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Donbass And Novorossiya Enter Russia Amid Fierce Battles

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Donbass And Novorossiya Enter Russia Amid Fierce Battles

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Donbass And Novorossiya Enter Russia Amid Fierce Battles
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Donbass And Novorossiya Enter Russia Amid Fierce Battles

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On September 30, Vladimir Putin signed agreements on the accession of new territories in to the Russian Federation after referenda in the DPR, the LPR, the Kherson region and the areas controlled by the Russian military in the Zaporozhye region.

At the same time, many regions of Russia announced the end of the mobilization measures. Thousands of soldiers have already begun training to defend newly accepted regions of the country. Their deployment will allow the Russian military to protect the rear and free up forces for offensive operations in the autumn-winter campaign.

Meanwhile, the Ukrainian military command is trying to achieve tactical successes in various regions. The situation in the Krasny Liman area is the tensest.

Ukrainians are advancing with large forces. Ukrainian mechanized units are supported by high-precision Western artillery. Foreign means of intelligence gathering are in action and command and control is being carried out by NATO military advisers.

Ukrainian forces managed to encircle Krasny Liman. To the north, Ukrainian units have broken through the Russian defense in Drobyshevo. Northeast of Liman, the Ukrainians took control of Stavki. To the east of the town, fighting continues for the village of Zarechnoye. The Liman-Torskoye highway, the last road used for supplies of the Russian grouping in the town, came under fire control of Ukrainian artillery. In the south, Yampol is being stormed.

On the morning of September 30, the first reports confirmed that the Russian units had withdrawn from Drobyshevo and Yampol. The settlements are now in the gray zone.

The withdrawal of Russian troops from Liman was not confirmed. The Russian military are organizing a circular defense, waiting for reinforcements. If the Russians fail to repel the Ukrainian offensive or withdraw their forces, the grouping will be cut off from the allied forces in the region.

Control of Liman will pave the way for the Ukrainian offensive to Svatovo, and then to Kremennaya and Rubezhnoye.
The general staff of the Kiev regime was likely ordered to blockade Krasny Liman and take control of the settlement on the day of the reunification of the four new regions within the Russian Federation.
The offensive operations of the Kiev regime were expected and are politically motivated. The Ukrainian military tries its best to gain as much as possible on the front before the approach of Russian reserve forces.

Amid the Ukrainian offensive, civilians are fleeing from the war-torn towns to the Russian territories, but still become victims of the terrorist Kiev regime. On September 29, Ukrainian servicemen attacked a convoy of refugees with US-made HIMARS. Cars were heading from Kupyansk to the territory of the LPR. As a result, at least 30 people were reportedly killed, including children. This terrible attack once again proves Kiev’s disregard for civilians.

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The western media here in Britain as well as Al Jazeera are true to form saying Russia attacked the convoy. I have grown to hate western media with their blatant anti-Russian propaganda.

NATO Empire of Lies

Yes, and Russia destroyed Russian pipelines (including NS2) in Danish/Nato waters, just in front US ships… Biden said they would destroy it, Polish cunts congratulated their US masters for destroying it, but Russia did it?! because it makes sense in psychopathic MSM reality and indoctrinated hordes believe virtually anything at this point.

Last edited 1 year ago by NATO Empire of Lies

They believed the covid hysteria, they laid in line for mARN injections, they would believe the Earth is flat and Klaus Schwab is god and you can be happy while you own nothing…


The same day when the Baltic Pipe from Norway to Poland was opened. But evil Ruskies decided not to destroy that one but their own.

North Koreans won against the US back in the 50ies

If I was Russia I would definitively destroy the polski pipeline as a vendetta.

Joe the shit puppet

The laws are different in Scranton.

2 Years Woosh

Saw that clip of Creepy Joe from before February, when speaking in opposition about Nord 2. He stated emphatically “We’ll take care of it.” Before the special operation!


Who killed Zakharchenko, Givi, Motorola, etc? Anglosphere says Russia.


Everybody knows that the US destroyed it. This is a declaration of war on Germany byvthe USA

Southfront resident nigha

You conveniently forgot to mention the source of Western propaganda – xoxol propaganda.

