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MARCH 2025

DPR Announces Exact Time And Location Of Incoming Strike On Ukrainian Positions, After Failed Ultimatum

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DPR Announces Exact Time And Location Of Incoming Strike On Ukrainian Positions, After Failed Ultimatum

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On September 4th, the head of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) Denis Pushilin gave the order to open fire on Ukrainian positions in Eastern Ukraine.

The artillery strike will be delivered on the morning of September 7th.

Pushilin called on the Ukrainian side to withdraw the personnel from the place where the blow would be struck.

He made the announcement on his Telegram channel.

Pushilin wrote that he called on Ukraine to bury the trenches that were dug after the ceasefire agreement of July 22nd, 2020.

However, there was no response, so the DPR’s forces would open fire on “illegally erected engineering structures in the area of the Shumy settlement,” which is near Gorlovka.

Below is the entire statement by Pushilin:

“Since my statement on August 28, 2020, we have made intensified attempts to persuade the Ukrainian side to eliminate its positional violations of the additional measures agreed on July 22, 2020 to strengthen the ceasefire regime.

At the negotiating platform in Minsk and through the coordination mechanism in accordance with clause “e” of additional measures, we repeatedly pointed out the need to dig the trenches dug by the Ukrainian side after July 22, 2020, and not to arrange further provocations aimed at disrupting the ceasefire. In addition, we have repeatedly warned that in the current situation we have every right to use clause “e” of additional measures and eliminate these violations on our own, but we did our best to avoid this.

The Ukrainian side ignored our reasonable demands. I expected yesterday to receive a document from the JCCC stating that the violations had been eliminated by the Ukrainian side, or at least work is underway to eliminate them. I have not received such a document.

In this regard, I officially declare that in accordance with clause “e” of additional measures, I decided to issue an order to open fire on illegally erected engineering structures in the area of ​​the Shumy settlement (600 meters north-east of the Shumy settlement – the area contains ​​newly equipped Ukrainian positions with center with coordinates 48 degrees 22 minutes 57 seconds north and 37 degrees 56 minutes 55 seconds east).

Formal notification of this decision will be sent by our representatives to the Trilateral Contact Group. The detailed coordinates of the location of the operation will be communicated to the Ukrainian side through the JCCC. I call on the Ukrainian side to ensure the absence of personnel in the indicated area from 08:00 on September 7, 2020. We don’t need human sacrifice. We don’t need to break the truce. We only want to comply with the agreements reached.

I appeal to the OSCE SMM with a request to monitor this operation at the designated time.”

Essentially, the conflict in Eastern Ukraine is such that Kiev’s forces refuse to withdraw from positions beyond the separation line and fully implement the ceasefire agreement, and the DPR feels its hand is forced, it needs to clear out those positions.

As a result, it is releasing a formal statement of an impending attack, so that no life is lost, but the positions are destroyed and the ceasefire agreement can be actively (and proactively) implemented, in a way.


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It’s not like the Minsk farce agreements are tenable for much longer, Russia signed up for that bullshit to keep “partnership and business” with EU intact but Donbass has benefited very little from it as Ukrop Zionazi battalions keep creeping up on them. It would also add some color to the “revolution” in Belarus.

Антон С

“Russia signed up” As guarantor with France, Germany and OSCE, not as the side of conflict. “Minsk” is dead already, ukro-nazi doesn’t fulfill agreement. What color it can add to belorussian riot?


shitocracy is like broken record that uses absolutely every article related to Russia to attack Russia with always the same story and always with the same accusation. The truth doesn’t interest him just opportunity to throw mud on Russia or spit on Putin in his endless campaign to discredit Russia wherever he can.

Антон С

But he is right in general. At least this time, that’s why I agreed. Policy towards LDPR was controversial until last 1-2 years (giving RF passports). Minsk-1, then Minsk-2 instead more decisive actions. Not even military, it could be economic blockade, but money blurs eyes of some politicians in Moscow, mostly liberal. That’s why they kept trade with Kiev regime and not supporting Crimea.


