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MARCH 2025

UPDATED: Dozens Of Russian Servicemen Killed By Ukrainian Strike In Makeyevka

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UPDATED: Dozens Of Russian Servicemen Killed By Ukrainian Strike In Makeyevka

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UPDATE on January 2:

The Ministry of Defense of Russia reported that 63 Russian soldiers were killed as a result of the Ukrainian strike in the area of Makeyevka in the DPR. The building was targeted by six HIMARs missiles, two of them were intercepted by Russian air defence forces.

“As a result of the strike of four missiles with a high-explosive warheads at the temporary deployment point, 63 Russian servicemen were killed. All necessary assistance and support will be provided to the relatives and friends of the deceased servicemen,” the ministry said.

According to some unofficial military sources, the losses of the Russian army are heavier.

Last night, Ukrainian forces dealt a heavy blow to the Russian military. At night, the AFU struck a college building in the village of Makeyevka located on the north-western outskirts of Donetsk.

The building was reportedly used for accommodation of Russian servicemen. The AFU shelled the area with the US-made HIMARS MRLS at around midnight when Russian servicemen were celebrating the New Year.

According to the reports, the building was completely destroyed. As a result of the strike, dozens of Russian servicemen were killed. The local security services are still clearing the debris. The exact number of victims remains unknown.

The video was reportedly made on the spot:



This is a blatant case of incompetence of the military command of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the spot who ordered to accommodate hundreds of servicemen in a school building located in the village which is constantly shelled by enemy forces. The damage caused to the building confirms that it could not be used as a shelter due to its fragile construction but Russian commanders preferred it to the numerous abandoned strong buildings with basements. Another strange mistake was to accommodate hundreds of servicemen all together.

The Russian military has been fighting in Ukraine for more than ten months, but some of their top commanders have yet to learn that unfortified social facilities, like schools, are the main and easy targets for enemy artillery.

The incompetence of the Russian officers who made such a decision caused a wave of indignation among the military and various specialists who demanded their punishment. The bloody attack even aroused suspicions of betrayal in the ranks of the Russian military command. Taking into account the heavy losses, the timing of the attack and the great informational value of a major blow to the Russian military in the New Year, betrayal seems to be a very likely version. The strike in Makeyevka fell into line with other suspicious failures of the Russian Army, and can be compared with the defeat of the cruiser Moskva.


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North Koreans won against the US back in the 50ies

And where is the Russian Vengeance? Time for Russia to start playing hardball. High time.


Its a culling and blood sacrifice mate. What the fuck do you expect. How have you not figured out yet that the global elite practice pagan rituals?


Is Judaism a Pegan ritual?

Last edited 2 years ago by lary
Moaning Lisa Smile

In short, YES. It is a pagan religion …

Last edited 2 years ago by Moaning Lisa Smile
Arch Bungle

What do you call a religion based on the worship of Baal, Moloch and Hadad?




Worse.. much worse


You can’t blame the J’s for using the stupidity and corruption to their advantage. Blame the leaders and traitors in all the other contry for making it so damn easy to them.

Nose, Nose

I’d say it’s more satanistic than pagan. Pagans imho don’t do such things.

Johny cash

Exactly. Putin serves the same purpose as mr h, act as control opposition real motive is blood letting ritual of slavs. These dumb Indians actually think putin is fighting for their country lol

Hohol the Faggot

Total nonsense and agitational propaganda of fake hohol BS. Not a single official link from MoD.

It is funny how not a single hohol cares when it actually happens 1000s of times i Ukropizdan. 200,000 hohols are dead and not a single hohol cares or complaints about incompetence of Midget Cuckold Zelensky 😆😆😆😆🏳️‍🌈🖕🏳️‍🌈🖕🏳️‍🌈🖕🏳️‍🌈🖕🏳️‍🌈🖕

Last edited 2 years ago by Hohol the Faggot

No it’s the hard truth i heard and saw it from the Russian spokesman military.

Johan P

Sadly, Russian MoD has confirmed 69 killed. No report on the wounded yet but that could easily be 3x that. A costly mistake an totally unnecessary.

Ukraine can try to celebrate this, but they have multiple such casualties every day, whereas this is the first time for Russia. I hope that commander gets demoted and put on the frontline.


This happened because some people turned on location on their mobile phone. Anonymized data and then destroyed by an anonymous missile. Everything is logical.

Yesterday many Anglo-Ameriscums™ officers died under Russian bombs, looks like a nazistan revenge using Brimstone 2 missiles. Dunno if this missile can be operated with soviet bombers… maybe a special operation with F35…


Go ahead make our day yankee thug.


f35 is a dog(period)Besides this comfirms russian military does report on substantial losses, specified high ouput himars munitions,like i said f35 is a very sick dog in need of transplant.

How to play hardball when it can’t destroy enemy intelligence sources (NATO sats), enemy weapon factories (in NATO countries!) and enemy training grounds? (in NATO countries too)

Did you read the article? The primary blame must be on the Russian commanders for their stupidity, or treachery.

It smells like someone betrayed and gave the info to Ukraine. This is where the vengeance starts.