Instead of yapping the obvious and covertly glorifying propaganda, state some of your actual observations.

NATO Empire of Lies

Just the usual Western MSM + CIA circle jerk: CIA gives Zelensky their script to read, then Zelensky reads it, then Reuters and CNN report what he said . That’s what they did in Syria, Libya, everywhere… Navalny just gave some prison interview/letter to the Washington Post. Same shit.

Southfront resident nigha

I am so smart. I am so insightful. I am using meaningless buzzwords. MSM, CIA…. You forgot to add False Flag and you would have had the Holy Trinity of Bullshit.

Last edited 1 year ago by Southfront resident nigha

The Ukrotards are absurd kooks but if you think that the Mighty Wurlitzer is not the source of the entire Ukrtardistan narrative, then you don’t know anything about the Anglosphere intelligence apparatus.

Southfront resident nigha

Primitive binary logic, eh? Xoxols never at fault. It is America. It is the CIA. It is the Unicorn. It is the Cinderella. It is the Nuclear Dick’s fault.

Midget napoleon is just a faggot actor with a small dick and short height syndromes. His master is Kolomoisky. Kolomoisky is not controlled by US or UK. Eastern European crooks ganged up with Western EU crooks. Bidens jumped in later.

Last edited 1 year ago by Southfront resident nigha

Al Jazeera is the worst anti Russian propaganda outlet around. I understand CNN , BBC and co being anti Russian but Al Jazeera seem especially hateful..


Al Jazeera is CIA.


Had an educator in primary school who had worked for the CIA and was teaching to stay busy during his retirement, he encouraged students in every class for what must have been a decade to read Al Jazeera occasionally and get a different perspective on global events. America… there should have been a revolt in defense of Snowden.


Al Jazeera lick the balls for the Muslim Brotherhood.

Assad Defeated Zionists

I smell a trap and hundreds Natzie carcasses littering Russian soil.


bro these Ukrainians take key cities like it’s nothing, I doubt Russia can even hold the line without total mobilisation.

Vlad from Romania

NATO is commanding and using NATO air space to coordinate the Ukropistan forces with AWACS and Poseidon aircrafts. NATO is attacking Russian Federation and is exterminating Russian population. USA and UK corporations are determined to conquer Russia and secure the gas, oil, agricultural land and the other resources for themselves.

Max Schmidt

It’s so sad, but plausible.


Thats why they have to be stopped and will be stopped,Russia must expand the war to the entire territory of Ukraine and take out the command and control of the fascists,that included Kiev.


Just wait patiently and see.


It is not normal to be patient while such destruction is done, the North Stream bombing is an ecological disaster of global proportions, while the beautiful lands of Russia are ravaged worse than in WWII.

There is no reserve planet and the WEF is destroying this one just for fun.

y9 y9

If Kiev gets bombs or not depends entirely on the government in Kiev. Do they want war or do they want peace?


Well its clear they want war,so they should get one they won’t forget.

down with the whore of Babylon

is it time to nuke kiev? if civilian leaves first. let the military stay soputin can nuke zelensky and his zionist buddys

North Koreans won against the US back in the 50ies

The first reservists (the more experienced ones) are already landing in the regions of the SO. Those who still need training will stay in the RF and receive the proper preparation until Nov or Dec.


Best training would be to exterminate some NATO scum.

2 Years Woosh

Hey, just wanted to say… With a lot of help from China… North Korea beat The West in the 50’s. That’s one reason why so many countries stayed out of Vietnam.

Red September

Putin vs Zelinsky: A couple weeks ago, few hours after the liberation of the city, Zelinsky going in Izium with minimal security. Today Putin signing the decrees of annexation brought by a secretary wearing a mask!!! Just revealing and hilarious!!!


Can not compare both of them,Zelensky isn’t brave but he went there because he is high on methamphetamine and cocaine.

Last edited 1 year ago by War
Rick Jefferson

He is high on power. For serving the US empire, he became a muti-millionaire on his way to becoming a billionaire.