Isn’t that more about real balance of power when it comes to economic matters that liberal lobby has their word to say, than just simple “blurring” of Kremlin’s vision? I think it was you who have said that there was no political will among Russian public to intervene decisively even with military means (like it was for Crimea) So if that patriotism is so blurred up from the start what else to expect than by time passing buy that liberal agenda and greed take over that situation and try to make profit out of the hole situation. While Kremlin is too inert and too rigid to even notice let alone prevent these deviations. So at the end it is easy to stick everything on Kremlin (but that was not part of their plan or intentions )

Liberal guy

Many called him a agent of the jew the zionist puppet in Russia hahahahaha and many other nonsense

Lone Ranger

Ukropnazis will cry and rage :)




So long as they die… I hope the regular soldiers will not suffer too much. They are still our Russian brothers, but under US military occupation. The Nazis can and should be massacred.

Lone Ranger

Also DPR are real gentlemans. They give the exact time and coordinates. Not many countries do that…



cechas vodobenikov

you are nobody—we know


Almost as nobody as Zelensky is.

Антон С

Looks like the quote from the movie about baron Munchausen. His girlfriend says: -I’ve been chasing you for three days to tell you how much I don’t care about you. Same as mr.Nobody did. He “doesn’t care”, but he is here to shout it loud.

Антон С

What can I say? At last! All “grey zone” (DMZ by Minsk agreement) is occupied by Kiev regime. Need to clean this and rest lands of ex-ukrainian provinces of Donezk and Lugansk occupied by Kiev regime at this moment. Hope that ukro-nazis will counter-attack and LDPR militia with the Airspace forces will throw them out this land and may be further.

cechas vodobenikov

zelensky is impotent; he cannot influence the amerika/nazi militias


Zelensky was never anything more than a bought-and-paid for butt-boy who entertains his clients with a few post-coital witticisms. Kholomosiky holds his leash and keeps him close.


he got fat, where are the donations going?:))


Israel should make it clear to Russia, that if they sell advanced weapon systems to Iran in October, then we will make sure to sell Ukraine some of our best UAV’s and naval systems like barak 8 to counter Russia. Don’t hurt our national security, this is not a game.


Spike NLOS would be better. Too many tanks and IFVs there waiting to be blown up


Yeah I agree, the Spike is very accurate and has a “fire-and-forget” system. It doesn’t miss, very reliable but it cost 200K$ for a unit so it’s not cheap. I don’t want to go head on against Russia, but if they risk our soldiers and civilians by selling weapons to our biggest enemy, then it will not go unanswered.


Israel should have started selling already. The market is getting filled. Turkey is selling drones, US is selling Javelins. Soon the train might leave. And btw, Iran already has S300, so Bibi should focus on doing his job instead of only worrying about his seat.


Are you anti commie my friend?


my identity or general opinion doesn’t change anything on the ground. so it doesn’t matter what i am pro or anti towards. but feel free to comment on what i wrote, agree or disagree, anything is ok.


True, but that is one thing to sell S-300 to Iran so they place in in Iran, but a completely different thing to sell them weapons they can send to their proxies in Syria or Lebanon against us, which has one purpose to kill Israelis. We can bomb the S-300 in Syria too, but so far it has not been activated against our jets.


It is active, but can’t fire due to civilian traffic. Israeli jets mostly fire without crossing the border. Proxies have enough weapons already, I would worry about missile programs of Iran more than what they sell to proxies. Intelligence can see what is in front of the curtain, but behind are bigger questions. I was suprised by the accuracy of their missiles during US base strikes back in Jan. If they further develop into air defense evasiveness, well that will be a bigger problem for Israel.


In the last airstrike we destroyed some of their new and advanced AD systems, according to some news sites. I wouldn’t be surprised if you see it even more in the coming weeks.

Jim Allen

S-400 too.


Iran is not your biggest enemy. Planet Earth is.


Russian assholes cannot be trusted.They are siding with china


I still hope they make the right choice Paul, let’s not forget we can hurt them very badly in Syria by taking down Assad anytime we want. This is not a threat, just an option.


Modi and Bibi are both close with Putin but that asshole is a backstabber.Never trust a commie!


You think Putin is a “commie”???


Fuck, but you are SUCH a dumb cunt…


Putin wants to destroy Israel as he sees israel as the closest US ally.Putin wants to take revenge for the breaking up of Soviet union.

Fog of War

” Putin wants to destroy Israel ”

You are very wrong here. Very wrong.

