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Dozens Of Syrian Mercenaries Killed In Nagorno-Karabakh In Last 48 Hours: Monitoring Group

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Dozens Of Syrian Mercenaries Killed In Nagorno-Karabakh In Last 48 Hours: Monitoring Group

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36 Turkish-backed Syrian militants were killed by Armenian forces in the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh in the last 48 hours, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported on October 3.

Hundreds of Turkish-backed Syrian militants have been supporting the Azerbaijani Armed Forces’ offensive operations in Nagorno-Karabakh since outbreak of the battle there on September 27.

“Syrian mercenaries were shoved to the frontlines there [in Nagorno-Karabakh],” the SOHR said in its report.

According to the London-based monitoring group, a total of 64 Syrian militants have been killed in Nagorno-Karabakh, thus far.

Despite the mounting losses, more and more Syrian militants are arriving in Azerbaijan. As of October 3, the number of Syrians fighting in Nagorno-Karabakh is estimated by the SOHR to be over 1,200. Most of these militants are from the Turkmen ethnicity.

Originally, Syrian militants were told that they would be “guarding” oil facilities in Azerbaijan. They were also promised a monthly payment of $1,500 to 2,000.

Some of the Syrian militants now fighting Armenian forces in Nagorno-Karabakh were allegedly transported from Libya, where they were fighting for the Turkish-backed Government of National Accord. Their success in Libya has apparently encourage Ankara to implement the same strategy with Azerbaijan.


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Lone Ranger

Oy gevalt…

Traiano Welcome

Mazel tov!

Putin Apologist

This war is not about Azerbaijan liberating “their” territory, if it were Aliyev (the local dictator) would not have to resort to paying mercenaries to fight for it. No,this war is about Erdogan’s Neo-Ottoman ambitions, ambitions that been successfully checked in Iraq, in Syria, in Libya and in the eastern Mediterranean, and will be checked in Armenia and Artsakh because the Armenian people are never going back to a life under the Turkish yoke

Did I forget to mention the Russian military contingent hosted in the Republic of Armenia, namely the army unit garrisoned in Gyumri and the air squadrons, MiG-29s, Mi-24s and Mi-8s, in Erebuni? See Wikipedia for the details.


There’s actually no evidence of any “mercenaries”. Virtually all soldiers are paid to fight, even though there is not even any evidence of any payment. The use of the word “mercenary” is just an obvious propaganda word, and since your deal in lies and propaganda, your “strategic analysis” is as worthless as the lies you base it on.

Putin Apologist

“The use of the word ‘mercenary’ is just an obvious propaganda word”… damn, you spotted that, didn’t you?

How about the video? It was pretty cool, right?


Even if this video is what you claim it is, how does Russia flying aircraft low over Armenia’s capital support Armenia? It would seem more logical to interpret it as a threat against Armenia – “See, we can bomb you at will, so you better not escalate the situation, you hear?”

Traiano Welcome

The difference between a mercenary and an ordinary soldier is that mercenaries have no national or political affiliation to the conflict they’re involved in.

The difference is also that the ordinary soldier is bound by national duty to fight in wars of national interest EVEN IF HE WERE NOT PAID. The payment is by necessity of support for the soldiers family, not for profit motive.

The mercenary has no political or ideological connection to the conflict other than profit motive. His motivations are capitalistic.

Therefore the Syrian terrorists involved in this war are mercenaries. No payment slips are required as evidence, it is on it’s face, obvious from the context.


How about religious affiliation? Does that count in your calculations? And do you know Azerbaijanis are Turkic and Muslim? Is that enough connection for you? Or do you demand more, lol. Many of the “Syrian terrorists” are also Turkic fighters, as everyone knows. Now who is a mercenary? Germans fighting for US in Afghanistan and Iraq – obviously it is only about money, because Germany has no national or political affiliation to the Evil Empire, at all.

As to not being paid, yes, the conscript is a slave, but most armies today are not conscripts, they are paid to fight, so, mercenaries, yes? Also mercenaries that are paid vastly more than the “Syrian terrorists”, who make maybe $500 per month. Just enough to survive, really, it’s just giving them food and shelter.

You don’t know what capitalism means, lol. You mean to say “selfish”, but alas nobody is putting his life in danger in a war for $500/month out of selfishness. Now US soldiers, they make much much more, I think they would not be doing it if they made only $500 / month, so they are mercenaries, correct?