USA tricked the Soviets to engage in Afghanistan with a minimum 6 months preparation in advance… https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hvcq3OpX8qQ

I wonder how much time they took in organizing the nazification of Ukropistan… and why Russia did something about that after about 8 years of NATO preparation on the ground…


More hits stop Zelensky!


NS-HIT is Bidens work


Kamal Harris: “Our alliance with North Korea is strong and enduring”


Joe Bidens Dementia


I just love how CIA trolls and indoctrinated idiots call “Russian leadership incompetent” while the US leadership are Joe the Senile Potato who speaks with dead people and Kamala Penis transgender slut who doesn’t know the difference between North and South Korea 😀

720 y. o. Big Guy POTUS sleepy Joe aka Pedo Peter

Liman is standing tall guys. “Wagner” have been transferred, and khokhols are now being beaten.

They also report that parts of the Southern Military District have been pulled together. Let’s go brothers. Glory to Russia!

720 y. o. Big Guy POTUS sleepy Joe aka Pedo Peter

youtube.com/watch?v=vE0oI5H1Bik nough said


Welcome home to the 4 territories to Russia and NOW Russia will unleash a HELL FIRE STORM that the NAZI UKRAINES and NAZI NATO have feared might come once these territories became Russia once again, this is now the END of NAZI Ukraine and NAZI NATO they will be EXTERMINATED once Russia unleashes their offensive. =Z=

down with the whore of Babylon

what happened to Russian air force. is it time to nuke

La Coca Loca

Many Ukris puppets mercenaries and troops are being turned into druggies zombies by their satanic British, German and American zio-oligarchy masters. The only way the Ukris druggies puppets can blindly obey and be turned into brainless and soulless demonic killing machines.

Counter offensive

Lyman is on the brink.


The entire world is against you, Russia.

You have made a horrible mistake and you simply keep doubling down.

Why carry the world forward into such dangerous conditions.


the entire world is with us–your ugly lgbt hillbilly anglos dead toast


ugly impoverished moron anglos irrelevant—soon ucrappystan will lose more territory –weal impotent NATO lose to taliban

Sgt. Based

The west unironically said sham elections and illegal annexation.

Like it wasn’t all Russian territory just a few short years ago.


Don’t drop the ball Russia!

Ziological Warefare

Russia needs to do something near Liman soon. There is a NATO cockroach infestation in aisle 2

Last edited 1 year ago by Ziological Warefare
Ziological Warefare

A barrage of Khindzals towards the Bilche-Volytsko-Uherske UGS facility in Lvov should not be ruled out. This is the second larget gas storage facility in Europe and Poland (NATO) wants to annex it. Neither Germany nor Russia should watch the US pump up the rabid dog nation of Poland and then use it to start WW3 like the British used Poland to start WW2.

Last edited 1 year ago by Ziological Warefare

Part of the success of Zelensky’s theatre comes from the fact that Westerners take the tone of his voice for the expression of his determination, while this phrasing is common in Slavic languages. The rough tone is not very different from that of some Italian singers. A singer with a Slavic accent, who would sing in Italian with a rough voice, trivialize the voice of zelensky and be listened to.

Ziological Warefare

Zelensky is a typical Khazar two faced weasel. He is a grifter that made his fortunes speaking Russian then promptly banned the very language he made his fame from, to eastern Ukraine. The Zioists are an ungrateful bunch. They even bombed the British as a thank you for giving them a homeland. As for Westerners, most of them are dumber than a compost bin. They live in Disneyland and eat all the grass they are fed

720 y. o. Big Guy POTUS sleepy Joe aka Pedo Peter

Persian overnight mosquitoes party in Nikolaev and Dnepropetrovsk

North Koreans won against the US back in the 50ies

“Now it’s not the time for Ukraine to join NATO”. Jake Sullivan. Yes, Jack, tell them to join the club after the war. After their capitulation.


Technically they cannot because of multiple stipulations in the pact that prevent an unstable state or one with an ongoing war. To be denied because NATO does not want to be dragged in. However, NATO seems to already be all in, so maybe they will ratify the rules, and engage. I hope not.

tommy home sawyer

we lgbt hillbilly americunts sodomized by taliban now exposed as impotent ugly buffoons

Last edited 1 year ago by tommy home sawyer
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