Lone Ranger

Taking out Assad won’t change anything, same as assassinating DPR leaders didn’t change anything. Majority of the people and SAA are pro Russian.


you cannot touch Assad, he is a red line for Putin and he made it clear several times. It’s a massive investment and he means it. He is the bargain allowing you to scratch Pro-Iranian proxies and occasionnal SAA positions near them in small attacks that don”t change the balance on the ground and help his friend Bibi score political points at home by looking big. The day you cross that line,all bets are off. And that’s why you’ll never do that. Israeli cabinets are smarter than that and you should be thankful they are.


As I’ve said I don’t want to hurt Russia’s interests in Syria but I expect them to respect our security risks that will come if they sell weapons to the wrong people. IS that so hard to accept? tell me gryzor.


and they kept on blaming you citing their own proof right when you left, live on their official Kremlin channels. Putin simply decided over his own military brass to value his personal relationshio with Bibi and this provoked a shortlived crisis with a few ministers.

And selling weapons to whomever they want is their sovereign choice and Israel has no divine right to intervene in other countries’ affair. We’ve had that discussion before. No matter what you think of a given country,it’s their right to keep their ability to protect themselves just as you do by getting massively armed for free by the US. without them having a say in it. You US-made tech and weapons hurt a lot of innoce t people all the time;why should “t these get a chance a defending their own and soil ? Lebanon has that right, Iran has that right,Syria will get its right back in a few years. And guess what,Israel has that right, so long as they refrain from attacking others I don’t find anything wrong in them keeping on arming themselves as massively as they want,either. Hezbollah get its arsenals to deter you hot-headed gunslingers from expanding Eretz Israel over their lands and taking their water away from them again, and so do yours to the most wacked islamist shitheads among their ranks simply willing to trigger the apocalypse against the whole of Israel,with or without a threat from the IDF.

And it’s not you “willing”to hurt Russian interests,it’s being “unable”to do so. And as I said, Israeli politicians are smart enpugh to k now that.

Lone Ranger

You spelled Ukropnazis and Americants wrong tho.

Traiano Welcome

Russia provides India with it’s most sophisticated weapons. Without Russia India would be defenseless against China.


Russia will capture “some of your best UAV’s” and take them on Russian side as usual !

Lone Ranger

A jewish state selling weapons to neo nazis. That would be something for the history books…


Might be, what about Russia selling weapons to an Islamic state that is wokring against us? answer that.

Lone Ranger

To my knowledge Iran doesn’t have S-300s yet. Aside from that even if they would they would probably use it inside Iran, not Syria. The S-300 doesn’t have the range to reach Israel from Iran.


Inside Iran is fine by me, but we know it won’t stop there. Anywhere they can the mullahs transfer their weapons to our enemies, Russian light-medium weapon systems would end up in the hands of Hezbollah and Hamas.


Iran already uses Russian weapons.Putin is playing a double game.be careful.

Traiano Welcome

So does China, who also uses israeli weapons. There’s another “double game” for you …

Lone Ranger

I seriously doubt hezbollah it hamas had the know how to operate advanced SAM systems and radars. These aren’t MANPADs. I also doubt they could buy and deploy enough. The whole region is under hyperspectral sat surveillance you guys even know if a bee farts.


Why do you think we bomb the weapon shipments? we don’t bomb Ak’s shipments, we bomb AD systems that are meant to Hezbollah via Syria.

Lone Ranger

Why doesn’t Iran simply sends anything it wants directly to Libanon via cargo planes? Might be a naive question…


Because it’s easier to track and follow the flight, where it lands and unloads the systems. They try to cover up their tracks, it’s harder to find the route by land.

Lone Ranger

I understand, makes sense. Thanks.

Traiano Welcome

They do …

Traiano Welcome

Hezbollah has known how to operate ground to sea missile systems sice 2006 when they took out an israeli Saar-5 warship.

The learning curve from that to SAM would not be that steep:

From jewpedia:

“Four crew members were killed during the attack: Staff Sergeant Tal Amgar, Corporal Shai Atas, Sergeant Yaniv Hershkovitz, and First Sergeant Dov Steinshuss.[6]

According to the Israeli Navy, the ship’s sophisticated automatic missile defense system was not deployed, even though the early warning system is usually deployed during peace-time wargames. In the aftermath of the event, reports suggested that no known intelligence existed which would have pointed to the fact that such a sophisticated missile was deployed in Lebanon by Hezbollah. ”

Further, Hezbollah are currently in Syria obtaining training with the SAA on SAM systems.

