Firefighter douse a blaze at the scene of an explosion at the port of Lebanon’s capital Beirut on August 4, 2020. – Two huge explosion rocked the Lebanese capital Beirut, wounding dozens of people, shaking buildings and sending huge plumes of smoke billowing into the sky. Lebanese media carried images of people trapped under rubble, some bloodied, after the massive explosions, the cause of which was not immediately known. (Photo by STR / AFP)
Israel officially offered Lebanon humanitarian medical aid.
This was carried out via international security and diplomatic channels and happened under order by Defense Minister Benny Gantz and Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi.
As such, this was not an official offer by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and his Likud party, but from the Blue and White.
Gantz is, however, scheduled to become Prime Minister of Israel in November 2021, meaning he isn’t exactly without authority to carry out such a move.
Regardless, the sheer hypocrisy of the offer is astounding.
Israel quite regularly threatens Lebanon with restarting war between the two countries, threatens to strike various locations inside it and what not.
However, in the face of an alleged humanitarian incident such as this Tel’Aviv appears as a trusted friend, ready to offer help.
Essentially, they can be blown up, but only by Israel, accidents can’t cause their death.
Just days earlier, on August 1st, Lebanon’s President Michel Aoun said that Lebanon is prepared to defend itself against Israel’s attacks, which are in violation of the 2006 UN Security Council (UNSC) resolution.
On the same day, Lebanon said it would lodge an official complaint with the UNSC.
The Israeli military claimed it had “thwarted an infiltration attempt by Hezbollah” in the Jabal Ros area.
Hezbollah, however, denied the claim, saying:
“There was no clash or shooting on our part in the events that took place today on the southern border in Lebanon, but rather it was only one party which was the fearful, anxious, and tense enemy.”
Israel has been conducting such terrorist operations across the globe, so why not in Beirut? It is an old Jew tactic slaughter your enemies and then offer assistance. It is the MOSSAD motto: “By Way of Deception Thou Shalt Do War.”
The jooz also have something where they state that if the warn you that’s good enough. Then it’s ok. It’s some Talmudic filth.
Jews are natures revenge on humanity and like roaches very hard to get rid of.
Another very poignant Southfront analysis, the Zionists are yet again trying to shed crocodile tears on a massive crime against humanity. This is also called murderers guilt remorse in psychology. They made similar hypocritical statements after killing 15 Russian IL-20 airmen in Syria.
Despite people like you Lebanon should put politics aside and get help from Israel: https://twitter.com/DavidADaoud/status/1291061500275294214
evil israel
Incest to the bone,koves it up the ass too,nuff fkn said,no gantz is a gimp very weak man!Whoever suggested this ages ago,yet again and again proven assflogged liars! How?see vile unsporting gimps don’t understand under gantz isreal would get wiped!!
Has Israel ever given aid to any Arab countries? Serious question.
I’m wondering if this is betraying a guilty conscience. I’m thinking they might have bombed the fireworks warehouse but didn’t know about the nitrate storage.
“Israeli foreign aid: individual international charitable donations are also very low, with only 0.1% of charitable donations being sent to foreign causes.”
Israel lobbies work 24/7 to get aids from EU and US, do you think they can aid others?
“I’m thinking they might have bombed the fireworks warehouse but didn’t know about the nitrate storage.” We really don’t know what went down, but saying they (Israeli) didn’t know nitrate storage in Lebanon, hmmm it was there from 2014.
Dude, good point.
Not much aid at all, BUT very happy to help the wahhabi crazies trying to destroy Syria.
Check this video…there seems to be some kind of object coming in from the left side. About 0.4 minutes & 1.16 minutes.
seen it on twatter but the Youfucks DELETED it
Are you sure ziotube took it down because its still there if you copy & paste the address, I just did that. I saved it anyway in case these zios take it down. So did you see the object, can you make anything of it?
Wow! Seems to be something falling and then exploding.
Yes, but the video below shows that birds were in the area…although it would have been a very large bird from that distance I imagine, so who knows.
Have you seen this one in infrared?
Don’t open on this page, click the link and watch it in YouTube.
I really hope it wasn’t hezb or iran stuff they blew up or else
Or else the Iranians will respond as in the other Israeli bombings. LOL. Hezbollah has stored weapons in a civilian area. As a result of a fire, the weapons exploded. Only Hezbollah is to blame.
