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Dozens Of Turkish-Backed Syrian Militants Are Preparing To Leave For Azerbaijan – Report

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Dozens Of Turkish-Backed Syrian Militants Are Preparing To Leave For Azerbaijan – Report

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Dozens of Syrian militants, who were recruited by Turkey, were preparing to depart to Azerbaijan, where they would support the Azerbaijani Armed Forces, the Hawar News Agency (ANHA) reported on July 30.

According to the news agency, the militants, who were recruited by offices in Afrin and Idlib, will depart after Eid al-Adha holiday, which will end on August 3.

“After Eid al-Adha they will be sent to Turkish territory and from there to Azerbaijan,” the ANHA quoted a source with knowledge on the matter as saying.

In Azerbaijan the Syrian militants will receive a salary of $5,000, more than double salary of Turkish-backed militants in Libya.

Two weeks ago, Syria’s Sham FM reported that Turkey was recruiting Syrian militants to fight as mercenaries for the Azerbaijani Armed Forces against the Armenian forces.

The Azerbaijani Armed Forces and the Armenian military engaged in a series of skirmishes earlier this month. Back then, Turkey vowed to provide military assistance to Azerbaijan.

Turkey could plan to support Azerbaijan with Syrian militants, as it did with the Government of National Accord in Libya. Nevertheless, these allegations have not yet been confirmed by any independent source.


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Sounds like fake news. But if true, kudos to Azerbaijan. Already use drones instead of airplanes and now mercenaries instead of own citizens. I bet if there were fighting robots like on the terminator movie, they would be one of firsts to buy.

FANFARONE ? Year of the Pig ??

Terrorist state Twerkiye once again involved in jihadi trafficking

Rafik Chauhan

ITs shows that Azerbaijan military is incapable armenain Troops. so turkey thugs are sending syrian to get killed. Turkey is taking advantage of poor syrian and senind them to death by promising high salary. Turkish erdogan thugs are more resposible for syrian destructive live. it proves Turkis dont care for any muslim just promoting salafism and ottman empire . Syrian opposotion should comes to it sense and get rid of turkish and talk directly to syrian goverment and settle the issue ASAP. before more syrian get killed by this foreign terriost of turkey.


The only incapable here seem to be your language skills. At least use google.translate or something, a tough read you posted.

good american

It’s easy if one is used to trying to figure out Jens.

Rafik Chauhan

Your IQ is proven less that’s why u just look at the spelling instead of understanding u Zionist slave


still can’t read. write in your own language. google translate will do a better job.


Well said Rafik, you are right, and I understand what you are trying to say, you speak well for a non English native

Антон С

“ITs shows that Azerbaijan military is incapable armenain Troops.”

Or shows that Erdogan is ready to escalate the conflict. Azerb. army is well modernized and supplied. I can’t bet on armenian army in total war even with all my respect to its soldiers.


Foreign support to ‘free’ Karabakh …



Allah akhbar! Inshallah it is true, these rats never saw snow in their life, and they think they can come kill Armenians in the mountains? ?? Allah, Assad, Souriyah! Maybe finally Assad can cleanup Idlib.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

They’re getting paid a lot of money that’s true, but in reality they’re just more cannon fodder for Russian warplanes, missiles, and artillery, it’s going to be hard spending their paychecks when they’re dead.

Антон С

Russia won’t interfere, it’s not our war. Just diplomatic help, not more.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Who said anything about Russian troops, I said Russian warplanes, missiles, and artillery, that’s what the Armenians use. But I do think the Russians will get involved if Turkey does, they’d be stupid not to, they don’t want a repeat of Syria and Libya do they. And Russia’s alliance with Armenia must count for something, why would anyone want to be allied to Russia if they don’t uphold their side of the bargain.

Антон С

If sold, they are not russian anymore, but armenian. Armenia got several Su-30 this year.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Nearly everything the Armenians use is Russian made, that’s why they have a mutual defense alliance with Armenia. And btw Putin involved himself in the Chechen and Georgian wars so why wouldn’t he get involved in Armenia as well.

Антон С

“In Azerbaijan the Syrian militants will receive a salary of $5,000, more than double salary of Turkish-backed militants in Libya.”

Turks promised to pay, but payed much less, as POW combatant said. Someone stealing money or Erdogan simply lies to his minions. Or both.)

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