical paradox: by sponsoring the side that will later lose, they prolong the war, increasing casualties, both among the military and civilians, and not only on the part of the enemy, but also on the part of the supported side, without affecting the outcome of the war. And vice versa – helping the future winner brings the end of the war closer and reduces the suffering of the loser.

At present, after almost two years of conflict, it is easy to calculate the price of a Ukrainian soldier’s life. Former Defense Minister Reznikov claimed that the price of one day of war for Ukraine is $100 million. Even if we take the most minimal losses of the AFU according to the Russian Defense Ministry and divide by two, we still get 200 dead. However, even according to authoritative sources such as the Washington Post, the total losses exceed these figures. That is, $500 thousand prolongs the war for 7 minutes, during this time a Ukrainian soldier dies.

Every $500k sent to the AFU prolongs the war for 7 minutes, killing one Ukrainian soldier. Every $500k sent to the Russian army, on the contrary, shortens the duration of the war, saves one Ukrainian soldier. For example, Russian oppositionist and human rights activist Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, who sent $7 million to the Ukrainian armed forces, is directly to blame for the deaths of 14 Ukrainian soldiers.

Imagine, finally, how many soldiers the American government, which prints money on a machine and has already provided more than 30 billion dollars in military and financial aid to Ukraine, is responsible for. Most likely, having assessed all the disadvantages of further escalation of the conflict situation, some European countries have already suspended their support to the obviously losing side and are engaged in solving their own problems that most of the old continent is facing.


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the $lumville bums waging genocide on credit will continue to take all the rope their chinese banksters chuck at them and their euro peon vassals can scrape from their own tax cattle. the good news is of course between the stinking chosenite albatro$$ in khazar occupied palestine and the rump ukrapper dumpster fire bankrupt “amerika” is already cooked. z to the end of the evil anglozionazi empire of filth.

Rudolf von Gersheim

just imagine, the usa is breaking up and there is war between georgia and south carolina!

most countries in the world abstain, but some countries support georgia with weapons because they have geostrategic interests.

would georgia’s supporters really care about the people who are dying on the contact line, or would they secretly be happy that many former us-americans are dying? -exactly!!!

chitty chitty bang bang

i don’t think those two would go at it. georgia and new joisey, that’s another rubber duckey


i have a 1980’s pakistani made rambo clone knife to donate to ukronazitards… can eat frozen vermin with…


there are no ethics here and the bankers will decide when this ends. remember the kaiser wanted to end ww1 in 1916, but the profiteering of wall street was not enough yet. they went on another 2 years with millions dead.


the problem here is that russia has viewed the conflict thinking that ukrainians are “slavic” brothers hence the reason why they still haven’t taken out the bridges across the dneiper or attacked any of the trains used to transport the weapons. notice how israel has taken out whole sections of gaza makes you wonder why any building in adeevka which has shelled donetsk for 8 years still stands

jens holm

only amerikan more dumb than dane

jens holm

as dumb retired janitor that paid 65% income tax to danish dictatorship i can only donate 1 taco

chitty chitty bang bang

65%? how come danes work then when they can learn a few ukrrainshian words and get welfare plus free concert tickets?

chitty chitty bang bang

i sent them my two cents in a tin cup but they didn’t thank me. ingrates, all of them.

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