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Donbass: Testimonies Of Pain

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Considering Shoigu’s new and unimproved non-offensive there is no reason to go on about any of this.


Just like a hunter who build a blind and sets bait why should the Russians advance when the game keep walking into their trap?

The way it was supposed to work is the Russians were supposed to advance into fortified killing fields with ranged artillery to die by the hundreds however the Russians have turned the table because the Ukrainians keep sending in reinforcements into fortifications and trenches against ranged Russian artillery.

Last edited 2 years ago by HB_norica
AM Hants

So, so, sad and the fact that the West completely ignored all that happened to them over the past 8 years.

I remember growing up, watching Sunday matinee films on the TV, many covering WWII from the UK perspective. So much sympathy for one sector of society, that had a hard time. Ignoring all the other sectors, including the 13 million Russians, who gave their lives for our freedom. From the stories of those times, you would never have believed that civilised nations, would again embrace hatred for a sector of society, this time Russians or Russian speaking citizens of Ukraine. The EU that prides itself on diversity and rejection of racism, yet, the same EU nations, especially those in Eastern and Central Europe, have no problem embracing the genocide and ethnic cleansing, of Russian speaking citizens of Ukraine and the people of Russia as a whole. Do they remember nought about the 40s? Ironic, Auschwitz is a part of Poland and Poland now wishes the same end game on Russian citizens.

Back in 2014, just watching events unfold was upsetting, yet, that was just an observer, thousands of miles away. The people of Eastern Ukraine, so strong, so resilient and refused to lie down and take it. Watching the film ‘Scorching Sunlight’, you cannot believe what people will suffer and survive. Furthermore, how the Media, run by just 6 corporations and corrupt politicians from so many nations, completely ignore events. Believing Zelinsky walks on water, ignoring the fact that he has got rid of all opposition and refuses to have a free press in the nation. The most unforgivable part though, is the fact the masses believe all they are told, never questioning anything, never curious about anything, and just carrying on, supporting the media, NGOs and Government, and blaming it all on Russia.

Good luck Donetsk and Lugansk with the Mariupol Trials and stay safe. No doubt, they are planning something very sinister to make sure the trials do not go ahead.

Florian Geyer

All that you say is true fact, AM.

All too many thick Brits today still think that the British army retreat from France via Dunkirk and Britain at the start of WW2 was a Victory, LOL. It was NOT.

As we both know, the retreat was in reality a Rout and ALL the British vehicles and equipment in France were abandoned.

The few Brit soldiers who escaped with their pistols and rifles believed the rumor that soldiers with rifles would be sent back to France, and the train tracks used to transport these soldiers were littered with abandoned rifles, LOL.

Fortunately, most of the worlds populations are now able to see BOTH sides of the events in Ukraine, and the NATO narratives are obviously FAKE.

The NATO genocide of all the Slavic people is being exposed by the Bright Lights of Reality.

Slava Rossiya.


“So, so, sad and the fact that the West completely ignored all that happened to them over the past 8 years.”

Ignored it??? They engineered it! What you see today is exactly what they wanted to happen … except in their version the Russians get mowed down with superior NATO weapons and Russia is bankrupt and starving due to sanctions and begging for Americans to come rescue them with blue jeans, Disney and rock and roll.


Hard to watch these videos of the suffering the people of Donbass had to endure at the hands of their own so called country men. Fortunately Donbass will soon be liberated by the brave soldiers of Russia, the DPR and the LPR. Then the suffering will be no more.


Universal justice is always at work. Call it what you want, yet it never rests.


Trolls will cry of there crimes 😢 the most and are complicit when coming here to complain and back Nazism.


Kadyrov is pleading with Putin to allow him to use Chechen forces to take the Donbass. The Kremlin refuses to act like anything is going on at all, they continue to hold military parades and host military game competitions. The fighting age population of the Donbass has been seriously depleted by the Kremlin’s “head-on” strategy and there simply are not enough troops available to conduct any type of serious offensive.


Bitch, don’t try to get onto my anti-Russian bandwagon. You’re the stupid ass liar. Not convincing at all. Go to hell.

Last edited 2 years ago by Ramses

May God preserve these innocent victims of bankster thug NATO aggression. The suffering will end, when Rothschild counterfieting fraud ends!


Azov are guilty of war crimes and must be punished severely

Ardat Yak'shi

What I would personally do regarding all artillery units of the Afu pigs is, for all those taken prisoner of bellow lieutenant rank to cut both their arms at the elbow then slowly and carefully cut their bellies open so their guts would hang outward and then make the pigs run away (after a handful of dirt was thrown in each belly for good measure) ^^

To all pigs of the Afu artillery units ( of above lieutenant rank) also to scum from Right Sector all other nationalist formations and including Azov members, I would impale them alive and slowly very slowly skin off their faces, to hear the music of their screams… ^^

Finally for all other military branches of the Afu prisoners I would apply to them the time tested NKVD method of dealing with filth, made to kneel and a Nagan bullet to the back of the head for each one, the bodies left to rot where they fell.

Let’s send them all to Bandera!!

Last edited 2 years ago by Ardat Yak'shi



Well some of those bastards will be on trial next month in the DPR,others will be on a list to be indicted,they have it coming,no doubt the West will ignore the trials,some of those fascists handlers in the West should also be indicted.


May every last Ukrainian soldier be annihilated together with Zelensky.

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