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‘Dr. Novichok’ And Another Guy: British Media Claims There Are Two More Suspects In Skripal Story

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It seems that hysteria over the Skripal poisoning story in the British media has reached a new level.

In addition to the first two suspects in the Skripal poisoning case, UK authorities are looking for a medic, nicknamed Dr. Novichok, and a fourth individual who allegedly helped Ruslan Boshirov and Alexander Petrov carry out the attack on former spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia in Salisbury on March 4th, according to the Sunday Mirror.

“It’s believed they could have met a handler who was working at the embassy and a fourth, the medic, might have had oversight of the whole thing to make sure they didn’t risk ruining the operation by getting themselves contaminated,” the Sunday Mirror cited an unnamed government source as saying. The Sunday Mirror claimed that it can reveal that authorities are keeping details on the other two suspects a secret.

According to the unnamed Whitehall insider, the medic may have been involved to prevent cross-contamination – or even to make sure the NHS and police did not need to be involved if one of the hitmen was accidentally poisoned.

The source said Petrov and Borishov – who claim to be tourists – could have met up with the other two suspects after checking into the City Stay Hotel on Bow Road in East London.

The Sunday Mirror also cited other sources who, on September 15th, said police know the real ID of Petrov and Borishov, despite both of the suspects claiming those are their real names during their interview with RT’s Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan.

The outlet cited another unnamed insider that said: “They’ve had hundreds of officers trawling CCTV and the facial recognition software meant they could match them with passports used in the years leading up to the attack.”

Both Petrov and Boshirov have also denied the UK’s claims that they were military intelligence agents:

“We are not [working in the GRU]… We are mid-level entrepreneurs. If we tell more about our business, people we work with will suffer, we do not want this,” they said, but added that the business was linked to the fitness industry.

On September 16th, the Sunday Mirror also cited a guest staying in the same hotel who claimed he could smell weed coming from the suspects’ room and said he heard “really loud sex.”

According to unnamed sources, cited by Sunday Mirror, Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov partied through the night in a £75 twin room, keeping guests awake in the two-star City Stay Hotel in East London. An angry guest also cited by the outlet said he recognized Petrov from CCTV footage released by police “after bumping into him in a hotel toilet the evening prior to the failed hit.”

He also was cited as saying: “I could smell weed from their room, it was by the door and in the corridor, it was unmistakable. Later there was a woman in there – I think it was a prostitute. They were having sex, definitely. I heard them having really loud sex for a long time.”

He was also cited as saying that he complained to reception about the noise and the cleaner had to spend the next day clearing up their mess.

An elderly local resident who tipped off police about the sighting told the Mirror earlier this month: “There were some men on that playground I remember that, I remember thinking it was odd. They were too old to be in there, looked tough. I thought it was odd at the time but what am I going to do- call police about grown men sitting on a swing. Then Sergei gets poisoned and I began to think oh god was that them? I’ve told the police this before. I think it’s why it got cordoned off. I think they sorted themselves out there, watched for Sergei’s car to go, and got in and out.”

The UK continues to accuse Russia of the alleged Novichok poisoning. Moscow has repeatedly denied the accusations, saying that neither names, nor photos of the suspected individuals proved that they had any links to Russian military intelligence agencies, with Russian President Vladimir Putin himself saying that the two individuals were civilians and had no relations to GRU.

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“the cleaner had to spend the next day clearing up their mess.” Yeah, all that Novichok those bumbling fools left lying about, just so they could incriminate themselves.

Amazing how UK is so good at tracking Novichok, polonium and every other hazardous substance. Almost as if they knew in advance, where to look ….


Just like Nikki Haley KNOWS that Assad is going to use Chemicals to poison Civilians….they are all Clairvoyant & have a Magic Crystal Ball to predict the future…


We are now expected to believe that A Doctor Death figure was there just in case the two ‘hitmen’ contaminated themselves with a nerve agent ten times more potent that VX , which is a UK developed nerve agent that kills in several minutes. The UK government officials have gone completely insane.

Promitheas Apollonious

and then some. I think this is contagious and is already infecting russia as well. I wonder if it will reach China too.


Sure we gotta believe everything the U.K. Government is telling us…. do we have any reason not to believe’m?


The BBC NEVER tells lies Merijn. It is just ‘economic with the truth’ :)

You can call me Al

Well, we all do it, when we are hungover and still stoned a little ->

“what can we do today Vlad, my head hurts and I am bored”

…. “Oh Boris, trust me, bllx, lets buy a bottle of perfume, empty the liquid and fill it with something, —-> what though…. I know, Novichok”

… “What ?”

Oh it’s cool, we are going to replace the liquid stinky girlie stuff, with a particulate matter and somehow spray a solid particulate, deadly, military grade chemical weapon on a someone’s door knob,in daylight, in full public view”

….”mmm, are you sure ?”

“Damn right, this Country doesn’t have police, video cams or anything”

…. “Let’s go and celebrate before we fly back tomorrow.


