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Don’t Be Fooled: Armenia And Azerbaijan Are At War (18+)

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Don't Be Fooled: Armenia And Azerbaijan Are At War (18+)

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On October 1st, Azerbaijan released a hype video for the hostilities in Nagorno-Karabakh.

There is really no way around it, it is war between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

The video to even the not-so-keen-eyed observer strongly resembles the videos of groups such as ISIS who claimed to conquer ever increasing pieces of land for their Caliphate, as a plain example.

This is an example of very common war propaganda.

Below is also a pro-Azerbaijani map of control, showing some generous progress.

It also shows how big of a portion of Nagorno-Karabakh and Armenia should be captured.

Don't Be Fooled: Armenia And Azerbaijan Are At War (18+)

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And for those who are skeptical of the situation and call it simply hostilities, below are some videos to provide a clearer view of what war is:

The first one provides an idea of the situation on the battlefield on September 30th:

The following videos show various airstrikes and drone strikes by the Azerbaijan side, strongly resembling actions by various sides in the Syrian war and others.

Captured Azerbaijan equipment:

And if there are those still skeptical, here are the more sensitive videos and photographs. Since this is not only equipment being destroyed, and UAVs being downed, these are soldiers being killed and wounded in the thousands.

A group of Azerbaijani servicemen were killed at the front in Karabakh.

Don't Be Fooled: Armenia And Azerbaijan Are At War (18+)

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Don't Be Fooled: Armenia And Azerbaijan Are At War (18+)

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Don't Be Fooled: Armenia And Azerbaijan Are At War (18+)

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An Armenian military column, reportedly eliminated on September 27th:

Don't Be Fooled: Armenia And Azerbaijan Are At War (18+)

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Don't Be Fooled: Armenia And Azerbaijan Are At War (18+)

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Don't Be Fooled: Armenia And Azerbaijan Are At War (18+)

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Don't Be Fooled: Armenia And Azerbaijan Are At War (18+)

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Don't Be Fooled: Armenia And Azerbaijan Are At War (18+)

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Don't Be Fooled: Armenia And Azerbaijan Are At War (18+)

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Don't Be Fooled: Armenia And Azerbaijan Are At War (18+)

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Don't Be Fooled: Armenia And Azerbaijan Are At War (18+)

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Don't Be Fooled: Armenia And Azerbaijan Are At War (18+)

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Random Dude

Indeed it is a war. Just like there was 1st and 2nd Chechen wars. This is the 2nd Karabakh war


And the instigators are always the same.


Yeah, and if anyone has watched the document of Putin’s history by Vesti News, they touch the Chechen Wars. They say in the document they intercepted radio chatter between the jihadists and their western handlers.

Random Dude

trying to restore their territorial integrity.


the turkish dogs


I hope no one folds anytime soon and we see some more action.


want more action, go there


good answer

children today are as big sadists

this is because they don’t know what it means to spit blood from their mouths


Arm chair generals and keyboard worriors …. The closest most of us get to war is in South front ?


no thanks, I prefer my couch and popcorn.


says much about you :)


i did gain a little weight. gotta hit the gym more often


the more dead isis turkish jews the better


I remember seeing so much death during my operations in Gaza, I don’t even find those pictures or videos disturbing. A war is a dirty thing, but sometimes it’s the only way to keep your people safe. I hope the Armenian side will back down, they already have horrific casualties. The Iranian should take a look what our drones can do to them anywhere they operate against us, when the war between Israel and Iran starts the region won’t remain the same.

Rhodium 10

No Israel should take a look what Irani drones can do vs Israel!..remember Aramco was defended by a ring of Patriot and Nassam and failed vs Irani drones and cruise missile!…


Don’t compare American AA to Israeli ones, we are much more protected. When Iran tried to enter a drone here back in 2018 from Syria, we shot it down the moment it entered our airspace. I’ll try to find the video.


Well most of Armenia aa are osa and igla sistems. This sistems are old. S-300 that is more capable is stationed around caoital of Armenia. So the drone dont have serius thret at fontlines. Also Armenians are not equipt with and ofensive drones. From witc point Israle cooperats with Turks? Yousualy Turks work against Israel.


It’s not for Turkey, it’s for our military intel in Azerbaijan against Iran. That is the real story.


Tha is a good reson. This muslim contrys ar not united as they soud be, that is god for us.

Rhodium 10

I remeber an Irani drone which enter in Israeli air space and patriot and F-16 could not shot down it…search it in internet!


I jut gave you a video we shot it down, there was no other incident after that.

Rhodium 10

Yes there was an incident where a drone enter in israeli airspace and israel fired Patriot and one F-16 was put on flight and they couldnt intercept it!..Search about that incident!


you smell like death, rotten to the core


I bring death to those who wish to harm us, and I don’t apologize for it.