Jim Allen

S-400 does, and Iran has both. It’s had S-300 for quite some time. S-400 is more recent. Iran also has it’s own missiles that can reach out, and touch Tel-Aviv.

Traiano Welcome

They do have other things that could reach Israel from Iran though:


It’s also said there are two Fateh-3 missile manufacturing facilities in Lebanon ….

Lone Ranger

The S-300 is a very good DAzM system but like every SAM system it can be oversaturated. Russia has solved the oversaturation problem by having built and deployed a layered air defense system with thousands of launchers and tens of thousands of missiles. Iran or Syria would need to do the same. But they can’t. That means they can only operate a few dozen launchers which are no strategical threat to Israel.


Russia doesn’t tell Iran what to do in Syria, we already see it on the ground as their proxies ignore Israel-Russia deal to push them back 80KM from the Golan. Iran is doing whatever it wants, that is why Russia isn’t helping them in Syria either. If it changes and Russia prefers the money over Israel, then nothing I can do about it.

Lone Ranger

It was never about money for Russia. It about Syria and the Syrian people plus stability. If Syria falls Russia loses its warm water ports in the region. But more importantly if Syria falls Iran is next, and what than…? The Caucasus, Russia would be bogged down in a nevét ending war with endless supplies of jihadis trained and funded by the west. Russia is doing what it needs to protect Russia and Syria. They aren’t a big fan of Iran I’m sure of that otherwise they would arm and help them. Let’s not forget Iran helped the mujahideen in Afghanistan against Russia. Russia never forgets…


Fine by me, I hope it all sorted out and no advanced weapons will be sold to the mullahs. That’s all I want.

Traiano Welcome

Why you deflecting?

Syria is a Secular state not an Islamic State.

You still haven’t answered the question of why jews Re supporting Nazis …


ukropnazis funded by the jews isn’t that a “paradox”? ;) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6f74687cb7ddaa4c9fd7680dba7cf3cc5046a609128b968025e6d22222233270.jpg

Lone Ranger

Indeed it is. And yet it’s True.


Yup, but there it is. Azov Nazis funded by Jew Oligarch Kholomosiky.

Raptar Driver

No where do you think Nazism came from? You guessed it, Zionism.


So, why did “Zionism” hit “Nazism” with sanctions, propaganda, and provocations leading to a regime change war where billions of dollars worth of Lend-Lease Act military aid went to the Soviets, then Germany was firebombed and militarily occupied indefinitely…? That would be like saying Wahhabism came from Zionism, but then the Zionists actually destroyed Wahhabism instead of supplying Saudi Arabia, “moderate” terrorists, etc. with billions in military aid.


Not really. Just like Wahhabists funded by “the Jews” have almost nothing in common with Islam, the Maidanites have almost nothing in common with Nationalist Socialism. The NSDAP warned about the “international clique” and it creating “a colony of slaves… by enforcing a policy of financial blackmail to squeeze the last ounce of substance out of its people” (Hitler’s words) and the clique crushed Germany for it.

Meanwhile, Ukraine’s Maidanites were openly led by shady billionaires like Soros and Kolomoisky, and they said nothing when their new government accepted crippling IMF loans within a month of the “revolution.” Honestly, the Donbass republics have more in common with the NSDAP, including with “the Jews” trying to crush them, too.

”We are opposing to those people… that ‘world elite’ which plans to establish technogenic based neo-slavery system seriously and forever. Under such world disorder, there will simply be no place for majority of people. Every ordinary fighter realizes it here… After Russia disintegrates, we will get world structure ruled literally by the devil.” ~ Donbass militia member Gennadiy Dubovoi, 2014

Антон С

Person from right side on the first photo is infamous leader of neo-nazist group “The right sector” D.Yarosh.



Lone Ranger

Ukropnazis are listing people with jewish origin, they are making lists of them. Are you aware of that? Just sayin… Also look up Siberian Air 1812…

Lone Ranger

P.S. The Barak 8 is a short range SAM about as capeble as the Pantsir. Ukropnazis already have S-200 and S-300. They don’t really need new SAMs. The only SAM that would be dangerous to Russia is the THAAD.