Funnily enough that’s the gist of Theresa Mays case for the prosecution Al :)

Promitheas Apollonious

Now take a moment and digest this. That woman is the one who run allegedly UK. Basically my take from what all western world has presented as their leaders, it is an insult to the human race.

Empire's Frontiers

Jesus christ.

Two guys are ordered fly to meet another guy already in England so he can show them how to use a deadly nerve agent on a house down the street.

And 37 more unnamed sources have chimed in.

Tommy Jensen

These two new guys are the REAL guys, with REAL proof. Its real folks. Britain finally found the two guys who on behalf of Putin really really poisened Skribals on British soil. Its NOT fabrication, and its NOT fake news. Its real and its the real truth because its with facts and reason!!

Alejandro Bonifacio

there’s always a secret goal in this kind of shitty affairs


I always believe Highly Likely facts Tommy . I have no reason for doing that :)


So now Bellingcat has been caught peddling fraudulent material about the Ukraine plane shoot down. Which further degrades the credibility of their passport story.


MH-17 is just another Dutch Joke just like sending Equipment to the Headchoppers…the Brits got Skripal… the Gringos & Frogs got Chemical Attacks….


“The medic may have been involved to prevent cross-contamination – or even to make sure the NHS and police did not need to be involved if one of the hitmen was accidentally poisoned…”

Great that the Medic was there…because these two Potheads smeared Novichok all over their Hotel Room… without this Medic they surely would have Died…


Aha, I have it Merijn, the Doctor was in fact pretending to be the prostitute and all the noise in the bedroom was due to a planning meeting for the hit.

Twas when that all three erupted in laughter as the Doctor exclaimed ‘Ooooh Yes, that’s the way to do it as they practised spraying the GEL on their GRU knobs.

I always thought I could have been highly likely to have had a career in the UK intelligence services :)




The first two didn’t work. Let’s bring two more.

You can call me Al

You do understand that the mirror used to be a left wing red top ie crap; they are known for the good old conspiracy theory. They have brought the daily express now and ruined that (if possible to make it worse) , but I found out why.

1. Reach plc (formerly known as Trinity Mirror between 1999 and 2018) is a British newspaper, magazine and digital publisher. It is one of Britain’s biggest newspaper groups, publishing 240 regional papers in addition to the national Daily Mirror, Sunday Mirror, The People, as well as the Scottish Sunday Mail and Daily Record. Since purchasing Local World, it has gained 83 print publications. Trinity Mirror’s headquarters are at Canary Wharf in London. Listed on the London Stock Exchange, it is a constituent of the FTSE SmallCap Index.

In February 2018, the company completed the acquisition of the UK publishing assets of Northern & Shell, including the Daily Express, Sunday Express, Daily Star and OK!. Following completion, Trinity Mirror announced a plan to rebrand as Reach, subject to investor approval which was achieved at its Annual General Meeting in May 2018.

2. Wait for it ………wait…… yep, him again – http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/257270.stm

3. That scum sucker again – please remember that he has also invested in The Guardian.

Gregory Casey

You all have got the story wrong: The two Russians met their enablers including Dr Novichok at the Hotel in Bow and they spent the night drinking and cavorting & carousing ……… you all know, of course, that Russia has always employed only the most beautiful, the brightest, the smartest and the best Russian Women as their active Intelligence officers particularly when mounting an Op abroad:)

Gregory Casey

“mounting an Op” appears to constitute what happened on that Saturday night in the Guest-house in Bow


boris, Natasha


Rocky to the rescue, I guess May is Bullwinkle.


Soooo, the GRU decided to off Sergei Skripal – a guy with zero importance in the world of espionage – by organizing the most complicated and risky hit possible and using the most unreliable weapon invented by man. But that apparently wasn’t enough for GRU bosses and Putin. Noooo, evil geniuses that allegedly gave us Trump also decided to give the job to a couple of incompetent bozos that needed a couple competent operatives already in UK to hold their hands during the operation. Well that makes sense. Not that 2 “competent” Russians already in UK could have done the job themselves – without getting photographed 246 times all over the place and spraying “deadly Novichok” all over London…No, this story is soooo believable…

Promitheas Apollonious

Hey SF is time to leave this jerking off, of the brits to rest and die, unless you give validity to their claims. If what the brits claim was a holywood scenario, would have been rejected and marked as 5th rate bullshit, just like an english bad taste anecdote.

Promitheas Apollonious

The syrian S200 have been activate to face drone attacks that is speculated is coming from a foreign power. Just got the message.


Try and keep it sensible, shooting down the small wooden drones the UK/ISIS use with an s200 would be like killing a fly with a shot gun. And what has that got to do with the British poisoning people in Britain?

Promitheas Apollonious

I discover from what pool you must come from to become a british politician. My deepest apologizes, to the English people, I am not talking about them, but british subjects.



Rupert Murdoch believe it or not likes quality newspapers, but he knows to make money in the British market you need papers with naked women and scandal. Here in Oz, his flagship newspaper, The Australian has lost money every year it has been published, but he subsidizes it with the profits he makes from his gutter press papers.

He became very rich by supplying the tits the average pom needs to see.


Russians lel :D

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