Sorry about the lenght, but sometimes I have to write it a bit longer to make an point and to counter the massive idiot propaganda against Armenia and the somehow weird amount of silence regarding the Azeris, its infact so blatant its fascinating, but then again, the UssA/ZATO is behind the Turds atempts to Eretzh Turdia, and they all bow to the scums of this earth ISISrael, whom is armying and so on Azeris, so thats why most of the so called alternative sites have derailend comepletely, when it came to this war.

So, the ZioNazis rats are out in the numbers this days, and is of course drooling something about war, yeah, remeber the last one, Jews, 3 days into Gaza by your best an they got bitchslapped and runned back to hide behind their walls with their tales between their leggs, because of been beaten to pulp by Gazans, yeah, and now we have you scums here and is what, friends of the Turds, we all know what the Turds are, like the ISISraelis, and now the Azeris, why dont the Russians news tells us how the Azeri Sultan whom have ruled for soon 2 decades in the democratic tradition we are acustumed to by this rats, and the hate propaganda against the Armenians, huh, nope, dont expect anyone of this Russian apologists to talk about the truth, huh, cant do that, right Faker and MoA and their minions in here, like Iron Zion, whom dont even know what the word Zion means but then again we cant expect anything sane coming from scums.

This deaths are more or less due to the intital attack, its just 2/3 days and news take time, but it looks bad, but its not an surprice, what surprices me is the so called alternative sites massive idiot propaganda against the Armenians, that is something I knew from before, but was/is solidly confirmed in this days, wher I havent read so much bloody bullshit for years, one thing is Syria, but in this, they expose them selfs as either deliberatly disinfo agents witch they are, or payed whores witch they have becomed, but thanks, its become crystal clear by now.

Regarding Armenia, somehow, a lot of this so called commentatores in shitholes like Faker/MoA and others, forgets the referendum and the last milleniums of history to the Sovjet days, and of course when it comes to NK that, even when referendum happend soon 30 years ago, is somewhat invalid, then when you say, what about Crimea, etc, etc, that was and is exactly the same, and NK was by large and have been since time immemorial Armenian and other christian tribes/people, but to day, its somehow exlusivily becomed Azeris, while NK acodingly to Int. laws and procedyres is an fully an Autonomus region, by precense and by vote, dont again insult our intellegence with absolut f…. bullshit, and Azeri have nothing in this case at all to come forth with, it dont matter, de facto and de jure. And again, the so called atlernative scumbags have forgotten other premisses as well, even Russia trades with the Imperial banana republic as we speak, does that mean Putin is an western Sore-ass backed and founded traitore to the Russian people, mofo, no, and while you focus solely on that, I know you do this because of somehow trying to make an case of derailing Armenian Gov and their people to be some sort of ZATO bitches, and even Putin said that trade is up to the respective nations, while security and so on can be dealth with on other premisses than striclty trade agreements and after all, an nation in this world tries to make it as well they can, Armenia dont have much and its not that easy to create anything viable to you have to go everywhere, and I am again seriously pissed on this sites and their f….. rats whom is trying their best to create an senario where they are undermining the truth about this war, this war is because of two things, and two things only, Turdia and Axzernbaijan, period. I have noticed some others have come to the more correct assesments about this region, like P. Escobar, and some few others, the rest isnt wurth an rats turd.

This is the reason for me personaly to more or less ended my reding and scanning shitholes like Faker and MoA, they had their days, but now is gone down the drain, of course, sometimes they have something desent, even ZeroH manages to do that, but overall the decline in knowledge and facts have been steady, downhill to day, in this, they are downright lying and faking facts, distorting history.



You father is a rat, and you are a mouse, you both look like the same shit. Watch your mouth when you talk about us, I know what the word Zion means and I am proud of it. Fucker.


seems the zio-coward looses nerve

Антон С

Farting at his combat sofa, his butt is bombing by nukes.

Антон С

“…I know what the word Zion means…” Zink + ions like Li-on?)


Pretty much depends of the weapons the war is fight with, who bought from who. If in the first war Armenia had Soviet arms advantage, now Azeris have Turkish and Israelis arms.

Pave Way IV

Thanks for taking the time to write that up, hvaiallverden. You are obviously passionate about the issues here, I get that. Here’s where you go off the rails (if you were trying to change anyone’s mind):

“…this war is because of two things, and two things only, Turdia and Axzernbaijan, period…”

So, not because of ZATO and Russia? At all? Not because of Israel and Iran? Nothing else caused or was set up to cause this war aside from the latest Turkish/Azerbaijani aggression? That’s like watching two dogs in a dogfighting pit trying to kill each other and insisting the black dog ’caused’ the whole fight.