The Barak 8 is meant to be placed on ships, not on land. It was already sold to India. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barak_8

Lone Ranger

Ukropnazis doesn’t have the ships to be deployed on. Even if they would it would be sitting ducks for Russian guided missile cruisers and subs.


THAAD is a theater ABM system not a SAM, and is utterly useless against anything other than a pure ballistic target. Any ability to maneuver (such as Ruskies Iskander mobile SRBM), and THAAD can’t touch it.


Yeah yea, make it clear for them. I’m sure both Iran and Russia shake in their boots upon your “ultimatum”.

Israel is badly used to act like a brat. Someone should give it a thorough spanking and teach then a lesson!


Garga as I’ve told you before, I don’t want to fight you. But we know who is the aggressor here, any weapon that Russia would sell you then your regime would send to Lebanon or Syria. You might fool the Europeans but not us, and you can laugh but even Russia knows our technological capabilities and it’s a give and take, don’t sell it to our enemies and we won’t sell it to yours. If it does come into the wrong heads, rest assured we would act.


Shabat Shalom. Which reminds me, why are you breaking Shabat by using electricity? I’m gonna report you to Hakham Sham’oun, he’ll know how to make you a good Jew again.

So. who is aggressor here again? The country who follows every rule, abides by every treaty and minds its own business, or the one who has over 80 resolutions for its aggression, doesn’t abide by any treaty and constantly attacks its beighbours and kills and maims unarmed civilians? So what if Iran sends the deadliest defensive weapons to Syria Lebanon? If you don’t attack them you have nothing to worry about because they won’t attack you, period.

Your regime might have a free hand just till October. We are a patient nation but everything has its limits.


I’m secular bro :) You told me yesterday you don’t want to destroy us, so how come in the last airstrike we bombed AD systems that were meant to Hezbollah? remember in 2018 when the IRGC tried to enter a drone into Israel and we shot it down? who is the aggressor then?


Oy oy… Nothing worse than a secular Jew… Traitor! But you wear your kippah on occasions, so, I’m still gonna talk to Hakham Sham’oun about you.

1- Is it absolutely confirmed that you bombed and destroyed an air defence system? 2- Is it absolutely confirmed that the air defence system meant for Hezbollah in Lebanon? 3- As far as I know, air defence, as its name suggests, is a defensive weapon. Even if both 1 and 2 are confirmed beyond doubt, it just confirms me. Hezbollah wants them for defence. Those monsters! Why are you freaking out by a defensive force? Surely you don’t think they target and destroy your house by it? 4- Did you seriously made an example from 2018 of an unknown drone, buzzing in the sky and harming no one, while just yesterday you attacked your neighbour? And days before that? and days before that? and days before that a thousand times killing countless civilians?

Dude, something is badly broken in your moral. How about this? I promise you that Israeli jets have the freedom to freely fly in Israeli airspace and do whatever they want, but can’t enter another country’s airspace without prior permission, Like Lebanon or they’ll be dealt with “exactly” as Israel acts in a similar situation. I am such an evil aggressive man, aren’t I? :D


Nah you’re actually a nice Iranian guy, not aggressive at all :)

And about our attack, you can read it here: https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/international/middle-east/1599127740-over-dozen-pro-iran-militias-killed-in-alleged-israeli-strikes-in-syria-report

“According to some of the available reports, the strikes saw an advanced air defense system destroyed.”


So according to you, you attacked a neighbour, targeted and destroyed a defensive system and somehow we are the aggressor here?

Is that what your logic says?


It’s like the chicken and the egg Garga, what came first. Is it because we are the aggressors that attack our neighbours, or is that because our neighbours are trying to hurt us so we have to act.


No, it’s not like that at all.

If you attacked a chemical tipped missile targeting right the middle of your cities, I could accept your fallacy. But you attacked (according to you) a defensive system, designed to defend against aerial attacks inside your neighbour’s own borders. Can you explain how a defensive system might hurts you?

I know your head is so full of Bibi propaganda and indoctrination, you can’t see how weird your argument is and I don’t try to “enlighten” you. I just try to understand your weird Israeli-Secular-Jew-reserve-ex-infantry logic.


My logic says one thing, if Iran sends advanced weapons to Hezbollah which might be used against us (even if it is a defensive one as you say) then we need to foil its’ attempts.