Assad must stay

you said it brah, time to stop erdocunt’s wet dreams butt cold

Lucia West

Google is paying $192 for every single hour….. On Monday I have got my first Mercedes-AMG right after getting my biggest payout of $35475 for a week..(4h86)… It seems un-believable but you won’t forgive yourself if you do not check it (Select Option “Home” within it to get details)>>>>>>>>> http://ps4.cloud/dl/googlejobs2020 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★::


This war is about overthrowing the actual government of Armnia by Putin and Erdogan.


Given that Armenia is in the Collective Security Treaty Organisation along with Russia that doesnt sound right.


Armenia as a country is not in danger and Russia wouldn’t protect Nagorno anyway.


Allah snack bar!

Indian Army & Israel

And here it goes….booooommmmmmm…Allah hu snackbar is accompanied with a large blast


According to the London-based and MI6 financed/supported propaganda group, a total of 64 Syrian militants have been killed in Nagorno-Karabakh, thus far.

There, fixed it for ya. If I remember correctly, SF actually had this group correctly identified in Syrian events, but suddenly, as the current propaganda corresponds to SF’s very strong pro-Armenia bias, it is a “respectable news source”, lol. My, how partisanship works.

John Wallace

It has cleaned up its act when Assad advanced to take control of areas the terrorists once held many many months ago while you were asleep .As they are about the ONLY source of reasonably credible reports from those areas still controlled by terrorists their reports are published as coming from SOHR which means take them with a pinch of salt. That means they are likely more credible than CNN , NYT or LAT or Fox but not necessarily the full truth. Reporters that o to those areas tend to lose their heads sooner or later so Mr one man band in London has access to numerous people living in those areas who send him reports of what is happening. He started off as Mr propaganda but has evolved into a slightly credible source of information from the other side as it pays better. I know of no one on here that takes his reports as verbatim truth but until you volunteer to go and report back for us we just have to take his reports to the salt mine.


As there is exactly zero evidence, you’re an idiot to believe it. But believe what you want, that the moon is made of honey, what do I care. I just made the point that they are a British intelligence asset. Even they speak the truth sometime, but mostly not. And without evidence it’s like believing a habitual liar. And even if he has sources in Syria (as if nobody else does, lol), and even if those sources were honest, and even if he were honest, how does that give him on-the-ground information in Azerbaijan? Hmmm?

John Wallace

As I pointed out most people on here already know who he is and what he stood for. Numerous times people have commented that not to believe this arsehole so you the fucking ignorant smartarsed fuckwit are the idiot if you can’t take a simple explanation and accept it for what it is without trying to denigrate the author out of incapability to comprehend what was said. You seem to think you are the only one of intelligence on here . Push your agenda where it fits you dipshit. How does he get his info from Azerbaijan or Libya or all over Syria. Simple . People send it to him. Terrorist’s from Syria were sent to both Libya and too AZERBAIJAN. . GFY..


GFY you useless haughty arrogant scat-eating nobody. And I was right, you are an idiot – a big, nasty, ugly one. Note: nobody cares what you think about anything, most certainly not what you think of MI6 propaganda, you pompous nobody.

John Wallace

Thanks but I think you were looking in the mirror when you thought of that. Spit on someone and they spit back.. So pleased I brightened your day twit.

Assad must stay

what a surprise, they cant fight for shit anyways lol

Traiano Welcome

I believe this is Erdogan’s strategy to get rid of the ISIS brigades he created to invade Syria. In wars, mercenaries are usually disposed of by sending them into battles they cannot win.

Assad must stay

he could also just instruct his regular torki army to just kill them all right?

Traiano Welcome

That would backfire badly. That would be like transforming all your allies into armies of killers looking for revenge right on the borders of Turkey.

Then the Turkish army would spend years waging war on enemies it never had and never needed.

Assad would be laughing in Aleppo …

Assad must stay

True, but from our perspective it woukd be like kill two birds one stone ahahah

Traiano Welcome

Of course. Which is why Assad is probably watching these new events with a smile on his face … Because this is want will eventually happen.


He will/try to disposed them before they realize ErdoCunt will screw them and turn their attention to Turkey for payback…like the AmeriCunts do with their Kurd Turds all the times but they are dumm as shit.

Traiano Welcome

How long before these ‘Sunni’ bashi-bazouks realise they are fighting for Shia ‘infidels’?


Thet fight for Turkey’s oil and natural gas interests.

Traiano Welcome

So they are mercenaries. When the money runs out they will abandon their masters,

James Adams

64 terrorists dead and hundreds of Azeri scum. And what do they have to show for it? Nothing !!!


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