All the top Russian brass do is talk, and make big unfulfillable promises, just like politicians everywhere.


No,that would be your pentagonnas coward pieces of shit,never the balls to be in real battles.

where is the russian IQ? they need to be more aware and serious.


Where is the italian and ukranian iq gimp?


The Russians are dying for nothing in Ukraine. Just leave the country and go back to Moscow. Then the war will come to an end.

Russia too strong for usa nato!

Begone gimp,no future in fascism nor your lgbtq nor your bio labs in ukraine,your going down! =Z=


go straigth to hell


Russian officers have yet to learn that NAZISTAN satellites are spying on their movements day and night.

Biden the Clown™, Zelewski the Clown™, Harris the Clown™, Pelosi the Clown™, Anglo-Ameriscums™ are all trademarks of Carlo, a high ranking (and CENSORED) commentator to SouthFront. Any abusive use of these trademarks is encouraged


Vergonzoso. Espero una respuesta a la altura.

Russia too strong for usa nato!

Perhaps it were nazis not Russians,how?generally ukraine has a habit of twisting fate as the opposite.


But it could be distorted news. I don’t look at corpses, not even one.

The Objective

There are 100s of dead Russians as reported by other sources. Search the net.

Hohol the Faggot

Not a single vehicle. Not a single ambulance. No firefighters. No injured. It is all fake faggot agitation propaganda.


This sounds like it lacks credibility.

The Objective

Real casualty counts will be clear tomorrow. Why the fuck is Putin still fighting this war? NATO would only allow him to win at a prohibitive cost.

Che Habana

He is fighting to prevent them from breaking up his country. That is why and it is not a prohibitive cost.

Che Habana

I believe Southfront would not lie about this. I have read of much incompetence in the Russian military operation in Ukraine. Rather surprising. What is going on over there? Laziness and ineptitude should be dealt with. I saw a Russian officer beating some Russian soldiers a few days ago for cowardice

RUSSIAN MEN NEED TO BE MEN AGAIN!!! Those bastards that ran from their country should be sent to Siberia for 5 years to do hard labor. Maybe longer as well as financial compensation to the state for this treasonous act. This war is not a war for ridiculous reasons like the ones the West does, but for survival of the country.


The Russian officer you saw was from the Donbass. They belonged to Ukraine till 8 years ago, they’re different to the rest of the Russian officers.

As for this massive blow to the Russian Army, I don’t believe it’s due to incompetence but due to treason.

Edited to add: if one of the soldiers was responsible by having on him his mobile phone (they’re all hacked) and posting on the internet something like “Happy New Year from X number of mobilized men”, it’s still the responsibility of the higher officers not to place all soldiers together. Explosions are now reported at military locations in Melitopol and Tokmak too!

Last edited 2 years ago by helen

It sounds suspiciously like the fake news stories that circulate in the West all the time. But if it’s true, I’d assume this blunder was really caused by treasonous collaboration, as others have suggested. There’s also the possibility that it’s real, but the Russian casualties were exaggerated. That seems likely, since the Devil mixes truth with lies.

Khazar Agent

Main reason that Russian forces are unable to go forward is that Active Protection System for MBTs were invented in Russia some quarter of century back and now Russian MBTs have no APS.

What is cost of APS for one MBT? 300 000 USD. What is cost of APS for all first line Russian MBTs? One yacht of one Russian oligarch.

Without APS, Russian MBTs are simply unable to break through UKR front lines. Simple, stupid, incompetence.

Last edited 2 years ago by Khazar Agent
Florian Geyer

My father was a British artillery officer in Ist Army during WW2 landings in North Africa. He ordered his men to dig slit trenches with overhead cover wherever they went. This was how the men slept when not manning the 25 pounder field guns.

Russian and Ukies are often billeted in hotels etc and Russian journalists often seen in restaurants and hotels.

This is insane


Russian journalists aren’t [supposed to be] military targets, so they should be OK to stay in restaurants and hotels. But soldiers… entirely unacceptable!

Mohd Noor Ismail

Russia has to change the format from SMO to Full Scale War – and target all millitary and administrative complex in KIEV and especially all Foreign Millitary Centres

I guess ima NAZI weird

Well the are going full scale, just can’t admit it because then what? they are running low on missiles, hence using shitty Iranian munitions lol.


Did CNN tell you they are running out of missiles?

Captain Hohol

Back in the early days of the Ukraine civil war, I’m certain I saw some video of a low grade nuclear weapon being used. The explosion happened at midnight and was singularly far too large to be anything other than a high yield explosive or a low yield tactical nuke.

It’s time to start plotting the aggregations of Ukrainian troops and launching iksanders at them, doing so until it’s impossible for them to aggregate anywhere for any large scale assault.

Che Habana

Replace those commanders responsible for this and vet everyone. They need to check all information on their cell phones as well as those family members of these officers. This is a trajedy which should not have happened.


And confiscate the money they got from Ukraine to provide the coordinates of the building.


This is treason 100%. Nobody could be THAT incompetent. Either case, give him the death penalty!