Raptar Driver

Pre-emption is illegal, just asked the Nurnberg courts. So little difference between Zionism and Nazism.


OK. So now you’re openly saying now that Hezbollah, and by way of consequence, Lebanon itself, since the regular army doesn’t even count as a credible fighting force (since it’s kept weak by the West and Gulf states) doesn’t even have the right to possess purely defensive means and have the tools to respond to your future potential attacks or deter them. Right.

So my question : if it’s your wish, then why should you by allowed to get armed to the hilt by the likes of Washington and Germany with tons of free military hardware to attack Lebanon whenever you please without fearing consequences in future wars ? What are the ordinary Lebanese supposed to do ? just psychologically prepare to simply roll out the red carpet next time your decide to invade their southern lands and take the Litani river from them, and just pray so that you don’t penetrate too deep in their sovereign territory ? that’s your visionary stance justifying constant aggression against your neighbors all the time ? that’s what’s supposed to make the world feel bad for Israel and perceive it as the regional victim of permanent and unfair aggression that somehow never materializes anywhere else than from Israel itself ?

So the endgame is nothing less than Hezbollah surrendering, either disarming or never getting any weapon so that you can decide whether you’re in the mood for an overnight attack on Lebanon, 82 style, at any point in time ? In other words, make Lebanon another Palestine where you can simply dispose of their people like cattle day and night, annex their lands, confiscate property, bulldoze entire residential blocs, install countless checkpoints through their territories to disrupt their daily life as dignified human beings and the like ?

Bad news : won’t happen ever. They will keep on consolidating and making any nasty attempt from you ever more expensive and thus push the prospect of war further away. One Palestine is enough. Lebanon has shown you there is a price-tag for every conquest, and since 2000 and again in 2006 Israel got it’s lesson and never tried to move in again. So long as the current balance of power keeps stability and peace at the border , I’m fine with their arsenal.

More generally , there needs to be at least some level of military deterrence to calm down hot-headed, insatiable Zionist expansionists high up in Tel-Aviv. Otherwise, their crazy dream of an entirely Jewish middle-east would come back to the fore of their deluded mindset and a century-long conflict would ensue. Palestine must remain the sole sad exception. No other Arab country should accept of worry about an impending invasion from Tsahal. Israel’s military dominance must not be left unchecked. We’ve seen the effect of its local hegemony and it’s not the future that regular Arab citizen want for themselves or their children living under the altar of an sudden IDF aggression ripping apart hundreds of lives in the blink of an eye.

Fog of War

” Nothing worse than a secular Jew.. ”

Whats a secular Jew anyway ? Is that like an atheist Catholic ?


No, more like an ostrich (camel-bird in Persian).

Ask it to fly, it says I’m camel, camels don’t fly. Tell it to carry a load, answers I’m a bird, how can I?

Fog of War

I really like your Persian humour.

Антон С

Oy-vey! Make a circumcision for him to the root! Then he will be a good goy again, oh, I mean boy.)


Try to “give it a thorough spanking,” and the Zionists will cry child abuse. If too many people take the brats’ side, then they will “win” like they won the previous world wars, hence the DPR making it clear to everyone, including regular people, what is actually happening and who is really in the wrong.


By God, what a delusionnal statement. Dude you don’t get to make such threats against the world’s number two military when you’re simply a US subsidiary yourself. And Ukraine is at THEIR border,not yours, and they aren”t kiddin around with anyone when it comes to that,it is a matter of national security for thel,not Israel,that’s ludicrous.

Remember how politely they asked you or NATO before flattening both Kiev’s and Tbilissi’s forces in a matter of days when they decided to just walk in here to defend Russian minorities ? no ?it’s because they didn”t ask. they simply acted when they deemed fit. And none of you brave boys dared even make a move whatsoever when they shattered the Georgian military in 3 days,nor did they do for Kiev’s forces.