Everyone can understand fighting to the death for their homes. Everyone understands land theft clownishly justified by politics or (temporary) military might or imperialism or squatters. Start from there if you’re going to explain how this war is so simple and one-dimensional. Everyone already knows history didn’t start a half-century ago.

Rafik Chauhan

This is all bcuz of retarted turks erdogon this escalation has taken. Azeri preident is a tool of US zionist and israel scum and erdogon is one of them. Russia should not allow this turks to establishe any point in Azeri military. Any how russia will not loose anything if they help Armenia. bcuz turks and AZer are not buing or benifitiing for russia anything . Azeri president is flying high bcuz of Erdogon and israeli support.


Same sponsor, same producer, same message, same dictator, same ISIS=erdogan.


he cannot take all of the credit. israel is very involved they are blood thirsty dogs

Антон С

Not dictator, but agree in the rest.


Obvious that They Turkish Warmonger is behind this new invasion, he get bloodthirstier by the hour. Hope the French teach him a lesson and keep him from comiting more genocides.


What Macron gets to do with it? He likes to do cheap talks. In Lebanon too…..

Антон С

Macron is a joke, a chinese copy of Bonaparte.) Chinese pals, no offence. But yes, Turkey is in command of aerial operation over Karabah.


turkisih cannot fight. in ww1 the english landed australians on the side of a cliff and we still destroyed them. turkey is the land of the pedos

Антон С

That landing with australians was stopped as I know.


no, the australians decided to leave after massacring many turks. the campaign was pointless and directed by the english. australians then liberated jeruselem but unfortunately the english gave it to evil people. our blood was a waste

Антон С

Decided to leave the capital city of Osmanian (why Ottoman, Osman is turkish name, but who is Otto?) empire after the capture? Campaign became pointless after the capture is failed.


And do not forget the heroic Turks during WWII; Turkey cowardly did nothing untill all Germans left Turkey and then 25 day’s before the WW ended on all fronts, and sure that the Germans could not heard them anymore , they declared war on the Germans. You know Turks and the possibility to gain money in repayment as one of the victorious aliens.


So it seems Armenia wants to talk about ceasefire. So they are losing clearly….


Sorry for your Armenian losses. You should just pack and go home. Russia will certainly protect you inside Armenia. But not N-K. It belongs to Azerbaijan.

It does not matter if it is Muslim or Jewish there. Territory integrity is the international law. No aggression and no occupation.

Davide Herzog

Like Cipro….? Or like Serbian Kosovo….?

Антон С

Or Karabah itself. Armenians have taken 7 regions of azerb. land (bordering with Karabah) after attempt of Azerbaijan to genocide ethnic arm-s (Sumgait massacre, 1988) and throw them off from Karabah (1992-94). Armenians have answered with the same measure and took some az-n land (nearest mountain tops) for easier defense in future.


What is your apinion, will Russia get involved?

Davide Herzog

Armenian regime is rusophobic and allied with usa/nato and Russia is in quite good relationship with Turkey but I think Russia will not help Azerbaijan as it doesn’ t need any help .

Антон С

“allied with usa/nato” On the words. But no real help in the case of danger. CSTO will provide peace enforcement (like in 2008) after attack on Armenia itself, if Armenia will ask about it.

Антон С

After attacks on Armenia’s mainland. Artsah (armenian name of Karabah) is not recognized even by Armenia. So CSTO has no basis to involvement. But troops are ready. If you remember, large drills “Caucasus-2020” has ended 2 days before the war. Now there are another drills in Mulino (Volga region). Troops are working at defense against attacking army with precise artillery strikes at enemy targets. Sounds familiar, isn’t it?

Arman Melkonyan

And Turkey should leave Cyprus which it is illegally occupying according to UN resolutions.

Karabagh is an ancient Armenian homeland since before the birth of Christ.  Population 95 percent Armenian.  Turks began invading Anatolia in the 11th century. Azerbaijan didn’t even exist until 1920!

Karabagh was illegitimately gifted to the depraved Azeri Turks by the equally depraved Bolshevik (mostly Jewish) Stalin.

Turkish Cypriot population is only 18 percent of the total. Most Turkish Cypriots hate Turks from Turkey to one degree or another and they’d rather be part of the European Union and not Turkey.

Even the head of the Azeri army, the Azerbaijani chief of staff Najmeddin Sadikov allegedly criticized Turkish meddling in Azeri affairs and reportedly said, ‘Maybe we should give our wives to the Turks as well since we allowed them to overtake command of our army?’

And the Turks have the gall to claim that the only friend the Turk has is another Turk.

Even some of the depraved Sunni Jihadi Muslim headchoppers the Turks sent to Azerbaijan to fight the Armenians refused to do so upon learning that Azeris are Shiite Muslims. The ISIS members are on record saying that Christians and Jews are closer to them than the Azeri Shiite Muslims.



James Adams


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