This early reports are that it was not weapons but ammonium nitrate that exploded, now something caused the initial fire but its not clear what.
At first there was talk of fireworks. But the first explosions look like explosions of small arms ammunition.
Watch this video clown there were fireworks @1:45 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k51L0MkRO8E
“arms ammunition” Nope, it is like 2001 Toulouse fertilizer factory blast. https://www.rt.com/news/497118-beirut-blast-accident-chemist/
I know you got horny again Zion cuck sucker, but know this…you are fuking low life best of the worse to you bud.
Hezbollah was preparing attack against israel. so to delay this attack may be israel has told mossad or colloborater in lebnon to do this . most probably suicide drone used by colloborater. bcuz lebnon doesnt has air defense in Beirut so it easy to use small suicide drone.
Hezbollah attackig Israel would mean the other half of Beirut will look the same, don’t push your luck.
Israhell is a fraud, nothing new.
And all their merry p00fs vying for incest!
Well done to Israel for the offer. But Hezbollah will not allow it. Hezbollah (actually the mullahs regime) wants war no peace with Israel. If not for the mullahs regime, there was peace between Lebanon and Israel long ago. Peace is the only solution.
Are you serious with this? israel is the biggest warmonger on the planet. Any offer of aid is to get their foot in the door to create more unrest. Get real.
He is a teenage hasbara troll.
Just as there is peace between Egypt / Jordan and Israel, so can Lebanon have peace with Israel.
What are you talking about? Egypt is not at peace with israel. Jordan is a cowardly controlled bootlicker. You should read more. NO ONE will ever have peace with israel! Israel doesn’t want it. They want to take over every nation and rape and pillage all the resources.
” Egypt is not at peace with israel” – ??? They are fighting together against ISIS in Sinai.
You are a fox News watcher clearly.
Ignore the moron he is just a low life, he would happy sell himself for 2 shekel.
You are correct. Funny post.
I love this Mary, she’s so funny. She thinks she can lecture an Israeli and an Iranian about a ME issues, so cute. Seriously, don’t mind her she doesn’t worth it bro.
Israel has never lifted a finger against ISIS. Liar.
Matter of fact there are pictures of Bibi visiting iniured al nusrah militants, wich is the exact same as ISIS.
The only thing you know is to curse. Regarding the Middle East your knowledge is embarrassing.
There can only be peace when Israel stops attacking its neighbours, the constant air strikes on Syria just because Iran is there. Syria doesnt want war with Israel
I agree. Maybe this tragic event will change things.
“Well done to Israel for the offer” LMFAO give it to your own beggars bud. Please stfu and go suck on your ugly zion monkey.
Everybody knows about their yingyong! plan…the mighty greater israellio, let us destroy all these countries using US grunts so israellio can stand on top of the hill. All this ‘through deception, we shall make war’ and they offer assistance! It’s like me writing a manifesto explaining how I need to get rid of my 5 neighbors so I can build my dream ranch then act horrified when they don’t offer me a cup of tea!
Look at the photos from SANA. Truly devastating. http://sana.sy/en/?p=199172
300 thousand homeless people after that, is this real?
The beggars (Israel) of America wants to talk LMFAO, don’t take US,EU aids see what happens to you apes. We will get more info about this event, the zion pigs trying pour salt now LMFAO when their people are begging for money.
I’m surprised Pompeo is not calling for more sanctions on Lebanon at this time.
The first day they wouldn’t say anything and then they deny everything and blame game start.
It was either Isramouricunt missiles or sabotage or both.
How cute.
Yes we did offer them, we also knew they would refuse but it was the right thing to do. Lebanese need to know who put them in that situation, it is Hezbollah and Iran.
How stupid can you be Sayyed Nasrallah : https://twitter.com/MEMRIReports/status/1290948254893580288
LMFAO you use MEMRI a lot I wonder why :/ ohh that right….
Don’t support terrorists and you wont be attacked. Christians don’t join terrorist organisation and they don’t get bombed.
A simple question: what do special forces commando teams train for? To blow up enemy infrastructure and supplies behind enemy lines. For better or worse, a huge pile of fertiliser is part of “supplies” (and I suppose the port is “infrastructure”) and a low hanging fruit for a spy team or SF team. An easy bet that there are many operatives who’d like to cause such an explosion. Many. And they’d drink beer all day long to celebrate.