So Yes please, absolutely do make such an unthinkable move. Be my guest. Go against their core interests right at their border with overt military means. Israeli forces in the occupied Golan would then get wiped out from Syrian skies and their troops gone from the occupied Golan in a matter of weeks, along with their agreements with Putin to close their eyes on any kind of overflights and strikes on the SAA anywhere in the country. Russia would deploy a full air-defense network and impose a no-fly zone as far as Lebanon and chase IDF aircraft there if need be both from and to Israel. The forces and capacity is there,they just need a political greelight. And if crazy enough to retaliate you guys would also experience the efficiency of Russian hypersonic anti-naval warfare and the full might of their surface and subsurface cruise missiles,too. Probably a taste of Iksander missiles as well on your nice little airbases,too. With such a non-existent strategic depth with such a super-tiny country,they wouldn”t even need to mobilize more than that their navy to basically toast most of your valuable infrastructure from stand-off ranges and keep their stratefic bomber wings as a backup to finish the job if ever need be…

Israeli leaders know full well the strict limits of their power beyond their immediate regional area, and even more so that the Ukrainian theater has nothing to do with them. Too far and wide for them to even handle with their limited projection capabilities that even Trump himself admits anyway.

You cannot even take on Iran alone withtout direct US involvement, yet you now speak of tangling with the Russian Federation itself head on ?what is wrong with you, calm down mate :-)

You know I actually hope that some crazy Israeli leader becomes that stupid one day and goes it all against the Russian superpower. You will see how incredible the IDF performs against major armies with serious assets in numbers plus the technical prowess and ability to take on anything they throw at them. For too long they been used to take on much weaker and depleted foes with barely an ability to respond to their many aggressions in kind. Pals have no army and slowly starve to death, Syrians are exhausted and demoralized after 10 years of civil war, and Russia prevents them from making any move against the IDF anyway. Hezbollah doesn’t have air-defenses or an airforce (yet you don”t dare go it all and fear their responses despite that every time they make threats). Iran is another story,it can defend itself ,shoot down planes and retaliate with ballistic missiles, and that’s why you stick at pinprick attacks on their proxies in Syria,a thousand mile away from their soil. 20 years straight of overt threats from the Israeli military and political circles to “solve the nuclear problem yourselves” and we have yet to see anything such happen. They day you finally grow the balls to attack fortress Iran itself 2000 kms away without US aid or blessing,I will start wondering what you could possibly try against the world’s n°2 military. Until then,just shut up or put up and shiw ys what you can do against Hezbollah for starters,let’s not get ahead of ourselves :-)


Don’t scare us with a war, it don’t believe it wil lcome to that. But let’s talk numbers, the IDF can call up to 700K soldiers and we have more jets and AD systems than Russia in Syria. So how would they exactly wipe us out? we are not HTS, we are one of the strongest armies in the world with high tech capabilities not Georgia or Ukraine have. Like I wrote I only want Russia to avoid selling advanced weapons to Iran, which we all know will be used against us.


They should scare,and do scare your political brass,and quite fortunatly so.That’s the overconfidence I was speaking of right there. You aren’t HTS,but they aren’t Hezbollah,Syria and Iran combined,they are 10 times more than that. That one works both ways.

And there isn’t so many Russian assets in Syria precisely because they don’t expect to need them or you becoming their problem all of a sudden. But the day you directly take on their most important interest and act stupid,you’ll see hundreds of heavy surface and subsurface navy assets move in to the Mediterranean and get ready to unleash a vast and massive array of cruise missiles against the whole of your most imprtant military infraftrucure. Ballistic asset will be moved to Iran as well if need be as launchpads just as their strategic bombers flew in the Hamadan airbase a while back. They have both the tech and numbers to utterly saturate and jam your defenses, and again since you have near zero strategic depth they won”t need to get anywhere close to your shores to do the job. I don’t even count theur strategic Tupolev bomber force that would add another layer to that already massive capability.

Picking a fight with Russia is a notion you should not even be contemplating IZ, let’s be realistic for a second,that’s all I”m saying, this wouldn’t even be a contest once they unleash their core of their military might. Even the US itself refrains from doing that,who are you in comparison ? their arms transfers and training to Egypt and Syria alone were enough to bring you to the brink of defeat as early as 73 and it was only massive US involvement that saved your asses. Think about them mobilizing directly against you today with a clear reason to do so. It would get nasty and fast.


Those “high tech capabilities” still rely on human beings, humans who have to be increasingly ignorant and/or criminal to risk dying for the banker gangsters when there is so much easily accessible information about what’s really going on. We can already see how cannon fodder that “know not what they do” makes for poor warfare from the banksters’ forces in Ukraine.