Oh I forgot, the DPR had to abolish the death penalty to become part of the RF! Only Lukashenko in Belarus stays strong and still has it!


About the “Nobody can’t be that incompetent” I strongly suggest you to recall what happened during the first assault on Grozny in 1994…Of course you can use also whatever episode of military incompetence from any other country if fits better. The point is, there si no way to know in advance what incompetence can cause…

Mexican American 🇲🇽

Ukranazis trolls guna a heyday with this.


This is a failure in leadership for grouping so many soldiers together that they were a worthwhile target.


Where are the Russian SAM?


There is no corroboration of this supposed article. All articles on this attack say that 15 civilians were injured. Given the tone of the article which expresses a deep bias towards Russia. Maybe the “writer” should take up another profession. Not accepting facts can only lead to profound disappointment or even worse.

I guess ima NAZI weird

Or they say up to 700 soldiers were billeted there, along with ammunition. maybe 500 ofwichbwere killed.


I stand corrected. Russian Defence Ministry confirmed the death of 63 service men this morning. Air Defences only managed to knock out 2 of the six HIMARs.


Sounds Like ukro Fake News before the Front collapses.


This was no accident. This was an inside job…the commanders responsible need to be executed on the spot.

Isser Harel

The British used to stage similar types of attacks on the Germans in order to cause them to doubt their own intelligence services and officers: it ended up seriously harming German military capability by them being suspicious of their own officers and did nothing except help them lose the war. War is death by unexpectedly and dastardly means. Get over it and don’t waste effort on the blame game. Stick to kicking the enemy in the ass and you’ll accomplish far more.


Executed and confiscate the money they got from Ukraine to provide the coordinates of the building.

White Gandalf

This event has far reaching consequences: The russian side is the one permanently blaming the ukrainian side for misuse of civilian infrastructure for hosting military units. Now, they are themselfes caught in the act. And since hundreds (as stated in the text), not dozens (as stated in the title) servicemen got killed, the command seems not to be able to hide it.

The russians military command will have to provide explanations about how this accomodation of military units in civilian buildings should NOT have constituted a war crime. Which they explicitely emphasize on the same matter as long as done by ukrainians.


They were there for a celebration, not to sleep and live there.

Israel first

Those commanding officers should be stripped of rank and sent to the front. How stupid can you be to put so many men together in one place withing range of Himars. Break up troops in small numbers for gods sake.

NATO terrorists

Not even western media is reporting about this. Could it be a SF lie to praise the neo Nazis.

The Crunge

Or maybe going after the Putin regime for being too soft.


SF is not MSM, it always report the truth.

SF = cheap propaganda

They do, they claim it’s 600. So somewhere between 60-600. Probably hundreds. How much exactly we will never know.


If SF was “cheap propaganda”, you dipshits wouldn’t desperately troll it. It would simply be ignored. Which it isn’t.

The Crunge

People are always gonna make mistakes. Perhaps the biggest mistake of this war was made by Putin and company for waiting so long to invade.

As Merkel and Hollande said. We never wanted the Minsk Accords to be followed. Just gave us time to beef up the Uke army. With their beef up time, they’ve been able to kill many ethnic Russians in the Donbass area.


mucht too late. still with not enough troops. and still acting with a pulled hand brake.


Was meinst Du, wie viele Russische Soldaten jetzt in Ukraine aktiv sind? Weiß das jemand? Ich meinte, richtig an der Front.

Isser Harel

Any cell phone on earth IS TRACKED by the US military and Nato particularly in a war zone. Any group of them indicates a target. The only way to stop this happening is to target Nato and related personnel in the same manner. Blaming Russian personnel or any other such nonsense is exactly why the target was chosen: to cause disruption in the Russian command. Don’t fall for it. Just retaliate , particularly heavily and unexpectedly , and continue Soldiering On.


The solution to attacks on Donetsk and other front line areas, and to keep Russian losses to a minimum, is to simultaneously carpet bomb the entire front line section by section. Known underground fortifications should be hit twice or thrice. Then move the troops forward. If Ukrainian troops are hiding in the forest then just napalm it. No need to rely on expensive cruise missiles so much. They will be needed to take out NATO.


thats a meaningless video-just shows a blown up building-so what?


Either target NATO spy satellites, or assume that all of your movements/positions are compromised. No inbetweens.. They started this in 2014, and now seek to extend it with their weapons/intelligence. Its time to recognize this as an act of war, and treat it accordingly.. Take out the satellites!!


That’s horrible, but it’s only one rare occasion. While ukraine is losing 1000 soldiers every single day.


More. About 5000 each single day.


the target aquisition in DPR and LPR dont need satelites or CIA-tier shit – the ukro-forces have collaboratuers, often even underage, in the region. the call their contacts with cellphones when they see or hear of a gathering, may it be civilian or military – while the referendums were taking place several underage collaborateurs were arrested ‘caus eof this.

they deliver the place and happening to their contacts and these contacts call in the artillery or HIMARs strikes… its well documented as of now. but ’cause most of the traitors are underage most of them arent actually punished for real. i bet this one, if true, is a similar case.

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