“In spite of the relative calm at the front, the [Ukrainian Armed Forces] are continuing to suffer casualties at a steady pace. A Ukrainian draftee was shot at a checkpoint in Mariupol, apparently by a more senior-ranking contract soldier in the course of an argument. “Such ‘non-combat’ losses which are usually caused by carelessness, drunkenness, personal conflicts among soldiers, or fighting over profits from criminal activity represent at least a third of UAF’s casualties this year.” ~ “16.10.2015 Ukraine Military Report,” South Front

Raptar Driver

Easy answer, your weapons don’t work very well.Got some F. 35s bro? Well that’s cool I got some toilet paper man.


Then why are you worried? sit back and relax.

Raptar Driver

I am worried because your rouge government and mine are planning a first nuke strike in case of all out war.

Traiano Welcome

“At what cost do you want us to destroy Hezbollah? 1-2M dead Lebanese is okay with you?”

You are basing this on a premise that has been proven to be false:

i.e the premise that israel is *capable* of exacting this cost on Lebanese civilians without suffering the same costs.

Long before Lebanese casualties run to the hundreds of thousands, israel will be a smoking hole in the sands of the middle east.

The 2006 war proved this:

– The IDF retreated not because they were merciful (people who bomb hospitals are not merciful) but because the cost in israeli casualties was more than it could bear. – The USA and UK realised that israel risked defeat by Hezbollah, and stepped in to “protect their investment”.

Hezbollah only grew stronger as the 2006 war progressed, it did not weaken. in fact as the war went on it revealed more and more of its capabilities.

By all means, do attempt a war on the same scale in future, you will be horrified beyond your wildest nightmares at the cost to zionist jews this time.

Raptar Driver

Maybe you meant that for Zion. I am pro party of God.

Traiano Welcome

“we are one of the strongest armies in the world”

Right below Hezbollah.


Only in your twisted mind, but alright let’s see what happens if and when they kill us a soldier.

Traiano Welcome

Facts are facts. pissrael has not been able to destroy them for 37 years, even while they’ve been bombing, kidnapping and killing idf goons for decades.

If you’re one of the strongest armies in the world, but can’t destroy an extreme sports club like Hezbollah then it’s basic logic that you rank below them.

The Americans are wasting money on the IDF – they should fund Nasrallah instead, more muscle for their money.


At what cost do you want us to destroy Hezbollah? 1-2M dead Lebanese is okay with you? afterall, they hide inside cities and villages to shoot their rockets. If we target every place they shoot rockets from, there would be nothing left after the war. So don’t ask for something you will later cry about, we are not so genocidal as you may think. However, our policy may change depends on which cities they hit and how many Israelis they kill.


GFY zio maggot. Your shit-stain of a “nation” is living on borrowed time and has a MASSIVE karmic account to settle.

Shoah 2, coming fer u :-)

Traiano Welcome

Iran does not need Russian weapon systems to destroy Israel.


Kill the Ukropi scum. Nuff said.

Fog of War

You never announce upcoming attacks or locations. What is this guy smoking ?

Omega Red

“We don’t need human sacrifice.” —-> Someone warns Pushilin that neo-Nazis are not human, but cockroaches that need to be exterminated.


My thoughts exactly, the human sacrifices would only concern the regular military part of US-occupied Kiev.


Great move by the DPR as the international arena will not be able to point fingers at them for warning Ukraine after a failed ultimatum.


Putin’s 10 blows (like Stalin’s, hallowed be his as of yet tainted memory) will certainly include the Eastern Europe front, a referendum in Belarus that will set a precedent to the reunification of the great Russian nation is soon at hand, and after that – the liberation of Kiev by the DPR and LPR forces. Unless, that is, the US administration decides to cling on to their military occupation of Kiev, in which case a missile crisis will be necessary to push them out. But such a crisis might come anyway, depending on the resistance of the world’s hegemon.

carlo cozzarin

Why ucronazis don’t go alls together in a front line action and finally free everybody from their ugly and barbarian troglodyte presence? I say that especially thinking about the mothers, grandparents, children and other good people who are hostages in their own homeland of these subnormal psychopaths


im sure tomorrow the mainstream western media will sell their dirty newspapers with mass strike in ukraine from donbass region

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